Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1133: Xianjun came

"Well, there are others!"

Seeing this light, the four Lord Buddhas and the four masters of Confucianism knew immediately that they were fighting each other, so that others would be able to land first!

I was so angry that my face turned red and mad.

"The darlings of the rats! The flower on the other side of the gyro is our Confucianism. If you dare to take it, you will be against our Confucianism and seek your own way!"

Duan Xiaosheng made a long cry, and his palms violently spurred, pushing the opposite Lord of Buddhism away, and his body penetrated into the colorful light barrier.

The colorful ray barrier released by the other side of the flower is getting richer and denser, and it is just like the essence. When you look at it with the naked eye, you can see nothing from the outside. As soon as Duan Xiaosheng enters it, it means that he lost his trace.

"This thing belongs to us, you don't want to take it away!"

Seeing that the Lord Shushu saw two more people rushing in, that could bear it, and a loud roar, rushed straight in.

But he didn't fully enter the colorful barrier, he heard a rapid wind rushing straight, and his body dodged to one side quickly.


The other party was too fast, and he couldn't avoid it at all, and the Lord of Shushu had to turn his hands to welcome him.


With his fists fighting, Mi Shuluo looked up and saw that it was Duan Xiaosheng who had just rushed in.

At this time Duan Xiaosheng's skin was swollen and swollen, and he no longer looked as elegant as before. Instead, he looked like a man who had just been beaten hard by others.


Looking at the situation clearly, everyone was startled.

Yun Duan Xiaosheng's strength is among the top eight of them. Even if the immortal monarch can escape, it just turned into a pig's face as soon as he entered it. What happened?


Seeing weird eyes around everyone. Duan Xiaosheng felt that Sven was sweeping the floor, losing his face, screaming angrily, and raising his arms, he rushed towards the colorful light again.


He went in fast, came out faster, and this time was even worse. Just now my face turned into a pig's head, and now my whole body is bloody, and my clothes have been cut through dozens. It's no different from the street crocodile.

"What the **** happened inside?"

"Brother Duan, who is that person? What have you experienced?"

Seeing him look like this, everyone felt cold, and the two Confucian disciples couldn't help but shouted out in a hurry.

"Abominable, abominable! You are with me. Kill the guy who wants to steal the other flower ..."

Duan Xiaosheng's complexion was red and white for a while. Shouted suddenly.

"it is good!"

The three remaining disciples heard this and nodded at the same time.

"Look for the Lord of Buddhism, what shall we do?"

Seeing that all four of Rumen had entered, Lord Jin Xiaofo turned and looked over.

Among the four Lord Buddhas, although the Lord Buddha is not the strongest, he has the most tactics. Everyone focused their eyes.

"I think we might as well rush in, in case Rumen kills that person. Take the other side flower, we will be late if we want to **** ..."

And Yan Buddha dominate.

虽然 Although his appearance is kind and looks good-looking, in fact, the meaning of killing is the strongest in his heart. Speaking of this, a vicious light flashed in his eyes, it seemed that he wanted to kill all the people of Confucianism, leaving no one.

"Yi and Lord Buddha are right, they really want to take the other side flower, we'll take another shot, it's too late, I think it's better to go in and grab something!"

He shook the Buddha's body and turned his fat body and nodded.

"Amitabha, don't be busy first. I just rushed into that person and could hurt Duan Xiaosheng so quickly. There must be no weak means. We rushed to it, and we will only lose both. We might as well observe and say ..."

Seeking the master of sparse Buddhism is not as reckless as everyone else, thought for a moment.

He played against Duan Xiaosheng, knowing the strength of this guy. At present, even if he tries his best, he may not be able to win, let alone make him a pig!

The Confucianists paid the most attention to face. It was easy to kill him and make him a pig instead of dying. This was difficult. What strength did he get into just now?

"I don't think it's necessary. Even if that guy can hurt Duan Xiaosheng, I don't believe he can hurt so many of us! No, I'm going in now!"

Lord Jin Xiaofo had a bit of a temper, and with a cold hum, he had to get in.

But before he acted, he heard a series of rapid winds.


Four consecutive bursting sounds, four figures fell out.

It was Duan Xiaosheng who was rushing in just now, and others. Needless to say Duan Xiaosheng at this time, the remaining three were no better than him. His face was swollen and round, and he was fat for several times. There was no clothes on his body. Complete, it seemed to be pierced by sharp swordsman, soaked in blood, and hung on the body, miserable.

The four masters of Confucianism turned into four callers in an instant.


When he saw the appearance of the four people, looking for the Lord of Shushu and others, they felt mad.

四个 These four are all half step fairy king level strong people, such powerful people, unite together, even if you encounter ordinary fairy king, they will not lose so quickly!

A few words of Kung Fu was beaten like this, who is the other person?

Xi Xianjun?

Wu Xianjun is not necessary! Although the flower of the other side of the gyro is very effective for the half step fairy king, it is no different from the waste for the strong king of the fairy. Snatch!

"This is a little strange, I will inform the Buddha now, don't go in!"

Master Zhu Shuzhu had dignified eyes, and when he turned his wrist, a rosary appeared on the palm of his hand. With a pinch, the air flow quickly dissipated.

The current situation is beyond their imagination. The Buddha must be notified and let him come over to make a decision.

"This matter is our own business. Notifying the Buddha will only make them feel that we are useless!" Duan Xiaosheng struggled to stand up. He could stand up after being injured like this, and he was full of confidence. People really are not covered!

"The man inside is not the immortal monarch, but the peak of the ordinary king of fairyland. The reason why we failed, we just trespassed! Instead, let's give up our grudges and kill the facts together!"

Duan Xiaosheng roared.

"Isn't it the Fairy King? That's not a concern!"

"As long as it is not Xianjun's strength, it cannot be much stronger than me. Well, let's join hands and believe that the power of eight people can't kill him!"

Zhuo Yaozhu and others nodded when they heard Duan Xiaosheng's words.

They are all the strongest under the immortal monarch. Knowing that the limit of the half-step immortal monarch is there, as long as the other party is not the immortal monarch, there is nothing terrible to them.

"Okay, now that we join forces, let's go in!"

Zhu Mizhu Shuzhu is still a little uneasy, for fear of the other party's conspiracy, Tao.


Duan Xiaosheng made a long hiss, and took the remaining three disciples of Confucianism straight into it.


Seeing that the Lord Buddha had seen them go ahead, he whispered, and followed him in.

Woo! call! call!

As soon as the eight masters entered the light film, the space behind them shook, and two huge human faces appeared.

Just now I found the Lord Buddha to release the news, and the Buddha and the Confucian monarch who were outside the chaos rushed over.

They are not the deity, this big face is just a concentration of energy, so it is extremely fast.

"What's going on? Let someone else take the lead? Who will it be?"

The Buddhist monk came to the colorful light film and looked puzzled.

"We have been guarding the exit just now. No one should come over!"

The two of them have the strength of Xianjun outside the aisle. Apart from these eight ~ www.readwn.com ~ I haven't seen anyone else. Why would anyone come in?


The two were talking, and suddenly heard a crackling sound behind the colorful light film, and then a series of rapid wind sounds.


Eight consecutive beeps, the four Lord Buddhas and the four Confucian strongmen flew upside down at the same time, each with a swollen face, extremely ugly.

The eight people who joined forces were also severely beaten by the man inside!

到底 Who is this? There will be such strength!

Both immortals feel a little incredible.


As soon as they were thinking about going into the light film to investigate what was going on, suddenly a colorful light "screamed!" And a teenager walked out slowly.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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