Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1140: You forced me

Speeding all the way, Nie Yunma kept rest and finally returned to Jiuxiao Jiutian again.

Huantai Chuangyu explained three things, completely completed!

Although he has experienced numerous ordeals and a few accidental deaths, his strength has made a qualitative leap, and finally reached the peak of the Six Heavens and Earth.


Without hesitation, Nie Yun lifted his feet and walked into Jiuxiao Palace.

"It's really coming back, this guy is really unexpected ..."

"Come back? Did you get the Thunder Pearl?"

Seeing that Nie Yun appeared within a month, even though the ten masters had already thought of this possibility, they still felt incredible.

Buddhist monks have always been selfish, and from where they took the Pearl of Thunder, it seemed to them impossible. [Hentai dantian] stay up all night reading starter stay up all night reading endless dantian 1140

"This is the Pearl of Thunder!"

When Nie Yun's wrist was flipped, a ball filled with thunder appeared in the hall, and it kept shining with amazing light.

"Sure enough?"

"This kind of task can be accomplished. Is this guy lucky or a freak?"

Seeing the thunder pearl in his palm, everyone was stunned, and then there was a lot of discussion.

It is one thing to believe that the other party can get it, and it is another thing to confirm success.

The ten masters are all insightful people, knowing the difficulty of taking the Pearl of Thunder from Thunderfield on the other side, returning successfully and intact, and subverting imagination.

"This is the Pearl of Thunder. Where is Lingtai Lingyue? Why isn't she here?"

Passing the Orb of Thunder to Chuangyu, Nie Yun hummed.

"Lingtai Lingyue will not come over, she will be transformed into heaven and save the people!" The thunder pearl was put into Nandadan, and Huantai Chuangyu shook hands.

"What did you say? When you say you have completed these three things, you will let her be free and not" force "her to become a god!"

Knowing what tricks the other party might play, Nie Yun didn't expect to say the goal so directly. My head exploded.

"Animal, what kind of thing do you really think you can exchange for the peace of the heavens and the earth in your face? Dream it. It's an irreversible fact that Lingtai incarnates the heaven and earth, even if you say today, it's useless! "

Huantai Chuangyu didn't speak yet, and suddenly a loud drink rang, then an old man strode over, and it was difficult to conceal the "naked" killing in his eyes.

The ancestor of the Huangfu family!

Huang Fuqi was forced to kneel and made him jump like a thunder. At this time, when the young man appeared, he couldn't help but rushed in directly from the hall.

"澹台 创 宇, what is this guy? What do you mean by what he said?"

Don't bother to care about the ancestor of the Huangfu family. Nie Yun turned his head and looked at Huantai Chuangyu, an anger burning in his eyes.

I've seen a lot of betrayal, so it's really the first time that someone who dares to betray one's faith has betrayed it.

"What the ancestors of Huangfu said. That's what we mean, Nie Yun, you don't have to be arrogant, today is the last sun you see, haha!"

Huangfu Qihaha smiled. There was a vicious light in his eyes.

The ancestor was a strong man of Xianjun. He shot it himself. This guy must die. Before he died, he could vent the shame of kneeling. It was his most anticipated thing.

"Okay. Ok! It seems you have already decided!"

Hearing Huang Fuqi's decision and seeing the expressions of several other homeowners, Nie Yun understood it, his eyes were freezing cold.

"I thought you could be trustworthy and give you a chance. Now it seems that I am too naive!"

"Hanging the spirit world by his mouth, in fact, he is a coward who dares not fight. It is ridiculous to pin his hope on a girl!"

"For her I can promise anything, even go to King Shura, but unfortunately, you are a timid and scared tortoise, only hope that Ling Yue can be transformed into heaven, so as to reduce the pressure and not care about others' life and death!"

"The top ten families, so powerful, a group of shameless things, it ’s better to follow my heart. Since you do n’t follow my heart, the big thing is to kill the net, but let ’s see how you can stop me from taking it today. Lingyue! "

"Haha! I tell you clearly, today you agree or disagree. I will take over Lingtai! Since you are shameless, I am not polite, you are" forcing "me!"

With a long howl, Nie Yun's gloomy face became arrogant and uncontrollably, his eyes glared, Beidou Jian appeared in the palm of his hand, and a ray of light whistled, stabbing straight towards the talking Huangfu Qi.

"The rat dared to shoot in front of me, so big dog courage!"

The ancestors of the Huangfu family did not expect that this boy saw the appearance of the immortal monarch, but he still did not change his "color", and he dared to get angry and called "chaotic", stretched out his palm, and grabbed Nie Yun's palm sword past.

Nie Yun deliberately suppressed the breath on the Beidou sword, even if he did not see the strength and speciality of the sword.


Seeing that the palm of the opponent was about to come to the sword, Nie Yun's face was low in color, the sword flower trembled, and a thundering sword mang suddenly shot out, piercing the stars, with the power to cut the sky, " "Lu" emerged from the apex of the fortune-making fairy.


Without stopping, the palms of the ancestors of the Huangfu family were cut in half instantly, the stabbing sword gas did not stop, and he rushed forward crazy, "Wow!" Straight into Huangfuqi's chest.

"Inheritance is precious! Resist!"

Seeing that the other side relaxed his sword and actually cut off the palm of his ancestor, Huang Fuqi was startled, his pupils shrank, and he quickly passed down the family to the treasure offering.

His heritage Zhibao is a slender dagger, full of light, refined from special treasures, suddenly appearing in front of Huang Fuqi, let him breathe a sigh of relief.

"I said to kill you, no one can stop it!"

Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, his five fingers drew strength, and his energy rushed forward.


As soon as Huang Baoqi's inheritance Zhibao rang, he was torn apart by the huge sword strength of Beidou Sword, and immediately after that, a big hole appeared in his chest, and a feeling of soul detached from his body suddenly appeared.


Looking at the inherited Zhibao and the hole appearing in his body, which was crushed by a sword in front of him, Huang Fuqi felt that his vitality kept flowing and his eyes closed involuntarily.

Until then, he didn't know how stupid it was to confront the boy in front of him.


Huang Fuqi fell to the ground and cut off his breath.

The peak of Wangxianjing, the top ten family owners, and the peak figures of the spirit world, will all die. And after death, it was no different from ordinary people, and turned into a cold body.

"Qi'er!" The ancestor of the Huangfu family saw the other person in front of him. Killing the juniors, angry with anger. His eyes were covered with bloodshots, and he screamed, "Are you old ghosts waiting to see the fun? Let's kill them together!"

"This kid is too crazy and must die!"

"Nothing to discuss, dare to scatter in the Jiuxiao Palace, even Xianjun cannot go out alive!"



As soon as Huang Fu's ancestor's voice fell, a series of sounds rang out in the room, followed by the roar of the world. In a moment, there were nine more powerful men in the hall.

Each of them has the strength of a fairy king, with every majesty in every move.

Ten ancestors of the fairy ancestors have all appeared!

"Okay, okay. You've prepared for a long time, it's very good, and you are very capable!"

Looking at the Ten Great Immortals around, Nie Yun didn't panic. Instead, his eyes narrowed and looked coldly at Yantai Chuangyu, sneer again and again.

"Offensive to the dignity of the top ten families, you are destined to have no choice but to die! Don't blame me for being ruthless, if you blame yourself for being too mad!"

As soon as Chuangyu of Huantai shook his sleeves, "Lo" showed a look of dead people. Hum.

"Too crazy? I am crazy today, Ten Immortals, so powerful, I want to see today, what ability do you have to keep me!"

With a chuckle, Nie Yun looked around for a week, and finally set his eyes on Chuangyu of Yantai again. "You are Yue's father, I won't kill you, but if you count me today, I will make you pay for it all my life. Forget the price! "

With "naked" killing in his eyes, when he saw this kind of gaze, Huantai Chuangyu felt like he was staring at a hungry wolf.

"Pay the price? You're going to die right away, and dare to be arrogant in front of us?"

The lonely homeowner glared at his eyes.

"I will die soon? Even if I die, I can guarantee that none of you will survive today, including these ten immortal monarchs ..." Speaking of this, Nie Yun paused, his eyes suddenly released the essence. "Do you believe it? "

"Haha, things that are beyond your control, I really think that there is a chance and I am too big? Your cultivation may still be seen at the peak of Wang Xian, but in the eyes of Master Xianjun, at most, it is a dog that can bark. I can really take myself seriously! Ignorance! Ridiculous! "

Dugufang laughed.

"A barking dog, then you're not even a dog!"

In the cold hum, Nie Yun suddenly moved.

Behind the wings of the Phoenix and the innate dragon body are matched with the talent of Skywalker ~ www.readwn.com ~ The speed is ghostly, and everyone has not even reacted, and has appeared in front of Dugufang.



Seeing his movements, the ancestors of the Dugu family and Motai of Yuntai family sang at the same time. The two of them were closest to Dugu. When they saw each other ’s ghost charm, the power of the show was more than the peak of Wang Xian. Rescue.


Nie Yun's eyes were as cold as frost, and his right hand was like a horrifying ghost's claw.

This time, the speed was fast and fierce, with all his physical strength and Xianli Xiu, under the pressure of strength, the space in front of it broke apart, like a hammer encountering ice.

"No ... my ancestor helped me ..."

Tokgobang never dreamed that the speed of the other party was so fast.

However, after the roar was only halfway, he suddenly became dumb, and Dugu let go, and then saw a palm slowly grow in front of his eyes, and then he heard a crackling sound in his head, and his eyes saw his toes.


Toddler alone, the owner of the invincible family, Wang Wonderland Super Power, was crushed with a crushed head, and the dead cannot die anymore.

From Nie Yun's hands to his death, he didn't even breathe a thousandth. Even the two ancestors of Xianjunjing who were not far away couldn't rescue, and watched him die.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire Jiuxiao Palace dropped to freezing point.

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