Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1128: Feign death

"It seems that where there are rights and interests, there is fighting, and Buddhism cannot be avoided ..."

Nie Yun shook her head when she heard the big hat she had buckled down.

To be honest, the effect brought by the benefits is too serious. Although I don't know anything about the so-called gyros, the eyes of these two Buddhas have become the biggest competitors and must be killed!

I even added the hat of the big devil.

The wealth of money is moving, and the death of man-made fortune is the cause of death. It is indeed an unbreakable truth between heaven and earth, even the Buddhist monks who have an iron heart can not refuse.

"I can't kill these two ..."

想法 This idea flickered in my heart, and suddenly I remembered that my eyes were bright, and I just wanted to stop the action of killing the two Lord Buddhas.

"I can fight with you, but you can't insult my faith. Since I practiced, the Lord Xiaoxiao has been loyal to the Buddha and has no heart. You framed me into a demon, what is your heart!"

When I thought of this, Nie Yun was not running away, but suddenly stopped, his hands were righteous, his face was very angry.

"Hey, want to compete with us? Well, we two compare with you!"

In the cold laughter of Master Zhu Shu and the cold laughter of Lord Jin Xiaofo, Nie Yun was surrounded in the center, and the two left and right, blocking all the surrounding space and time.

In order to reach their level, Xiu Xiu can roll up the storm at any time, and the power is beyond imagination. Every move brings heaven and earth to justice, blocks all retreats, and makes Nie Yun unable to escape.

"Do you want to work together against me? Everyone is Lord Buddha, don't you even lose your dignity?"

Nie Yun said angrily.

"Dignity? Kill you. No one knows this, we are still the Lord Buddha!"

"Just obediently die. Rest assured, what you haven't done, I will do it for you, go with peace of mind!"

The two major Buddha masters, Mi Mishu and Jin Xiao, sneered at the same time, and never concealed their thoughts. In the words, they shot fiercely.

Both of them are far more powerful than the King of Gold, and the air around the shot is like a thick paste. Coming towards the middle.

The heaven and earth are like curtains, covering the stars.

"Drive me!"

Nie Yun's face was grim and his palms were torn outward. Unfortunately, the two attacked the copper wall and iron wall in general and could not be cracked at all. Even if his strength was doubled, there was no way.

"Sorry. Blame your greed if you want to blame, and want to get your finger on the other side of the top!"

"Tell you, this thing has been booked, you still die!"

The two Lord Buddhas saw that the other side was backlogged in the middle, and there was no possibility of escape, and they did not hide their thoughts. With sneer and sneer, the power of the palm squeezed down madly.

"Ah ... I can't stand it!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun, who was squeezed by the two, made a scream, like a cuckoo, followed by a loud bang. The whole person instantly exploded into powder, and it looked like he couldn't die anymore.

"Why is this guy so poor. Nothing left!"

"It may be that the explosion just shattered some things. Let's get rid of this hidden danger!"

I killed Nie Yun, and the two looked around. They found that there was nothing but horrible minced meat in the air, and they could not help but lose hope.

They thought that if they killed such a powerful Lord, how could they get some treasures. Now it seems that this Lord is too poor, there is no decent treasure at all.

In this way, he may really be a hermit. If it is not the case, there should be a few excellent spiritual soldiers ...


After searching for a while, it was not that the baby was found. The two Lord Buddhas looked at each other and continued to fly upward.


In the case where none of them noticed, a tiny particle of dust stuck on the monk's robe of the Lord of Sovereignty unconsciously.

Of course, Nie Yun will not die. He has an undead body and can recover instantly even if it is fried into meat.

He has this ability. The two Lord Buddhas did n’t know. So, just now they pretended not to be able to bear it, and they were blasted into powder. When they did n’t pay attention, they turned the Xinggong into dust and adhered to the Lord Buddha On clothes.

In the eyes of Mishu, as long as they are not crushed by the immortal and strong, they will surely die, so that neither of them doubts.

聂 For Nie Yun, since these two guys can follow behind and quietly shoot for the so-called gyro flower, it is much safer than the past alone!


The two Lord Buddhas didn't realize that they had been counted, and the two monks danced and flew up with the whistling power.

"There are a lot of good things on these two guys ... there are dozens of unique Buddhist artifacts ..."

Lying in the Xinggong, Nie Yunshen stole the talents of the eyes and looked at all the treasures on them.

两位 The two Lord Buddhas are very wealthy. Although they are a lot worse than themselves, they are the richest of the strongest who have ever seen before.

嗯 "Huh? Cheats for Bodhi Fist?"

Suddenly, Nie Yun saw something in his eyes. With a stroke in his palm, a special urn appeared on his palm.

袈裟 This 袈裟 is not such a precious magic weapon, and the martial arts recorded above are very rare.

It is the Bodhi fist that the Lord of Sovereign Buddha just cast!

Although the martial arts skills of the Bodhi's fist are incomparable with the sword he created, it has reached the level of the nine-day meteor finger, and it is exerted with all its strength. It is one of the extremely superior martial arts skills.

Although Nie Yun's strength is strong now, the Buddhist martial arts skills are poor. There is only one boxing with great mercy and compassion. This kind of strength is far from enough.

"Like a linden tree, and a heart like a mirror ..."

The opening of the Bodhi Fist is a piece of Zen theory.

"It really is not a weak boxing, martial arts talents run, practice!"

I looked at the whole set of boxing techniques, and Nie Yun's martial arts qi turned in his body, and he immediately practiced it to the point where he achieved great success.

This level of boxing, even if the strength reaches the position of Lord Buddha. It takes a lot of trouble to be successful. Take the case of looking for the Lord of Buddhism. At the beginning, he spent 137 years practicing this set of boxing and exhausted all his sufferings. If he was given the knowledge that the young boy in front of him was useless, he would develop the boxing to Dacheng. Level, I'm afraid I have the heart to die.

The martial arts talent, the top ten special talents, is naturally extraordinary.

"Prajo God Fist ... Practice it!"

I practiced the Bodhi fist. Nie Yun looked around Dan Tian, ​​the master of Jin Xiaofo, and his eyes fell on a Prajna fist.

相 The power of this set of boxing is almost the same as that of Bodhi's Boxing. They are all extremely superb skills of Buddha.

Two sets of boxing skills were quickly practiced. As for the other things in the two, Nie Yun did not move.

Although he possesses the talent of stealing the heavenly master, stealing the things of the two without knowing it, it is better to be careful in case they want to use things. If you find it missing, you will have some doubts. Anyway, these things will be yours sooner or later. It is not necessary to start so early.

He did not take much time to practice the two sets of Buddhist martial arts. At this time, the two masters, Mishu and Jin Xiao, had fled from the Buddhist world and reached the endless chaos.

六 The six heavens and the earth all stand in a sea of ​​chaos. The atmosphere of chaos is gray, with a strong corrosive ability, and it seems that everything entering it will be thoroughly refined.


The Shushu Luo people raised their hands and threw a rare fairy.


After a short while, this extremely sharp and immortal artifact turned into a chaotic atmosphere, completely integrated into it.

Chaos is the same as aqua regia. As long as the strength does not reach the immortal realm, anything enters it. Will melt and become part of chaos.

"Why do we go there?" Seeing that the unique spirit soldiers were all melted, looking for the Lord Buddha to look dignified.

"Rest assured, my master has said that he will take the shot himself and open up a channel in the chaos. At that time, we can go along the channel and get the gyros on the other side!"

Master Jin Xiaofo shook his hand, with strong confidence on his face.

"Haha, I didn't expect both of you to come, but I'm sorry, we have already booked the gyro and the other side flowers, so don't think about it ..."

As soon as Jin Jinxiao's words fell, a loud laugh broke out in the air, and then a huge lotus fell down, slowly blooming, exposing a slightly fat monk with a good face and a good figure.

The monk wore a huge rosary on his neck, folded his hands together, held it on his chest, and looked at his face, which was indescribable.

"He Yan Buddha Lord? Do you also want to touch the other side of the top?"

When Seeing the Lord Shu Shu saw this person, his face sank immediately.

It seems that this and Yan Fozhu possess extremely strong strength, which makes him both jealous.

Wu Dongtianjie and Lord Yanfo are well-known figures. The strong ones counted under Xianjun are not only in the Buddhist world, but also in the heavens and the earth, they are regarded as one of the top figures.

"Not only him, how can I miss such a good thing!"


There was a turbulent air, and another figure came over.

He is a master monk with big eyes and a strong aura in his movement. The Southern Heaven Realm shakes the Lord Buddha!

"Do you also plan to **** the flowers from the other side?"

Seeing that there are suddenly two more powerful men who are not weaker than them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jin Xiaofo's face also becomes difficult to look at.

I just solved one, and two more emerged. If these two people join forces, they will never be rivals!

"People who have the chance to read the top of the flower, get it, and it's not just the two of you who want to advance to the Buddha. At that time, who can get the recognition of the flower of the other side, relying on the true skill, do you really think that this thing has been imprisoned by you two?"

He said with a smile.


When He heard his naked words, Lord Jin Xiaofo hummed.

"Everyone who sees has a part, everyone belongs to the Buddhism school, you must not hurt your peace ..."

Seeing that the atmosphere on both sides was a little stiff, he smiled and interjected with Lord Buddha.

"Yes, everyone has a share. This kind of good thing cannot be taken away by your Buddhist monks. We also want to take advantage of it.

Suddenly, there was a crack in the sky, and a crack appeared, and several more people came over.

Come here!

Ps: Thanks to book friends [Pin Fan] for rewarding 50,000 yuan, today four more.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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