Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1138: Buddha's return

"It is King Shura!" The Lord of Shushu nodded.

这 "What the **** has he stolen that will make the entire Buddhist monk chase down?" Nie Yun stunned.

"Stolen our most sacred linden tree!"

Find the main path of sparse Buddha.

"Bodhi ... tree?" Nie Yun's eyes widened.

The Bodhi tree is the supreme sacred object of the Buddha. It is said that it was the place where the Buddha of the Sakyamuni enlightened, representing the dignity and status of the Buddhist world. The Buddha ’s teachings were all under this tree.

This ... it's like pulling the face of the Buddha severely, too!

No wonder he can lead all Buddhas to chase down. This younger brother seems to be even more daring than himself!

No wonder the six worlds are trembling. No matter from which point of view, this younger brother is terrible!

"When did King Shura steal the linden tree?"

"It was three months ago ..."

"Three months ago? It seems that Nie Tong is okay ... the Buddha's people haven't returned yet, so they should be trapped somewhere!"

Nie Yun smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile.

More than half a month ago, I also saw Nie Tong, the king of Shura, appearing in the world of trolls. He did not follow the strong Buddhists behind him. Only two cases can be explained. First, the master of Buddhists was killed by Nie Tong. Somewhere, I can't return to the Buddha world for the time being!

Although Nie Tong's strength is very strong, Nie Yun knows that it is far from reaching his peak. In the face of more than thirty immortal monarchs, it should be impossible to kill. In this case, it must be the second case. !!

"Still need to speed up ..."

Nie Yun sighed.

I compare my brother Nie Tong, his progress is really too slow, not enough strength, how to save his brother? Separate him from King Shura completely?

So, we still have to speed up our practice!

对 "By the way, since the masters of Buddhism are not there, see if there is something good to steal back, and find a way to promote King Kong's glass body to the ninth level!"

Qi Nieyun's eyes flickered.

Regarding the Buddha world, he has nothing to say from the actions of the Lord Buddha, but anyway, killing a Buddha has completely offended him. It is better to offend him, and see if he can find some good things and make him a promotion!

Nie Yunna was originally a guy who was not afraid of the sky. She wanted to understand this, and smiled slightly. She grabbed the palm of the Buddha and reintroduced it into the Xinggong Palace. She flew into the ground again, and swung towards the peak of Lingshan. go with.

At the core of the Buddhist world is Lingshan, so good things are naturally on it.

His current strength has reached half-step fairyland, and his combat power can defeat ordinary fairyland. Although there are many masters in the Buddhist world, every discovery, he quickly came to the top of Lingshan Mountain.

The top of Lingling Mountain is a huge palace, full of the breath of Buddha's gate, and there are Buddhist monks who recite Buddhist scriptures everywhere. Zen sounds pierce the sky and are deafening.

"Buddha has a deep foundation. The disciples who practice here are actually strong men above Jinxian ..."

I was hiding in the ground, Nie Yun moved forward slowly, watching while walking, watching for a while, could not help but froze.

The Buddhist monk's heritage seems to be stronger than the top ten families. The monks who read the scriptures in the palace above Lingshan are actually strong men above Jinxian, with tens of thousands.

Although Jin Jinxian was nothing in Xianjun's eyes, the ant crickets mostly killed the elephants. If so many Jinxian cooperated with the large array, it would be difficult for them to escape even if they fell into it.

"I also experienced Shura's extinction ... I don't know why there are so many strong people in the Buddha world ... Is there really something special about the Buddha's dream exercises?"

Nie Yun is strange.

After experiencing Shura's extinction in the ancient times, the six heavens and earth have suffered great damage, especially the demon world and the demon world. There are only a few remaining immortal monarchs. Otherwise, it will not be possible for them to escape smoothly or to let Qinglong Such a person obtains the status of demon emperor.

These worlds are extremely damaged. Why are there so many strong Buddhas in the world of Buddhism?

This is too weird!

"Sura, who looks like the Buddha world, is not very murderous ..."

I felt it. Nie Yun found that Shura in the Demon Realm seemed far less murderous than anywhere else.

In other places, especially in the spiritual realm and the demon realm, as long as there is no city, Shura ’s murderous spirit ca n’t be cultivated at all, and here the aura is rich in aura, the murderous is thin, and it has even reached a point where it can be almost ignored. strange.

"Forget it, these should involve the secrets of the six heavens and earth, the less you know, the better!"

Nie Yun shook his head, not thinking about these messy things, God's stealing eyes and talents worked, and slowly looked at the palace above his head.

If you have a baby, you can't hide it.

"This should be the treasure house of the Buddhist world!"

Squinting his eyes for a long time in the Buddha's Palace, he suddenly fell into one place.

地方 This place is very secretive. Even if the ordinary immortal monarch comes over without a map, it can't be found, but under the talent of Nie Yunshen, it is easy to show up.

Of course, this is also related to his **** stealing talent promotion to heaven stealing master. If it was only the previous **** stealing talent, I am afraid that it will not be found.


I found out that Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense. When his heart moved, his body turned into an electric light, and he soon came to the front.

周围 This treasure trove is full of various formations, all left behind by the Buddha's power, giving people a sense of incompetence.

However, Nie Yun was a Master in the formation. No matter how difficult the seal was, it didn't affect him much. In addition to the powerful talent of stealing the Master, he quickly found a flaw.


Easily got into it.

"Shakya lotus seat?" As soon as he entered the treasure house, a glittering thing appeared in front of him.

The lotus root is a huge lotus seat, exuding a strong Buddha's breath on it, it can not help but have the urge to bow down.

As long as people who practice Buddhist meditation, see this, they will develop a pious heart from the bottom of their hearts.

Shakya lotus seat!

In addition to the supreme treasure of the bodhi tree, the chakra Buddha refined the chaotic green lotus, the Buddha of Sakya sat down, a symbol of the Buddha world! He wasn't taken away by Shakyam but stayed here!

"Good baby, if you can refine the Buddha nature in it, my Vajra glass body will definitely reach the ninth level!"

I recognized the name and value of this thing, Nie Yun's eyes lighted up.

If you can steal this thing and quietly refine it, you don't have to think that Vajra glass body can definitely reach the ninth level!

"That's ... Daming Meditation Bead?"

His eyes moved away from the Shakya lotus seat, and he glanced to the left and right, and found that a round sphere on the left was hanging over the room.

With the ability to make people calm.

Another piece of Buddha's door is comparable to the precious treasure of the Shakya lotus seat.

Wu Daming's Meditation Bead is said to have been obtained by the Buddha of Chaos in Chaos. Although it does not belong to the scope of weapons, it is not a magic weapon, but it has a more terrifying ability than a magic weapon.

I can scare the soul, keep the soul pure and free from impurities.

"This treasure trove is just two things ... but these two are enough, far more than other things ..."

撇 Leaving aside the meditation beads of Daming, Nie Yun looked around again and found these two things in the entire treasure house.

Although there are only these two simple things, he knows the value of these two things, and he has even caught up with the Beidou sword of the fortune!

"Give this jewel of conscience to Yue Er, so that she can keep her heart at all times, and will not destroy her mood because she loves me!"

Nie Yun thought about the usefulness.

Although the effect of Qi Daming's meditation beads is against the sky, it is not very important to him. The way he cultivates now is to seek his true heart! Even when in danger, as long as you keep your heart intact, the danger is not great.

Huantai Lingyue is different. She feels contrary to the talents of Heavenly Master for her own sake. If she can give her this thing and calm her mind, there should be many benefits.

"There are more seals on these two treasures than on the outside, but these are useless to my thief talent ..."

I found that there was nothing else, and Nie Yun no longer hesitated, and took a few steps forward to come to the two treasures.

The seals around these two treasures are more numerous than the outside. They are dense and dazzling. If there is no **** stealing talent, even if the top immortal monarch comes over, they will touch the seal and return without success.

But he is different. The talent for stealing the heaven ranks twelfth, and the law of heaven can steal. Not to mention the two treasures in the seal, he hummed, and grabbed the palm gently in the air above.

Woo! call!

两个 For two consecutive beeps, the Shakya lotus seat and Daming Meditation Bead in front of him disappeared instantly, and the surrounding air did not even fluctuate.

"Everything is here, go!"

I stole the two treasures. Nie Yun didn't need to stay here. With a slight movement, he got out of the treasure house, walked underground, and went straight out of the palace.

These two things are regarded as all the possessions of the entire Buddhist world. Even if the other treasures are stolen, it does not make much sense, so it is better to leave.


As I was about to step out of the palace of the Buddha Realm, a sudden air swayed in the sky, and a huge force descended out of the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then I saw countless deities slowly descending from the air, each of them tearing the world, Paramount power.

糟 "Oops, those immortal monks of Buddhism actually returned ..."

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun's heart was tense.

I didn't expect these Buddhas who hunted down Nie Tong, don't come early or come late, but actually come back when they have succeeded, and leave immediately!

"Hide, hide your body!"

I felt countless huge breaths coming from above. Nie Yun dared to move and immediately blocked the whole body. The whole person was hidden in the depths of the Xinggong Palace, and his breathing was almost shielded.

"Abominable, this time hunting down King Shura, he was actually intrigued by his schemes and secret calculations, and was caught in the undercurrent of chaos. He almost couldn't return. This is really hard to swallow!"

Suddenly a hum rang above his head.

声音 This voice is majestic, with a sense of panic, showing the master's strength, extraordinary, definitely not weaker than the soul, the Phantom Phoenix, and even a little stronger!

He should be the Supreme Buddha, the Buddha of Buddha.

嗯 "Hmm? Didn't the Lord Buddha of the West stay in the Buddhist world? Why didn't he come to meet us?"

Suddenly, Shakya Buddha hummed. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for referrals and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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