Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1137: Lightning Talent 5th Form

Nie Yun didn't feel much good with one sword killing the ancestor of the Buddha, but the violent power in his body was full, and the whole person would explode at any time.


I resisted the severe pain in the body and grabbed the King Kongsari into Dantian with a big hand. At this time, the violent power raged in the body, causing him to burst of Xuan Yu's anger, and the scattered Buddha power had no energy to collect, only The other side of Thunderfield was taken into the body, and when the body flickered, the Xinggong turned into dust, and fell down, straight into Lingshan, mixed into ordinary mud, and never seen again.

"It is definitely not taken directly like this ..."

I hid in the Xinggong Palace, Nie Yun's whole body was beating, and it would explode at any time, and understand what was going on.

Ignoring the top of the gyro is a chaotic treasure that grows at the intersection of the other land and the chaotic ocean. This kind of thing itself has violent power. If it is directly swallowed without power to neutralize it, I am afraid even the immortal can not bear it!

But at the time of the crisis, if you do not swallow this elixir, you will certainly not be able to stop the attack of the other party's relic, but you will also die! So no choice!

"Hold! Hold!"

His eyes were blood red, and his heart whispered.

As if the Thunder collided in the body, it seemed that the chaos breath kept eroding the blood, making him unbearable at any time and exploding.

In fact, Nie Yun's estimate is pretty good. The flowers on the other side of the gyro are really not swallowed like this, but they need to use special methods to pierce the stones to extract the power contained in them.

This extraction takes at least ten years of effort, and it is directly swallowed like him, to let others know that the Buddha is sparse. Definitely feel crazy.

This approach is no different from finding death!

The tartar's ability to bear is limited, even if it is Xianjun, it may be high in the spirit world. In the chaos, there is no obvious mountain and water, so the baby who grows in the chaos is really tired.

"You can't die on an elixir without being killed by Xianjun ..."

Xie Nieyun's spirit is as hard as steel. Although his body cannot bear it, his spirit is becoming clearer and clearer.

I was killed by Xianjun. It would be an injustice if he died by swallowing a pill.

"This gyro flower on the other side contains the power of violent thunder and lightning, since it can't bear it. I see that it is concentrated on the thunder and lightning field, can it be promoted!"

Suddenly, Nie Yun thought of a way.

Annihilation top flower on the other shore grows at the junction of the other side of the thunder field and the chaotic ocean, which contains a strong lightning force. This is also the source of the amount of wild violence. And he happened to have the talent of a thunderbolt. Since he couldn't bear it, he attracted Dantian to see if he could make Dantian advance and resolve this power!

The heart is like a mirror, Nie Yunqiang resisted the restlessness in his body, and slowly led the chaotic power to the thunder and lightning.


I do not know how long it took, a roar. There was a crisp sound in the ears.

Click! Click!

Thunderbolt Dantian advances to the fifth form!


The lightning talent was promoted, and the violent power of the whole body was suppressed at once. Nie Yun slowly recovered and exhaled.

"Successful ..."

The man's head was covered with cold sweat, and his heart gave birth to a sense of luck.

If it was not at the critical moment that I thought of the advancement of the Lightning Division talent, I am afraid that I have already been blown up by such violent power!

so close!

"Although a lot of medicinal power was wasted, snuggling up has made my strength reach the half-step fairyland ..."

After the danger was lifted, Nie Yun was relieved, looking at Xiuwei, and secretly sighed.

It is worth noting that the top flower on the other side of the gyro is a treasure born from the chaos. Although the loss of part of the resistance against King Kong relics and the loss of the talent of the thunderbolt division still let him break through the current limit and reach the half-step fairy king realm.

This kind of strength is still far from the real immortal, at least giving him a qualitative leap again!

If it is the current strength to face the Mi Mi Buddha again, I am afraid it will not be so embarrassed.

"The fifth form of the talent of the Thunderbolt is actually controlling the land mines ..."

After observing the repair, Nie Yun looked at the thunderbolt talent. When he saw the ability of the thunderbolt after the fifth form, he couldn't help but utter a tongue.

Deserves to be ranked 20th super talent, it is too strong!

Being able to control the land mines, doesn't it mean that you don't have to be afraid to cross the robbery in the future?

This is nothing, the most important thing is that this kind of thing used to be the biggest support of the Huantai family, but now that you have this ability, even the Celestial Lord of the Shangtai family is fearless!

看看 "Look at that King Kong relic ..."

He grabbed the palm of his hand and took out the relics left after the death of the Emperor Simi Buddha. He was hopeful. At first glance, his face was ugly.

金 This King Kong relic has lost its original luster, extremely dim, and seems to be shattered at any time. There is also very little remaining Buddha power, as if the previous confrontation had consumed it.

"I thought that one who could swallow relics to advance to King Kong Liuliu ... have miscalculated ..."

He threw this almost useless relic, and Nie Yun sighed.

He originally planned to devour this relic, and tried to promote him to King Kong's glazed body. Now it seems that it is impossible to achieve it.

舍 This relic has been refined by Xi Mi Buddha to achieve Xianjun. The strength has been greatly lost. Just now, he exerted a mighty confrontation to make his buddha almost disappear. It has become a waste product.

"I knew I should have seized the Buddha's power from the West ..."

After the Emperor Xi Mi's ancestor was killed before, the body ’s power was dissipated. Nie Yun was in a critical condition and could not afford to swallow it. Now think about it, those powers are really wasted.

If he can swallow, even if King Kong's glass body can't reach the ninth weight, it must be almost the same.

"The heart is not enough to swallow elephants, this time the harvest is already very rich ..."

Nie Yun is not a person who can't let go. Although he came to the Buddhist world this time, it was a lot of danger, but he also got great benefits. He did not say that he broke through to the half-step fairyland, and Beidou Sword was completely refined, letting him Finally have the ability to fight against the immortal strong.

This progress is already great, there is no need to continue to force it.


These thoughts disappeared in Xun's heart, and Nie Yun flew out of the Xinggong's body, looked up, and saw that the light of the Buddha was surging, and there were intoxicating Zen sounds everywhere.

He is still in Lingshan!

"its not right……"

Nie Yun for a while.

Before fighting against the Mi Mizu ancestor, he had no choice but to rush to this side. Afterwards, Mi Mi was killed, his internal force was violent, and he had no power to escape. He could only control the Xinggong into Lingshan. Why ...

No one comes to chase themselves!

In the previous battles, Wang Xian and other powerful men may not be able to find it or participate in it, but as long as there is an immortal monarch in Lingshan, they will definitely discover immediately that they will never let the Simi Buddha ancestors be killed without being indifferent!

"Don't ..." Suddenly an idea came into Nie Yun's mind, and then he shook his head. "This is impossible!"

Lingling Mountain is the most central place in the entire Buddhist world. How could there be no immortal monarch?

Are these people not here!

This is obviously impossible!


He was puzzled in his heart, and when the spirit moved, he was released.

"How many ancestors do you have in the Buddhist world, aren't they in the Buddhist world?"

Nie Yun's voice was confused.

Now his ability to suppress the Lord of Shushu is no different from the suppression of a mouse and cockroach. The Lord of Shushu wanted to refuse, but he couldn't bear it after a while and was completely confused.

"There are 33 Buddhas in our world!"

"Thirty-three? So many?" Nie Yun was startled.

Although he doesn't know how many immortal monarchs there are in the spirit world and the demon world, he can be sure that there are definitely no more than thirty!

There are so many masters in the smallest Buddhist realm in the six avenues of Tiantiandi ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is terrible!

It's just ... Since there are so many immortal monarchs, they have been fighting so fiercely with Simi Buddha, but none of them have appeared?

He wondered, and asked.

"Some time ago, someone came to the Buddhist world to steal things, the Buddha Shakya was furious, and he took many Buddhas to chase and kill, went to the depths of chaos, and has not returned yet!"

Zhu Mi Buddhism has a very high status in Buddhism, and he knows these things clearly and explains.

"Someone came to the Buddhist world to steal something? Who was so bold ..." Nie Yunxuan said for a moment, half of what he said, a figure suddenly flashed in his mind, his eyes widened: "Is it ... Sura King Nie Tong?"

I dared to steal things from the Buddhist world and escaped intact, causing all the masters of the Buddhist monk to hunt down without any damage. I am afraid that it is only Shura Wang Nie Tong!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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