Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1119: Swallow Chaos Kiwi

Although I felt that the possibility of being found was relatively high, Nie Yun still had a fluke, was motionless, and even blocked her breathing.

"No need to pretend. Just now you hid in the Big Dipper and followed Shuluo Shulu and I saw it. If I didn't cover it for you, wouldn't you think I can hide it from King Shura and Youhuang? Cats are too proud of themselves! "

Yan Yan sneered.


When I heard this, Nie Yun had no luck in her heart, knowing that the other person was talking about herself.

"In Xie Nie Yun, I have met Master Soul Master!"

Nie Yun held his fist.

Since the other party is covering up for himself, he certainly won't want to kill himself so quickly. What mentality is there, even he is a little confused.

According to the attitude and behavior of the other party when we met last time, since we know that we are mixing up, we should kill them directly. Why did n’t we do it?

"Nie Yun? The physical body of Wangxianjing, the strength of Holy Wonderland ... Yes, it was only three months after I saw you last time. I did not expect to reach this strength from Luoxianjing ... It seems that Sister Ling Yue's eyes still have really not bad!"

Yan Yanzhi walked over with a smile.

Her distance approached, and Nie Yun finally saw her face.

The face of the Soul Master is pale, and the features are very beautiful to say carefully, but with a heartbreaking breath, people dare not approach.

"Do you know Yueer?"

I heard her mentioning Lingtai Lingyue, and Nie Yun asked puzzled.

"She asked me for a soul spirit to fight with me last time, forcing me to surrender the soul spirit. I won't forget this!" Yan Zhi Lengheng.

He could not tell from his face whether it was joy or anger.

"Hehe!" Nie Yun did not expect that the two sides still have such a holiday, and laughed.

"Well, you don't need this expression. I said, look at Lingtai Lingyue face, I won't kill you, you are not in danger!"

Faintly said.

"Thank you Lord Yan!"

I heard Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief when she said she would not kill herself.

I can escape in the hands of the Qinglong Emperor. In front of this face, he knew that the chance of escape was zero.

Is also a strong king of immortals, the gap is still very large.

"Dare to mix in this kind of strength, do you really think that with the talent of the Hidden Master, the Big Dipper can really do whatever you want, you can enter anywhere? It's ridiculous! Although your hiding ability is strong. In front of Xianjun, you can completely block Can't live! If I hadn't concealed it for you just now, you would have died! "

Yan Yanzhi said.

"Thank you, Lord Yan for your help! But ... I don't understand. Since Lord Yan Zhi and Ling Yue have a holiday, why should you help me?" Nie Yun asked directly.

Anyway, it ’s better to be caught by the opponent.

"Why help you? Not yet ... forget it!" Yan Zhi waved.

"Forget it?" Nie Yun froze. Suddenly asked, "Have you ever pleaded with Xue Jinger?"

"Hmm? Looks like you're not as stupid as you think ..." Yan Zhi chuckled.

"Sure enough she ..."

Nie Yun nodded.

Xue Jinger made him feel very mysterious from the moment he knew him. He was able to lead himself into the realm of the soul without being noticed. He was so young that he had such strength. He was so courteous to Zhupin Xiu, the master of the eight products ... All phenomena showed her Not ordinary people!

And the highest status of the entire monster emperor city is the Nether Phoenix King and the soul teacher Yan Zhi, so Nie Yun had to associate with them.

"Xue Jinger is my daughter, she begged me to let you go, and I naturally respect her opinion!"

Faintly said.

女儿 "Daughter?" Nie Yun understood.

No wonder this Xue Jinger can open the soul world freely. It turns out that there is such a relationship.

当然 "Of course, respecting her is only one aspect. If I read correctly, you should have two special talents of the top ten ranks, vigor and martial arts!"

Yan Yanzhi said suddenly.

"This ..." Nie Yun was startled.

He has two top ten talents, vigor and martial arts. He has never talked to anyone. When he came to the spirit world, he was pointed out in person for the first time.

"Don't be nervous, I also have special talents in the top ten, and I have a sense of the top ten talents!" Yan Zhi waved his hand. "Besides, you are the one who was cultivated by that person. I only respect his decision!"

"Focus on cultivation? Who is he?" Nie Yun was a little confused about Yan Zhi's words.

"You don't need to care who he is. If he really wants to see you, you already know!"

Yan Zhi waved his hand again. "Okay, my soul spirit, you must have stolen enough just now! I promised Jinger to give you a few. Now that you have stolen, I will not pursue it, leave quickly Come on, once the Phantom King returns, you know you have the Big Dipper, and you do n’t have time to leave! "

"Uh ... Thank you, Lord Yan!"

Nie Yungang just wanted to leave, thinking about something with a fist and a respectful face: "Before leaving, I have two doubts and want to ask Master Soul Master!"

"Say!" Yan Zhi nodded.

第一 "First, is there a way to relieve the symbiosis of the soul! Second, the soul that has been summoned once and fell into death again, can it be resurrected?"

After Nie Yun asked, he had strong expectations in his eyes.

These two things are the most important in his mind at present. If the soul master in front of him can solve it, he will never regret it even if he is sent to the sword and the sea of ​​fire.

"Soul symbiosis, I have no way to lift it. The soul that has been called once will die again, and there is no possibility of resurrection. This is the principle of heaven. Unless you can overthrow the heaven, it is impossible!" Waving.


Although I had already guessed in my heart, I still felt uncomfortable when I heard the exact words of the other party.

Overthrow Heaven? For so many years, many powerful people can't do it. How can it be accomplished by him alone!

弥 Is it true that silence can no longer be resurrected?

He shook his head, and Nie Yun knew that the other party could answer well, and no longer questioned his body and flew away outside the vertical manor.

What happened today is too fast and too weird, which makes him a little dizzy.

I have so many enemies with Yan Zhi, the other side actually let it go so easily, and let myself leave smoothly, what the **** is going on?

重点 What focus is nurturing ... who is that "he"?

Everything is writhing in his head, making him more and more confused.

"Mother, thank you!"

As soon as Nie Yun left, a girl ran out behind the chaotic odd tree and flew into Yan Zhi's arms.

I was Xue Jinger.

He rubbed the girl's hair, and Yan Zhi shook his head. "I didn't completely look at your face, so I let this kid go, but ... for the spirit world!"

Speaking of this, with a sigh, Yan Zhi looked into the distant space and time, wondering what he saw, and muttered to himself, "I hope your prediction is correct, and not to bring more terrible disaster to the spirit world ... "


Xun Sheng was afraid of being discovered by the Phantom King, Nie Yun left very fast, and flew in the opposite direction of the Yaohuang City, found a place without people, and entered the Star Palace.

I came to the Star Palace, and then I was relieved, and a reversible fruit appeared on my palm.

Chaos Wonderful Fruit!

The second chaotic miracle fruit on the linden tree, Nie Tong was right, it was stolen by him.

The situation was just confusing ~ www.readwn.com ~ The King of Nether Phoenix and Yan Zhi were attracted by King Shura. Nie Yun knew that if he did not take the opportunity to steal the fruit, there would be no chance, so he did not hesitate to take the shot!

The stealing of the heavenly master's talent is unknown, and the psychological pressure brought by King Shura to everyone, even Yan Zhi did not find that the fruit did not fall into the hands of King Shura, but was stolen by him!

As for King Shura before he left, saying "brother" stole the fruit, Yan Zhi et al didn't care about it at all. He never expected that the brother in the mouth of King Shura would be a young boy with little strength.

"It really is a good thing ..."

He took the fruit in the palm of his hand, and Nie Yun felt the aura that kept emitting from it, and couldn't help whispering.

It is worthy of the growth of chaos, and it can be seen from the non-stop aura that is above it, far more than Qianye Xianlian.

Chiba Xianlian can make him have an immortal body, what about this fruit?

I can't help thinking that Nie Yun's eyes are fiery.

"No matter what method to improve the efficacy, swallow it!"

He didn't have any way to improve the efficacy. Nie Yun smashed his lips, opened his mouth, and swallowed this chaotic strange fruit. (




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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