Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1144: Last resort


Power torrents fell like raindrops, Motai Moyun seemed to travel through the eternal power, once the time was reached to stop it, the sky was destroyed, and Zhou Tianxing fell.

Sure enough, the Palm of Heaven is ten times stronger than just now!

The fierce howling wind blew across, making people look stiff and difficult to breathe. Although the remaining nine ancestors knew that the strength of Maotai Moyun had been strong, they did not expect it to be so scary!

And he is not in a grade at all!


Nie Yun raised his eyebrows, stepped forward again, striding across, like an emperor who broke the Xinghe, grabbed it out of the air with his palm.

The power of Huotai Moyun making the world tremble in front of his huge palm, meek like a sheep, swallowed in by him.

"Very well, I'll see if you can swallow it!"

Xutai Moyun seemed to have known that Nie Yun had such a powerful ability, sneered, grabbed the palm forward, and a golden long whip appeared on the palm.

As soon as the whip appeared in the space, the sound of shattering appeared, as if the steel fell on the ice. It felt like a random movement would break the space into powder.

Good fortune!

He actually has a good fairy!

"This is my God of Creation. The whip of God is made with a fairy vine among the chaos, which means that even the gods can be generals and rule. It is a great honor for you to die under this long whip. ! "

Huotai Mo Yun sighed coldly and stepped forward. The surrounding air flow was divided into obvious gullies under the collision of the long whip. The whole person was suspended in the air like a giant opening the world.


When the whip of God was released, the space was torn apart like a wave, and a force that pierced the soul appeared instantly.


Nie Yun's pupils shrank, knowing that the other party had the whip in hand, and it was almost impossible to overcome. With his wrist raised, the Beidou sword stabbed out.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

The sword and whip collided, and Nie Yun stepped back seven or eight steps in a row.

The opponent's use of the long whip of fortune is equivalent to letting his vitality talent, useless land, do not use the vitality Dan Tian to reach the fifth form, his true strength is only half a step fairy king, far from the true fairy king, is far from .

Not to mention that the other party is the Fairy Jun holding a fortune!


Knowing that the other party had a magical artifact, Nie Yun knew that he was defeated, and he must have suffered. He immediately rushed outward without hesitation.

"Where to go!"

When the ancestor of the Yang family saw Nie Yun rushing to his side, his fists blasted down.

Nie Yunji met Tai Moyun's whip of God and didn't care about him. He grabbed his hands and greeted him immediately.


With the palm of his hand slamming and closing, the violent power of the ancestors of the Yang family was held in the palm of his hand, and his power was released in an instant.


The ancestor of the Yang family changed his face. One of them flew out with blood, squirting blood.

The attack just now was equal to how he withstood his full blow and Nie Yun's full blow.


While he was dying for his life, Nie Yun always showed no mercy. He injured the ancestor of the Yang family and rushed forward. The Beidou sword flickered and the cold light was sharp.


Xutai Mo Yun saw that Nie Yun was not fighting with him, but turned to deal with the ancestors of the Yang family. He narrowed his eyes, pierced the space with the whip of God, and came to the front, pointing directly to Nie Yun's heart.

"come on!"

Nie Yun seems to have known for a long time that he did not look back. With one hand grabbing, a swallowing force will immediately **** the whip of God.

He didn't push away, but yanked!


While pulling, the body flickered, avoiding the key points of the sharpness, and brought the whip of God with extreme speed. At this moment, it was pulled again, piercing the ancestor of Yang's ancestors in an instant.


The ancestor of the Yang family was fried into minced meat.

However, almost all the immortal monarchs have immortal bodies. Although they were pierced and their bodies exploded, the ancestors of the Yang family would not die, but their vitality was too great. If they want to recover, they need to know at least hundreds of years and thousands of years. Kung Fu.

"Boy, are you cheating?"

Seeing that Nie Yun lightly picked up his own whip and instantly injured Yang Zhen, Motai Moyun came to understand that the other party perfectly borrowed the talent of the vitality master to oppose his own whip!

Although the other party also has the big killer of Beidoujian, it is a pity that it is too low to use this magical artifact perfectly, but unlike the vitality Dantian, his own promotion power can be perfectly controlled. If he is unexpected, he can completely determine the battle situation. It makes people jealous!

This is definitely the best way to fight him at present, which can deal with himself and hurt other immortals.

If an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years can think of this method, how can an 18-year-old boy think of such a perfect fighting method in such a short period of time?

Under his own persecution, he can still do so easily. Is this man really a combat genius?

"Does he still have ... martial arts talent?"

The heart yanked and the head exploded.

Xutai Moyun was a little crazy.

In such a short period of time, he can come up with this kind of fighting method and apply it to the show. There is no jerky feeling, except that he has excellent fighting experience, then there is only one possibility!

The opponent also has the tenth martial arts talent!

A person with both special talents in the top ten? how can that be?

However, Motai's surprise was not over yet, and the thing that made him crazy again happened.

I saw that the young man who had just injured Yang's ancestor with his scourge of God suddenly appeared in the middle of the hall, and his fingers formed a weird mark, and a strange sound that made people panic.

"Those who violate the rules of heaven and earth, I Nie Yun call you in the name of the soul, so that you know the price to offend the soul ..."

The sound that makes the soul sleep sounds like a special force that stirs chaos, and a sound sounds, giving a special language.

In the sound, everyone seemed to see a huge palm coming from the air, calling to them.

Faced with such a call, the souls of everyone seemed to be detached from the body at any time, swim freely, and obey each other's driving and sending!

"It's a soul master talent! How could he still have a soul master talent!"

Seeing this scene, Hutai Moyun was completely crazy.

In front of this young man, the talent of soul master ranked eighth!

You can use both the Ability Master Talent and the Martial Artist Talent. These two talents have never appeared in the spirit world, but the soul master talent already has a face. How come up with one that can be used?

Isn't there only one special talent in the top ten?

What's the matter!

"No matter what the **** you do, you will die for me today!"

Yantai Moyun bit the tip of his tongue to block the call of the soul in the air. A fierce light flashed from his eyes, his wrists shook, and the god's whip was thrown over again.


Now he was full of strength, and before the whip came to the front, he stirred up an irresistible power.

"This man desecrates the power of his soul, and you will not stop him yet!"

Nie Yun didn't evade, suddenly a move in the palm of his hand, and shouted to many immortals in the air.

This voice brought the soul master's peculiar ability to control the soul and Xianyin master's deceptive power directly into their minds, leaving them in a coma.

"Dare to blaspheme the soul, you **** it!"

"Animal, don't kneel down and confess right away! Pray for forgiveness from Master Soul Master, do you want to die!"

"Get away from me and take your whip away!"



In the blink of an eye, eight immortal monks, except for the ancestor of the Yang family, rushed over at the same time, violently roared, and shot at Motai in Yuntai.

In the blink of an eye, the strength is like rain, and the breath is like rainbow. Even though Motai of Yuntai is strong, he is completely trapped and cannot escape.

"Ha ha, you fight first, I will not be accompanied!"

Seeing that Motai in Huantai was entangled by many ancestors, Nie Yun sneered, and stabbed at the seal outside Jiuxiao Palace, trying to pierce the seal and leave.

"Abominable, you are all deceived, he is not a soul teacher at all, the pearl of heaven, according to the world, wake me up!"

Seeing that Nie Yun was about to leave, Motai of Yuntai was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Eight ancestors around him swung open two consecutive whip, one finger, a bright pearl appeared in the middle of the hall.

This jewel was dazzling, the halo was spinning, and the blink of an eye covered the eight ancestors.


Photographed by the halo, the eight ancestors seemed to be awake and shook their heads at the same time, with a confused look in their eyes.

"This guy still has this kind of thing ..."

Seeing this scene, Nie Yun was startled.

This so-called celestial pearl can wake up so many immortal monks at once. Although the power can't keep up with the bright meditation pearl stolen from the Buddhist world, it looks almost the same.

It seems that one cannot really underestimate the details of any of the immortal monarchs. At least they have lived for hundreds of millions of years. The treasures and secrets on their bodies are not comparable to those who have just made their fortune.

He naturally does not have the talent of a soul master. The reason why he can perform it is because the spirit of the soul is still in his body, and it burns in anxiety.

This is because with this spirit of spirit, you can control the eight immortals for a period of time and give yourself a chance to escape. Now it seems that it can't be completed!

The seal set by the other party is too strong. Even with the current strength, there are no dozens of breathing time ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is impossible to break!

"This kid will bewitch you, let you kill me, and don't kill him together!"

These thoughts flickered in my mind, and the Motai of Yuntai over there had made everyone awake, a long whip shuddered, and a loud roar.

"Dare to bewilder us!"

"You die ... don't use Xianli, he can devour Xianli, everyone uses baby together!"


Many immortals and Motai Yun moved at the same time. This time without immortal force, all took out the bottom of the pressure box, countless treasures tumbled, the wind roared, and the world was torn.

Can be expected to be hit by this attack, even if strong, Nie Yun will be instantly smashed into a meat pie, the dead can not die.

"Haha! You want to kill me, you're still tender, vitality bomb!"

Seeing the amount of violent violence from the other side, Nie Yun laughed loudly instead of panicking, wondering when a huge ball was added to his palm.

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