Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1117: Steal Soul

Yun Xuan is the essence and blood of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, while the Heavenly Demon Emperor is the essence and blood of the Nether Phoenix King. I am afraid they are exactly the same, even the special talents are the same!

I hope the memory can't communicate, otherwise, let the Underworld Phoenix King know his grievance with Yun Xuan, and the matter is really big.

"Follow up!"

There was only a moment of shock in his heart, and it happened that Shura walked over, and Nie Yun's body changed into a star dust, fell on his collar, and advanced toward the manor.

If you don't enter the tiger's hole, you won't be able to get a tiger. Despite the dangers of life and death this time, if you don't come in, let alone the spirit of soul, I'm afraid you won't get anything.

It seemed that Shuluo Shulu knew her identity, but was a messenger of messenger, and did not imagine the madness, and walked towards the manor step by step.

Staying on him, through the star palace Nie Yun also saw the appearance of the manor.

This manor is no different from the family of ordinary wealthy people. There is no luxury in the palace at all, but it is full of aura, with colorful lights flashing everywhere, making people seem to enter a psychedelic wonderland.

Ji Suo Shura didn't dare to go too fast or slow. After more than ten minutes, he came to a huge courtyard.

As soon as he entered this courtyard, Nie Yun felt a thick aura that seemed to condense to the bottom of the water. This aura was so pure that ordinary people took a sip of it and their spirits were shaken, and they would be repaired.

Even Nie Yun felt that the meridians were trembling and unspeakable.

Looking up, I saw that the large array seen outside the manor was hanging directly above it. The aura in the yard was drawn from the chaotic airflow by the array method.

In the middle of the yard is a tall, weird tree.

More than ten people could not hold this big tree together. The surface is not bark but thick scales, which can be seen by the naked eye. Exhaust gas, as if breathing constantly, life is strange, inexplicable.

Above the tree were two strange fruits, the size of a fist. Already bright red, with a strong scent, I knew at a glance that it was about to mature.

"It looks like this is the chaos fruit tree, this is the so-called chaos strange fruit ..."

Looking at this, Nie Yun understood it.

Although he saw this fruit for the first time, he knew it. Absolutely has great magic power, let alone eating and smelling, just a glance at him, makes his mood calm a lot, showing the power.

It is no wonder that the ancient immortal monarch-level strongman can be stationed in person. It is indeed a chaotic spirit. I am afraid that the original Chiba Xianlian was also inferior to it.

"King Shura asked you to come over, why?"

Halo Shura stopped and a voice sounded.

Looking in the direction of the sound, a slender woman stood not far away, and the perfect curve was reflected in the tight robe, and one more was fat. If you lose one point, you will lose weight. You can see that it is flawless just by looking at your figure.

Nether Phoenix King!

In Nie Yun's eyes, that is ... Yun Xuan!

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as Yun Xuan, with a smile and a move, there was no difference at all!

This is the Nether Phoenix King, one of the six most powerful characters in the whole world!

There was a woman in white standing behind the King of Phoenix. This person could not see the appearance and did not know the beauty and ugliness. Standing quietly like ghosts, it gives people a kind of spiritual oppression, which can't breathe.

"It seems that this is the soul master ..."

Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

Although he could not see the appearance, he knew that this person must be Yan Zhi, because only this person could give him the strength of Wang Xian peak. So stressful!

In order to make him all have a sense of see-through.

"This is the jade card left by my king!"

Halberd took a respectful step forward, his thin fingers moved forward, and an illusive figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It was Nie Tong, the king of Shura.

"The King of the Nether Phoenix and Yan Zhi, we meet again!"


As soon as Nie Tong's image appeared, a breath that stirred the heavens and the earth suddenly rose, and the aura of the entire courtyard appeared distorted.

"King Shura, we really haven't seen each other for a long time. I didn't expect that you could be resurrected. It's really a good man who doesn't pay for his life, and it's a thousand years of woe!

The King of the Nether Phoenix sank, and a cold chill radiated from the eyes, making people shudder.

"I don't like to hear this. What's the scourge for thousands of years? Your old lover, the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor, seems to have survived, is he also a scourge?"

Nie Tong said with a smile.

"Xiaolong is the King of the Nether Phoenix ... Old lover?" After hearing this, Nie Yun was petrified.

Aren't the Five-Clawed Dragon King and the Nether Phoenix King deadly? Why is it still a relationship?

"He is even more a disaster, it is best to die!" Hearing the name of the Five-Claw Dragon King, the spirit of the Phantom King waved a bit, and the jade teeth clenched.

"It seems that Xiaolong has a deep relationship with her ..."

Seeing the expression of the Nether Phoenix, Nie Yun understood it, suddenly an idea came up in his mind, and his eyelids jumped uncontrollably. Better looking for Xiaolong ... "

The battle between the five-clawed dragon emperor and the king Shura broke through the spiritual realm and entered the realm. This should be a secret that countless people know. Later, these two peerless powerhouses will never return. The plan of the Nether Phoenix for many years will not be Because of this ...

"It turns out that you want him to die so much. In fact, I also want to kill him. If not my brother is desperately guarding, I'm afraid I can meet your wishes and bring a dragon corpse!"

Nie Tong said with a smile.

"Your brother? How did I first hear about King Shura and his brother?"

As soon as the Phantom Phoenix king looked at her, even Yan Zhi behind her seemed to be incomprehensible.

A Shura king scared the spirit world to the extreme, and if there was one more brother, would the heavens and earth really be completely destroyed?

"My brother's business, you don't need to worry about it. When I'm busy with this thing, I will go to him in person!" For his brother Nie Yun, Nie Tong seemed unwilling to mention it and waved his hand at will. "Well, this time I come over I borrowed things from two people, I hope they will be perfect! "

"What to borrow?"

The King of the Nether Phoenix didn't say much when he saw him, and didn't want to ask more.

"The chaos is the seed left by our Shura family at the beginning. It has a very strong effect on our Shura family. I think these two have matured, so if you want to borrow one, it will bother you!"

Nie Tong hummed, his polite words, but indifferent indifference and majesty in his words.

"The chaos is the fruit of our two years of nurturing success. If you want to borrow it in one sentence, you might as well put our sisters in your eyes!"

Hearing the other party's request, King Nether Phoenix felt his lungs almost explode.

The chaotic wonders were cultivated by her and the soul teacher for tens of thousands of years. Seeing mature mates come to ask for it, isn't it obvious?

"Although King Shura had a great name in ancient times, you shouldn't fully recover it now! Don't dare come over to find the trouble of our sisters. I think you will fall here today!"

Yan Zhi also took a step forward, and the whole body's indifference rushed up, with the breath of taking away the soul.

"Huh? Good chance!"

Seeing Yan Zhi walking forward, Nie Yun in the palace jumped into his heart, his face exulting.

Originally, the other party was standing behind the King of the Nether Phoenix, and even if the stealing of the sky is no longer powerful, it is impossible for him to steal the spirit of soul. At this time, the other party moved forward and just entered the scope of stealing.

"The Skyscraper talent works!"

As soon as the heart moved, the talent was activated, and the soul formed a slender big hand for a moment, slowly touching Yan Yan.

Stealing things from the ancient immortal monarch, this kind of thing is hard to imagine!

If it wasn't for the talent to be promoted to steal talent, even if you gave Nie Yun ten guts, you would never dare to do it. Now, the other party ’s main mental energy is concentrated on King Shura ~ www.readwn.com The talents are so powerful that even the talents that can be stolen by the heavens are cast, and God is unaware of the ghosts.


As the breeze blows the surface, the moisturizing is silent.

When Nie Yun's palm moved, dozens of soul spirits kept beating.


With a joy in his heart, Nie Yun pointed a finger, and dozens of crystal **** prepared a long time ago appeared, instilling the spirit of these souls together.

I thought it would take a lot of trouble to steal the breath of the soul, but I never dreamed of it. It's that simple!

It seems that Nie Tong is really his blessing. If it weren't for him to come here to make trouble and steal this thing, I'm afraid it would not be easy!

"If I could steal these chaotic miracles, I would have made a profit ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun looked up and landed his eyes on the chaotic strange fruit on his head. (To be continued ...)

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