Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1111: Nie Yun's contribution

"Under Zhu Xiu, thanks to the elders in the tower to love and take charge of the demon emperor city branch, if I guessed right, Master Nie Yun should not look like he is now!"

He seemed to see Nie Yun's embarrassment, and the old man with a humorous face laughed.

"Why do you see?" Nie Yun was wary.

The flawlessness of his disguise, even if the general Xianjun does not need to glance at him, he may not be able to see, how does the other party see it?

"Do n’t get me wrong, I read the records. Your five-pin expulsion master was evaluated in the new town of Chicheng District, Lingjie, and the sixth-pin expulsion practitioner was evaluated in Guihai City. Both are human territory, demon. The relationship between a family and humans is not particularly friendly, so ... "

The old man Zhu Xiu said with a beard.

"Uh ..." Nie Yun was a little awkward.

I forgot about it.

的 The certified driver in which branch is generally recorded, as long as the badge is verified, it can be found out.

Although the evil spirits and humans are not as opposed to each other in the realm of the world, they do not interact frequently. Imagine how a strong monster can go to the human territory to be a certified driver for no reason?

不要 "Don't be nervous, I'm the driver of the repair tower, everything is to expel Shura, whether it's a human race or a demon, as long as it's my mission to kill Shura, it's all to contribute to the heaven and earth!

Zhu Xiu.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded, his body moved slowly, and he slowly dismounted to disguise.

Since I have been recognized, there is no need to continue pretending, it is better to be honest.

"He ..."

"It's so young ..."

Wu Xuejinger and the savage woman saw Nie Yun change back to her original appearance, all flushed.

Nie Yun is not particularly handsome. But after a long battle, he has a special temperament on his body, giving a different feeling.

In the eyes of the two. Compared with the boy in front of me, the geniuses I have seen before are no different from garbage.

"It's really a young hero. I can't compare these old guys!"

Seeing that he was really young, Zhu Xiu shook his head with a smile, and then said, "Is Nie Yun coming to exchange items for contribution this time, or is there something else?"

"Contribution value can be exchanged for items? I'm afraid I can't exchange anything for that contribution value!" Nie Yun shook his head.

The value of his contribution is the same as the last time in the county town Xiao Xiaodao they gave a little. It is almost impossible to exchange for things.

"You still can't exchange it? Are you kidding ..." After hearing what he said, Zhu Xiu and Xue Jing'er and others looked strange.

"What's wrong?" Seeing what they looked like. Nie Yun was a little confused.

"Are you kidding me, do you know how much contribution you have?" Xue Jing'er looked at the guy in front of him strangely.

"How much contribution value? Don't you just contribute 100 points?" Nie Yun froze.

At first, Su Yang gave himself and other people 100 contribution points. After that, he never found a way to accumulate. What can I buy for one hundred contribution points?


I heard what he said. The three of them looked at each other. Each smiled bitterly.

"It seems that you really don't know ..." Zhu Xiu shook his head. "The contribution value of the repair tower is to inspire the repairmen to fight bravely with Shura. Every time they kill, they will be displayed on the level badge. This badge shows , You have killed and killed one King Wonderland, two Holy Wonderland, and countless Golden Wonderland Shura, the contribution value has reached more than 43 million! "

"More than 43 million?"

Xie Nieyun was startled.

"Yes!" Zhu Xiu smiled bitterly.

Someone killed Shura, and the people all over the world knew that this one had killed so much. I can't remember myself ...

"In this way ... can I use my contribution to redeem my special talent?"

Yan Nieyun's eyes lit up.

I actually think about the same, one king fairyland and two holy fairyland Shura were killed in Dragon Imperial City. As for the remaining contribution value, it should have been obtained by killing Jinxian Shura at the time of the relics of the Black Dragon Sage (Ye Wushuura was killed by Xiao Ran, not his head).

"Certainly!" Zhu Xiu nodded, "Sura of Emperor Wonderland can be exchanged for special talents ranked 11-20, and Shura who killed a Holy Wonderland can be exchanged for 21-50 special talents. 51-100 special talent gas, the contribution value of 1-10 million, can also be exchanged, you killed one king fairyland, two holy fairyland, and there are more than 43 million contribution value, which can be exchanged for the top one hundred special talents. Angry, a dozen words! "

Xi Zhu Xiu introduced on his mouth, but his face showed a strange color.

The average person has so many contribution values, and basically needs to exchange weapons, elixir, living baby and the like, but it is very rare for this guy to exchange for a one-time special talent.

"Contributions for me ... can I get the special talent of the top ten?"

Nie Yun busy.

The main purpose of this visit to Yaohuang City is to find the spirit of ten souls. If you can exchange it or let the people who repair the tower come forward, it will definitely be much stronger than yourself.

"The special talent of the top ten? This talent is unique, even if it is used, it is very expensive, and it is not cost-effective ..."

Zhu Zhuxiu glanced at the boy in doubt, wondering why he made such a request.

而且 "And each of the top ten special talents is different. The higher the price, the higher the price. I wonder which one you want to redeem?"

"I want to redeem the soul spirit of the eighth soul division!" Nie Yundao.

"Soul of the soul?" Xue Jing'er exclaimed.

"Yes!" Nie Yun nodded.

"What do you want the spirit of the soul to do? This method of involving the soul seems to ... seems not very easy to get ..." Xue Jing'er looked puzzled.

"I ... I have a friend whose soul is annihilated. I want to find the spirit of the soul to save it!" Nie Yun already thought of a countermeasure.

Actually, this is his true thought.

The friend I want to save is naturally quiet.

Mi Mijing rescued him twice in succession, and died for himself. Now, like Nie Tong at the beginning, it is a cold body. If he is not rescued, he will not forgive himself.

I think of silence, and every bit of it.

I didn't spend a lot of time with her, and there weren't many happy things in my memory, and I immediately felt extremely embarrassed.

I treat her like that, but she treats herself like this ...

"I'm sorry!" Seeing Nie Yun's expression, Xue Jinger knew that the question he had just evoked the sadness of the other party, and apologized quickly.

"It's okay, people died long ago, it's all a thing of the past!" Aside from negative emotions, Nie Yun shook his head.

其实 "Actually ... even if you find the spirit of soul, you will not be able to resurrect it, thinking that the soul master's talent ranks eighth, it is impossible to use, it is better to sacrifice the master soul master for help, maybe it can help ..."

Wu Xuejinger couldn't help it.

前 The top ten special talents cannot be used by anyone other than the owner. This is a theorem. In her opinion, even if the young man is in the spirit of soul, it is better to sacrifice the soul master for help.

"Sacrifice the soul master for help? Still forget it!" Nie Yun shook his head.

I joked and destroyed the soul master Yan Zhi so many times, I am afraid that after the sacrifice, the other party will not only help but also kill himself!

"This ..." Xue Jing'er hesitated, and finally stopped.

"Master Zhu Xiu, if I use these contributions to redeem the spirit of the soul, I don't know if the driving tower can be answered and how many can be redeemed?" Nie Yun didn't want to sacrifice the soul for this matter and looked at the old man.

"If you have to redeem the spirit of soul ... it is not impossible, but your contribution can only be redeemed at most ..."

Zhu Xiu hesitated, and said slowly.

"One?" Nie Yun froze.

The conditions that I promised myself were ten. If there was only one, it would not be enough.

"Yes, this is also the maximum I can promise you, other ... I really can't do it!" Zhu Xiu shook his head, and then said, "But ... redeeming the top ten special talents requires not only contribution value, but also identity. Status. Although the status of Liupin is not low in other places, the power is still limited. If the rank of the repairman can be higher, I can apply to the headquarters for two or three! "

"A higher status of the repairman? If you have reached the rank of the seventh repairman, how many can you apply for?" Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

"Qi Pin is already the best among the repairmen. If there are blood marks, you can apply for two, and for silver marks, you should apply for three ..."

Zhu Xiu said slowly, before he finished speaking, suddenly realized something, his eyes were suddenly rounded. "You ... you will not have reached the seventh grade!"

The other person can certainly ask this, and there must be some reliance.

"Yes!" Nie Yun did not deny.

As long as Qipin Tianwen Exorcist is not exposed, it is shocking, but not too bad.

Soul of the soul ~ www.readwn.com ~ He can't find the soul master, so for him, find one more to count, and even if you steal it, it will reduce a lot of trouble.

Flick your fingers lightly, and a fusion of air jumped out of your fingertips.

"Sure enough, he is a Qipin expulsion master, and he is still a half-step golden figure ..."

Xiu Zhu was a person in charge of the branch, and his eyesight was still there. As soon as he saw the breath at the fingertips of Nie Yun, he knew that the boy had reached the seventh grade and was stunned.

Not only was he shocked, but the two remaining women were all staring and unbelievable.

I was especially shocked by the savage woman who had stopped Nie Yun at the door before. She was so shocked that her face turned red. I wish I could find a place to drill in.

She is a fourth-grade driver and she feels that she is arrogant and ridiculed at the door. She never dreamed of it. She is a master of seventh-grade!

"Wait a while, I'll make you a grade seven badge, and apply for it immediately!"

Xi awoke from shock, Zhu Xiu shook his head with a grin.

"Make me a seven-grade driver's grade badge? Don't you need an assessment?" Nie Yun said.

Before getting the badge, you need to evaluate. This time, the other party should do it directly. It seems that you are not familiar with Zhu Xiu and ignore the rules!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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