Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1134: Killing Fairy Face

This boy is naturally Nie Yun.

After refining the Orb of Thunder, he found that the four Lord Buddhas and the four masters of Confucianism gathered outside the other side of the flower and immediately rushed over and rushed directly into it.

As for Duan Xiaosheng and others to enter later, he was naturally hit by him.

Completely refining the Beidou Sword, Nie Yun already has a combat power comparable to that of Xianjun. Although Duan Xiaosheng and others are strong, they are far worse than him. How can they be opponents? The king blame, I am afraid that these eight people have rushed in and were killed alive!

"It's you……"

As soon as Nie Yun came out, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and he recognized it when he sought out the Lord Buddha.

"How could you haven't died ... it all exploded into powder ..."

Master Jin Xiaofo also recognized it.

Tan Nieyun pretended to be a Buddha and did not change his appearance. At this time, when they came out, they were discovered that it was the guy who had killed on the road before ...

The crickets have been blasted into powder. How can they survive and have such strength?

"Of course it was me, I didn't kill me, I feel sorry!"

Xie Nieyun smiled and looked up at the two immortal monarchs in front of him.

"In Xie Nie Yun, I have seen two adults!"

After refining the Beidou Sword, even if the other side comes over, they will not be afraid, let alone two energy bodies.

"Nie Yun? Who are you? The flower on the other side of the gyro is our holy relic, dedicated to hone the disciples, you still stay!"

The Buddhist monk and the strong monk had never heard the name Nie Yun, and frowned, humming.

"Yes, leave the other shore flower, this kind of thing, you can't touch your fingers!" Rumian Xianjun also shouted.

留下 "Stay? If I remember correctly, it is you who said that the other side has a virtue, and since I can refine it and show that there is a fate, why should I hand it over?"

Nie Yundao.

Just kidding, finally refining the baby, let him hand it over and dream!

"Young man, you can have such strength when you are so young, there must be some kind of power behind you, you might as well tell your family, maybe I can sell a face!"

Seeing him not humble or overbearing, it seemed that he did not care about the majesty of the immortal monarch, and the monk of Buddhism frowned and asked.

This performance shows that this guy either has enough strength or has a lot of power behind him.

Although they are masters of Buddhism and Confucianism, there are still some very powerful families in the spirit world. It is worth noting!

"I repair one casually, there is no family behind!" Nie Yun waved his hand.

确 He really doesn't have a family behind him, and he has the strength he has now, because he worked hard step by step.

"No family? Then I still advise you to leave things, otherwise, today is your death!"

I heard him say that it was a meditation practice, and the magical power of Chi Lulu was immediately revealed in the eyes of the Buddhist monk, without concealment.

"Must kill me without a family? Isn't that what you said just now is pure fart?"

Nie Yun's face sank.

The immortal monarch and strong man, the most pinnacle of the six heavens and earth, actually talked and farted, making him very upset.

"Hmm, I think you are a personal talent, obediently hand over the other side of the flower, we can directly abolish your strength, not kill you, otherwise, once you start, even if your strength is strong, it will fall apart in front of Xianjun!"

The Buddhist monk Xianjun's face sank, his voice with a strong threat.

"Give it up quickly, we will not take care of identity, otherwise, today is your death!"

Xianrumen Xianjun snorted coldly, and spoke with no mercy.

尽管 Although the two immortal monarchs are just energy bodies, they roar at the same time, a tremor in the surrounding space seems to break with their voices at any time.

"Give it up, I give it to your mother!"

After hearing the words of the two immortals, Nie Yun was finally angry.

Originally, he could ignore anybody, and turn around after getting the other flower. The reason why he told them more was that he didn't want to offend the immortal, who was so shameless and outspoken that he had angered him.

"Lao Tzu and your nonsense are for your face, do you really think that two broken energy abilities can stop me? Have your spring and autumn dreams!"

With a scream of anger, Nie Yun was too lazy to make nonsense, and his wrist turned over and the Beidou sword appeared in the center, and it instantly radiated a bright and magnificent light.


With a long sword, the heavens and the earth are low, and the universe growls.

"This is ... this is the pinnacle of fortune? Do you have such a good thing?"

"I have this kind of baby, I want to get this thing, the strength will definitely double. Haha, don't leave today, die!"

Xianmen Fujun and Rumen Xianjun saw Nie Yun take out the Beidou sword, eyes widened and laughed, a huge human face moved, and two rays of light came at the same time.

These two lights are extremely dark, with the power of tearing space and time, and have not appeared yet. The waves of air let the four Buddha masters Duan Xiaosheng and others back together.

Although Xianxianjun's strong is just a thought to form a human face, his strength is not generally provocative by half steps.

"Hum! It's up to you! Break me!"

When I heard the other side openly attacked his Beidou sword, Nie Yun even felt that the other side was shameless and sneered. There was nothing left to tear about since he had torn his skin.

压 As soon as the wrist was pressed, a sword-monger swept across the void.

Seven Star Sword!

Against such human faces, it is not enough to use Pity Moon Sword!

The chilling seven-pointed sword, the misty return to Xichen!

The Seven Star Sword combined with the talent of the Kendo Master, the realm of the life sword, was instantly exerted to the limit, forming seven huge stars in the air, each of which contained ground-breaking power and smashed straight into a big face.

"Dare to be rude to Xianjun, wantonly!"

Seeing that Nie Yun didn't take him seriously, the Buddhist monk Xian Jun stabbed with a sword, his face fell, his eyes flickered, and an electric burr came out.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The electric tricks and the seven-star sword's tricks came together, and the thunder and lightning area in the air exploded instantly. The turbulent flow of space debris was slowly gathering under the roar of violent amounts of energy, slowly gathering to the Lord Buddha and others.

"He has such strength ..."

"It used to lie to us ..."

Although others felt that Nie Yun was terrific, and he was particularly surprised by the position, Master Shu and Jin Xiaofo were going crazy.

They had met with the pseudonymous Nine Yun, Nie Yun, at the beginning, and they had joined forces to kill him. Now it seems that let alone the two of them, even if there are ten more, they wo n’t hurt anyone.

His strength obviously did not reach Xianjun, how could he have such strength?

"Hum, how amazing I was to Xianjun, but that's it!"

Xun and Xianjun faced each other with a big move, and found that the strength of the other party could not hurt him. Nie Yun chuckled, his palm turned into red gold in an instant, holding a Beidou sword, a stab of a mang!

This trick does not have any tricks, but it has unparalleled penetration. It is he who uses three talents: Sky Master, Kendo, and Assassin!

Three blessings of talent combined with his fierce physical body and Xianli Xiu, the pinnacle of the Holy Fairy, pierced the world and came over.


When the Fangxian monarch saw Nie Yun exerting such a powerful power in an instant, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes were frightened.

Originally, as long as the other party was not Xianjun, he was no different from ants, but now, this view is wrong.

The opponent's strength does not even have to be his own!


The unparalleled power of the Beidou Sword Carrier directly penetrated the huge face of Buddha's immortal monarch, and with a scream, it began to melt away slowly.

The immortal face of Wu Xianjun, although it is not the body, is also a part of the soul. It will also hurt Xianjun after killing.

At this moment, the Buddha monk was penetrated by a sword, and his body suddenly pierced the needle and jumped up suddenly.

"Damn, boy, I'll make you dead!"

In the roar of the puppet, this fairy king swipes his hand, the space tears, and he flies straight over the spirit.

"Although your strength is not good, the energy is quite a lot, vitality Dantian, devour!"

Qi Yijian killed the giant face of the Buddhist monk, Nie Yun could not let these energy be wasted, and five fingers spread open and grabbed forward.

With a loud roar, the slain giant face was devoured by him.

The pure Buddhist power immediately rippled in his body, making a yellow bell-like voice.

The giant face gathered by Xianjun is even more powerful than the ordinary half-step fairyland. Seeing the purity of energy, it is swallowed by Nie Yunyi. The Vajra glass body that originally reached the eighth stage of the body is working again, and the Buddha's light flickers. Baoxiang is solemn.

"It's a pity ..."

I worked for a while, Nie Yun shook her head and sighed.

Although the Buddhism power contained in this face is very strong, his accumulation is too thick. He wants the Vajra glass body to reach the eighth major achievement. There is still some distance. The power of at least one face is not enough!

"You actually killed the will of Simi Buddha ancestors? It is simply unforgivable, Buddhism is impossible to spare you, Duan Xiaosheng, let's go!"

Xie Nieyun killed and swallowed the face of Buddha's immortal monarch in just a moment. Rumian immortal did not expect this boy to be so fierce, and turned to run away.

The other party can kill even Simi Buddha, he can also kill!

Even if you want to get the treasure in the opponent's hand, you have to come here.

"Want to leave? Did I let you go? You leave me too!"

It is Nie Yun's consistent aim to cut off the roots and kill the people. Www.readwn.com ~ The other party just vowed to persecute himself. If he had been killed for a long time, how could he be allowed to run away at this time? , Suddenly rushed towards the huge face of the escape.


I fled three talents to cooperate with the wings of the Phoenix, the innate dragon body, the thunderbolt and windbreaker talents Nie Yun, who looked like a humanoid monster, and seemed to be lightning.

"This ... I read that right, this is not true ..."

"Master Xianxun chasing the prince?"

"God, what the **** is going on ..."

I saw this scene in my eyes, looking for the Lord of Buddhism, Duan Xiaosheng and others. Look at me, I look at you, all of them are going crazy.

What's wrong with Nima! (To be continued.)

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