Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1139: Back to the Spirit World

"Yeah, what's the matter with Lord Buddha?" The voice of Buddha Shakya ended, and suddenly another man hummed.

嗯 "Well? The Simi Buddha was actually killed? Who did it?"

The humming of this person is not over yet. The Buddha of Shakya realized something and suddenly stood up.

Along with his actions, a mighty mighty force swept away, making people unable to resist at all from the depths of their hearts, and the intense oppression almost cut off their breath.

Even though Nie Yun is hiding underground, she still feels breathing discomfort and can't breathe.


Nie Yun's heart was stunned.

He is indeed one of the apex figures of the Buddha and the six avenues of heaven and earth. If he meets face to face, even if his strength has increased so much, I am afraid that he will not be able to persist in one breath and will be killed instantly.

Both are not at the same level of life!

It is no wonder that the Buddha world can lead the world and the six realms. The strength of this Buddha alone is enough to sweep a lot of places.

"The Lord Buddha was killed? My buddha may have figured out who it was? If you know, you will be forgiven!"

Hearing the words of the Buddha, a Buddha in the crowd was murderous.

Kill the Heart Buddha!

One of the Buddhas who is most adept at killing Buddha is said to be able to become a Buddha, cut off all thoughts, and even heed his own heart, eventually destroying and regenerating.

Although he became a Buddha, his killing heart is also very heavy, and he is one of the most proficient figures in Buddhism.

"It can't be counted. The fate of those who slayed the Simi Buddha ancestors seems to be covered by great mana. It is difficult to see ..."

The Shakya Buddha meditated for a while, as if figuring something out. Finally shook his head, his face was strange.

"Fate is covered by great mana? Is it King Shura again?"

The face of assassin changed.

As the fourth-ranking reincarnation division, the Buddha Shakyamuni Buddha has calculated the reincarnation of yin and yang, and knows the things of the heavens. The ability to calculate is not as good as the master of the heavens and earth, which belongs to the six apex of heaven and earth.

For such a strong person, it is impossible to predict who the West Mi Buddha was killed, everyone in the hall feels strange.

Can't have this ability to hide the secret. In addition to the heavenly masters in the heavens and the earth, I am afraid that there are only a few people such as the King of the Nether Phoenix, the Five-Claw Dragon King, and the King Shura.

Celestial Master Lingtai Lingyue is said to be imprisoned by his family. It is impossible to run here to kill people. Although the Nether Phoenix King is not in harmony with the Buddhist world, it is impossible to come over considering his identity. As for the five-clawed dragon emperor, I do n’t know how many years I want to come Want to go. Only King Shura is eligible!

王 Did King Shura trap them in the chaos and ran secretly again, killing the Lord Simi?

"It is very likely that he, King Shura is so desperate that he can do everything, but why did he kill the Lord Simi?"

The Shakya Buddha stunned for a moment. Slowly said.


The other monks are all one.

Not bad. Although King Shura was unforgiving, he is also a person with identity. It is impossible to run back and kill the Emperor Simi!

A weird smell is revealed everywhere.


The Buddha of Shakya Buddha frowned and squeezed his fingers. Suddenly his face changed, and it seemed to count. His right hand grabbed forward, and a huge crack appeared in the space in front of him.


Cracks lead directly to the hidden treasure chest. Nuisance


The empty treasure chest appeared in front of everyone.

"He is for the Sakyara and the Ming meditation beads? Oh, these two things were stolen by him!"

Seeing what the treasure house looked like, an informed Buddha's face also changed, and his pupils shrank.

"Abominable! It turned out that it was fake to steal the linden tree. The true purpose of King Shura was to release the lotus seat and the meditation meditation bead!"

"Trapped us, then came to steal, we all calculated ..."

"Abominable, it seems that King Shura stole the linden tree, Shakya lotus seat, and the meditation meditation bead to force our Buddhist world to take action!"

"I keep Bodhicitta, it seems that the other party does not keep Bodhicitta! Since King Shura first provoked our Buddhist world, I think our Buddhist world should join forces with the other five camps to fight against Shura!"

With a loud roar, many monks no longer had the calmness they had before, and all of them were angry and filled with anger. "I Buddha Shakya, I think we can not act blindly, King Shura ’s terrible. We have seen that Buddhism has always been undisputed with the world, and rashly cooperating with others to discuss it will inevitably cause countless attacks from Shura. Is it not our guilt to bring souls to life? "

When there is anger, there is opposition. A Buddha came over and spoke loudly.

"Yes, Buddha, the other five things in the spiritual world have fallen or not, what is it to do with us? It really is not a wise choice because of this incident and Shura!"

"The last time we reached an agreement with King Shura and did not invade each other, we kept the pure land of Buddhism. This time, if we participate in the war, countless monks and believers will be destroyed. My Buddha advocates not killing. How is this different from killing?"

He said again with two Buddhas.

两个 The two Buddhas are eight feet tall, with earlobes over their shoulders, benevolent eyes and eyebrows. At a glance, they know that the cultivation is extremely deep. Even among the thirty or more immortal monarchs, they can be regarded as advanced masters.

"Luo Xi Buddha, Zhi Yan, several Buddhas are right, our Buddhist Pure Land cannot be defiled!"

He has another Buddha path.

"What you both say makes sense. King Shura snatched the Bodhi tree, Shakya lotus seat, and Daming Meditation Bead to provoke it first. If we in the Buddhist world do n’t say it, it ’s not good! However, once we fight with King Shura, it is inevitable The Buddhist world is in chaos, and I really did not wait! "

The Buddha of Shakya stood up and stepped down from the stage step by step. "The spirit world, the demon world, the demon world, the Confucian world, and the Tao world will definitely fight the king Shura then. I ca n’t see it this way. Our Buddha world is the same as last time. , Watch the tiger fight on the mountain, if King Shura wins, do n’t bother with the three treasures, the other five are won, let ’s get it no later, I believe the other five will not be embarrassed by the three treasures and our Buddhist world! ”

"I am a wise Buddha, follow my dharma purpose, Amitabha!"



Uh ...

When the Buddhas heard the words of the Buddha, they nodded their heads and folded their hands together. They looked calm and full of freedom and joy.

"So hypocritical guy ..."

I saw this scene in my eyes, Nie Yun almost understood what was going on and shook his head.

No wonder so many masters in the Buddha world survived. It turned out that the last battle between ancient and King Shura, these guys did not participate at all!

You have kept the Buddha world, but the other five paths are plunged into the depths of the water, but you pretend not to see them, which is really hypocritical!

I really don't know how the other five can tolerate such selfish guys!

I'm so embarrassed to say that I'm sitting on the mountain watching tigers!

"Now that you have made a decision, you should all return to your own country to practice. The loss of the linden tree, Shakya lotus seat, and the meditation meditation beads must not be passed on! I ’m going to take a trip to [Ten Heavens] carefully. Investigate the cause of the death of Lord Simi Buddha! Amitabha! "

The Buddha Shakyakura folded his hands, his body stretched out of the hall, and flew to the sky, I do not know where he went.

恭 "Congratulations to me!"

After the other Buddhas bowed their heads and sent away Buddha Shakya, they also flew outwards, and for a moment the crowded hall became empty again.

呼 "Hoo! Thanks to these guys not proactively tracing, even if the soul glances over here, I'm afraid I have nothing to say ..."

Seeing that many Buddhas had left, Nie Yun was relieved.

Although his current strength hiding effect is good, he still can't do it to completely hide the power of Xianjun's peak level. The reason why he wasn't discovered was because everyone was preconceived. Go and explore!

In fact, in their hearts, the Buddhist shrine is heavily guarded. Who can steal things invisible except King Shura, which makes it hard to detect?

This kind of view made them lose their alertness, which made Nie Yun escape.

"Come on!"

I know that this is not a place to stay for a long time. Nie Yun no longer hesitates. His body flew straight away from the star palace along the ground.

Out of Lingshan, Nie Yun ran off the ground and ran all the way.

With a careful look all the way, coupled with the moment of glance at Tianyan, she was shocked, and quickly found the entrance again and returned to the spirit world.

I returned to the spirit realm and fell loose.

Although the aura of Buddhism was compelling before, it is the best place for both practitioners and those who seek quietness, an absolute paradise, but for some reason, Nie Yun felt a disgust in his heart.

It is full of hypocrisy and selfishness!

It is no wonder that Master Zhu Shu and Lord Jin Xiao found ways to kill as soon as they saw themselves. It turned out that their most fundamental theory was not to purify all sentient beings, but just to hope that the sentient beings realize themselves!

"Brother Xiao Ran, are you going to Jiu Xiaotian with me or somewhere else?"

He shook his head and released Xiao Ran from the Xinggong.

"Have you succeeded?" Xiao Ran looked around, his eyes brightened, and hurriedly asked.

"Well, luck!" Nie Yun nodded with a smile.

"Since you are successful, let me go to Jiuxiaotian with you!" Xiao Ran nodded, his face showing anxiety: "Actually, even if you succeed, I am afraid that the other party may not agree to the previous conditions. Yantai Lingyue has six things to the whole world It ’s too big a role, and if she can perfectly complement Tiandao ~ www.readwn.com ~, then it will be very simple to restrict Shura! "

"I know it's hard to get them to agree, but how can you succeed without hard work? Everything has been done this way, let's take a look and gamble on the integrity of these powerful spirits!"

What Xiao Ran said, why didn't he know that the reason why he insisted on accomplishing these three things was to pass Lingyue's level so that she would not feel guilty.

"Actually, I already thought about it. If Chuangyu of Taitai knew them and let me take the moon, we could work together to deal with King Shura and make sure that the six heavens and earth aren't indifferent to life. If the other party is not interested, you have to embarrass me I'm not a bodhisattva, let it be bullied! "

Nie Yun's body was straight, standing under the setting sun, her face showing a determined look, her fists pinched, and she said slowly, her firm voice was like a golden stone, and she would never change it even after many storms.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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