Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1143: Genki Dantian is promoted (below)


"This is not dead!"

"By being attacked by nine of us, even the peak strong among the immortals is difficult to compete with. He is a small half step immortal, even if he is strong, he will definitely die!"

Looking at the black hole blasted out by violent violence in the middle of the hall, Jiudaxianjun was relieved at the same time.

A half-step fairy prince actually attracted nine of them to attack together and shot them several times before killing them. This resilience is really terrible!

"No, if he dies, both the Big Dipper and the Big Dipper will appear, why is it empty here?"

As soon as everyone was glad, I suddenly didn't know who shouted.


"Yes ..."

Hearing this shout, everyone's pupils shrank at the same time.

If the kid named Nie Yun dies, the Beidou Sword and the Big Dipper Palace that he has refined will definitely appear in the hall and return to the original state. Why hasn't it appeared yet?

"We all concentrated together so violently just now and hit him. How could it be sustained ..."

"This kind of power will be dead when the peak of the immortal monarch is strong.

Everyone shook his head and couldn't accept it.

The other party remained motionless and was trapped in the place and attacked by everyone. If it can survive, how strong is the vitality?

"Look at ..."

However, the strangeness of the crowd soon had the answer. In front of the black hole that had just been bombarded, a larger black hole appeared, absorbing the violent and violent power around it, as if in the center of a storm, swallowing the surging power.

"What's this? Big Demon God Fist!"

Seeing this black hole, the ancestor of the bear family punched out.

This move is one of his family's most powerful boxing skills. In the attack just now, he used this move.


The violent and fierce demon **** fist poured into the center of the storm at once, as if it had fallen into the stones of the ocean, and could not lift the waves.

"This ... what is this ..."

I saw such a weird black hole. Everyone felt scalp tingling, and some could not keep thinking.

If this thing was also made by that boy, how many cards does that guy have, even they do n’t even understand?

"Don't care what it is, everyone attack with the strongest force!"

Suddenly. A loud drink sounded. Suitai Mo Yun, who had just been injured a little, recovered his strength and yelled, and shot first.

"Palm of Heaven!"

"Invincible God Fist!"

"She Fist!"

Uh ...

I heard the words of Motai from Yuntai. The crowd reacted at the same time, Qi roared and shot.

The ten great immortals once again joined together, and the crazy force slammed into the black hole, and the heaven and earth were all shattered under this force, like a heavy rain.

Countless array methods also make a sound of collapse under the agitation of power, which is difficult to contain and completely broken.

The combined attack of the Ten Great Celestial Monarchs was too powerful and powerful beyond the imagination. In the case of a super strong one like Nether Phoenix, I'm afraid I won't be right!

As for a person like the Lord Mi Mi, once caught in it, he must die immediately!


The combined attack of the Ten Great Immortals entered the black hole and disappeared again.


"What's the matter……"

Seeing such a violent attack, I actually disappeared immediately. Everyone felt their heads burst.


I was confused by the strong, and suddenly the black hole seemed to be boiling, making a series of hot water tumbling sounds.

"Well, watch out!"

The words of Motai in Yuntai have not been finished yet, ten violent forces suddenly radiated from the black hole.

These ten powers are exactly the same as what they played just now. What Palm of Heaven, Invincible God Fist, She Fist ...

These counter-attacks came out at the same time, as if everyone's attack was hit on the mirror just now.



The Ten Great Immortals have encountered this situation for the first time since the beginning of cultivation. Although they face their own unique skills, they still have a feeling of busyness.


There were several explosions, and the Ten Great Celestial Kings took a few steps back, each one looking ugly.

Although they are fighting against their own tricks, they still feel a little uncomfortable and embarrassed.


I was so embarrassed that they didn't scare them. What really scared them was that the black hole had just gradually shrunk and slowly gathered into a tall and thin figure.

Nie Yun!

He did not die!

And not only did not die, the whole body's breath like the sea seems to be more powerful, and even the strongest among them, Mo Yuntai, has a sense of see-through.

Did this guy break through to the realm of immortal in a critical moment?


The immortals are high above, each of them is a supreme figure above the heavens and heavens. As long as such a strong person breaks through, the immortal will have a sense of it. Now that this situation does not appear, it means that the opponent is still a half step !!

Half-step Fairy Jun can block all their attacks and counterattack intact, this ... what happened in the end.

"Is it ... the ninth-born talent, fifth form?"

Xutai Moyun's pupils shrank and she trembled involuntarily when she thought of something.

This situation can only explain one situation, the other party has a new breakthrough!

"Fifth Form of Aura Master?"

An old ancestor stumbled.

"Yes, I've heard of the Aura Master's talent before. It is said that as long as the fifth form is reached, all the opponent's power can be swallowed up, and a complete counterattack can be achieved. The opponent's level is higher than him. ... is this true? "

Yantai Moyun looked ugly.

"Really insightful!"

刚 As soon as his voice fell, Nie Yun, who gathered in the black hole, laughed slowly and came over slowly.

Just when Nie Yun thought that death was undoubted, Yuanqi Dantian finally couldn't bear the pressure and broke through!

丹 Dantian, who has reached the fifth form, has a strong ability to devour, even if the opponent's strength is higher than himself, reaching the point of Xianjun, he can devour all the forces and release them intact!

元气 丹田 reached the fifth form, and finally revealed the ninth ranking 狰狞 face!

Ignore all attacks, and you can counterattack them perfectly. Even if the powerful force of Xianjun and the earth can be devoured without side effects, it is no wonder that it can become a special talent in the top ten, which is terrible!

"Are you ... the energy master?"

When I saw him confessing, Motai of Yuntai squeezed his fist.

前 The top ten talent owners, each of them is a gifted person with great luck and anti-natural ability. No wonder this boy is so powerful that he never dreamed that the other party actually has the ninth talented talent!

"Nice!" Nie Yun also nodded and admitted.

"Okay, okay, the Ability Master talent is ranked ninth, even higher than the martial arts talent, second only to my brother's talent, I want to see today what kind of ability!"

Motai of Yuntai is also a peerless powerhouse who has been promoted to Xianjun step by step. Although she was shocked by Nie Yun's talent, she calmed down in an instant, and her eyes were full of war.

He had not exhausted all efforts to deal with Nie Yun before, at this time, after knowing the opponent's ability, he finally caused the strongest fighting spirit.

"Don't let this Nie Yun flee if you have a big battle. With the talent of the Aura Master, once we can't kill, our top ten families will be destroyed!"

I took a step forward and told the other ancestors to say that Motai's eyes were burning.

I have the talent of the vitality division. There is a steady stream of vitality, and I have no fear of group battles. What I have to do now is to kill them with the strongest fighting power. Otherwise, once I let them escape, the top ten families could not stop this humanoid monster.

"it is good!"

The other ancestors seemed to know the gap with Motai in Yuntai. They stepped back and defended the Quartet, their respective immortal forces poured out, and the Jiuxiao Palace was arranged as solid as a copper wall and iron wall. Even if Nie Yun wants to escape, I am afraid I also spend a lot of effort.

来 "Come on, let me see how powerful the fifth form of Aura Master is!"

I took a deep breath, and the whole sky was trembling slightly. Hutai Moyun's legs bounced on the ground, and an anxious meteor came over.

Walking in the air, he changed dozens of handprints in succession, each one carrying the richest mystery of heaven. Dozens of tricks were brought down, let alone hard-wired, and it made people feel dizzy.

The Huantai family controls Tiandao and has the deepest understanding of Tiandao. Although his tactics have not been fully formed, it is clear that he has communicated the mysteries of Tiandao and will at any time drop the unpredictable power.

"It's really much stronger than those wastes, but it's far worse to think that this ability can defeat the Aura Master!"

As soon as Motai made a shot, Nie Yun knew that his strength was far better than that of the other nine ancestors, even though he was not as good as many souls who really stood at the peak of the spiritual world, such as the soul master.

However, even if he has this kind of strength, it is not enough to scare Nie Yun. Take a step forward, and the strong vitality forms a large grandma. Nie Yun's whole body evokes the power of engulfment that makes the eyes and even the soul feel terrifying ~ www. readwn.com ~ The vitality Dantian reaches the fifth form, swallowing the sky, swallowing the ground, and swallowing everything, even if it is the soul thought, the spiritual thought can be devoured. All the people who watch the battle will feel dizzy immediately after seeing it for a while. , All came from a deep sense of horror.

In their eyes, Nie Yun is like a bottomless abyss. After looking at it for a long time, the soul will be attracted to the past, unable to extricate himself.

No wonder it can become a top ten super talent, this ability is really terrible! It's tantamount to not fighting, it's good for the undefeated!

"The palm of heaven before me used only one-tenth of my power. Now you deserve my exhaustion of power, just don't know if you can devour it!"

Motai of Yuntai was not affected by Nie Yun's engulfing power, and a low humming force that made the world and the earth tremble suddenly released.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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