Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1113: Enter the Soul Realm

Although Zhu Xiu and Nie Yun haven't been in contact for a long time, he has a long-term plan and has a strong grasp of people. Naturally, he can see the difference between this young man.

Not to mention that it can kill the extraordinary combat power of Shura Wangxianjingshulu, but the calmness of doing things, speaking calmly, and thinking about things are not comparable to ordinary people.

"Not easy? I think it's just a son who likes beauty and pretends to be aggressive!"

The savage woman screamed.

The girl's mind is really strange. I really don't know where Nie Yun offended her and made her so hate.

"Oh, when did you meet a younger brother who reached the level of Wang Wonderland at the age of seventeen or eighteen? Combining eight talents at this age and becoming a Qipin exorcist?"

Taking a look at the granddaughter, Zhu Xiu shook his head. "Yeah, everything is good, the talent is also good, the cultivation is also hard, but the eyes are low, and I like to look down on people! This teenager looks young, but if he really wants to do it, he can guarantee that I absolutely Not an opponent! "

"Grandpa isn't an opponent? This is impossible!" The savage girl was a little disbelieving. "Grandpa, you are the best of Wangxianjing, the eight-pin silverprint repairman, and also killed Wangxianjing Shura. How could even a brother-in-law fight But? What's your opinion of this guy too ... "

Tricky woman pouted.

To say who she admires the most is naturally this grandpa in front of her.

Grandpa's strength is shocking. Even though it can be counted in the entire city of Yaohuang, she doesn't believe that a boy who just pops up can be stronger than Grandpa.

"High? I think it's still low!" Zhu Xiu shook his head. "This boy gives me a sense of danger, it seems that we really want to do it. There is only one result ... It must be me who died! This is not to raise him, but to reach the king Wonderland's perception of danger! "

"This this……"

After hearing Grandpa's words of such affirmation, the savage girl wanted to justify a few words but found that she had nothing to say. Just a burst of doubt in my heart ...

Does this boy really say so much?

If it is true ... how did he cultivate?

For a while, the savage woman looked in the direction where Nie Yun and others disappeared, her face was reddish, she didn't know what to think, and she was a little foolish.


Nie Yun didn't know Zhu Xi's evaluation of him, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

"Where is the soul world you said? Is it far?"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Nie Yun asked.

"It's not far away, but it's deep in the sky. Be prepared in advance, otherwise, I'm afraid I haven't arrived yet. I'm blown to death by the howling wind in the sky!"

Xue Jinger laughed.

"Nine days of wind? Is it in the sky?" Nie Yun froze.

"Yeah!" Xue Jinger nodded. "Well, wait for me for a while, I will arrange it, and I will come later!"

After that, the girl left.

Xue Jinger left. Nie Yun did not go far. Instead, stay quietly in meditation.

For this Xue Jinger, I have been trusted by the Tianer division and Tianyan division. If the soul world has only this effect, it may really be able to save Mijing.

Although there was only Yantai Lingyue in his heart, he couldn't give quiet happiness, but he couldn't let such a poor girl stay in the spirit and died.

Staying there for a while, meditating. Thinking wildly, he heard a blast of wind coming quickly.

"Ready. Let's go!"

Looking up, I saw Xue Jinger return to the front, I do n’t know when to change clothes, and a blue tulle was slashed on the white clothes, revealing the good figure looming. Take a look.

I have to say that this Xuelinger is a beauty, but also a beauty that is not weaker than Luo Qingcheng and others.

Especially the temperament, flowing from the depths of the soul, makes people unconsciously feel a holy and inviolable.

"Let's go!" Nie Yun laughed a glance.

"Yeah!" I changed my clothes again, thinking that this boy would look a few more times before, but he didn't expect to turn his head after just one glance, Xue Jinger could not help but feel depressed.

She used to be the focal point no matter where she was. Any man was proud to see her, and never dreamed that one day, no one would care about her beauty.

"The Soul Realm is over the Yaohuang City, and it can be reached by flying straight up!"

This feeling flashed in his heart, Xue Jinger pointed upwards.

"Go!" Hearing where he was, Nie Yun flew straight up.

The two flew at full strength, and Nie Yun immediately saw the strength of the girl.

This Xue Jinger doesn't seem to be very old, and he is almost the same as himself, but his strength cannot be underestimated. He is actually a peak of the Holy Wonderland!

Moreover, if you look at the combat effectiveness, I am afraid that the general Wangxianjing strong can defeat.

"Looking at the strength of Miss Xue Jinger, family history should not be easy!"

This strength and age even surpassed Xiao Ran, Nie Yun could not help asking.

"It's a coincidence. Why, Brother Nie Yun to inquire about my family history? Will there be any other ideas ..." Xue Jinger laughed.

"Uh ..." When the other party said this, Nie Yun's face turned red, but it was hard to ask.

"Giggle!" Xue Jing'er couldn't help laughing when he saw the calm young boy eating.

Who told you to turn your head away at a glance? Huh, am I just not so good-looking ... so you don't look at me, this is the lesson!

The girl thought carefully.

With the experience of Jiuxiao Jiutian and Jiuxiao Dragon Palace in the past, although the high winds are terrible, Nie Yun is enough to deal with it.

The girl is different. She is just the pinnacle of Holy Wonderland, plus her physical body is far less forgiving than Nie Yun. After flying hundreds of thousands of miles, she can't hold it.

However, she was well prepared and felt the fierceness of the wind. When she turned her wrists, a small mask appeared around her body.

Nie Yun doesn't know this mask, but it looks like it should be a special magic weapon, which can completely block the wind and protect it from the slightest damage.

"Brother Nie, do you need it? I still have it here!"

Opening the mask, Xue Jinger turned to ask.

"Thank you, I don't need it yet!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Although it is more troublesome to resist the wind, he still wants to persist for a while, after all, it is a kind of discipline to the physical body.

Over the howling wind, it was a bitter cold current, which can freeze and crush even the best fairyware.

Nie Yun doesn't feel terrible because he has the talent of the ice division.

The two flew all the way all day and night, and they did not know how deep the sky was, and then they saw a small planet appearing in front of them.

This thing looks like a planet, and it looks like an independent airbag carefully. Like the original spirit world, it is suspended in a chaotic air stream and shines brightly.

"This is the soul world, we are here!"

Seeing the planet, Xue Linger's eyes brightened and she laughed.

"Soul world ..."

Nie Yuntian's eyes opened, and he slowly looked at the planet. At first glance, he felt that there was some confusion in his eyes, and the whole person was dizzy.

This sense of vertigo comes from the depths of the soul and is unavoidable.

"Great, how can we get in?"

Being able to give him this feeling shows that this is undoubtedly the soul world, Nie Yun asked doubtfully.

Just now the sky was shining, and he had already seen clearly that there were no gaps or portals around the soul world. If he flew in this way, it would be impossible for the roots to enter.

"Come with me, don't talk more!"

Xue Jinger chuckled, Jiao's body straightened, and flew straight to one direction of the soul circle ball.

Nie Yun followed quickly.

Soul Realm, like the planet, has a strong gravitational pull, and the two of them quickly move to the smooth side.

"Supreme Supreme Soul Realm, I am your follower Xue Jinger, please open a door for me ..."

Falling on the planet, Xue Jing'er's white palms suddenly lifted, and a series of weird sounds made in his mouth.

This voice is not the language of the spirit world, nor the language of the demon tribe. It has a special weird breath, as if it sounds from the deepest part of the soul, making people dizzy and hard to extricate when they hear it.

"It's the language of the soul clan ... what exactly is this Xuelinger? How can this language be?"

Nie Yun possessed the talent of Tianershi, and soon he heard it, his eyes fixed.

This girl speaks the language of the soul tribe. This language has been heard in the mouth of Ming Xinlan before. I really do n’t know why she does it, and she speaks so well.


Along with Xue Jing'er's soul language, he constantly complained that the sphere of the spirit world suddenly made a roar, and a huge portal appeared in front of the two.

The portal is tens of feet in size, suspended in mid-air, not with the soul sphere, but at the end of a void, with stars shining around it, I do not know where it leads.

"It's a teleportation ..."

Nie Yun knows that this is a special teleportation array and should be able to teleport himself directly into the soul realm.

"Let's go!" Xue Jinger's forehead slightly exuded cold sweat, and he pointed forward, Jiao's body twisted into the portal and entered.

Nie Yun doubted him, and walked behind.

Xue Jinger seemed to be doing a huge exercise. The virginity of her body exuded, elegant and fragrant, and went side by side, smelling comfortable in the mouth and nose.


The two entered the portal at the same time, and it turned out to be a huge teleportation array, as expected, a flash of light ~ www.readwn.com ~ the two disappeared at the same place.

Appeared again, Nie Yun found that he had reached a place that looked somewhat desolate.

Collapsed walls are everywhere, the ground is covered with dry grass, and the air is filled with an indescribable taste of decay, like an ancient battlefield.

"In the past, this soul world was indeed an ancient battlefield. There were countless deaths of these souls. The resentment and soul of these souls were full of evil, so the soul master shot it and sacrificed it!"

Seems to see Nie Yun's doubts, Xue Jinger explained.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

"The place where the soul can be restored is right in front. I'll take you there!"

Xue Jing'er looked around from side to side, pointed in one direction, smiled, and flew straight ahead.

"Huh? What's that?"

Flying forward for a while, suddenly Nie Yun stopped abruptly, and frowned. (To be continued ...)

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