Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1114: Can never live

Directly in front of it, the black clouds were pressing, as if the dark clouds covered the sun, and people couldn't see anything clearly.

"Those are souls, some of which existed in ancient times, and some were converted by believers of the soul master. Because they have not gathered into a true soul, they cannot be born again, and can only stay here! These things have no subjective consciousness. When it comes to humans, they will attack crazy! "Xue Jing'er smiled, turned his palm, took out something and handed it over.

"This is the [Soul Avoidance Spirit]! As long as we put it on, we are safe!"

"Thank you!"

Xie Nieyun did not expect that the other party was ready for this, and took the Lingyi and passed it on to him.

At this time, the girl also took out another one and put it on.

I put on this soul-avoiding robe, and surely there was no soul to attack him when he entered the dark clouds. Nie Yun was relieved and flew straight ahead in the direction that Xue Jinger said.

"Ah ... it's you, Nie Yun, you die for me!"

As the two flew at a rapid speed, a sharp roar suddenly appeared in the air, and at once an aunty ghost head rushed towards him.

The palm of this ghost's head stretched out forward, forming a huge palm print. The volley came down, and the force broke through the space, shining on Kyushu.


Xie Nieyun did not expect that someone could recognize himself here, and then he recognized it immediately.

家伙 This guy is actually the old counterpart of the world, Mihua!

Mi Mihua and Soul of Soul of Symbiosis symbiosis, after being brought to the spirit world, he was rescued during the sacrifice of the soul master by the fantasy feather, but he did not expect to be here!

的 Mihua at this time seems to have eaten a lot of ghosts. The strength has grown too much than before, and every move with the howling cold wind, makes people involuntarily produce a sense of terror deep inside.

"You still know me. That's great! Die!"

I heard Nie Yun shouting his name, Mihua smiled faintly, the huge palm pressed down, and a torrential storm.

"Your strength is improving very fast, but it is still a bit behind me ..."

Facing the madness of the other side, Nie Yun chuckled and grabbed her palm forward. Mihua's attack immediately disintegrated and was pinched in his palm. Although this Mihua has made great progress, it is better than Nie Yun. It's still too bad.

"You know him?"

Looking at the actions of the two, Xue Jinger was a little confused.

似乎 It seems she can't figure out why Nie Yun knows the soul of the soul world, and there is such a big grudge, that she has even reached the point of ignoring the soul evasion.

"He is the silent brother ..."

Nie Yun shook his head.

This time came to save the quiet. But did not expect to meet her brother. Is this what God intended?

"Mi Jing's brother?" Xue Jinger nodded.

The story of Yun Nieyun, she had heard before, and knew what kind of role this Mihua played.

"Nie Yun, are you? Kill me now, I don't want to continue to live like this ..."

The dialogue between the two of them ended, and Mihua, who was in Nie Yun's palm, suddenly yelled madly, and looked closely, I do not know when it has become another look.

Ming Xinlan!

Xi Mihua's soul actually became Yi Qing's mother at this time. Deep Heart Orchid.

The two souls are symbiotic and interdependent. You have me, and you have me. One side grows, and the other side naturally has stronger strength without exception.

"This is ... Soul symbiosis?" 冇 Xue Jinger froze.

Before the symbiosis between the souls of Mihua and Ming Xinlan, I didn't elaborate with her. I saw them suddenly, and I was obviously surprised.

不错 "Yes, if not, I would have killed him long ago!"

Yun Nieyun sighed, "If I have a chance to see the soul master, I really want to ask how to solve the problem of soul symbiosis!"

He thought of Nie Tong.

Although the soul master is terrible, if he can really solve the problem of Nie Tong, he is willing to take risks.

"I'm afraid the soul master doesn't know how to solve it ..."

Xi Xuejinger shook her head.

"She doesn't know how to solve it? How do you know?" Nie Yun wondered.

"If she wants to know that these two are her followers, they should have been taken apart long ago, instead of letting them fight for the initiative of the soul and bear the pain!" Xue Jinger sighed.

"Yes!" Nie Yun understood.

It is true that both Mihua and Ming Xinlan should be believers in the soul teacher Yan Zhi. The believers have a symbiosis of the soul. If it is easy to take apart, she may have already shot!

"You are here with me first, then you must find a way to separate you and Mihua soul!"

I know that for the time being there is no way to separate their souls, Nie Yun is no longer entangled, and a big hand grabs Dan Tian, ​​the soul storage of the symbiosis of Mihua and Ning Xinlan.

It's not a matter of leaving them here all the time. If you want to solve this problem completely, you must keep them by your side.

After obliterating the obstruction of Mihua, the two continued to move forward in the dark clouds of the soul, and soon saw a huge platform appear in front of them.

高 This high platform is similar to the altar. It should be the place where the sacrifice is held. It has a feeling of refreshing soul, warm and very comfortable before coming.

"Here is where the soul can be restored. Those broken souls we saw before will come back to recover every day. As time goes by, we can regain consciousness!"

Seeing the altar, Xue Jinger laughed.

"All right, let's go!"

Nie Yun nodded, and fell on the altar.

The feeling of nourishing the soul on the burnt altar was even stronger, and Nie Yun had no time to take care of it. When he moved his palm, he threw out the silent body.

When he came to the spirit realm, he placed Mi Jing in the Xinggong and brought him here. At this moment, the jade man was lying on the ground, quiet and peaceful.

"She is quiet? So beautiful ..."

Looking at the girl's body in front of her, Xue Jinger whispered.

Although she is proud of her beauty, she can see that she is not weak compared to her.

"No wonder he keeps thinking of you ..."

She looked up at Nie Yun, and she seemed to understand why the former had to be resurrected.


He released the silence, and Nie Yun flipped his wrist to take out the spirit of the soul from Zhu Xiushi.

"Nie Yun. What are you doing? The soul master talent is in the top ten and cannot be used. You do this. It will only waste ..."

Seeing his movement, Xue Jinger was startled.

她 In her opinion, the soul master is a special talent in the top ten, with special attributes, it is impossible to borrow, so it is a waste to take out the spirit of the soul.

"Do not do this. Is there any other way?" Nie Yun shook his head.

"You can put her body here, as long as time goes by, it will definitely recover slowly ..." Xue Jinger said her thoughts.

既然 Since this place can restore the soul. It will definitely be useful for this quietness. Maybe after a period of time, the broken soul can slowly recover.

"Slow recovery? I can't wait, this is the place for the soul master. I dare not put her here!"

Nie Yun refused directly. No longer paying attention to Xue Jing'er, he exhaled, his fingers flew forward a little, the crystal ball shattered, and the spirit of soul contained in it immediately poured into his fingertips.


As soon as the breath of soul entered the body, like the last time, I felt a sudden pressure from heaven.

"Nameless tactics give attributes!"

With the first experience, Nie Yun was not panic. With a slight hum, the power of the body rolled. His eyes opened at once, and the spirit of his soul was turned on by him, and his body stirred up a breath that made all the surrounding souls terrified.

"What? You ... can you actually use it?"

Looking at all of this, Xue Jing'er was shocked and stared.

This is incredible!

前 The top ten special talents cannot be borrowed. This is a natural principle. Why is this young boy in front of him not affected at all but able to use it?

This is too weird!

"Souls that have disappeared into the depths of time and space, I Nie Yun call you in the name of the soul ..."

Ignoring the surprised Xue Jinger, Nie Yun's hands were raised, the spirit of the soul was surrounded by the fingertips, and the sound of the sound of the soul was emitted from his mouth, like a special rhythm, letting the space emit waves that would tear apart. .


With the sound of the sound, a river of life in front of it slowly appeared, shining brightly, revealing a strange light.

"Hmm? Why can't I find ..."

When I saw the river, Nie Yun knew that he only needed to take the quiet soul out of it to save it. He looked carefully at the river but never found it.

The wide river came from the void and disappeared into the void. Countless souls wandered in it. Some were broken, some were complete, some were flexible, and some were not a little angry, but there was no quiet figure!

I looked for my brother Nie Tong last time, but found it in a blink of an eye. Why is there no quiet soul this time?

"It's impossible ... why can't I find it?"

I looked for a while, and Nie Yun was anxious.


After a short while, the river of soul in the sky can no longer support it, and it instantly annihilates.

"I can't find it, I can't find it ..." Nie Yun's fist clenched, and the whole person was full of loss.

At this time, the spirit of soul in his body has completely dissipated, and it is impossible to search again.

He just couldn't think of his dream. Why was Nie Tong's soul so easy to find, but the quiet soul was like he wasn't in Changhe?

"This quiet ... Did you die once?" Xue Jinger from one side came over.

She looked at everything just now, and knew the beginning and end of the matter.

"She ... have died once!" Nie Yun froze, then remembered the scene she saw in the Lahu space of Jiulong, she did die once, and died for herself!

"Hey, it looks like she can't be resurrected!"

Seeing him confirm, Xue Jinger sighed.

"Can't be resurrected anymore? What do you mean?" Nie Yun's face became ugly and his fists clenched.

"If I guess correctly, after her last death, she was resurrected by the soul division using the power of soul reorganization. The soul was reconstituted only once. The spirit is flying, there is no possibility of resurrection! "

Wu Xuejinger glanced at Nie Yun and hesitated.

"The soul is flying, there is no possibility of resurrection ..."

Xie Nieyun's face became waxy yellow, and the whole person kept shaking.


Why did such a good girl die like this? Can never be resurrected?

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