Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1124: Huang Fuqi kneels

"You ... aren't dead?"

"how can that be?"

I saw Nie Yun's smooth return without any trace on her body, and the top ten families were shocked at the same time.

It is difficult for them to ask Yan Zhi for ten soul spirits. They all know that being able to return alive is simply impossible in their eyes.

"It's nothing to come back safely, the sign of the completion of this thing is to take the spirit of ten souls, if you can't get everything, it's nothing!"

Xi Huangfu took a twitch of his face and hummed.

"Haha!" Ignoring his nonsense, Nie Yun stepped forward to the front of Chuangyu, "Taitai master, your second thing is to let me find the Soul Master within three months, and ask for ten souls." Angry, right! "

"Huh!" Chuangyu of the platform nodded.

"It's been less than two months now, this is the spirit of ten souls!"

Nie Yun pointed a finger, ten crystal **** appeared in front of everyone, each with a special gas that made the soul dizzy.

Everyone has eyesight, just glanced at it and all understood ... It is the unique spirit of the eighth soul master with special talents!

"How about, am I finished with the second thing?" Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Nie Yun held his hands behind his back, staring coldly at Yantai Chuangyu.

"These ten are indeed the spirit of the soul, the second thing can be counted as your completion!" Chuangyu of 澹 tai looks ugly. Although he does not want to admit it, he has no choice but to nod.

"Okay, please tell me the third thing. After I have completed it together, I hope you will return the moon in accordance with the agreement!"

Nie Yundao.

"Hum! Let's talk about it after you have completed the third thing!" Yantai Chuangyu waved his hand, took a deep breath, and coldly hummed: "I want you to do the third thing, go to Thunderfield on the other side, and will [ Thunder Orb] Fetch it! "

"Thunderfield on the other shore?" Nie Yun stunned.

他 He's never heard of this place, how to find it?

"Thunderland on the other side is an area in the chaotic ocean above the spirit world. The thunder and lightning are violent. Even if the immortal monarch is caught in it, it is difficult to survive ... otherwise you give up!"

He Xiao hesitated and persuaded.

After getting along, Nie Yun knew that the owner of the Xiao family had a kind heart and really did not want him to take the risk.

"Area in the Chaos Ocean?"

Yan Nie Yun had a cold on his back.

He is no longer a hairy guy who just came to the spirit world, knowing that these four words are terrible.

If you compare the spirit realm to a balloon, and the chaotic ocean is endless seawater, the spiritual realm is a closed boundary suspended in the seawater.

If you want to enter the ocean of chaos, you must first get out of the spirit realm!

Ordinary people, even Wang Xianqiang, will die as soon as they enter the ocean of chaos. Only when their strength reaches the level of immortal monarch can they walk through the chaos without any damage!

Of course, this is just walking in the air of ordinary chaos. There are still some places in the chaotic ocean that are extremely dangerous, even if the immortal enters, he will be dead!

I'm afraid this so-called minefield on the other shore is exactly this kind of place!

"Where exactly is Thunderfield on the other side?"

Qi Leng coldly glanced at Yantai Chuangyu. Nie Yun couldn't conceal the intention of killing in his heart. If it was not because he was the father of Yantai Lingyue, I'd be afraid to start!

"The other side of the thunder field is directly above the Lingshan Mountain of the Buddha's World. If you enter the Buddha world, the distance can be a lot closer!" Xiao Yan said with a sigh, when the young man insisted.

"The Buddha Mountain is directly above Lingshan? OK!" Remembering the address, Nie Yun nodded.

"It seems you agreed. Now I talk about time. The previous two things were three months, but depending on how you look, it won't be difficult for you. So, one month, one month, you can't go back. Come, even if it fails! "

Huantai Chuangyu said lightly.

"One month?" Nie Yun raised her eyebrows.

He already knows the geographical location of the Buddha world. It is farther than the monster world. It does not count into the ocean of chaos. It only takes more than a month to fly from here to the Buddha world and then fly back from the Buddha world! Such a request obviously obviously wants him to lose!

How abominable!

"Since you're looking for death, I'll do it for you!"

He took a step forward and Nie Yun punched out with a punch.

虽然 Although this guy is Lingtai Lingyue's father, he doesn't take this daughter as a thing at all. In this case, he doesn't need to respect him!

The punch that came banging with the anger full of Nie Yun, the violent and fierce power, like the ancient giant monster, came through the air, and the entire Jiuxiao Palace was shaking under the violent vigor.

"So big dog gall, do you really think I'm afraid of you? Heritage treasure, fusion!"

I seem to have known that Nie Yun would suddenly make a shot, Yantai Chuangyu sneered, his arms twitched, and a white light enveloped it.

I inherited the treasure in hand, and his temperament suddenly changed, like an invincible giant with a strong and indelible will and strength.

"Broken 诛 evil palm!"

With a violent scream, Yantai Chuangyu grasped the palm of his hand forward. With the inheritance of the treasure, he possessed a combat power comparable to that of Xianjun. When he shot the world and revolved, the flood-like air rushed straight.

"I thought that you had the strength of a fairy prince to cooperate with the treasures of inheritance. Now it seems that it is far from perfect! Let me lie down!"

When he saw the attack with the palm of his hand, Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

After thinking that the other party used the treasures of inheritance, he really has the immortal strength. Now that he has been promoted, he has battled with Elder Qiongya. He saw that the unique skill of Huantai Chuangyu suddenly understood that it was not the case at all!

With the heritage treasure, his current strength is at most the same as that of Elder Qiongya. It is a long way from the so-called Xianjun level and can only escape under the ordinary Xianjun.

I seem to say that with the strength of Xianjun, the top ten families are bragging for themselves!

Understand this, Nie Yun was willing to sympathize with a sneer, and the whole portrait changed instantly, and became a peerless sword.


One sword breaks the dust!

的 The trick he just created is displayed directly with his fingers.

Howl Hiss!

The sharp sword mang was like a thunderbolt that destroyed time and space, and collided with the smashed 掌 palm of Huantai Chuangyu.


Huantai Chuangyu's face turned red, and a severe pain in the chest, the whole person flew upside down instantly, and fell heavily to the ground.

Defeated in one stroke!

"Hmm, just dare to mad before me!"

Nian Yun felt the depression in her chest relaxed, and she turned her head to look at the owner of Huangfuqi. "The owner of Huangfuqi, as if you said last time, I can find ten souls." Furious, you are going to give me a gimmick. I'm sorry I succeeded. It's time for you to redeem your promise! "

He took a step forward, and Nie Yun carried a strong killing on him.

In order to take care of Lingtai Lingyue's emotions, he did not dare to kill Huangtai Chuangyu, but he did not have the slightest affection for this Huangfuqi.

"What are you doing? As my prince of the Huangfu clan, the supreme figure in the spiritual world represents the dignity and honor of the spiritual world. How dare you make me miss you?"

Xi Huangfu drew his skin, suddenly stood up, his face was pale.

As a patriarch of the top ten families, he has become so accustomed to it that it is impossible for him to scratch his head!

怎么 "What? You still want to repent?"

Nie Yun sneered.

"Hum, what are you, I'll give you a gimmick?" Huang Fuqi hummed coldly, secretly blending the family heritage treasure with the body.

看来 "It seems that you want me to kneel you down. In this case, I will complete you!"

Yunie Nieyun has made great strides, and has the confidence that he has just defeated Yantai Chuangyu. Where does he care about a Huangfu Qi, seeing him so shamelessly refusing to admit it, he leaps forward, his whole body rolls and shakes.

Since you don't admit it, I will hit you and admit it!


The palm of his hand yanked forward, the whole earth roared in an instant, the palace of Jiuxiao Palace was crumbling under the impact of violent force.

The strength behind Tan Nieyun rolled, and the violent vitality descended from the sky, as if the heavens and the earth were capsized.

He used the Ability Master's ability!

I don't have anything to hide from facing the top ten families. Since the other party said so, there is no need for him to show mercy.

"Rat, do you really think this is your crazy place? Dream!"

"You guys, you can't let this kid get in, or else the majesty of our top ten families!"

"This is your own death ..."

As soon as Nie Yun shot, before the power came to Huang Fuqi, several other homeowners roared. These people were led by Yang Zhen.

Last time, Yang Zhen did not have time to display the treasures of the inheritance, he was madly beaten, with endless hatred in his heart. At this time, I had the opportunity, how could I let it go.


The couple of masters cooperated with the treasures of inheritance, and the power was extraordinary. Just like directly opening the gate of hell, the cold current of the bitter cold came from the shock. If the strength was weak, it would feel cold and bitter, and it was better to die.

Even if the ordinary King of Wonderland comes to the front, I am afraid that they will be crushed into powder by the violent air pressure and have no resistance.

But I'm not ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun is not an ordinary king of fairyland, but the peak of king fairy!

The greater the pressure, the stronger the strength. The martial arts Dantian who reached the fourth form rolled endlessly, and the temperament of the whole person climbed up again. He was set off like a **** of destruction and as the king of Shura.

"Majesty, majesty is given by yourself, not by a few yells!"

With a loud roar, Nie Yun took a step forward, and three hundred times the combat power matched the fierce strength of the immortal force in the body, bursting out.


For a moment, several people's joint attacks broke at the same time, a series of vomiting blood sounded, Yang Zhen and others flew out at the same time and fell heavily to the ground.

虽然 Although their joint power is not weak, it is not a little bit worse than Nie Yun who is working at full power!

"I said, you will let you fulfill your promise, kneel!"

With one punch, many homeowners were blown away, and Nie Yun moved forward again, just like a humanoid monster with double eyebrows.

扑哧! Flutter!

The magnificent sword spirit pierced Huang Fuqi's knee directly.


One of the ten most prominent family members in the family, one of the most supreme figures in the spiritual world, knelt straight on the ground and lost his dignity. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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