Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1130: Thunder Orb

Nie Yun's own strength reached the peak of Wangxianjing, coupled with the chaos, the consciousness could not be far, the four immortal monarch masters did not come down in person, but no one found that he had left in advance.

After he walked for more than a dozen breaths, masters of Confucianism and Master Zhuxu Buddhism entered the passage one after another and followed after them.

But at this time Nie Yun had gone far, not even seeing ghost images.

"Huh? The other side is Thunderfield?"

I flew a tea kung fu, I don't know how far it flew, the passageway finally came to an end, looked up, and saw a thunderous ocean appear in front of him.

海洋 This ocean of thunder is overwhelmed with powerful thunderbolts and violent powers everywhere. It seems that half-step immortal monarchs will be embarrassed and chaotic when they enter.

"What a terrible thunder ... but I have the talent of a thunderbolt, and it doesn't matter to me!"

The thunder and lightning in front of me is really terrible to ordinary people, but to him, it is really nothing. If the talent of thunder and lightning is afraid of thunder and lightning, it is ridiculous.

The body was vertical, swimming towards Lei Yu on the other side like a fish, and instantly entered it.


As soon as He entered, the black thunderbolt immediately fell on him, making him the target of criticism.

"Thunderbolt Talent Runs!"

As soon as his body shook, the thunderbolt Dantian instantly spun up and blinked, and the thunderbolt around him disappeared, all blocked by him.


A joy in my heart, Nie Yun quickly flew forward.


I was moving forward, and suddenly a roar rang out not far away. Looking up, I couldn't help but startled.

"There is such a thing ..."

I could not help shrinking my pupils.

He appeared in front of him instead of the follower, such as Seeking Buddha Lord, but a monster composed entirely of thunder and lightning.

This monster is flashing with lightning. The tall body should be a kind of monster born in another minefield.


大 The big guy saw Nie Yun moving forward and didn't speak, the lantern-like eyes flickered, and a punch came out.

Its power is very strong, and it is also with violent thunder power. Just blast the surrounding air into a vacuum zone, it seems that it is the ocean of this thunder field, and all lightning is controlled by it.

"This is ... the thunder beast! There is such a thing ..."

Nie Yun's face froze.

When I was crossing the robbery before. I have encountered things like Thunder Beast, but those Thunder Beasts and the Thunder Beast in front of them are not a grade at all.

家伙 The strength of this guy is even stronger than that of the master of sparse Buddhism, and his strength is shown as soon as he takes a shot. Half a step fairy!

A half-step fairy monarch made up entirely of thunder and lightning. Moreover, the volume is so large. In the Thunderfield on the other side, this kind of main battlefield is most suitable for it. How should this be dealt with?

"Don't block the way, break me!"

Xun's heart was shocked, but Nie Yun didn't stop on her hands, her eyes narrowed, and her 300-fold combat strength matched the talents of Tianshi Master and the strength of Wang Xianfeng, and she burst out.

The palm of his hand immediately touched the huge claws of the Thunderbolt.


A flash of electric light that shone hundreds of millions of kilometers. The space was torn apart.

Xie Nieyun flushed and took seven or eight steps back.


Take a sip of stale air. Nie Yun's breath was dignified and his face froze.

Although this guy is powerful, he can be killed with his real strength. However, it takes a lot of time to really fight like this. At that time, the person who seeks Buddhism will definitely catch up and be found by them. They want to find it smoothly. The pearl of thunder and the so-called gyro flower are not so easy!

"The black dragon saint comes out, help me solve this guy together!" The spirit moved, releasing the black dragon saint from the star palace.

The Black Dragon Saint claims to be the first person under the Immortal King, and the strength is definitely not false. Although the Thunder Monster is strong, the two can work together to solve it quickly.


The Lord of the Black Dragon knew his relationship with Xiaolong, and was not sensitive to his words. His body suddenly became the head of the Black Dragon. The black scales of his body shone with a light and roared loudly, biting at the monster.

It seemed to him that he knew that Nie Yun was in a hurry, and when he shot, he gave up his hand and stopped the guy with his body.


Xie Nieyun's body instantly became hundreds of feet in size, and the whole body's muscles tightened tightly and burst out.

With the help of the Lord of the Black Dragon, the Thunder Monster was trapped and escaped, but his fist was in the head.


Thunder beast exploded into a thunderbolt and disappeared in front of the two.


圣 Holy Dragon Lord turned back into human form.


As soon as the two of them wanted to leave, the thunder of the sky shuddered again, and in the flash of light, another thunder beast gathered.

糟 "Well, as long as this guy is in the minefield on the other side, it is tantamount to immortality, and it can't be completely eliminated. Lord Black Dragon, you will first be a star palace!"

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun immediately understood it, and the spirit moved the Heilong Sheng into the Star Palace.

大 The big guy in front of him is just like Shura, who is full of Shura's murderous spirit. As long as there is a thunder and lightning supply, he will not die and cannot be defeated!

I continue to fight like this, I will definitely be caught up by later people, I must think of other ways.


I was thinking, and the giant claws of the Thunder Monster grabbed again.

Nie Yun didn't stop at all this time, and when his body touched his claws, it immediately shattered and turned into fine dust.


Sure enough, after Nie Yun's body shattered, the Thunder Beast seemed to be stagnant, and stood still for a while and remained motionless.

It seemed to him that the guy had just been killed by it.

"It works!"

Xie Nieyun's face turned into a dusty body and flew straight forward. In a blink of an eye, he bypassed the Thunder Beast and flew towards the middle of the thunderous sea.

"First come, first served, the other side is mine!"

Xie Nieyun just left, an excited roar rang, and Duan Xiaosheng took the lead and rushed straight ahead.

Among a group of people, although his strength may not be the best, he is the fastest.


He was excited, and a huge fist came in. The Thunder Beast could not find Nie Yun just now. When he saw him, he was furious, and all his anger was vented to him.


Duan Xiaosheng only took pride in himself and didn't pay attention to his eyes. It was a little late when he discovered the Thunder Monster, but he was the first person under the Confucian Immortal King. After all, he had strong resilience. Both palms turned into the wind. The implementation of the show blocked a lot of power.

Heo Rao was so. The amount of violent violence from the Thunder Giant still made him blush, and flew out, spitting blood.

"Ha ha! Who can get it is not necessarily, look at me! Golden body is infinite!"

I saw this scene in my eyes, and looked for the Lord of Sovereign Buddha with a smile, palms clasped together, and the whole person seemed to enter a special mood for a moment, and the whole person was the only deity covering the world, hitting it with a single palm.

Let's sizzle!

The Thunder Beast didn't care, and Thunder Cloud gathered together and killed with a punch.


Mo Mi Shuluo took a few steps back.

Qilian Nie Yun suffered a big loss in the beginning. Although their strength is not weak, they are not as strong as Nie Yun, so they have to suffer a bit.

"This guy is awesome. Now is not the time to do things on his own. Everyone joins me to kill this guy. Let's go find the other shore flower!"

Duan Xiaosheng finally realized the power of this big monster in front of her ~ www.readwn.com ~

"it is good!"

He was able to cultivate to the realm of the Lord of the Buddha, and he was not a fool. Seeing that they were both suffering at the same time, they already knew the power of the big monster in front of them, and they each roared, exposing their own pressure box.


The Thunder Beast exploded into powder.

"This guy is in the Thunder World, immortal, rush together!"

Soon afterwards, everyone also discovered the problem. A vicious meaning flashed in one eye. The hands kept attacking, and they repeatedly killed the reunited monsters and kept moving forward.

Relative to their difficult steps, Nie Yun was smooth sailing.

The body turned into dust and flew straight ahead, and soon came to the center of Thunderfield on the other side.

雷 Here the Thunder is more densely clothed, surrounded by dark clouds everywhere, at the center, a golden ball composed entirely of 冇 Thunder and electricity, spinning slowly, it seems that all the Thunder around it is released by it.

"Is this the Pearl of Thunder?"

When he saw the ball in front of him, Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

I can be at the center of Thunderfield on the other side, and have such power. Don't think about it, this thing should be the purpose of this trip, the pearl of thunder! (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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