Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1120: The 8th Nirvana

This chaotic miracle is different from many things in the spirit world. Even if the martial arts talent can figure out how to use it, if there is no matching medicinal material, the effect will not be great. It is better to swallow it directly and increase the strength as soon as possible. .

Seeing Nie Tong's strength, he knew that it was too late to delay, and King Shura's bloodline was strong. In addition, he didn't know what opportunities he got, the speed of progress, and it was appalling.

At least subdued the Qinglong Emperor to escape from the Nether Phoenix King, which he could not do.

As soon as the chaos and strange fruit entered the body, Nie Yun felt a huge force to the extreme.

The violent heat flow was even more raging than devouring a hundred heads of Shura. The whole person was a little soft, and the whole body was as red as cooked shrimp.

"The formation is frozen, blockade!"

Xie Nieyun knew that once his breath was let out, it would be difficult to guarantee that he would not be discovered by others. When the spirit moved, he would block all the formations in the Xinggong, and his strength would not be leaked.

Pleiades is closed, and he himself sits on the ground cross-legged, and his mind concentrates on controlling the power brought by the chaotic wonders, constantly improving his cultivation.

He is physically strong, and his strength reaches the peak of Wangxianjing. It is much easier to simply improve the strength of Xianli. The whole body ’s energy is inflated one by one. The whole person is like a balloon. The original restrained power is quickly promoted.

初期 The peak of Saint Wonderland's early days!

Holy Wonderland in the middle!

Holy Wonderland Mid-Peak!

Holy Wonderland late!

Holy Wonderland late peak!

Boom, in an instant, the strength reached the peak of the Holy Wonderland, and continues to rise.

He is indeed a chaotic treasure that has an effect on Xianjun, and soon he reached the condition of the eighth Nirvana.

The eighth time Nirvana Nie Yun entered the Holy Wonderland. At the peak of the Holy Wonderland, at this time, even the titan's power of the strange fruit was not used, and it was completely Nirvana.

"The eighth Nirvana, start!"

Xie Nieyun is also a decisive person, thinking much more lazily. His eyes were firm and a cold drink spurred Nirvana.


For a moment, he entered a state of false death in Nirvana.

利用 He used chaotic Qiguo Nirvana, but in the depths of the void there was an earth-shattering battle.

The King of the Phantom Phoenix is ​​chasing after King Shura, the force of rage tears the space. Destroyed one planet after another.

"Ghost Phoenix, although I have not reached the peak of my strength, but you still cannot kill, let alone you, even if the old antiques in the spirit world come over, you can't treat me!"

I was sitting in my car. Nie Yun looked at the ghostly King Huang who was chasing behind him. Nie Tong laughed at the chaotic strange fruit in his hand.

When he took another fruit just now, he knew that the other one had been stolen. Then he noticed that his brother Nie Yun was hiding on one side, and the soul teacher Yan Zhi was covering him up.

Although I do not understand this situation, I also know that it is not the time to stay. Turn around and run away.

"This kind of chaotic treasure is born in chaos. It is the rarest treasure in itself. If you ca n’t find other chaotic treasures, it is impossible to have a strong effect. If it is difficult, it will be reduced with ordinary medicine. Medicinal ... "

I looked at the fruit, and Nie Tong smiled, and suddenly swallowed the fruit in one mouth.

Chaos Qibao. It is the ultimate treasure of the ordinary treasures in the super spirits. If the same chaotic treasures do not cooperate, the effect will only go backwards. Before, he and the Phantom Phoenix were nonsense.

It is as if the original Qianye Xianlian needed the cooperation of Chaos Spirit to exert the strongest effect. Chaos Spirit is also a precious thing in Chaos.

"Phoenix Phoenix, I'm leaving first, and I will come back later when you have something good, thank you for your amazing chaos!"

After eating the chaotic wonders, Nie Tong's whole body swelled for a moment, as if he had broken a certain limit. He laughed again, moved his fingers forward, and drove the car to speed up again suddenly. .

"King Shura, I don't wear the sky with you!"

Seeing that the Jiulong car in Jiulong was getting farther and farther, the Phantom King knew that he would definitely not be able to catch up, and his face was so angry that a roar and a turbulent sound wave ripped apart the surrounding space.

"Anyway, when I killed the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor, you were no longer wearing it with me ... Oh, by the way, although the Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor was reborn, all of my memory was lost, and it would be hard to say if I knew you then. , Hey, you keep the martial arts for him, but he doesn't even know you, very good results ... "

The sound of King Xisuo's ridicule came from a distance, ringing throughout the world.


The Phantom King Huang gasped for a few breaths, knowing that he could no longer catch up, and the beak was definitely not an opponent, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, looking up at Zhou Tianxing.

"The Five-Clawed Dragon Emperor ... Do you really forget me?"

The voice was low, and Jiao's body kept shaking.

He and the Dragon Emperor fought for a lifetime because of a trivial matter. The six heavens and the earth were entangled in countless waves by them until the Dragon Emperor generously died, and then the King Shura was awakened to understand that all the battles are clouds ...

And what she really wants is to be with someone you love!

"Dragon King, rest assured, no matter where you are now, I will definitely get you back!"

I do not know how long after that, suddenly a flash of firmness flashed in the eyes of the Nether Phoenix King, and his big hand flew to the depth of the void in front of him.

If King Shura is here, you will see that her direction is not the demon world at all. I am afraid she only knows where she went.



In the silent Beidouxing Palace, a violent torrent surged suddenly, a roar came, and the original silent figure stood up slowly.

Accompanying his actions, the entire star palace seemed to be emptied in an instant, and all the auras gathered at him in an instant.

Woohoo! Suck!

吞 Swallow the sun and the moon in his breath, take a deep breath to devour all the aura, exhale, and the arrows of arrows rush straight forward, as if the whirlwind winds up on the ground, seeing the speed of the energy, even if the Jinxian strong encounters it will be directly torn to pieces.


The amazing momentum stopped, as if sealed by some force, and the rolling spirits around it also stopped, revealing the figure of the boy.

"This time Nirvana took only three days ..."

He hummed softly, and Nie Yun laughed.

The eighth time Nirvana finally broke through, and his cultivation also successfully reached the peak of Wang Xianjing!

The peak of the King's Wonderland this time is Xianli, not the physical body. If the two cooperate with each other and add a lot of talents, if they meet the previous King of the Golden Body, they can be killed with a punch.

The strength reached Wangxianjing, and the vitality Dantian's ninth super talent finally came to light. Every move has immense power, especially the resilience of the Qi, even catching up with the average immortal monarch!

This time, Nirvana was even shorter. It only took three days, two days less than the fifth day of the seventh.

However, in Nie Yun's opinion, there is still a lot of time. This kind of nirvana is only suitable for quiet times. Once activated in battle, it will undoubtedly die!

So, still have to find a way to shorten time again.

"The chaos is really powerful, it makes me break through so much in one breath, it is incredible ..."

I felt the surging power in my body, and Nie Yun now felt like dreaming.

I originally thought that by virtue of his accumulation, I didn't dare to provoke Nirvana. I did not expect that this fruit was too powerful. Not only did I successfully pass through Nirvana, but also allowed my strength to be completely consolidated. It is indeed a treasure that immortal kings are afraid of.

If it were not for this chaotic miracle fruit, if the current strength breaks through, there will be no such achievement without the accumulation of tens or hundreds of years!

Of course, swallowing Shura is not counted!

Flick your fingers lightly, a stream of air rushed forward, the wind blade was ordinary, and the space in the star palace was torn instantly, and a dark crack appeared.

"Well, by the way, since I arrived in the fairy world, time is too tight, and many seals of the Big Dipper have not been broken. Now go and see what the Big Dipper has left for me!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun's heart moved and thought of something.

There are a total of seven temples in the Beidouxingjun, which are distributed in a star shape, and only one can be opened. The other temples are sealed and blessed, and the strength cannot be opened.

After entering the realm of spirits, major events continued to happen. Even if he was promoted, he didn't have time to look at them one by one. Maybe there would be something in his eyes that could brighten up.

After all, this star palace is left by the immortal monarch, and it can never be as simple as a mansion.

As soon as his body shook, Nie Yun came to the position of Tianshu on his head.

划 One swipe with one hand, the empty seal was immediately torn apart, and a "wow!" Sound was issued.

These seals were previously unattainable and could not be broken, but now they are as simple as paper paste ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hoo!

Push the door into the temple.

大 This hall is extremely empty, not much, only a few crystal **** suspended in the air, emitting a white light.

嗯 "Hmm? Is this ... a special talent?"

When I saw these crystal **** clearly, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

"My descendants, this is the special talent that I left. It represents my own talent. Each of them has a chance to give you a special ability. Maybe it can break through the danger and save a life!"

There was a roaring sound in the Great Hall, the language left by the Big Dipper.

"I have ten special talents in total, three of which are in the top 30, and the remaining seven are in the range of 30 to 100. Combining these talents together has also made me the first place in the spirit world. Tattoo repair master! "

The Big Dipper's voice slowly and slowly, slowly said: "My talents in the top thirty are: the 14th curser, the 15th magician, and the 30th refiner!"

"Third to one hundred are the 39th array mage, the 45th psychic division, the 54th slayer, the 67th phantom division, the 72nd defensive division, and the 73 Windrunners, and 98th Corruption Division! "




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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