Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1125: Lingshan

"Well, who else is bothering me?"

Xun Yi repelled several homeowners to join forces, forcing Huang Fuqi to kneel. Nie Yun stood with his hands on his back and stood proudly in Jiuxiao Palace, looking around for a week, like the undefeated demon king.


I looked at the scene in front of me, everyone was dumb, no one dared to say a nonsense anymore.

The kid in front of him is so fierce that he is not human!

Xun Shi displayed the treasures of his inheritance, and even teamed up was not an enemy. How did he do it?

I want to know that when he first came to Jiuxiao Palace more than three months ago, even the most ordinary Wangxianjing strongman was not an opponent. In just three months, he actually reached this level ...

Everyone thought that they couldn't help focusing their eyes on Chuangyu, Yantai.

到底 Does this guy give you the task of killing him or training him?

It seems that the strength will increase a lot every time you return to the task. You wo n’t let it go ...

It was normal for everyone to have such doubts. The teenager in front of him was too perverted, even to the point where they were unimaginable.

I was looked at by everyone like this, but I didn't understand why Chuangyu Chuangyu felt more uncomfortable than eating a dead rat.

的 The three things he gave are indeed the hardest. Don't say that others have done it in the past, I am afraid that he didn't know how to die, and this kid not only completed perfectly, but also soared in strength. What happened?

"I will be back within a month! I also hope you can fulfill your promises, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face!"

Seeing that no one was talking, the bad breath in his heart was vented, and Nie Yun flew straight out.

say something. He was very angry about the three incidents of Yantai Chuangyu. If he changed a person, he would definitely not endure such martyrdom. If it was not for girls, he would never agree!

I can't let out the anger in my heart, so I must pack up these self-righteous guys!

十 What are the top ten families? Maybe I still felt unattainable, but now ... you are nothing!

"Brother Nie stay!"

As soon as she left Jiuxiao Palace, she heard a shout, and turned around to see a young man striding over.

"Brother Xiao. Why are you? You haven't returned to the family?"

Xiao Caijun competition should be over, all the younger generations from other families have gone back, why Xiao Ran is still there.

"I haven't left. I just received a message from my father and learned about you. I came here to find you!"

Xiao Xiao Ran laughed in unison.

"Thank you Xiao Xiao for taking care of me!"

Hearing that he hadn't left, he could immediately receive a message from Xiao Huan. I know it must be Xiao Yan who made arrangements in advance. A warm heart.

The ten masters have a good relationship with him, and they are also very good to him, only this Xiao master.

"Father told me that you need to go to the Buddhist world in the shortest time. I just know a passage that can take you there, at least in half the time!"

Xiao Xiaoran said.

"Oh? Is there such a passage? Good. You take me there!"

Yan Nieyun's eyes lit up immediately.

I responded before because I knew they could not change it, and I was worried about how to get to the Buddhist world quickly. When I heard the good news, I was ecstatic.

"Hmm! Let's go!"

Xiao Ran nodded.

The previous strength was low. I don't know Xiao Ran's true strength. At this time, he had a high vision and immediately saw clearly.

It turns out that Xiao Ran was an early strong in Wang Xian's realm. No wonder he could easily kill Ye Wushuura at the beginning!


The two were good friends. They had known each other for a long time. There was not much nonsense. Xiao Ran led the way and flew straight in the direction.

"Xiao Xiao, why don't you go to my cave house first and give you the celestial eyesight to observe, and you will be able to send a message to me at the place!"

I flew for a while, Nie Yun couldn't help it.

"it is good!"

Xiao Ran knew that the other party thought he was too slow and would delay a lot of time. At this time, he did not care about these things, and nodded in agreement.


I took him into the Xinggong Palace, Nie Yun recognized the direction, the wings of the Phoenix shook, and flew to the front!

His full speed is much faster than with Xiao Ran just now, the teleportation is generally straight forward.

Not only is it fast, you do n’t need to take a break to have the vitality Dantian. It used to take a week to go, and it took less than two days to fly to the end.

"This is the passage, as long as you pass through, you can directly reach the Buddhist world!"

Two days later, the two stopped in the middle of a mountain forest, and Xiao Ran pointed to an enchantment channel.

"This enchantment channel ... seems to lead to the demon world!"

I glanced at it, and Nie Yun couldn't help it.

虽然 Although the enchantment channel in front of him has passed from the future, but at a glance, the magical energy is revealed from time to time. It should be a channel to the demon world. How can it enter the Buddhist world?

It seems that the distance between the Buddhist world and the demon world is not close.

"This is the channel to the demon world, and it is also the path to the Buddha world! Buddhas and demons can be turned into ten evil spirits in one mind, let alone a small channel!"

Xiao Ran introduced.

嗯 "Huh? The enchantment channel shared by the Buddha and the Devil?" Nie Yun froze.

The six heavenly and earthly paths are related to each other, and some passages are commonly used by the two realms. Such passages often become two in the deep, together with the two worlds.

"It's not a shared channel, but a law of heaven. This channel, as long as you have kindness and want to save your life, you can enter the realm of Buddhism. If you only want to kill, you can only enter the realm of the devil. Many people think that it is the channel to the demon world, and it is impossible to imagine that they can still enter the Buddhist world! "

Xiao Xiao Ran laughed.

"There is still such a magical place, this is the first time I know!"

Nie Yun did not expect that nature is so amazing, and there is such a place, and laughed.

"This place is magical, but people ’s desire is the most difficult to control. There are alluring elements in the passage. As long as the idea is not firm, they will fall directly into the demon world. The reason why I know and enter the Buddhist world is because of drinking. Drunk, resist the temptation, succeeded unintentionally! "

Xiao Ran looked at the passage in front of her and smiled bitterly.

Stubborn desires are the hardest to control. Even those who are more determined will be imaginative and confused with the inducement of external factors.

"This is simple. Desire desire!"

It is very difficult for others to break the desire, but it is not the same for him. As soon as the soul moves and the teacher ’s talents run, he will completely kill the desire in his heart.

With a palm move, a piece of annihilation is passed.

"The talent of the annihilation master? Haha, brother Nie need not be afraid if he has such a talent. Even I can guarantee a smooth entry into the Buddhist world!"

Taking over the slaying air, Xiao Ran immediately understood in her body, her excited eyes glowed.

He never dreamed that this young boy was still an annihilator!

I tell the truth since I know. The boy was so surprised to him that even more were a little numb.

"Let's go!"

With the support of the annihilation division, the two no longer feared, and entered the enchantment channel in front of them.

Yi entered it. Nie Yun found the weirdness.

This is not the same as the previous channel. It is full of all kinds of illusions that make people fall into a trance. The illusions are extremely real. Even if they are determined, they may not be able to bear the temptation.

Fortunately, both of them cut off their desire, and once they found the problem, they immediately cut off their negative emotions and did not encounter any danger along the way.

I soon crossed the entire passage, and a huge world appeared before me.

Buddha world!

The Buddhist world is the most mysterious of the six heavens and earth. Many people know that they can't come at all.

He is like Nie Yun, although he has practiced the supreme practice of Buddhism in his body. In fact, even a Buddhist monk has never seen it, and the only one he saw was a puppet.

"Buddhism is very repellent to strangers. I have practiced some Buddhist techniques, and I can mix them up with each other. Brother Nie, I would like to teach you this ..."

Xiao Ran has been to the Buddhist world before, and he knows the rules of the world very well.

"Buddhist exercises? No need!"

Nie Yun chuckled, his body changed, his temperament changed instantly, his body flickered, and every movement of Brahman chanted. If you don't know his original identity, you really think he is a peerless monk.

"This ... you will also know the Buddhist practice ..."

Xiao Ran was crazy.

He thought that he had practiced Buddhism, which was hard to come by. Compared with the boy in front of him, he realized that his practice was nothing!

This is the real Buddhist monk!

"Should we fly straight up or get closer to Lingshan?"

He disguised as a monk, Nie Yun asked.

Although the scope of the Buddhist realm is not as large as those of the spiritual realm and the demon realm, it is not small. The specific location of the minefield on the other side is not clear to Nie Yun.

Although Xiao Yan seems to have said that Lingshan is closer to Leiyu on the other side in Jiuxiao Palace, he still wants to hear Xiao Ran's opinions.

"Go to Lingshan, directly above Lingshan is Thunderfield on the other side. If you want to get the Pearl of Thunder, you can only go there!" Xiao Ran nodded.

"Huh!" After hearing his opinion, Nie Yun didn't ask much more.

"Lingshan is the place where the Buddha of the spirit world lives ~ www.readwn.com ~ Every ten years, I will teach the monks on the mountain to explain the confusion. Because of this, countless strong people have come to worship. After a long time, that place becomes The center of the entire Buddhist world is very prosperous! "

Xiao Ran explained: "Last time I came to the Buddhist world, I went there once and stayed there for half a year, and almost killed me alive!"

"Dying?" Nie Yun froze.

"People in the Buddhist world don't drink, and without good wine, do you say I'm uncomfortable?"

Xiao Xiaoran smiled.

"Haha, people in the Buddhist world pay attention to abstaining from their seven emotions and six desires, and they are the first to abstain from drinking. It is not easy for you to endure the first half without drinking ..."

When he heard his story, Nie Yun couldn't help but laughed.

虽然 Although he hasn't had much contact with Nie Yun, he knows him very well. There is a full drunkard, so that such a person does not drink for half a year.

Don't talk about him, even if you don't drink for six months, I'm afraid I can't hold it!

The two said as they walked, the area of ​​the Buddhist world was not very large. After walking for three days, they saw a towering mountain appear in front of them.

Alpine light flashes, with a strong Zen sound, people can't help worshiping at a glance.

Here comes Lingling Mountain!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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