Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1131: I'll refine it for you

Although I don't know what useful the Thunder Pearl is, just from the power displayed so far, I know that the power is infinite and terrible.


Xie Nieyun recovered physically and came to Lei Yu in the center with unstoppable excitement in her eyes.

I thought it was the hardest task, but I didn't expect to come to it so quickly.

"Steal talent, steal!"

He took a deep breath, his chest went down, his spirit was highly concentrated, and his palm was scratched forward as if nothing had happened.

It seems that the power of the Thunder in the front is the most reliable to use the Skystealer talent. If he rushes over, even if he is a Thunder Division, I am afraid that he cannot bear the violent Thunder.

Woohoo! puff!

He was like a clear breeze, and the Pearl of Thunder was not accepted into Dantian, as he imagined, but Nie Yun's face flushed with blood.

"This ... This Thunder Pearl is the control center of the entire Thunderfield on the other side. Unless the entire Thunderfield is collected, it is impossible to collect ..."

Bian Nieyun understood, his face became very ugly.

This is too ridiculous. Originally, I thought that the Thunder Pearl was just the essence of the Thunderfield on the other side. Like the Spirit Stone, it could move freely. Now I find that it is the control center of the entire Thunderfield.

If you want to move it, you must take the entire Thunderfield. Such a violent Thunderfield is simply impossible to take away!

Even if it is taken away, it will be limited to refine this pearl of thunder!

Ye Ke ... The Thunder Center, which is overcast in front of me, cannot get in, how can I refine it?

"Time is not waiting for people, you must hurry up. Once they find the Lord of Buddhism, they are too late, no matter if you want to refine the pearl of thunder or look for flowers on the other side!"

Nie Yun's forehead bulged up.

Although his strength is strong, he is not covered in finding buddha lords and other people. Each one is shocking. The delay is long. They catch up. Not to mention the Pearl of Thunder and the other side. , When I die, I do n’t know how to die!

To make a decision, be fast!

"The Big Dipper, appear!"

As soon as Nie Yun sent his hand, he threw Xing Gong to the Thunder Center.


As soon as the Xingxing Palace appeared, the sky full of thunder and lightning suddenly chopped down, making the entire palace tremble, and the restraint matrix was broken.

不 "No, my strength is too low to fully control the Star Palace's formation method, and the Star Palace is too large. It absorbs too much lightning and cannot move at all!"

Nie Yun frowned.

Although the Beidou Dingxing Palace is a magical artifact and indestructible, his current strength is not enough to fully refine. In addition, the transformed Star Palace is too large to attract more thunder and lightning and cannot move at all!

If you ca n’t move, you ca n’t get close to the Pearl of Thunder. If you want to refine it, you will undoubtedly dream!

"The Xinggong fairy ware is too big, if there is a smaller one, ..."

Xie Nieyun was anxious in his heart, only half spoken, his eyes flickered sharply.

Beidou sword!

The Beibei sword has a seal on it, which cannot exert its full strength, but its essence is a magical artifact. As long as it is used well, it can definitely achieve unexpected results.

"try it!"

I do it as soon as I think of it. When my wrist is flipped, Beidou Sword appears in the palm of his hand. As soon as Nie Yun holds his sword in his hand, he enters the cloud.


As soon as Xun entered, a thick thunderbolt struck one person, his wrists flipped, and the sword greeted him.


After a while of electric awns interweaving, Nie Yun's whole body shook and the electric awns disappeared.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing that the violent current did not destroy the sword, nor did he transfer the violent power to him, Nie Yun laughed excitedly, holding the sword, and flew straight to the center of the cloud.

Boom! boom! boom!

The more I walked inward, the more terrible the thunder, and a thick thunderstorm came from all directions, leaving him busy.

"Block, block ... block!"

Suddenly in my heart, the martial arts Dantian moved fast, and Nie Yun's sword technique was improved again under the persecution of thunder and lightning.

"One sword!"

Suddenly, as soon as his heart moved, a set of swords flowed in his mind, and Nie Yun developed a second style of swordsmanship.

The first type of swordsmanship is called a sword breaking the dust, and the second type is displayed in Zhou Tianhuan, all of them are sword-manglings, just like the heavenly girls scattered flowers, everywhere!

Yi Yihuan!

Created his own swordsmanship, he already has two moves.


The first sword was created by Huanyu, and the sky was full of sword shadows. It instantly wiped out the surrounding thunder and lightning, which was completely different from the just howling.

The use of a single sword technique has nearly doubled Nie Yun's strength!

"One sword breaks the dust, one sword is universal ... These two sets of swordsmanship were created to accomplish three things, in fact, the main purpose is still for the moon ... might as well be called the" Sword of Pity Moon "!

Xie Nieyun gave the two strokes a legal name.

These two techniques complement each other and are created in the completion of three things. With the thought of Lingtai Lingyue, it is better to call it Pity Moon Sword Art!

"Nearby ..."

With two moves against the sky, the Moon Moon Sword skill, holding a Beidou sword, soon approached the Pearl of Thunder.

抓 Grasped the palm forward, a drop of blood flew over.

"Do you want to refine me? Beat me before you say ..."

The blood has not yet come to the Thunder Pearl, and suddenly a sound sounded, and then a flower bloomed in front of him, and the golden orb Thunder Ball turned slightly into a small boy.

Millennium elixir can give birth to wisdom. I don't know how many thousands of years this Thunder Pearl has existed, but it has also given birth to wisdom. Like people, they have their own ideas.


As soon as the teenager who changed the Pearl of Thunder appeared, the surrounding clouds formed a closed space. This space was filled with the power of thunder and lightning, and the surrounding walls were completely composed of thunder and lightning. Looking at the strength, even if Nie Yun's current strength, Can't get out and cannot go out.

"Fight with me here and beat me, and I will let you refine and become your treasure. Failure will be swallowed up by me and become my nourishment!"

Thunder thunder boy mouth raised.

看 "Looking at your sophisticated moves, it should kill a lot of people ..."

This thunder boy, as soon as he appears, lays down space, making it impossible for people to escape. Obviously he often does this kind of thing. I am afraid that the people he has devoured are already countless.

"I have been swallowed by several people, and one of them is Xianjun!"

Thunder Boy licked his tongue.

"Immortal King?" Nie Yun pumped a heart.

不错 "Yes, just a fairy king just promoted, want to refine me, but not my opponent, I was killed ..."

Thunder boy.

"Xianjun ..." Nie Yun took a deep breath and cut off the nervousness.

Even if the opponent can defeat Xianjun, what can you do to kill yourself?

Emotions do not shake the opponent's language, martial arts talents run to the limit, and Nie Yun's warfare is like rainbow.

"Huh? It's good to be able to cut off the psychological pressure so quickly, but it's good, it's useless, you must defeat me!"

With a complimentary gaze, the thunder teenager's palm grabbed forward.


掌 The palm of his hand seemed to become a lightning rope in an instant, and struck Nie Yunmen with a force that cut the space in half.

我 "I see what means you have to kill Xianjun!"

Nie Yun was not afraid, his eyes were round, and he stepped forward. The talent of thunderbolt and martial arts swiftly moved, the Beidou sword trembled in the hands, and the sky was full of rain.


Wu Jianyu and the lightning rope collided together. Nie Yun only felt a strong attack, and the whole person's arms numb, and he stepped back involuntarily.


Feeling the attack power brought by the opponent, Nie Yun suddenly understood why the opponent was able to kill Xianjun.

地方 This place is in the center of the other side of the Thunderfield. It is flooded with a lot of lightning power, and other oppressive abilities cannot be exerted. Even the immortal monarch, when caught in it, will be tied and unable to exert all its power.

雷 And this Thunder Boy can show more strength, but in this case, even though this guy is not the immortal monarch, he can still kill the immortal monarch here.

If you do n’t have the talent of a thunderbolt, I ’m afraid that you will be suppressed.

有趣 "Fun, you are good!"

A master can see how strong the opponent's strength is at a glance. Although the Thunder Boy beat Nie Yun back, he immediately knew that this guy who didn't seem to have much strength should not be underestimated.

"Come again!"

The thunder giant grabbed it again. In the flash of electricity, a breath of Xiao Xiao was implied. This trick relied on the power of the entire Thunderfield to make people feel as if the world was discoloring and unstoppable.

Power is more than ten times stronger than the lightning whip just now!

"One sword!"

As Nie Yun's pupils shrank, her finger swiped the sword to draw a sword flower instantly, and Jian Yu appeared again.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The two forces collided, and Nie Yun took a few steps back again, and a spider web-like crack appeared in his whole body.

The opponent is too powerful, even occupying a geographical advantage, even him, it is difficult to stop.

"Your strength is good. This sword skill is also very good just now. However, it is still not my opponent and is destined to die here!"

Thunder Boy dispelled Nie Yun's strongest attack and walked over again.

看看 "Look at me!"

Nie Yun knows the truth of the other party, his strength is indeed a certain distance from the other party, but just want to let him concede, and be willing to fight, still far behind!

In the long call, the three hundred times the fighting power combined with the surging immortal power of the whole body turned into a sword rainbow and stabbed over.

"Come down!"


Thunder Boy grabbed the palm of his hand again ~ www.readwn.com ~ For a while, thunder from Thunderbolt, Nie Yun was full of energy and lay on the ground again.

Even with the strongest attack, you still can't hurt the slightest in front of the opponent.

"You're still being swallowed up by me!"

He knocked Nie Yun to the ground, and the thunder boy's eyes were red, and his palms turned into a thunderstorm like a storm.

"Am I really going to die here?"

Seeing the attack in front of him, it was far better than many previous tricks. Nie Yun's heart was cold. Could he come from all walks of life to frustrations all the way, but he was able to move forward?

I'm so unwilling!

Ps: After four more, please ask for a few monthly tickets ... at the end of the month, everyone has a wealthy, give it, pity me ...




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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