Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1129: Chaos Ocean

Nie Yun quietly looked at them. The few from Confucianism were also half-step immortal monarchs. Their looks looked like Confucian scholars, respectful and courteous. In fact, their eyes flashed with fortitude. Flowers on the other side are bound to be obtained.

东西 This thing has the hope that people can be promoted to Xianjun, attracting countless half-steps.

"Duan Xiaosheng? This is the pure land of Buddhism, what do you do for Confucianism?"

I saw that Rumen suddenly came, and his face changed at the same time as Yan Fozhu and others, and his brows were locked one by one.

No matter how fighting, the door is closed to the Buddha's children, and suddenly these people are already in another realm, they ran to the Buddhist realm to **** the baby, it seems that it is a bit out of bounds.

"The Buddha ’s door is not fake. Did n’t you just say that the Lord of the Buddha just said it? The person who reads the gyro on the other side gets it, although this thing is derived from the chaotic ocean over your Buddhist world, it ’s not something of your Buddhist world. Why? Don't let us come over? "

The Confucian student named Duan Xiaosheng said with a smile, his words were aggressive, but he could not hear any intimidation. Instead, he gave people a sense of knowledge and courtesy, which made people's words involuntarily convinced.

Confucianism is good at verbal warfare, and his grasp of language is far beyond that of ordinary races. Duan Xiaosheng is one of the pinnacle figures, leaving a few Buddha lords to say nothing.

"No need to talk nonsense here, if you want to take the other shore flower, beat me first!"

Zhu Mizhu Buddhism did not want to talk nonsense, hummed a word and walked forward.

His body itself is not too tall. At this time, he came forward violently, and his whole body shot vigorously, making people feel that no matter their body shape or appearance, they are quite tall.

"Want to fight with me? Yes, I'd love to be with you!"

Duan Xiaosheng smiled, still with a sense of elegance, and came over.

虽然 Although he did not exaggerate his breath, he was just like a glass of water, calm and calm, and it was freezing cold.

"Let's make a mystery here. I would like to see how strong the first person is under the so-called Confucian monarch!"


Seeking the power of the Master Shu Shu roaring, he attacked Duan Xiaosheng in the past.

As soon as he took his shot, he performed a special trick, the bodhi fist, layer upon layer, and transformed into a bodhi tree. A huge crown traverses the entire space and suppresses the heavens.

"Dayi Spring and Autumn!"

Seeing his trick, Duan Xiaosheng didn't panic, but chuckled, walked forward, grabbed his palm forward, and a thick force burst into the air, destroying ancient and modern.

Dayi Chunqiu, the best martial arts of Confucianism, the time of the shot seems to be controlled, spring and autumn are chaotic, and time is rampant.

看看 "Look what baby this Duan Xiaosheng has ..."

The two masters fought together. Nie Yun was in the star palace and had nothing to do. When he looked up, he saw Duan Xiaosheng's palm stretch out, and his heart moved.

In order to prevent suspicion, I can't steal things from Shu Shura, but this Duan Xiaosheng's things can be stolen!

In the eyes of Xun's eyes, the light of the stolen air flashed, and immediately let him see clearly what was stored in the opponent's Tandan.

"Deserves to be the first master under the Confucian Immortal King, the baby actually has more than finding Shu Shura, there is actually a treasure similar to the black dragon order ..."

I looked around, and Nie Yun found that in Duan Xiaosheng's Dantian, there were not only dozens of exquisite fairy wares, but also a dark trench coat. I looked at it for a while and recognized it.

风 This windbreaker is definitely comparable to the black dragon order level baby, although it has not reached the level of the natural fairy, but it is not much different.

"Can this seal allow him to travel through the chaos without harm?"

Suddenly, an idea came to Nie Yun's heart.

Buddhist disciples were led into the ocean of chaos by masters of Buddhist gates. What about Confucian disciples?

No matter what, here is the world of Buddhism. Even if the Confucian monarch is too strong, he will not intervene. The competition under the monarch is at most just to discipline his children. Once the monarch takes the shot, the nature will be completely different. Can cause fighting in two realms.

If so, how did Duan Xiaosheng and others enter the ocean of chaos and take out the other flowers of the gyro?

Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, they have magic weapons that can lead them into the ocean of chaos without being assimilated by the atmosphere of chaos!

I figured this out, Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and he didn't hesitate, and grasped the palm lightly.

Duan Xiaosheng, who was in the midst of the battle, didn't even notice that the cloak in Dandan had already fallen into Nie Yun's palm.

The **** of stealing talent has been promoted to stealing talent, even the laws of heaven and earth can steal, stealing one or two things, extremely simple.


I stole this cloak, and Nie Yun was too lazy to do research. As soon as his spirit moved, he planned to refine it.

Rather than studying what the other party is doing, it is better to refining directly, so that even the mysterious functions can be seen at a glance.

嗯 "Hmm? There is a mark of the soul? Huh, the fire of creation, burning!"

As soon as the Xun spirit entered the cloak, it was immediately ejected by a strong spirit. Nie Yun snorted coldly, too lazy and hard, with a little finger, and a spirit of good fortune rushed over.


The Fire of Reincarnation is the flame of the Beaconer's talents reaching the fourth form. Almost nothing does not burn. Even if the soul meets, it will disappear instantly.

Where Duan Xiaosheng's soul imprint could stop such violent power, it was directly burned to ashes.


At the same time, Duan Xiaosheng, who was fighting for the Lord of the Sovereign Buddha, spit his blood, and his face became ugly.

你 "You ... You stole my Jiutian Xuanyi and refined it ... When did the Buddhist monk become a thief who stole things!"

Xun felt that Jiutian Xuanyi was completely stripped from his soul, and Duan Xiaosheng almost exploded. He had no previous demeanor.

Your sister, a master of luxuriantism, deliberately steals an appointment with me, but steals it secretly, it is absolutely terrible!

"What Jiutian Xuanyi? Not my opponent, so make excuses less!"

The master of sparse buddhism suddenly said this, humming coldly, the monk's robe fluttered, and his sleeves hunted.

"I'm not your opponent? OK, since you say so, I will fight you today and admit it!"

When Duan Xiaosheng saw the other person turned the black and white upside down, he refused to admit it, his eyes narrowed, his eyes fluttered, his fingers flicked, and a sword gas was displayed.

"Hum, I'm going to see your strength, is it as good as your mouth!"

Master Zhu Shushu didn't step back, stepped forward, his palms crossed, and a palm print screen appeared in front of him.

Thousand Buddha hands!


The two masters fought again.

The two men fought desperately, and neither of them could die immediately, and Nie Yun, the initiator of the incident, was looking at the nine-day Xuanyi in front of his eyes.

"It is a treasure that can lead people into chaos!"

He refined Jiutian Xuanyi, and Nie Yun immediately understood the usefulness of this thing.

This kind of thing is made by the Confucian monarch strongman himself, which can let the powerful man who has not reached the immortal realm to enter the ocean of chaos without being harmed.

"With this thing, no matter what they are fighting for, I'd better go and see ..."

I know the purpose of this thing, Nie Yun feels that there is no need to continue, as soon as the spirit moves, he steals the treasure from the Lord Shushu and the baby in Duan Xiaosheng ’s Dandan.

As soon as the spirit moved, the dust from the Xinggong flew towards the ocean of chaos with the help of the fighting power of two people.


Enter the chaotic ocean.

"Sure enough, the Big Dipper is a magical artifact, and it can also resist the corrosion of the chaotic ocean!"

Nian Yun smiled when Pingxing Palace entered the ocean.

He had previously guessed that the Big Dipper Palace should be okay to enter the chaotic ocean. He had never tried it. At this time, it did.

But the Beidouxinggong is a cave-type treasure. Without external assistance, it is very difficult to move. It is far less convenient than Jiutian Xuanyi.


When Nie Yun was about to leave Dongfu and put on the nine-day Xuanyi to enter the sea of ​​chaos, a huge sound suddenly appeared in the air, and several faces suddenly appeared.

Each of these faces has hundreds of square feet, with strong majesty.

仙 君 级 强者!

There are four in total, two bald heads. At a glance, you know that it is a Buddhist monk, two scallops, and the Confucian strong.

觅 "Find sparse, stop! 冇"

As soon as a roaring master appeared, a roaring voice sounded, with a strong majesty in the voice.

"It's Master!"

Hearing the command, even though he was unwilling to find the Lord Shushu, he stopped.

"You are the outstanding ancestors of the six heavens and earth. Now the calamity is approaching. You cannot be damaged because of a treasure! Therefore, you cannot continue to fight internally. Otherwise, Shura really comes, and the six heavens and earth are still to be destroyed. Danger!"

The monk and the strong monk slowly looked around for a week.

"I'm waiting to be taught!"

Hearing this, everyone clenched his fists.

"I just discussed with the strongmen of Rumen. There is only one flower on the other side of the gyro. It cannot be distributed to so many of you. Naturally, there are virtues. The flower grows at the end of the other side of the thunder field. The test is that we, the immortal and the strong, will not intervene. Among you ~ www.readwn.com ~, whoever passes the Thunderfield on the other side first will be eligible for the Niangyuo Heanhua! "

Buddha door master.

"We will build a passage in the chaotic ocean, so that you are all qualified to pass. As for the Thunderfield on the other side, there are thunders everywhere, and there is no chaos. Even if you enter it, you will not die directly. Of course, it is dangerous. It is inevitable that if you can carry the danger through your dreams, it will also be of great benefit to Xiuwei! "

Master of Confucianism continued.

"Yes, we must live up to Master's trust!"

I heard the master's words, Duan Xiaosheng nodded quickly.

那就 "Well, you are ready to go in!"

Several huge faces in the air looked at each other, nodded each other, and looked at the chaotic ocean in front of them.


With a loud roar, the chaotic ocean appeared a passage that could be accessed by people.

"Good opportunity, hurry up!"

As soon as the channel appeared, he was next to Nie Yun. At this time, where he was in charge of others, Jiutian Xuanyi blessed him. His body flew straight along the channel and flew out of the air in a blink of an eye. .




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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