Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1116: Odd orchard

"Thank you!" Nie Yun didn't expect the elder to speak so well, and his face was a joy.

"You do n’t need to thank first. Although Yan Zhi and I are old friends, it ’s not sure if I can give me the spirit of soul, so this time I want to take you to see her and see if you can talk about it ! "

Qiong Ya laughed.

"I'm going?" Nie Yun's face froze and her smile was swallowed.

What a joke, if I can go, I still expect you?

"I'm a low-profile person, I'm afraid I'll irritate Master Soul Master in the past. I think ... forget it!"

Shake his head to refuse.

The soul master wanted to kill himself last time. If it was not for the sake of Lingtai Lingyue, he had already died. This time in the past, if the other party was moody, they started to cry, but it was too late.

"You don't want to go?"

When he heard the words of the young man, Qiong Ya's face looked like a smile.

"It's true that I have had holidays with the soul master because of small things, so there was hope, I was afraid she would lose patience when she saw me!"

Nie Yun scratched his head.


"I once killed ... a believer ..." Nie Yundao.

"That's it! Yan Zhi really cares deeply about the believers. You killed yourself and made a taboo. Don't go!"

Qiong Ya heard Nie Yun's reason, understood it, and then stood up.

"You wait here for a while, I'll come in a while!"

Even after Nie Yun had finished speaking, his body shouted from the place, and even Nie Yun had the talent for eyes and eyes, but he did not see how it disappeared.

"So fast……"

Seeing her movements, Nie Yun knew that compared with the master Qiongya, his speed was almost no different from that of a snail.

"Mr. Qiongya has done a great deal of work, said no one, as long as the promised things can be done, rest assured!"

Seeing that Nie Yun was a little dazed, Zhu Xiu came over with a smile.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded, no more to say, stayed quietly in the room for about half an hour, a breeze blew, and a figure appeared in front of him.

It was the Lord Qiongya who just left.

"Elder!" Nie Yun stood up quickly.

"I'm sorry ..." Master Qiong Ya was embarrassed. From her behavior and actions, Nie Yun knew that she would definitely not have the spirit of soul to come, and it was a failure.

"Yan Zhishe ... forget it, I haven't been able to do this for you. Please mention other conditions. As long as you can do it, you must try to meet it!"

Lord Qiong Ya didn't say the reason for the failure, and waved his palm.

"The elders are bothered! I don't know if the elders can tell the detailed address of the Master of the Spirit Master. It is really impossible, I used to ask for help myself!" Seeing that she was unsuccessful, Nie Yun knew that she would have to steal it herself. He shook his head and asked.

In fact, even if the other party can come to the spirit of the soul, it is not possible to directly come to as many as ten. If you want to complete the second thing and complete the gambling contract, you can only go to the soul master and find a way to steal things!

God stealing talent was promoted to the 12th stealing master. Nie Yun was more confident in stealing things. As long as he showed him the soul master, even if he didn't need to touch his palm, he could steal things without knowing it.

"Give you the address? You better not go, Yan Zhi has a weird temper, and you have killed her followers. In the event that she does something to you, there is nothing you can do to drive the tower to argue with it ..."

Master Qiongya was embarrassed. "You also know that, like her, the immortal monarch who survived the ancient times is so powerful that she can't even dare to fight against the tower ..."

"I hope Elder Qiongya will be complete!" Nie Yun clenched his fists.

"Well, since you are so insistent, I will tell you where she lives! In fact, the soul master and Her Majesty the Nether Phoenix are not currently in the Imperial City, but are more than ten thousand miles away from the Imperial City!"

Qiongya Road.

"Qi Orchard?" Nie Yun scratched his head, the name had never been heard before.

"An odd orchard is an abbreviation. It has grown a chaotic and strange fruit. After tens of thousands of years of gestation, it seems to have matured in these days. The Nether Phoenix King and Yan Zhi, for fear of a change in these days, are all guarded in the orchard ..."

Elder Qiongya Road.

"Chaos and strange fruit? Does this thing also have an effect on the immortal monarch?" Nie Yun stunned.

"This thing is born of chaos. It contains powerful power and has magical effects on the Immortal King. The Nether Phoenix and Soul Master have cultivated for two years before they have two. They are about to mature. Because of this, the two of them are now missing. , Even I ate behind closed doors ... "

Elder Qiong Ya was a little embarrassed. She didn't see Yan Zhi, but was turned away.

No wonder she was embarrassed and didn't want to say much.

"That strange orchard is on the iceberg more than ten thousand miles east of the imperial city. You can find it as long as you fly straight, but I advise you not to act rashly, Yan Yixiang is not so good at talking, it is better for you to wait for the fruit. After maturity, she finished taking it, and she was in a great mood to plead, so the success rate should be a lot higher! "

Elder Qiongya Road.

"Total maturity?"

"Yeah, this fruit will be a day or two fast, or half a year or so, and it will definitely mature. You might as well wait here. Once mature and swallowed, she must be in a good mood. Then when you go to seek the spirit of soul, you will be able to Get something! "

Speaking of this elder Qiongya's wrist, he took out a token. "This is my token. If you want to ask for it, you can take this out, otherwise, I'm afraid it's hard to meet!"

"Thank you Elder!" Nie Yun took the token.

"Well then, I'll go first, Zhu Xiu, what's the matter with you?"

The elder Qiong Ya seemed to be unable to do anything, and felt that his face was dull, and he didn't want to stay any longer. His body flickered and disappeared from the place again.

"Master Zhu Xiu, since Elder Qiong Ya said so sincerely, I will wait patiently for a while and wait for a suitable opportunity to find Lord Yan Zhi, and leave now!"

Seeing her leaving, Nie Yun stole the token and hugged fist.

"You might as well stay here, I will arrange it for you immediately ..." Zhu Xiu said busyly.

"Thank you very much. I have friends in Yaohuang City, just go to him and trust him, don't leave it alone! If there is any need, I will definitely come back to trouble you!"

Huantai Chuangyu gave him three months, and he must get ten soul spirits. Waiting here can't afford any delay. It is better to find a way to steal in the so-called strange orchard.

Of course, the **** must do this without knowing the ghost, otherwise, once discovered, let alone the spirit of the soul, I am afraid I do n’t know how to die!

Because of this, Nie Yun did not intend to stay in the repair tower, so that it would not involve a lot of trouble.

Freedom and convenience.

"Since you insist, then leave. If there is anything you must do to repair the tower, this is the home of our driver!"

Zhu Xiu said sincerely.

"Yes!" Nie Yun nodded, turned and walked out.

Leaving the driving tower, Nie Yun found an alley with no one, fluttered into the ground, disappeared without a trace.

It was his turn again this time, and everything was better to be careful.

Carefully concealed the breath, Nie Yun made a sharp advance along the underground in the direction that Elder Qiongya said.

To face the strong men of ancient Xianjun level, you must prepare in advance and be careful.

The speed in the underground is far from fast, and we have to be careful. We walked for a long time for 10,000 miles, and then we saw a towering mountain through the eyes of the sky.

The mountain was covered with snow everywhere, and the water formed an ice crust, which shrouded the whole mountain peak and looked crystal clear.

Slowly walking up the mountain, I soon saw a huge manor in front of me.

The manor seemed to hang in the void, and there was no idea that everything was in a large array, and the gray air was constantly drawn from the depths of the sky.

"Chaotic kiwis don't need sunshine and rain. They should have nourished the chaotic airflow and let it mature!"

Seeing this scene, Nie Yunxin speculated.

Although it is only the first time I heard about Chaos Odd Fruit, since this kind of thing can have an effect on the immortal monarch, it is very special!

Because of this, I am afraid that this kind of thing needs nourishing chaotic airflow, ordinary sunlight and rain dew are useless.


After careful observation for a while, Nie Yun found the direction and sneaked in quietly, and later came to a huge portal.

There are many large arrays arranged outside the door, although it is not too difficult for him with the talent of matrix formation ~ www.readwn.com ~ It takes a lot of trouble to bypass them all.

Knowing that there are two strong men of ancient Xianjun level, Nie Yuntian's eye talent did not dare to look inside, nor did he dare to probe into the soul. He hid his body with the greatest spiritual power and slowly approached the door.


I don't know how long it took before I spit out and finally bypassed the formation and entered the gate.

As soon as I entered the portal, it was too late to look inside, and a loud voice sounded.

"The two adults, the King of the Nether Phoenix and the Soul Master Yan, I am a subordinate of King Shura. I am ordered by the King to ask the two adults for one thing and hope it will be complete!"

The sound is loud and broad, like a thunderstorm in the flat ground, ringing through the clouds.

"Sura? Come early or come late, what do you do at this time ..."

Nie Yun's head got bigger.

When Shura came over at this time, it was tantamount to disrupting his rhythm and making him crazy.

He looked out quietly, and found that it was actually the head king Shura of Wonderland, with a tall body and bloodshot eyes.

"Under King Shura? Come on first!"

Immediately afterwards, a misty voice sounded, with an enchanting charm.


The tall portal opened suddenly, and countless array methods were instantly hidden.

These formations are useful for some common holy immortals and king immortals, but for Shura in Wangxianjing, they have little effect.

"Thank you Phantom King ..."

Seeing this scene, Shura outside the door bowed his head and strode toward the manor.

"This is the voice of the Phantom King? How familiar is it ..."

Nie Yun, who was hiding behind the door, saw this scene in her eyes, her eyebrows were raised, and her heart was shocked.

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