Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1121: Tower of India

"These special talents have created my glory innately! The special talents are the abilities given by the heavens, and they must shoulder the corresponding responsibilities of the heavens. The glory of the spiritual world needs us to defend. This is ten kinds of talent Gifted talent, each one represents a kind of ability, and it should help you a lot when it is shown at a critical moment! "

The sound slowly ended. The ten crystal **** not far away seemed to know the content of the discourse, and suddenly released a dazzling light. Ten special atmospheres slowly moved in it, with a special charm.

"Spirit of the Star Palace!"

Seeing these ten special talents, Nie Yun turned her head and hummed.


The spirit of the star palace suddenly appeared.

"Don't you say you don't know what talents the Big Dipper has? His special talent is placed here, you won't know it!"

Nie Yun Lengheng.

It is no wonder that He was angry. Before asking the Spirit of the Star Palace, she said that she didn't know what special talents the Big Dipper had, and the talent was in the hall. How could she not know?

"Return to the master, I really don't know! The temple was sealed by the old master, which means that the memory is also sealed. Even if I am the Spirit of the Star Palace, I can't know what is stored in the temple ... According to the old master, it is to prevent Later generations are thinking about treasures so high and far away, without solid cultivation ... "

The spirit of Xingxing Palace quickly explained.

"Well, you go down first!"

I heard her say that, Nie Yun was stunned.

Bei Beixing Xingjun, who is a nine-pin gold-textured repairman, founded the supreme figure of the repair tower in one hand. His strength is strong, and it is ancient and modern. The ability to possess the memory of the Spirit of the Sealed Star Palace is not surprising.

If the spirit of the Xinggong really knows, it will have no effect on speaking, and it should not be rejected.

The spirit of Pingxinggong left, and Nie Yun looked at the crystal ball in front of him again.

Ten crystal **** represent ten talents. There are five that he does not have!

五 These five talents are: the 14th Curser, the 15th Demon Slayer, the 30th Alchemist, the 54th Slayer, and the 67th Spirit Breaker.

The curse master, proficient in the Witch language, can hurt opponents by cursing and offering treasure sacrifices at the same cost, and has a strong soul attack ability. It is as if the Nether Phoenix is ​​now more powerful than Nie Yun, but if Nie Yun keeps cursing and offering sacrifices at the same cost, I am afraid it will also be able to end it.

Cursor is the weirdest special talent to get rid of the soul master. Strange and inexplicable, it gives people a strange meaning from the bottom of their hearts.

The heart demon master and the cursor are both the same soul. They can control the heart demon and release the heart demon, so that the opponent has illusions and confusion, and can defeat the opponent's confidence.

Treasure Master, as the name implies, is not much different from the array master, the alchemist, has a strong talent for refining treasures, others have a low success rate for refining treasures. For him, it is very simple. It is precisely because of this talent that the Big Dipper can make two powerful magical artifacts, the Big Dipper Palace and the Big Dipper!

Cut off division, cut off and kill, a special kind of spiritual ability, mostly appeared in the Buddhist gate, can cut off the thoughts, passions and desires, cut off the negative effects, and let people concentrate on their cultivation.

Broken Spirit Master. Even simpler. A talent for destroying souls, good at attacking souls. Good at soul attack.

These five talents, to say that what Nie Yun is most looking forward to is not the highest ranked cursed division, but the penultimate division!

Has the talent of annihilation division. You can cut off the negative emotions in your heart at any time and let yourself go all out. You can make great progress in both combat effectiveness and will!

"Break it all out! Derive talent!"

Grabbed the crystal ball in which these five talents were located.

Twenty-five special talent energies sprang straight out, and the Nie Yun spirit sensed and completed the five special talent attributes.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click!

The five beeps are crunchy, and the five Dantians in the body spin slowly and have been given attributes.

Nie Yun now has a total of 38 special talents in his body. Among the top 30, there are 15 as many as half of them!

There are fifty dantians in his body, 38 special talents, one master dantian and one soul spirit have been used and can no longer be attributed, which means that there are still ten dantians that can be attributed at will.

"Very good!"

I felt five more talents again, and Nie Yun felt relieved for a while.

His greatest reliance is on anonymity, and the most powerful ability of anonymity is to give special talents.

Most of these five special talents are related to the soul, even with a strange atmosphere that made him a little disliked, but suddenly there are so many talents, and there are three in the top thirty to give him overall strength There is progress again.

Especially the knowledge of treasures and weapons has reached a higher level.

I used to know a little bit about the Big Dipper. I only knew it was a Dongfu-like treasure and possessed the talent of a refining master. I found that if this treasure is really exerted, it will definitely increase his combat power again!

"The first palace gave me such a big surprise, see what the second one has!"

He gave Dan Tian attributes, and Nie Yun continued to walk towards the Temple of Heaven with every movement.

The first Tianshu Hall gave him such a big surprise, I really don't know what kind of treasure the second one can have.

He came to the front of the hall with a light stroke of his palm, and the outside formations broke open. Nie Yun lifted his feet and walked in.

The second palace is still empty, and if you look closely, there is only one small jade card suspended in the air.

玉 This jade card is in the shape of a pagoda, and the word "Master" is written on it. At first glance, you know that it is a specially refined baby. If you do not refine it, you will not see the specific level.

"This is an institution I created when I was bored in the spirit world, called the driving tower, I am the first owner!"

The sound of rumbling boomed.

"Organization created when bored?" Nie Yun was startled.

If this person is not the dipper king, Nie Yunfei thinks he is bragging.

Driving the tower to repair the tower, the largest force in the spiritual world, the true heritage, even more than ten major families, this huge organization was actually the organization he created when he was bored, this is too hit people!

However, imagination is also normal. In front of the Big Dipper, there is no so-called Shura, and naturally there is no need to drive the tower!

I just might not be able to think of the Big Dipper. After his death, Shura became a huge monster that everyone in the spirit world talked about, making him a boring drive tower that became stronger and stronger, and eventually developed into the situation it is today.

"This jade card was made by myself. [Tower Seal]! As long as it is thoroughly refined, it is the owner of the tower repairer, who is in charge of repairing the tower. Of course, if you want to thoroughly refine the tower seal, you must reach Jiupinjin. The level of the tattoo drive master cannot reach refining, which is the most basic requirement! "

Beidouxingjun slowly said.

"Reached the level of nine-grade gold texture? It's also very fierce ..."

I feel sorry for Nie Yun.

I am afraid that this level of demonstrator has the strength of Xianjun. Even if he cannot succeed in demonstrating Tata Master, he must have a very high status. At this time, he can be refined, and it is also to prevent people with weak strength from controlling the demolition in the past. Tower, cause dissatisfaction.

抓 Grasp the palm of your hand ~ www.readwn.com ~ and hold the tower's main seal in your palm, brush it gently, and suddenly feel a stream of air flowing towards your fingertips.

"I'm afraid the level of this tower's main seal is also a magical artifact ..."

I stunned in my heart.

His current strength has reached the peak of the real King Wonderland, and his combat power is comparable to the old monster that was immortalized by the immortal monarch. With such strength, he feels that the tower master is not simple. Maybe this thing, like the Beidou sword, is also a good creature. Device!

Of course, you cannot refine and determine the level, but at least one thing is explained. The Big Dipper is really terrible. For other fairy kings, he has several hard-to-find artifacts. He actually has several!

"Take it first, wait until you reach the level of the golden texture of Jiupin before trying to refine it!"

Now he is only a seven-pin driver, and the hard conditions are not enough. Nie Yun is not going to refining. Instead, he turns his wrists and collects them into Dantian.

He took the main seal of the tower, and Nie Yun continued to walk forward to the Temple of Heaven.

This is the third palace of the Big Dipper.

He also opened the seal and entered into it. As soon as he entered the hall, Nie Yun was shocked by the sight and his eyes were wide.

"This this……"

Heo Rao was so determined that he still couldn't speak for a long time.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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