Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1115: Wen Xu Keiko resurrection

"I told her at the beginning that I had to be careful this time, don't get into trouble again, she wouldn't listen, Nie Yun, you killed my sister!"

He released Mihua and asked him if he had resurrected Mijing in a similar way.

At this time, Mihua saw her sister's body, and did not frantically find trouble with Nie Yun just as she did just now, but she showed sadness in her eyes and could not express her sadness.

"Quiet ..."

After listening to Mihua's words, Nie Yun was heartbroken.

Tong Ming knew that there was no possibility of resurrection, and she rushed to block the attack for herself. She ...

Mi Mijing, it's me Nie Yun I'm sorry for you!

My brother and I are a life and death feud. When you do this, you want to use your life to resolve the hatred between us ...

When I understood this, Nie Yun suddenly felt that she didn't hate Mihua much.

"Go back first!"

Re-entered Mihua into the dandan, and Nie Yun looked at him lying on the ground, without the slightest corpse, remembering that she was chased and killed by each other, sighed.

"Actually, you do n’t have to be so sad. Even if the spirit ca n’t be resurrected, it does n’t mean that it really died. The spirit world is so big. At the time, Shura Wang ’s soul was not dead. It ’s hard to guarantee that she ca n’t be resurrected. method!"

On the side of Xue Jinger said.

"Yes! Is the soul master all-powerful? She cannot be resurrected does not mean that she cannot be brought alive! Perhaps there is a better way, as long as you insist ..."

When I heard this, Nie Yun felt a bright light in his heart.

Yes, the soul master is also a human being, but she has special talents. She also has something she can't do. The spirit of soul can't save it. Is she really dead?

This is not necessarily. Maybe it can be brought back to life by other methods. As long as you work hard, you can definitely succeed!

I figured this out, and Nie Yun was relieved.

"Be quiet, rest assured, even if I break through nine days and ten places, I will definitely raise you!"

In his heart, he made a strong vow, and Nie Yun grabbed the silent body and put it into Dantian.

This time, I used a spirit of soul, but nothing was done, but Nie Yun didn't regret it.

"Let's go!"

He hummed softly, and Nie Yun turned around.

He came with expectations, but finally left.

"Then ... let's go!" Seems to know how he feels in the heart, Xue Jinger knows that it is useless to say anything at this time, and no longer say more at the moment, sighing and flew.


Nie Yun was about to leave behind and stopped suddenly.

"Wait a minute!"

With a loud shout, two more long swords appeared on the palm of his wrist.

These two swords are exactly the innate spirit soldiers who brought them in the world.

Sword of the gods and ghost sword!


Two swords just appeared, the surface flashed, and two figures appeared.

Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhanghuizi!

The two of them actually got rid of the sword of the sword body, became human figures again, and appeared here.

"Keiko ..."

"Wen Xu Xu ..."

When the two of them appeared, they immediately saw each other and hugged each other.


Nie Yun was a little dazed, and then came to understand.

That's it!

The two of them burned their souls and became sword spirits. It wasn't that the spirits flew away and died completely, but instead they left an idea in the depths of the long sword. At this time, in the geomantic treasure of the soul world, they actually successfully restored the broken soul. Come back to life!

After suffering, the pair of lovers finally achieved their families.

"It doesn't seem that there is no gain this time ..."

I knew this, and Nie Yun was so happy that she couldn't revive the quiet haze, which relieved her a lot.


The sword **** sword and ghost sword that lost the sword spirit broke into powder at the same time, which means that the two have completely lost their sword spirit identity and recovered again.

"Nie Yun, thank you!"

After the two hugs, they saw Nie Yun, although they knew that they had fallen into a state of soul, they were also sweet.

"This is the result of your own efforts ..."

Hearing their gratitude, Nie Yun sighed and didn't say much.

If it wasn't for the two who insisted on being together and willingly turned into a sword spirit, how could they be resurrected now and achieve a good story?

He was impermanent in life, and even he didn't expect to come here and resurrect the silence to complete this pair of bitter lives.

"Nie Yun, where is this?"

After a while, Chen Wenxu finally realized the difference here.

"This is the spirit world. From now on, the demon and the human race will live in harmony. From now on, you don't have to worry about the sectarian and worldly martyrs!"

Nie Yun laughed softly.

Although the spirit world and the human race are still opposed to each other, the spirit world has not reached the level of incompatibility. In many remote places, the combination of monsters and humans is everywhere.

"Spiritual Realm?" Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhang Huizi held together at the same time.

They never dreamed of their youthful differences, and they finally met again in the spirit world.

"Yes, this is the spirit world, but this is not the time and space of the spirit world. Although you are souls, you will not be able to bear it once you enter the spirit world. So, you first enter the cave and wait for me to find it for you. Forge the right body and come out! "

Nie Yun explained.

The spirit of the spirit world is too coercive. When he first arrived, he almost vomited blood when he was oppressed. He was even said that Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhanghuizi were two people with lower strength.

The reason why it is okay now is because staying in the soul realm, the pressure of the soul realm to absorb the souls of the heavens and the world is much lower than that of the spirit realm. Otherwise, the soul of Mihua may have been unable to persist and completely break.

"it is good!"

文 Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhanghuizi are not in a low position in the realm. They have heard of the spiritual realm. Knowing that the rules here are much stronger than the realm, they immediately nodded, their bodies flashed, and Nie Yun was taken into the Big Dipper.

"These two are ..."

As soon as the two of them disappeared, Xue Jinger came over and asked in doubt.

"These two are hard-working 是 ... It's like this ..."

Nie Yun will thank Zhang Huizi for his life's waiting, Chen Wenxu said it again and again for fear of lover, and finally, Xue Jinger was already in tears.

"In this way, you are actually from all walks of life ..."

He calmed down, Xue Jinger looked at the boy in front of him.

"Hmm! Alright, let's go back soon, maybe the master of the tower repairing has already settled the matter!" Nie Yun did not deny it and nodded.

It is no longer necessary for Chen to reach his strength.

"I heard that the realm is a thin place of aura and it is very difficult to cultivate, then your strength ..." Xue Jing'er looked puzzled.

The ten-year-old boy in front of his eyes can kill even Shura in Wangxianjing. This strength, even native spirits, cannot do it!

"Let's go!"

Xie Nieyun knew nothing in her mind and said nothing, she should fly in the first direction.

Seeing him unwilling to say more, Wu Xuejinger no longer asked, the two were surprisingly quiet along the way.

There is no difference between the road coming in and the road going out. After flying for one day and one night, I returned to Yaohuang City again.

"I've been away from home for a while, and I'm going back now, I won't go to repair the tower with you, good-bye!"

After returning to the imperial city, Xue Jing'er looked a little low, and turned his head.

It seems she knows that this time the thing hasn't been completed. The teenager is very uncomfortable.

"This is a trouble for you!"

Nie Yun nodded, grateful.

These gratitudes come from the heart. Without Xue Jinger's help, he would never have entered the realm of the soul, let alone Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhang Huizi, a pair of bitter lives.

I ca n’t possibly know that Mijing is the real soul flying, and the spirit of soul cannot summon success!

Xi Xuejinger left and Nie Yun returned to the driving tower.

"You are finally here, Master Qiongya has been waiting here for a long time!"

When Xi arrived, she saw anxious Zhu Xiu coming over.

"Master Qiongya?"

"Yes, Lord Qiongya is the elder of the headquarter of the Exorcist Tower, an eight-pin gold-lined exorcist! After a while, you can speak politely, her strength has reached a half-step immortal monarch, and once hit the immortal monarch without dying The strength of the means is almost no longer under Xianjun ... "

Zhu Zhuxiu introduced in a low voice.

"Impact on the immortal old monarch ..."

Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

Although he has never seen the Xianxianjun calamity, he also knows that it is definitely more than half the number of calamities. This level of calamity can survive the undead. The strength of this Qiongya master is really terrible!

I am afraid that the previous King of the Golden Body is far worse than that.

"She has a very high status in the repair tower. It is said that she is a figure from the same period as the soul master, so the headquarters asked her to come to the soul master to ask for soul spirit!"

Zhu Xiu continued.

"People of the same period as the soul master? Existed in ancient times ..." Nie Yun froze.

I do n’t know how many thousands of years there are in ancient times. At that time, people are said to be impossible to survive as long as they have not reached the level of Xianjun. Lord Qiongya, without this level, can live so long, with great strength and shocking. .

He raised a sense of caution ~ www.readwn.com ~ followed Zhu Xiu walking towards the room.

When he entered the room, he suddenly saw a middle-aged woman sitting on the main seat in the living room.

The woman in her thirties looks beautiful and stays in the same place, as if perfectly integrated with the natural space, without the slightest aura of fluctuation. If you do n’t know her strength, you really suspect it is just a little lack of strength Ordinary people.

"Elder Qiongya, this is the seven-pin drive repairman Nie Yun I said to you, and the spirit of soul is what he wants!"

Xi Zhuxiu stepped forward to introduce.

"Seven masters of repairs ..." After hearing Nie Yun's name, the elder Qiong Ya stared at Nie Yun with a close look, and couldn't help but admire "It's really a young hero! Look at your physical soul, you should return Let ’s be less than eighteen years old. Such a young man has such a practice, especially the physical body, which is comparable to Wang Xianjing's strong ...

The elder Qiong Ya saw the physical cultivation of Nie Yun at a glance, and he was surprised.

"Thank you Elders for your praise!" Nie Yun dared not lose her courtesy.

"You're welcome. It's also our old fellow's responsibility to dig up and train new drivers. Since you want the spirit of the soul to help your loved ones, I can help you!"

Wu Qiongya does not seem to like so many polite words, waved his hands and went directly to the topic.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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