Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1142: Genki Dantian Promotion (Middle)

Just now, when Niantai Chuangyu took the Pearl of Thunder into Dantian, Nie Yun was ready.

The other party seriously fulfills its promises. Although the other side of Lei Yu is powerful, for him, it is far less than the feelings for Yueer, and it is nothing to give to the other party.

要 If the other party is shameless, as long as the intention to stay in it is stimulated, Thunderfield swells, and the other party ’s Nada Dantian will definitely explode directly.

The battle was not fierce just now, and Thunderfield on the other side was not used, so Nie Yun did not perform. At this time, the Ten Great Immortal Kings shot at the same time. When the spirit moved, Thunderfield was set up.


The entire Jiuxiao Palace immediately turned into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, and the violent thundering force raged. When did the remaining homeowners see such a terrible thunder, one by one, embarrassed and in chaos.

Even the top ten immortals did not expect such a powerful thunder to appear. After a sudden shock, all attacks stopped.


At this moment of pause, Nie Yunjian couldn't let out, one man and one sword, stabbing at one of the immortal monarchs with an indelible power and strength.

老 Yang family ancestors!

This sword used his strongest strength and combat power, and when it appeared, the sword swayed like a waterfall.

"Tilted as ever!"

It seems that the ancestor of the Yang family knew his movements early, and didn't move back, his fingers moved forward a little.


A gong-like thing appeared in front of it, and it rose when it saw the wind. It was dozens of feet in size and immediately blocked all offensive lines of Nie Yun.


Nie Yun's eyes were as calm as iron, Beidou sword and sword as rainbow, sharp giant cutting all things, welcomed him.


铜 Yang Jia's ancestor's gong-like thing was torn by a sword, and his energy was inexhaustible. He still stabbed at Yang's ancestor.


The ancestors of the Yang family are countless. When the gong was broken, he immediately understood, and his body retreated sharply like a phantom.

"It's a trick. You die!"

Jian Yijian saw the other side dodge a sword, Nie Yun did not continue to chase. Finger slammed out.

Nine days meteor finger!

One finger broke, and the earthquake shuddered.

The power comparable to Jianmang converged into a dark beam of light, submerged into the head of Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen, in the blink of an eye.


真 Yang Zhen, the owner trapped by the thunder, had no time to scream, and his body exploded into pieces and turned into a corpse.

Since it is very difficult for Xianjun to kill in a short time, I will kill all ten masters, regardless of your character. Anything that offends me, Nie Yun, must pay the corresponding price!

Xie Nieyun's eyes were red and he was in the magic. One stroke to kill Yang Zhen exudes a maddening breath.

Indifferent, proud, and terrible!

"Xiao Yun, Duan Muxu, Xiong Ting, Xuanyuan Mufeng ... you leave Jiuxiao Palace!"

Seeing ten people soon died, three were killed, and one was abolished. Everyone gave birth to the sorrowful sorrow of the rabbit, and Moyun of Hutai quickly shouted. With his left hand grabbed, the completely sealed Jiuxiao Palace immediately appeared an outwardly extending channel.

After Nie Yun entered Jiuxiao Palace before, they sealed the entire palace with a large method, even if Xianjun had the strength. I do n’t know how to crack it. It takes a lot of time to break it. The purpose is to prevent Nie Yun from escaping.


The channel 冇 appeared at this time. Xuanyuan Mufeng and others dare to stay, and turned and fled.

"Want to leave? Not so easy, let me die one by one!"

How can Nie Yun let them leave so easily, sneer and grabbed forward.


He accompanied him with a grab in the palm of his hand, and seven or eight figures flew out suddenly. Each of these figures had the superpower of a half-step fairy king, and rushed straight towards Xuanyuan Mufeng and others.

He is the one who seeks out Buddhism and Yanfo, Buddhism, Jin Xiaofo, Duan Xiaosheng and others!

They were caught by Nie Yun and succeeded one after another on the way.

Although Xiu was very difficult to be thoroughly confused after reaching Jinxian, it is still easy to make it effective in a short time.

At this time, eight people suddenly appeared, and the two camps of Buddhism and Confucianism suddenly appeared in the air. The sound of reading and the sound of Zen sounded through the hall. The strong vigor and the storm swept towards Xuanyuan Mufeng and others.

Suddenly, the strength of the eight people came back together, as if they were ready for a long time. Xuanyuan Mufeng and several other homeowners were all unprepared and were hit. There were several explosions. There were three more explosions. The owner was killed alive!

三 The three homeowners are Xuanyuan Mufeng, Duan Muxu and Xiong Ting!

Ten masters were killed by Nie Yun and wounded one, and now three are dead. At present, only three are intact. It is the Xiao family of the Xiao family, Tang family of the family and the family of Ji family!

"Damn, you look for death!"

"Dare to kill my descendants, awful!"

I saw the sudden appearance of eight people and killed three homeowners. The ten oldest ancestors got red eyes and shot.

轰轰 轰轰!

At the same time, Xianxianjun's powerful forces fired at the same time. They found that the Lord of Shushu had no chance of escaping, they were hit by the force, issued a series of screams, and exploded.

Twenty-eight major step giants in the fairyland once designed Nie Yun, but at this time they were all killed and nothing was left.

"You culprit, heavenly palm!"

Relative to the anger of several other immortals, 澹台 莫 云 concentrated all his anger on Nie Yun, knowing that this talent was the culprit, and in the hum, his palms rolled downwards.

The palm of heaven!

Control the heavenly power with the ultimate palm, wield it with one palm, sweep across eternity, and penetrate through the nine you!

"One sword!"

Nie Yun knew that the other party was really angry this time, dare not dare to envy, his wrists danced, and the sword power of swordsmanship reached the state of life sword swordsmanship in the mind countless times. .


Wu Jianguang whistled. The whole hall seemed to be shrouded in sword awns instantly. Each sword radiated colorful light, rendering the whole hall dazzling.

Xuan Yijian Huanyu is a skill created by Nie Yun to reach the fifth form of martial arts talent. It has reached the impeccable level of heaven, and in conjunction with the deployment of the Beidou sword, the power is strong. Generally, Xianjun will be easily strangled when he encounters it!

However, although swordplay is powerful, Nie Yun's practice is too low. If you reach Xianjun Xiuwei and use this trick, Motai of Yuntai will be very strong. I'm afraid he'll get into a wolverine at once, and now his face is just a little dignified. The Palm of Heaven grabbed it without stopping.


Represents the strength of the heavens and Yijian Huanyu collided together, and the thick breath stirred, and the whole hall shook for it.


Xie Nieyun spurted blood and was injured for the first time after entering Jiuxiao Palace.

"He's injured, let's shoot together!"

"Kill this kid!"

"Kill him, the Beidou sword is ours ..."

Nie Yun was injured by a stroke. Hetai Moyun didn't make a shot immediately, not because he was kind, but because he broke Nie Yun's sword, he was also hurt. There was a moment when strength could not be raised.

He followed the action, it does not mean that others do not.

The remaining nine ancestors opened their eyes and watched the tribe die in front of each other. They had long hated Nie Yun. At this time, they saw that Nie Yun was injured, and they broke through the imprisonment in front of Thunderfield. Shoot at the same time.

The attack of the nine great immortal monarchs was even stronger than before, and at the same time, the shots were as if they were imprisoned. Nie Yun wanted to dodge, but he couldn't move.

"Are you going to die here?"

I felt the power and strength of the nine strong men attacking suddenly, and Nie Yun's heart sank.

虽然 Although he has the ability and strength to leapfrog battles. But the opponent is really too strong, and the combined fighting power of the top ten immortals is beyond imagination!

I wasn't capable of low-end strength at all.

"Can't die here, the Big Dipper is out!"

I know that once killed, there is really nothing. Nie Yun's whole body is hot and roaring, and a roar, the Big Dipper Palace appears again in front of him.


The attacks of the Nine Great Powers fell on the Star Palace at the same time, countless seals collapsed, and the fierce force broke apart and swept across the Palace.

The Big Dipper Palace like the 冇 has suffered a disaster that destroys the world. The towering palace has cracks under the great impact, and it seems to collapse at any time.

The Big Dipper Palace created the fairyware at any time. Due to the strength of Nie Yun, he could not exert his full strength. He was attacked by the nine great immortal monarchs with full strength, and cracks still appeared.

Of course, this kind of crack is just a flaw in the formation method. As long as the strength is sufficient, it can be repaired.

"Hum, I see you can stop it a few times!"

"Although the Big Dipper is a magical artifact, your strength is too low to be blocked at all!"

"Dead to me today!"

A series of shouts rang, and the remaining nine immortal monarchs did not get discouraged in a single blow, and then a powerful attack wafted like a rainstorm.

This time the power is as strong as it was just now. The Big Dipper itself is a little unstoppable, and once again resists it. "Hoo!" Retracted into Nie Yun's body and couldn't appear.

Although the Xingxing Palace has not been destroyed, it is equivalent to being greatly damaged ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is temporarily unavailable.

"Damn, I have to break free 桎梏, otherwise, if I get hit again, I will definitely die ..."

Seeing Xinggong return to his body, he can no longer appear, Nie Yun's pupils are locked tight, and the whole body burns like a flame.

If you ca n’t get rid of the imprisonment of Nine Great Immortals again, once you are hit again, you will surely die. Even if you have an undead body, you will lose your soul and die without a burial place!

I screamed in my heart, and many dantians in my body boiled and turned in general.



In the sky, the strength of the nine great immortals gathered again.

This attack was even more powerful than before, and before it came, it had the oppressive power of the mountains, making it difficult to breathe.

"I can't die ..."

Qi Nieyun roared, but Jiudaixianjun did not care about his situation at all, and the power of the sky fell down instantly, covering it.


The heavens and the earth seemed to be blown away in an instant. Under the attack of the nine great immortals, Nie Yun fell into the darkness, as if smashed by the fierce force and died completely.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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