Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1136: Kill the Simi Buddha

"court death!"

With one palm, he did not kill the ants that were not immortal. The ancestor of the West Mi Buddha almost exploded with anger, his eyes were like the cry of ice, and he turned into a buddha who was in a world of war and battle. All kinds of treasures.

The treasures turned in the air and instantly gathered into a torrent that shattered the sky.

Anyone who can become a Buddha does not have the ability to shake the earth, bursts out with all his strength, and the ideas that flow out immediately block all the space around Nie Yun, making it impossible to move.


Nie Yun knew that he was full of anger, and exerted his full strength without fear. His arms flicked, tearing the space, and grabbing the palm again to take out the Beidou sword.

The strength of the physical body of the Buddha and the Demon has just been tested. It is not the opponent of the opponent, but the use of the Beidou sword is more powerful.

"Thousand Buddhas Festival!"

Simi Buddha ancestral hands pressed down at the same time.

Time formed a torrent in his hands, and heaven and earth returned to chaos in an instant. Numerous Buddhas sacrificed themselves, forming a song of depression.

He was really angry. The Thousand Buddhas Sacrifice was his most powerful trick.

"One sword breaks the dust, one sword is universal!"

Nie Yuntian's eye martial arts movement, Tianshou Shi took the strongest body and immortal strength in his body, two swords in a row.

The strongest tricks overlap, and the sky is full of swordsmanship, as if the peacock opened the screen, and it is not beautiful!

However, behind the beauty is a strong sense of killing, even Xianjun is difficult to resist.


The Thousand Buddhas Sacrifice and Pity Moon Sword Technique collided together, the space was annihilated, chaos was turbulent, the deity of Xianjun was too much stronger than the giant face, and he struck with all his strength. Although Nie Yun also used all his strength, he still shocked and flew out. .


Knowing that the current strength could hardly defeat the Buddha in front of him, Nie Yun relied on the force of counterattack of Hong. Turn around and run away.

The strength reaches his realm, and the speed of full strength is not much slower than Xianjun. As soon as he shakes, he jumps in layers of wind and falls towards Lingshan.

"Where to escape!"

The Emperor Simi did not expect that the strongest trick did not shoot the boy down, but instead took the opportunity to escape the blockade. Run straight down. His eyes revealed the coldness, his feet widened, and he rushed straight down.

The light of the Buddha was surging. The chanting of Zen sound made him extremely fast, and he quickly saw Lingshan.

Lingshan is the most central place in the world of Buddhism. The founder of Buddhism, Shakya Buddha, is the most solemn place and cannot be violated by outsiders. When Ning Yun appeared in front of his eyes, Nie Yun's face became more and more tense.

An immortal monarch makes him a little bit embarrassed, and another one. Two pinches, I'm afraid it's really hard to escape today!

"Stop it for me!"


As soon as approaching Lingshan, the ancestor of Simi Buddha finally chased not far behind him, and with a roar, the sky collapsed again.

A huge palm print runs across hundreds of millions of kilometers. With unstoppable force and coercion, it blasted.

"The ghosts stay!"

Seeing the speed of the opponent's palm, Nie Yun knew that he could not escape at all, and his face was ugly, and the Beidou sword was drawn out again.

Jingtian Jianman straightened his palm to make a gap. The carp jumps out of the dragon gate.

Although the Buddha of Mi Mi is powerful, it is not so easy to kill Nie Yun holding a Beidou sword! But it is almost impossible for Nie Yun to kill each other!

You can't kill me, I can't kill you, it's a deadlock!

However, Nie Yun is most afraid of this deadlock. There is nothing terrible about a Simi Buddha. What if he comes to a fairy monarch again?

After all, this is the Buddhist world, and the masters of the Buddhist world are like clouds. According to Xiao Ran, it is easy to find more than a dozen immortal monarchs, not to mention a whole bunch, even if there is one more, they will fall here today.

"You must find a way to increase your strength again ..."

Rushing down again and again, Nie Yun's mind rolled violently again.

The current situation can only survive if the strength is increased again.

"Huh? By the way, Thunderfield on the other side!"

Nie Yun's heart moved.

Thunderfield on the other side has not been used after refining. Although this thing is not a magical artifact, it is a thunderous ocean. Even if it is full of power, it may be a big loss!

"You can't enter Lingshan. Once you enter Lingshan, you will be pinched on both sides by other Buddhas. It will be difficult to kill this Simi Buddha ..."

Seeing Lingshan right in front of him, Nie Yun stopped abruptly, and a large hand waved across the shore of Thunderfield suddenly appearing in front of him.

The sky full of thunderous seas was tumbling, and the air waves rolling in the air were appalling.

"You actually refined the Thunderfield on the other side? Damn it! This is the doorway for our Buddhist world to block Shura's murderous spirit. Your refining is equal to the entire Buddhist world and must die!"

The ancestral pupil of Simi Buddha shrank, a roar, his palms rolled, resisting the thunder of the sky, and the speed really reduced a lot.

"Hum, kill you first!"

Seeing that Lei Yu on the other side really affected the other party, Nie Yun's eyes flashed a ruthless meaning.

Since this guy wants to die, he will be fulfilled today!

As long as it is killed and refined, even if the Vajra glass body does not impact the ninth, it is certainly not much different!

The eighth major achievement of King Kong's glass body, the peak of Wangxianjing, and the ninth, I am afraid that it can directly transform into the body of immortal monarch. Based on the physical body, it has the same fighting power as immortal monarch!

"Three hundred times the fighting power, one sword!"

Entering into the thunder domain, he controlled Lei Hai to attack the Mi Buddha ancestors constantly, and he was like a dormant dragon, suddenly releasing the strongest blow!

Assassin Talent!

This assassination was shocking and terrifying, and it definitely reached the power of the immortal monarch realm.


Right in the heart of the West Mi Buddha!


A sword was pierced, and the power burst from the blade sharply. The Lord Buddha was entangled in the thunder field, the enemy was affected on both sides, his face changed, and it exploded directly.

"Burning fire ..."

Nie Yun knows that the strong men in the immortal realm basically have the same immortal body as themselves, and one sword is not enough to kill them. The sword-flame flames surge, and the fire of nature is burning.

"The Buddha and I forget, King Kong relic!"

The torch of the fourth form has not completely burned yet. A round relic of the smashed Simi Buddha ancestor rotates, sweeping away the surrounding thunder field with a gentle swing, at the same time a huge zen sound sounds, the torch Was directly extinguished.


The Lord Buddha was restored, but his face was sallow and he was greatly damaged.

"King Kong relic? It turns out that you did not rely on your own strength to break through the immortal realm, but on this relic!"

Seeing this, Nie Yun understood it.

This Vajrayana relic is probably a powerful legacy left by the Buddha in ancient times. It was only after the refining of the West Mi Buddha ancestor that he managed to make a breakthrough. He was injured just now, and his sight was about to fall. This was the use of the most important treasure to resolve the crisis.

King Kong's reliance is the basis for his success as an immortal king. Hit by flames. Obviously, he was also not badly hurt.

"Make me hurt, you can't forgive me! Even if I'm trying to fall into the realm of Xianjun, I will kill you!"

The statue of Emperor Simi was wax yellow. The eyes of the whole man were crazily twisted, with a strong sense of resentment.

He feels crazy!

The mighty immortal monarch was forced to be so miserable by a kid who wasn't an immortal monarch, and there was nothing left!

"King Kong relic, kill!"

Raising his hands, King Kong's relics were taken out of his body, and in his stunned eyes, tearing force as if the heavens and earth were breaking, bombarding Nie Yun.

Where relics pass, Thunderfield on the other side seems to have lost its effect. Without the slightest effect, it cannot stop the slightest.

"This Buddhist gate relic is too powerful, and it will undoubtedly be dead when hit ..."

Unexpectedly, the Emperor Simi still had such a backhand, and Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

This King Kong relic was completely refined by the opponent, and the strength of it was called horror. He was really going to be hit. Even if Xianjun can't bear it, let alone him!

Absolutely the soul will fly away and die directly!

"Swallow up the top of the gyro, advance!"

The situation was critical, and at this time it was impossible to study carefully what the elixir was for. How to use the effect is strong, Nie Yun swallowed open mouth.

The flower on the other side of the gyro is a treasure born of chaos. Although it is not as good as the strange fruit of chaos, it also has a very strong effect. It can even make the half-step fairy monarch to take the last step and achieve the supreme power.

It is for this reason that they will attract people such as Shu Shufo to compete with each other.

Such treasures must have special taking methods, so as to exert the strongest effect, and even to find the best state, in order to make a breakthrough and achieve Xianjun Avenue.

Under the current circumstances, the Lord Buddha will definitely not give him this time, and he has no time to study it carefully. Nie Yun knows that once he can't resist the Vajrayana in front of him, he will definitely die. If he decides not to think about it, he will open this precious Swallowed his elixir.

Although this is a bit wasteful, it is better than holding the baby and being killed because of reluctant use!


As soon as the nana top flower entered the body, it immediately melted, and a violent force instantly filled the whole body, which made Nie Yun's whole body swell, and in a blink of an eye, became a giant of 100 meters in size.

"Get away!"

At the same time as the strength soared, King Kong's relic happened to come to the front with infinite strength, Nie Yun raised her eyebrows and blasted away with one punch!


The strength shot, and the wave of vigor brought by the other side of the spinning top became stronger and stronger. In a loud noise, Vajrayana was repelled by a boxing.

"What? You actually swallowed the other shore flower like this ... what an awful thing!"

King Kong's relic was beaten and flew back to ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Emperor's face turned red again, and his body took a few steps back, becoming weaker.

King Kong's reliance cannot kill the opponent. For him, both confidence and strength have been greatly damaged, and his strength can't be raised for a while!


Knowing that he would continue to entangle, he must be the one who died, and he did not dare to hesitate any more.

The mighty immortal monarch came to hunt down a kid who wasn't an immortal, but ended up like this, which may be the result he never dreamed of.

"Want to escape? Death!"

At this time, Nie Yun could let him escape. With a wave of Beidou sword, his strength turned into Changhong, which runs through hundreds of millions of miles.


A generation of immortals fell instantly.

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