Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1135: Battle of the Celestial Master

There is a difference in the essence of life between Xianjun and Wangxian. Even the weakest Xianjun pinches and kills the most powerful Wangxian is very simple. (m).

It's like no matter how powerful an ant is, it is still an ant and cannot defeat humans.

Now this kind of thing is reversed!

Xiao Xiaowang's fairyland actually chased down the fairy king, and the fairy king ran faster than the rabbit. This scene has subverted all cognitions and concepts.

The previous worldview collapsed.

Can Wangxian really be so powerful? How did this guy do it?

这些 These people are the peak of Wangxianjing, the half-step fairy-king realm, the strength is not much different, how can this kid have such strength, not only kills a fairy-king, but also swallow it ...

Zhu Mizhu Shuzhu and others looked at each other, and each saw the meaning of panic in the other's eyes.

Relative to their shock, Nie Yun hurriedly met the speed of the Confucian Immortal Jun with the speed of the meteor. Without hesitation, a sword stabbed out.


With a squeaking noise, like the former Emperor Xi Mi, this Rumen immortal was killed on the spot and energy was swallowed up.

"Don't stop doing it, don't stop doing it, anyway, the immortal monarch also killed, don't you go away!"

He killed two immortal kings, Nie Yun turned his head to look for the Lord Buddha and others, and grabbed his hands. The entire other side of Lei Yu was immediately shrouded in him, and his spirit was moved, and all of them were collected in Dantian.

虽然 Although he doesn't have a good opinion of these masters of Buddhism and Confucian masters, he is not a person who is open to killing.

Anyway, these people are the mainstay of the six heavens and the earth. The catastrophe is about to come. Killing them all is equivalent to doing good things to Shura. Nie Yun will not do such things.

The reason Xie grabbed him was because he had to leave through the world of Buddhism. He had just killed a large face of the immortal king. In case the other side came over, it would be worthwhile to deal with it.


He took away these Buddhist masters and Confucian disciples, and Nie Yun's palm moved slightly, and Tiantianlei Realm was taken into the body.

After refining the Orb of Thunder, Thunderfield on the other side is in control, which is equivalent to becoming his magic weapon.


Xie Nieyun rushed away in the direction of the Buddhist world.

The chaos world has no direction time and space. It is impossible to find the spiritual realm here. If you want to go back, you can only pass the Buddhist realm. (m)

"Boy, do you think you have run away?"


He wore Jiutian Xuanyi, and as soon as he flew from the depths of chaos, he heard a violent roar, and a barefoot figure rushed forward, the sound of the eyebrows was terrifying, and the space was shattered.


Here comes the deity!


When I saw this guy picking stars and moons, when time and space broke, raising his hands and throwing his feet with fearful power, Nie Yun knew that he could not escape even if he escaped, and stopped.

"Yes, Lord Buddha! The two of us are innocent and innocent. If you persecuted me, it would not be possible to kill your incarnation. In this way, if I have revealed this, I can release the Lord Buddha and others. It's up! "

I took a deep breath, Nie Yundao.

"If you want me to let you go, you can also bring me the forged fairy sword, and self-defeating the Dantian Meridian, you can consider not killing you ..."

Luxi Mi Buddha's eyes were indifferent.

"You mean you don't want them anymore?"

Nie Yunyun did not expect that the other party would say such a word, his frown frowned, his wrists rolled, and the Master of Shushu was caught in his palm.

"A ants in the King's Wonderland dare to challenge the majesty of the immortal monarch. He deserves to die. I should not be grateful to kill you immediately. I should dare to talk to me about the conditions, and I'm almost dead!"


With a scream of anger, the huge palm of the Emperor Simi slammed down.

The space in front of Xie Nieyun seemed to be pressed into a pancake in an instant, and the powerful force collapsed in the sky, making it impossible for people to dodge.

"Hmm! A sword is breaking the dust!"

Xie Nieyun's face sank, his body flickered, and he flew up like a swimming fish. Beidoujian with a red light immediately tore the compressed space and jumped out.

"Give shameless things, it seems that today you want to die here too to be willing!"

Xun will find the Lord of Shushu to enter Dantian, and Nie Yun makes a long howl, no longer concealing the intention of killing in his eyes.

Really think that you are a soft persimmon? Huh, even if you want to pinch, you have to see if you have that ability!

The Beidou sword seal was all lifted, reaching the peak level of the forged fairy, and in conjunction with the creation of the Pity Moon Sword Technique, Nie Yun had no fear of the immortal monarch, even if the opponent was powerful, first defeat himself!


Hearing the words of juvenile madness, Xi Mifo ancestor twitched his face, almost no blood spewed out.

As an immortal monarch and strong, he has always been admired by all people. When encountering such a thing, the three corpses are so angry that the whole person is about to burn.

I yelled, rubbed my palm, and threw a rosary.


As soon as the wind rose, the rosary rose, and it became one planet after another, rushing into the sky.

西 The ancestor of the West Mi Buddha actually used large mana to thread the stars together with thin threads to make a rosary. At this time, the light was shrouded in the sky and the huge “卐” across the Kyushu seemed to crush the sky into pieces.

"I'll see what strength your deity has!"

The fighting spirit raged, Nie Yun did not flinch, and whispered, the Beidou sword turned into the sky and rain.

Yi Yihuan!

Knowing that the rosary was strong, he didn't leave the slightest backhand, and hit the most powerful attack directly.


Wu Mantian sword rain and rosary collided together, the sharp sword awns instantly pierced the Buddhist idea on the stars, and the raging force hit the core of the stars.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

A series of explosions sounded, and a sword Huanyu tore all the rosary beads, blowing out the dust of the sky.

"Swallow the Buddha's last name, the eighth major achievement of King Kong's glass body!"

He shattered all the rosary beads, and the strength of the Buddhist priests who had been sacrificed for many years by the ancestors of the Lord Mi Mi suddenly dispersed.

This is a good thing for Nie Yun. How can he get away? His eyes are indifferent, and he grabs it upwards.


The natural engulfing power of the Yuan Qiqi Master turned into action, and Nie Yun immediately became a gigantic beast that swallowed everything. Before the Lord Buddha had time to recover the Buddha power, he was swallowed by him.

Click! Click!

A human face was not enough to advance just now, and this rosary was the most powerful magical sacrifice of the Emperor's ancestors for many years. It is conceivable that the Buddha ’s power was swallowed by Nie Yun, and the Vajra glass body finally reached the extreme. , Can no longer contain it, quickly promoted.


King Kong glass body eighth major achievement!

Brother Buddha and Demon Fellow!

The eighth major achievement of King Kong's glazed body shows that Nie Yun's body of Buddha and magic has once again reached equilibrium, and his physical strength has once again made a qualitative leap. Originally, he had only the initial strength of Wangxianjing. At this time, he reached the peak level of Wangxianjing.

"OK, let me see how strong you are!"

The flesh's physical strength increased again. Nie Yunhao was angry, and his wrist turned into the body, and the body turned and punched out.

No matter how strong the Beidou Sword is, it ’s something outside of the body. Now that the body is promoted, Nie Yun wants to try and see if the physical body alone can defeat this Xi Mi Xianjun!


Three hundred times the physical strength combined with the fairy power of Wang Xianjing's peak, immediately crushed the space in front of it into fragments, violent fist force, and entrained the power that made it difficult for people to breathe, rushing straight!

"You dare to challenge the majesty of Xianjun. You have no place to die. Your soul must never be born ..."

Seeing that the other party devoured the power of rosary, Xi Mi's two eyes turned red at once ~ www.readwn.com ~ he would desperately without Nie Yun's hands.

This rosary was developed by him through refining for hundreds of thousands of years, and he practiced with him every day. The instillation in it was more than that of a disciple or even a child. If he was swallowed by the other party, it meant that he had half his life. It ’s so strange not to go crazy.

The huge palm of the Buddha patted Nie Yun's fist.

The pagoda's palm is clear and transparent, with strong Zen sounds, and before it came to him, there were eighteen arhats, the five great kings, each of them staring at each other with anger, holding Vajra and breaking through the air.


Xie Nie Yun's hair spread out, instilling power from the lower limbs to the upper arms, and a sudden shock caused a violent shock.


The Buddha's palm touched his fist.


Bian Nieyun stepped back a few steps in a row, and the body turned over.

Although the physical strength increased again, the opponent was an immortal monarch after all. After a hit, he suddenly suffered a big loss.

"The same is true of Xianjun, come again!"

However, Nie Yun also saw the final strength of the opponent's strength, which was not much stronger than him, and his eyes released an excited light and hissed. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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