Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1123: Buda Dantian Promotion (Part 2)

The tricks of the two players are colorful, none of them are repeated, each one is shocking and has super powerful power.

Xi Zhuxiu watched a move while thinking about the mystery, the two sides have fought dozens of moves, and each move is deeper than the one he thought about.

"Great ..."

There was a sigh of emotion in my heart, and at the same time a doubt was born.

Elder Wu Qiongya has lived for tens of thousands of years, even if it is terrible. This boy is eighteen or nineteen years old, how can he be so old and hotter than the old monster?

He is compared with his tricks. He used to think that his trick was as ridiculous as the Handan walk.

Is there such a freak in the world?

Not only was he surprised, even Elder Qiong Ya, who was fighting Nie Yun, was going crazy.

I do n’t know how many thousands of years she has lived. Even in the exorcist tower, she counts the old monsters, and she has many complicated martial arts. She is the first person under the exorcist tower!

She originally thought that the strength of the teenager in front of her was soaring, and she really had a shallow understanding of martial arts. As long as she used all her strengths, she would definitely be able to defeat it, but now she found out how naive and ridiculous his idea was.

If the other party has a shallow understanding of martial arts, then she is simply ignorant!

She changed hundreds of martial arts skills in succession, each with unique strengths and skills, but in front of the teenager, she did not take any advantage.

The opponent's tricks are as wide and endless as the sea. Each trick is amazing and makes people unexpected. It's as if he has learned the extreme skills of the tricks of the heavens and the world and can easily display them. Both can produce flowers with wonderful hands, and good sentences happen.

This situation is no longer human. It is God's existence.

Elder Wu Qiongya felt that if he continued to fight, he would definitely be poor and defeated by the other party!

"Stop! Today is the happiest day of my battle ..."

With both palms pushed, Elder Qiong Ya jumped out of the battle.

I will continue to fight, I will definitely lose ugliness, might as well stop, at least a tie.

"it is good!"

Seeing that she didn't want to continue, Nie Yun also stopped. With two hands, the whole person instantly enters a state of emptiness.


Suddenly a cricket rang, and suddenly the martial arts Dantian had undergone metamorphosis.

"The fourth form of martial arts?"

Dan Buda of Dabudao actually entered the fourth form when fighting against Elder Qiongya.


As soon as Xun entered the fourth form, Nie Yun felt a strong martial arts idea pouring into his mind, so that his entire soul and spirit were purified and promoted.

"It turns out that my Thunder Kyushu is not perfect, but I can use it like this ..."

"The Valkyrie fist created earlier has some problems ..."

"There are so many flaws in the great swordsmanship that breaks the sky ..."

Martial arts Dan Tian was promoted. The idea of ​​martial arts flowed into his mind, so that Nie Yun immediately realized that there were many problems in the previous tricks.


My heart moved, and the palm moved involuntarily, like a grinding disc, running constantly. Show tricks.

"Master Qiongya, he ..."

I saw Nie Yun's eyes closed slightly and fell into a special state. His hands kept dancing, like crazy. Zhu Xiu was stunned.

How is this going? Just now the battle was okay. You won't be fooled by Master Qiongya! Nuisance

"Genius. I didn't expect such a genius among our drivers ..."

Wu Qiongya ignored his words, but his eyes lighted, and his body trembled with excitement.

"Genius? Master Qiongya, what's going on?" Zhu Xiu didn't know why.

"This Nie Yun fought with me just now, and it seems to be comprehending. Now he is creating his own tricks. He can comprehend in the battle. Isn't this what genius is?"

Master Qiongya explained casually, Yizhu Zhuxiu "Let's go out first, don't disturb his inspiration!"

I finished talking and they went out.

Xie Nieyun did not know that the two had gone out, but now he did fall into a special state.

The martial arts master's talent was promoted, and the martial arts consciousness suddenly increased, allowing him to enter a realm of non-self.

Many tricks that have been cultivated in the past have come one after another, continually merging in my mind and gradually converging.


I don't know how long it took, Nie Yun opened his eyes, and sword blackness flickered in the dark eyes, as if he could break through the space at any time and kill the enemy invisible.


Nie Yun pointed and made a sword, and Nie Yun pointed forward.


An invisible sword with a devastating atmosphere suddenly blasted out suddenly, driving the seal on the wall of the tower in the middle, a roar of earth-shattering, the seal tearing a big opening.


When he saw his masterpiece, Nie Yun couldn't help his tongue.

This room is full of seals left by the immortal monarch. From the previous battle with Elder Qiongya, he can't tear it to see how strong it is.

此时 At this time, he was broken with one finger, which shows that the power of this finger has exceeded all his previous tricks.

"OK, OK!"

A joy in my heart.

"This should be a set of swordsmanship. I only create the first one at the moment, this trick is called ... a sword breaks the dust!"

In the martial arts derivation, this should be a set of swordsmanship, but with his current strength, he can only create the first move, Nie Yun immediately set a name for this move.

One sword breaks the dust!

"Now this trick is more powerful than the nine-day meteor finger, Thunder Kyushu, and the Great Sword Art. It's the biggest hole card ... but there are some shortcomings without a suitable long sword ... "

Nie Yun shook his head.

This trick is more powerful than all the tricks you used to practice before. Once it is displayed, I am afraid that no one will be afraid of anyone under Xianjun!

The only flaw is that this sword set does not have a suitable long sword.

Ordinary unparalleled fairyware, I am afraid it will be directly crushed before it is exhibited, and the more powerful long sword currently only has a Beidou sword.

Unfortunately, there is a seal left by the Big Dipper on this sword. Even with its current strength, it cannot be completely broken.

"I didn't expect to understand swordsmanship for another three days, so we must hurry back!"

I settled on the sword, and Nie Yun found that another three days had passed, and he had to hurry back. Otherwise, once three months had passed and he hadn't returned, even if he got the spirit of spirit, it would be against the agreement.

Out of the hall, Nie Yun found Elder Qiongya, and realized the soul-stealing spirit she had brought up, forming the soul-stealing dantian.

"This is the location of the headquarter of the drive tower. You must drive the tower in the future. With your current strength, you can already get the position of elder ..."

Before he left, Elder Qiongya gave Nie Yun a jade card.

"OK, I will definitely go!" Nie Yun nodded.

He drove to repair the tower, as a legacy left by the Big Dipper, he naturally returned, but not now, but after the refining of the tower's main seal.

Xu and Zhu Xiu said goodbye, and Nie Yun embarked on the road to return to Jiuxiao Nine Heavens.

During the time when she was repairing the tower, the Xue Jinger never appeared, and Nie Yun had to take the words of gratitude to heart.


"It's been almost two months now, I guess this kid can't finish it this time!" The Dugu family head, Dugufang, sat on the throne ~ www.readwn.com ~ and glanced out. The trail of the teenager said.

It has been nearly two months since Nie Yun left, and it has not appeared yet. In his opinion, I am afraid it is really difficult to complete the task this time.

"The soul teacher Yan Zhi's personality is lonely, and it is one of the old antiques that survived the ancient times. It has always been unfriendly, and it is strange to give him ten soul spirits!"

Yang Zhen's face was gaunt, and there was a mockery in his eyes.

"Yeah, this kid must have run into a wall this time, it's hard to say if he can come back!" Duanmu Xu also catered to this.

"It's difficult to ask the soul master for the spirit of the soul. The second thing about the Taiwan master, I think it's overdone ..." Xiao Yan sighed.

"Passed? What point has passed? This kind of person is better not to come back, die there and forget about it! A guy who doesn't know where to come out, actually wants to stop us from protecting the puppet world, it is really a death!"

Xi Huangfuqi then snorted sharply.

"It seems that the owner of the Huangfu family has a great opinion on me, but, sorry, I am back!"

As soon as Huang Huangqi's words fell, a wind sounded from the Jiuxiao Palace, and the young man suddenly appeared in front of everyone.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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