Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1127: Nymph top flower

The sharp knife Huo Huo over the Jiuxiao Palace, Nie Yun's side has reached Lingshan.

It is indeed the place where the Buddha is located. Before coming to the place, people will be filled with piety and fear.

"Lingshan, let's not pass, I see flying straight up to find a way to enter the chaotic ocean!"

Nie Yundao.

The fact that the Buddhist world can be so mysterious indicates that it is extremely powerful, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will not be any trouble when entering it. It is better to go straight to the goal.

"Good!" Xiao Ran nodded.

Nie Yunma is the first to come here this time, he is only responsible for leading the way.

"Let's go!"

I whispered, Nie Yun and Xiao Ran flew straight up.

The sky above the realm of the Buddha is no different from that of the spiritual realm. Flying to a certain extent, there will be raging gale winds, making it difficult for people to walk.

"You advanced Dongfu!"

Seeing that Xiao Ran's flight upwards became more and more unsustainable, Nie Yundao.

"Well, you have to be careful!" Xiao Ran told, Xiao Ran knew that his strength was limited and no longer forced to enter the Big Dipper.

He took him into the Xinggong Palace, and Nie Yun no longer had any worries. As soon as his body moved, a special turtle pattern appeared on his surface.

Defensive Talent!

The defense talent has not been used for a long time. With the improvement of strength, at this time it is running, and the defense is full. Although the surrounding space storm is severe, it has no effect on him.

"Amitabha! Friends in front please stay away!"

As he was about to move forward quickly, suddenly a yellow bell and a loud voice sounded, and then two middle-aged men in monk robes flew over.

"What's the matter!" Nie Yun now disguised as a monk, his body is full of light. Facing the sudden increase of monks, though strange, they were not panicked and folded their hands. Stopped.

"Looking for the Lord of Sparse Buddhism, this is Lord of Lord Jin Xiao, this friend is very face to face, I have never seen it before!"

When a monk came over, he looked at Nie Yun in doubt.

The Lord Buddha is the title of the Buddhist world. The Buddha world is divided into many titles such as Buddha, Bodhisattva, His Holiness, and Arhat.

虽然 Although such people have not been promoted to Xianjun. But the real strength is far beyond the peak of Wang Wonderland, which can be called a half-step fairy king!

At the moment the two Lord Buddhas appeared, Nie Yun felt a bit of luck.

"The Lord of the Buddha in Xiachixiao. Has been a retreat and rarely listens to the Buddha's teachings to explain the confusion. Maybe the two do not know me well!"

Nie Yun thought about the pseudonym and reason, and said slowly.

When He said to the Buddha. He is religious. The regret that ca n’t be heard often on the face and the confusion of the sutras, and the expression is so beautiful, even if the Buddha comes, I am afraid that there is nothing wrong with it.

"It turned out to be the Lord of the Xiaoxiao Buddha! Jiu Yang Jiu Yang!"

When I heard this, Nie Yun was speechless.

I have just gotten a name for the Lord of the Xiaoxiao Buddha and have never come out.

The monks said that Buddhist monks were kind and honest. I did not expect that speaking was so unreliable.

"Looking at the hurried appearance of the Lord of the Xiaoxiao Buddha, I should also know the news of the blooming of the [Top spinning on the other side of the flower]. Think about looking for opportunities in the past. In this case, we might as well go forward together and take care of each other!"

Lord Jin Xiaofo also took a step forward and said with a smile. The two of them moved forward at the same time. They surrounded Nie Yun in the center one by one and left. It sounded like they were walking together, but looking at their movements, there was something to Nie Yun. Great fear and defense.

"So good!"

Xie Nieyun was calm and unhurried.

What the other person said in his mouth was never heard of the gyro, the other side flower, but this time is not the time to ask, can only pretend to be silly, to see what the other party's purpose.

After all, this is the Buddhist gate site. One or two Lord Buddhas are not a concern. In the event of the emergence of a superior person at the Buddha level, it will be troublesome.

"Looking for the Lord of Buddhism is the seventh disciple of the Great Compassion of the Northern Celestial Reality, and my Lord Jin Xiao Buddha is the fifth disciple of the Great Compassion Tian Buddha of the Western Celestial Realm! Lord Chixiao, see if your body is not weak, with The strong Vajrayana method does not need to be concealed, it should be the gatekeeper of the Sakyamuni Buddha in the heavens! "

He surrounded Nie Yun, Lord Jin Xiaofo no more politeness before, and hummed quietly.

"This ..." Nie Yun's face was embarrassed.

Inside the Buddhist realm, it is divided into five areas, named after east, south, west, north, and middle. Among them, the Sakyamuni Buddha in Zhongtian Realm is the most powerful, occupying Lingshan, and is known as the ancestor of the Buddhas! Each of the other southeast, northwest, and northwestern areas has four ancient Buddhas. These four ancient Buddhas all have the power of immortal monarchy, and each of them has many disciples.

When Nie Yun came, he listened to Xiao Ran's detailed introduction. He knew it very well, but he did not expect that the other party would ask directly, and his voice was not good. I am afraid that the disciples in the five major regions are not as harmonious as imagined.

"You don't need to deny that in the five areas of Buddhism, only the celestial spheres practice the King Kong practice and refine the flesh. Your flesh carries treasure, such as a tower-like mountain. Obviously, you have already entered the level of floating slaughter. The unnamed generation, who is it? Let's just talk. Everyone wants to read the top flower of the gyro and impact the chance to achieve the Buddha. If you don't admit it, don't blame us!

Master Zhu Shushu's face sank and his eyes flickered.

"Let ’s all be Buddhists. Buddhas are very compassionate. Two such menacing acts are against the teachings of the Buddha!"

Xie Nieyun did not expect that the two Lord Buddhas spoke so directly, that they had even reached the explicit content, and their hearts sank.

At the same time, I wondered, what is the other flower that reads the top? It actually gives people a chance to impact the Buddha, which is too bad!

The Buddha is the monk ’s title of the immortal monarch. The difference between Wangxian and the immortal monarch cannot be remedied, not one or two treasures. It is obvious that these two people are afraid of themselves. Afraid to **** this so-called gyro flower on the other side, is this strange flower really a chance for the Lord Buddha to be promoted?

I really want this kind of baby, but I can't let it go!

And, is the other bank flower related to the other bank Thunderfield?

Bu Men pays attention to the endless suffering of the sea, turning back to the shore. If you want to achieve the avenue, you must bravely go to the other side of your heart. It seems that this other side of the thunderland appears in the Buddhist world, involving some special Buddhism.

"Compassion for the whole world? I do n’t know that the whole Buddha world has n’t seen a new Buddha for many thousands of years. The other side of the flower is the only opportunity. Since we all wo n’t let it go, why bother to behave here. , Disqualified, you must not touch the other flower! "

The light flickered in the eyes of Master Zhu Shushu, humming.

"I agree to find the Lord of Sparse Buddha, Lord of the Qixiao Buddha, for the test, you should not refuse it!"

Chan Jin Xiaofo hummed.

呃 "Uh ... now that the two Lord Buddhas have this request, I don't think the two will try it out first. I won't be here next, leave!"

Although these two Lord Buddhas are not scared in his eyes, but here is over the Lingshan, it is hard to guarantee that without the immortal monarch watching, it is better not to fight.

Nie Yun snorted softly, his feet suddenly accelerated, his cloak turned into a white line, and flew straight upwards.

"Where to go!"

The two Lord Buddhas didn't expect this guy to be so immoral. They turned and fled, yelling loudly.

The master Jin Xiaofo grabbed a large hand, and a violent force bombarded it instantly, and a huge palm print appeared in the sky.

掌 This palm print traverses hundreds of kilometers and covers the sky. As soon as the air around it appears sticky, the wind is chaotic and the formation of the sky seems to be torn off, with endless power.

"Bodhi Fist!"

Jin Xiaofo took the initiative, and did not stop looking for the Lord of Shu Shu, his eyes glared, and the huge palms gathered into fists, roaring.

His boxing skills are even better than the master Jin Xiaofo just now. I am afraid that the real fighting power is far beyond the original King of the Golden Body.

"These two guys have a very hot mind ..."

When he saw the other party's disagreement, he gave such a hard hand, and Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

In his impression, Buddhism was compassionate, and he was extremely disgusted with killing. Even if he was fighting for treasure, he should deal with it harmoniously.

No wonder Xiao Ran said that thinking of becoming a Buddha, thinking of becoming a demon.

Buddha and demon are often only in one thought, sometimes the most terrible demon is better than Buddhist monks, but some powerful Buddhas are even more terrible than the devil!

"Big Mercy and Great Compassion Do Not Move the Ming Boxing!"

Tan Nieyun's other camouflages, such as the buddha's disguise, and the practice of spiritual rhinoceros, could not be performed.


The strength of the three masters raged in the air like a wild stream, making some of the violent air flow more chaotic. They were shocked by the violent force of the two. The whole body suddenly felt a bit unable to be lifted, knowing that these two guys were too strong. If you rely on the Buddhist practice alone, I'm afraid it's hard to kill. Immediately I'm not entangled, use the fist power of the other side ~ www.readwn.com ~ to rush straight forward.

"Where to escape!"

Master Zhuo Shu Bu did not expect the other party to be so fast. Yan Ru is a gong, and the pace under his feet is fast and he is chasing after him.

"Stop it for me!" Lord Jin Xiaofo also kept up and followed him.

主 The two masters of the Buddhism and the King of the Immortal Realm rushed forward at the same time, the air flow was turbulent, and the surrounding stars fell down one by one. Under the crazy air flow, they lost their luster.

"Everyone is in the same vein as the Buddha's door. It is against the teachings of the ancestors to kill you like this!" Nie Yun shouted as he walked.

"You are so panicked that you dare not report your real name, it must have been disguised by someone in the demon world, and today I will drop the demon and kill the demon!"

Seek the Lord of Buddhism Ling Ran.

不错 "Yes, you must be disguised by the big devil. Today we two beheaded you to kill the demon. In order to clean the Buddha's door, I don't think you should run away, just obey it!"

Master Jin Xiaofo also roared loudly, with a determined attitude, as if Nie Yun in front of him was really an evil demon and must be killed.

The monks of the two great Buddhist monks actually put Nie Yun on the hat of a demon head at the same time. For their own selfish desires, nonsense and hypocrisy were outrageous.

He is totally incompatible with the legendary Buddhist teachings.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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