Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1132: Refining Thunder Orb

His heart was full of unwillingness, but Nie Yun also knew that the strength of the opponent was too great, and he was not able to resist it now.

Seeing the force rushing down like a waterfall in front of her eyes, I was about to sacrifice the Xinggong sacrifice for a while, and suddenly my heart moved.

"Since I can't stop these forces, why should I stop them? Why not absorb them?"

Beidou Xingjun feared Nie Yunhuai's guilt, and put a powerful seal on the Beidou sword. Even if his strength reaches the current level, it cannot be broken.

The so-called breaking of these seals is to use violent power to break into the sword body and break it. Your own strength cannot be completed. You can use the power of this Thunder Boy!

His attack can't be stopped, then it's unstoppable, all absorbed, used to break the seal!

Since then, he did not fight with himself, but with the means left by the opponent and the Big Dipper, which is equal to the rebirth of the destiny wife of the Big Dipper!

虽然 Although the Thunder Boy has the strength comparable to the early Xianjun by virtue of the terrain, it must be more than a star point away from the Big Dipper who was famous in ancient times!

想法 This thought flickered in my mind, at this time the sky attack also came.


Xie Nieyun did not hesitate, and the long sword greeted him.

Do not dodge the resistance to hardly swallow the power, but only foresee in my heart that once something goes wrong, it will definitely be bombarded and killed by the violent power instantly, and there is no possibility of turning over!

However, it is currently the only way Nie Yun can choose.

Because the Thunder Boy ’s power is too great just now, even if he resists it, he ca n’t stop it!


的 The long sword that she gave up to resist collided with the power of the sky. Nie Yun immediately felt the seal left by the Big Dipper in the sword shaking, and greeted him with a crazy roar.

With a violent explosion, the method left by the Big Dipper and the attack of the Thunder Boy collided together, twisting the surrounding walls that had been completely closed into twists, and it seemed that they could break out at any time.

It is indeed a means left by the Big Dipper, and it is too powerful!

什么 "What. Why do you suddenly have such strength ..."

The Thunder Boy did not know that Nie Yun had inspired the strength of the Beidou Sword Seal, and thought that it was Nie Yun's strength. His original calm complexion finally changed, and the roar of the palm kept waving, and the violent power poured down again.

轰轰 轰轰!

疯狂 The crazy bombardment of his power is tantamount to helping Nie Yun break the seal left by the Big Dipper. The more the seal is lifted, the more Nie Yun controls the Beidou sword!

"Excellent, I am afraid this sword is in the magical artifacts. It can be regarded as a sharp point ..."

With the increasing control of the sword, Nie Yun finally understood why the Big Dipper wants to seal the power.

The power of this sword is too strong, even if it is in the magical artifact. I'm afraid I can count them all. Such a treasure, Xianjun will covet when he sees it. If it is not sealed, once the power is issued, it will definitely cause countless killings.

Puppet is guilty and guilty! Without enough strength, you have such treasures. It is a sin in itself.


In amazement, the last seal finally collapsed under the bombardment of the Thunder Boy.

The moment the seal of the puppet was broken, the long sword finally did not hide it, and radiated a bright light. Surge Jiuxiao.

The space at the Jianjian Mang shattered, and a dark crack appeared.

Without any force. The space was shattered. The power of this Beidou sword is really terrible. It is far better than any of the forged artifacts I have seen before!

"Haha, it's your turn now!"

The seal was lifted, and Nie Yun immediately recognized the sword as a master. With a sense of unity between man and sword, he stood up again, imposing as a rainbow, like a **** king with a surge of strength.

The Beibei sword completely unseals the seal, as if it is a masterpiece of immortality, and it instantly degenerates into a fortune artifact. The power is equal to ten times, one hundred times, and one thousand times directly!

With this sword, Xianjun can win, not to mention a small pearl of thunder!

With laughter Nie Yun shot.

The Beibei sword draws a cold mang in the air, converging the potential of the seven stars, the sky overturns, and shrouded the golden superstar of the wild reborn.

Seven Star Sword!

Thoroughly refining the Beidou Sword, Qixing Sword was also cultivated to the extreme in an instant. With a wind and wind, the sword edge was mixed with the power of Zhou Tianxing's rotation and broke through.


Wu Jianmang and Thunder Boy touched their fingertips, and the whole arm fell to the ground.

Howl Hiss!

The first move wins, the sword dances continuously, and Nie Yun's eyes are cold and cold, without the slightest emotion.

In the blink of an eye, the Thunder Boy was cut into a stick by the sharp sword of the Beidou sword, and all his hands and feet were erased.

"I confess, I am willing to be refined by you ..."

Seeing that the sword in Nie Yun's hand struck again, he would kill his intelligence at any time, and the thunder boy was terrified and yelled.

"I'm willing to be refined by me, well, donate your soul!"

Xie Nieyun does not believe in simple refining. Since the other party has an independent consciousness, he can also contribute his soul. With this kind of control, he is truly confident.


Thunder Boy was scared, and a part of his soul melted into Nie Yu's mind.


He refined this part of the soul, and Nie Yun felt that he completely controlled the entire Thunderfield on the other side, and controlled the Pearl of Thunder.

"Very good, continue to become the Pearl of Thunder!"

一 Folding the wrist and incorporating the Beidou sword into his body, Nie Yun laughed, and grabbed the pearl of thunder that turned the thunder boy into Dantian.

"Huh? Is that the flower of the gyro?"

Controlling the Orb of Thunder is equivalent to refining the entire Thunderfield on the other side. Nie Yun's spirit moved and he saw everything in Thunderfield clearly.

A strange flower was indeed in full bloom at the extreme edge of the thunder field.

花朵 This flower absorbs the power of chaos and emits a fragrance that is intoxicating to spirits.

Missing the spinning top flower!

"These guys are really fast. I fought with the Pearl of Thunder for up to ten minutes. I didn't expect them to have reached the other shore ..."

I saw the other shore flowers. I also saw the Lord of Buddhism and the like. At this time, they had defeated the Thunder Monster and came to the flowers.

The colorful light shrouded around the flowers at this time seemed to have matured and could be picked at any time.

While looking for the Lord of Buddhism and others, they stood around the colorful lights, eager to try one by one, eyes full of vigilance and indifference, for fear that others would pass before him.

"It seems that there is no way to steal it. I can only rob it ..."

Seeing that many masters of Rumen Buddhism surrounded the flowers in the center and were afraid of each other, no one took the lead. Nie Yun knew that it was not that they did not want to get this kind of thing, but they were afraid that they would be rushed first and they would be jointly killed by others. Are waiting for the best time!

In this case, stealing is definitely not the way to do. Can only grab it!

Since it can give people a chance to impact Xianjun, it is naturally the most precious thing. How can you miss it.

The spirit is moving, and the lady is delicious. Nie Yun flew out of the space where the Pearl of Thunder was located, the wings of the Phoenix flickered and flew straight towards the other side of the flower.

The rapid speed is like thunder.

I miss the top of the gyro next to the other flower.

"Look for the Lord of Buddhism, haven't you been thinking about 刚才 just now? Why are flowers just in front of you and you shouldn't pick them up?"

Duan Xiaosheng looked up and smiled at the not-so-mind-seeking Buddha Lord.

There are so many treasures in each of them. No one is allowed to profane at will. After so many people look around and rush forward, I am afraid that the power of the treasures has not been broken, and they will be attacked by others. By then, the gains and losses will outweigh the gains.

This is the principle everyone knows. Because of this, despite everyone's hot eyes, none of them was willing to make a head bird and rushed over.

"My strength is far inferior to that of you, the Confucian Immortal King. Since you are so tempted, you should go there! The poor monk will take care of you!"

Seek Shushu Road.

Each of the two was smarter than the other, both staring at each other, trying to confuse each other first.

The three Buddhist masters, Yan Heyan, Yan Yao, Jin Xiao, and the remaining disciples of disciples, stared at each other's flowers in the center, without speaking.

The current situation of Confucianism and Buddhism is jealous of each other. Each person is unconvinced. No one wants the treasure, but no one dares to take it.

"Sisters of Confucianism, let ’s go together and grab this other flower first and then say, who will have the chance at that time, and then make a conclusion!"

Suddenly, Duan Xiaosheng saw the problem and hissed.

"He Yan, Yan Yao, Jin Xiao, the three Lord Buddhas, if we continue to jealous of each other, things will be taken away by the Confucianists, it is better that we join forces to conquer the other side of the flower, and talk about things later!"

It is not stupid to seek out the sparse buddha. Before Duan Xiaosheng's words ended, his buddha's voice passed into the ears of the other three buddhas.

"it is good!"

The other disciples of Yan Rumen and the other three Lord Buddhas looked at each other at the same time and nodded their heads.

Although everyone wants to have a treasure, there is still the concept of the sect door in the deep roots. The Confucianism is equal to the addition of an immortal monarch and the power is greatly increased. The Buddhist monk ’s gain will have the same effect. If you ca n’t get it, it ’s worthwhile to let your ancestors gain benefits ~ www.readwn.com ~!

"The donor Duan Xiaosheng, we have to decide on this flower of the other shore, please stop it!"

At the same time I thought of this, I shouted the Lord of the Buddha and hurled a huge palm to Duan Xiaosheng and others.

"Are you going to make a decision? Let's have the ability to say that what we see in Confucianism, no one can take it!"

Duan Xiaosheng's face also stunned, and a punch greeted him.

The action of the two people was tantamount to announcing the complete disintegration of the two parties that were still united just now.

Boom! boom! boom!

The battle between the four Confucian strongmen and the four Buddhist monks and priests started, and the power of the laser blast, the surrounding thunder force and chaos, were all swept away.

The twenty-eight are all half-step immortal monarchs. The battle is endlessly powerful. If it is in the realm of the world, only the aftermath of the emitted power, I am afraid that the entire floating sky continent will be instantly hit into dust.

"Haha, you fight first, I will take the top flower after reading the top!"

When the fighting between the two sides was impossible, a hearty laughter rang out in the air, and then a rapid light shot straight towards the colorful light barrier and disappeared instantly.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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