Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1145: Break into the Yantai family

Vitality bomb!

Bian Nieyun finally showed off his strongest trick at the most dangerous moment.

Aura bomb is a unique skill he created with the Ability Master talent after entering the spirit realm. By compressing the vital energy, he forms an energy group with huge explosive power.

When the vitality Dantian reaches the third form, he can compress the vitality bomb that is ten times more powerful than his full-strike. Now the vitality Dantian reaches the fifth form, which is even more powerful. The compressed vitality bomb appears to tear when it appears in the sky.

他 This vitality bomb has been compressed since the promotion of the vitality Dantian. Although it has not yet been compressed to the strongest state, the power is not to be underestimated, and it is definitely more powerful than the nine fairy kings joined forces!

"Taste me this trick!" Nie Yun's eyes flashed a ruthless meaning.

When I came to Jiuxiao Palace and saw so many immortals, I knew that the other party was fully prepared.

Why did they prepare enough?

If you want to die by yourself, you have to pay the corresponding price!


He blew up his energy bombs.

At the same time, the talents of the defense division were running, and he darted into the star palace and attached to the seal on the wall of Jiuxiao palace.

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Aura bombs collided with the attacks of the nine great immortal monarchs, and they exploded!

The wind-like giant wave blinked away in a blink of an eye, and immediately formed an irresistible huge shock wave. The space and time were immediately distorted in front of this shock wave. The blink of an eye force swallowed the strongest attack of the nine great immortals , Tearing the space out of a huge black hole.

"what is this?"

"Energy wave? How could he compress the energy wave to such power ..."

The scene in front of Yan once again subverted everyone's cognition, including all the people in Motai of Yuntai, the world felt confused.

It ’s a miracle that a half-step fairy king kid can't die under the ten of them. How can he still make such an attack?


The powerful Aura bombs ignored their thoughts at all, slowly rolled down, and instantly expanded, bursting into force beyond time.

"Optimus Shield!"

I know the power of this energy group. An ancestor roared and took out a treasure.

宝 This treasure was acquired by him in one opportunity. He has a strong defense ability and immediately covers everyone.

刚 As soon as he smelt the baby offering, the shock wave came to him. Powerful crushing force. Hit the Optimus Shield, making a dense and crisp sound.

Click! Click! Click!

With a series of thrilling sounds, everyone's complexion turned pale.


at last. Optimus Shield can no longer withstand the rushing force of crushing down!

The power of being blocked by Optimus Shield is much smaller, and it is still terrible, with everyone's panic, sweeping everyone in.

Huh! puff! puff! puff! puff!

A series of sounds, Motai and others all spit blood and were seriously injured!

Qi Nieyun's vitality bomb was too terrible. Even if they had prepared it for a long time, Xianli could protect the vitality, but it was still unbearable. They all suffered serious injuries.


Qi Yuanqi bomb attack has no directionality and is all-round. After all the nine great immortal tremors were injured, they came to the wall of Jiuxiao Palace.

The mountains shook steadily, and the super-strong seals laid out by the Ten Great Immortals were generally fragile in front of the vitality bombs, and they couldn't hold one in ten thousand breaths. It was torn apart, violent vigor, burst out of the sky and tore the sky apart.


Jiuli Palace, the highest honor representing hundreds of millions of years in the spiritual realm, completely collapsed and turned into a pile of ruins.

"Enjoy slowly. I'm leaving!"

When many immortal monks shocked the scene in front of him, laughter sounded, and a shadow flickered twice before disappearing from them.

Although the six relatives were not recognized by Yun Yuanqi, Nie Yun made preparations in advance. The Big Dipper Palace plus the talents of the defender, the powerful flesh, and the seal power laid down by the Ten Great Celestial Kings, although the impact was very large, still did not give him fatal damage.

For him with the immortal body and the talent of Master Musheng, as long as it is not fatal, one or two breathing efforts can be recovered, which is not a matter at all.

"Yutai family is in that place, Yueer must be blocked in the family Xianchen Road for a long time to read the full text!"

I flew out of Jiuxiao Palace. Nie Yun knew that Motai and others in Yantai were seriously injured. They must not continue to trouble themselves for a short time. They were happy and relaxed, and flew straight towards the Yantai family.

When I came here, I specifically asked Xiao Ran the address of the Yantai family, just to make a plan now.


His speed is very fast, dozens of breathing efforts flew hundreds of millions of kilometers to the Huantai family.

The Huantai family deserves to be the head of the top ten families. The mansion is huge and magnificent. With a majestic atmosphere, the sky is overwhelmed with thunder. It seems that as long as they rush in without their permission, they will be attacked madly.

Nie Yunlei's talent has reached the fifth form, and he has been able to control the calamity. He didn't care about this thunder and lightning and flew in the air.

"Yueer, I'm here to pick you up, come with me!"

Tong Langlang's voice was more horrible than the Thunder, bursting out with the pressure of shocking all realms.

"Who is it? Dare to be wild in the Huantai family and seek death!"

"The Yantai family is serious, trespassers die!"


In a blink of an eye, a series of silhouettes appeared in the air.

These figures must be white, and at a glance, they know that they are the elders of the Huantai family.

"I came to Lingtai Lingyue to pick her up and tell me where she is. I can't do it!"

I looked around for a week and found no trace of Ling Yue. Nie Yun's hands were behind her, her voice was cold and her face was like a demon.

Even the ancestors of their family were beaten to death, these people don't even look at them.

"Lingtai Lingyue is the princess of our family, what are you, come here to find her!"

"Can't do it? Great tone, do you know who you're talking to? This is the Yantai family, the top ten family in the spirit world. If you don't want to die, immediately kneel to the ground and admit your mistake!"

"I do n’t want to die, I went to the Huantai family to make trouble, and I just don't want to live ..."

Uh ...

Yan Nieyun's words seemed to fall on the oil pan, causing an immediate bang, and the Huandai clan immediately buzzed.

In their eyes, the Yantai family is supreme. Admired by thousands of people, and now this young man dares to be so arrogant, he just doesn't want to live.

"As foolish as Yantai Chuangyu, get away!"

Seeing that no one answered, Nie Yun's face sank.

These guys are too superior. In this case. Then I will destroy your superiority!

Finger a little forward, a huge handprint appeared suddenly in the air, and it was down.

Crackling! Slap! Slap!

Countless elders and disciples have no room to resist in the face of this great force. Qi swipe to the ground.

"Say, where is Lingtai Lingyue!"

The first move suppressed everyone, Nie Yun hummed.

These people are only Wang Xian, Sheng Xian, and even Jin Xian. For his current strength, nothing can be considered. If it is not for the face of Yantai Lingyue, it will definitely wash the entire family's blood immediately. Chicken Dogs don't stay!

"Yingtai Lingyue was locked in the Tiandao Mountain behind the clan by the patriarch, without the owner's warrant to settle the latest chapter step by step. It can't be opened at all ..."

The other party suppressed so many people at once, and everyone finally understood the horror of the young man in front of them, and an elder shouted out struggling.

I can't have this kind of strength, I'm afraid they are already immortals and they can't resist them.

"Tiandao Mountain?"

Nie Yun raised her eyebrows and looked up. Sure enough, he saw a towering mountain in front of him standing in front of him, straight into the thunder of the sky, as if fused with God.


He flew straight to Tiandao Mountain.


Mt. Tiandao Mountain, the place where the first ancestor of the Huantai family took part in the realization of Tiandao, succeeded. It was imprisoned here with great tactics, and became the supreme sanctuary of the Huantai family.

At this moment in the belly of the Supreme Holy Land, a young girl sits quietly at the table, her eyes staring at the scene not far away.

"Miss, miss Master Nie Yun again? Rest assured, he has a natural beauty, and he will be fine!"

A little girl came over and saw the young girl look, and smiled and comforted.

Douyan, Lingyue's daughter!

The stunned young girl is Ning Yunri, the Taoist Lingyue who missed the sky.

"I don't know what kind of request Dad will make. If it is too difficult, it is not dangerous ..."

There was a faint sorrow in Lingtai Meiyue.

虽然 Although she is a master of heaven and controls the affairs of Zhou Tian, ​​being locked up here is tantamount to being isolated from the spirit world, and she cannot know what happened.

"Relax, Miss, haven't you let Lianshui explore quietly? It should be back soon, and it will definitely bring useful information!"

Seeing that the girl was so worried, Jiu Yan poked her lips and said.

In fact, to tell the truth, she really didn't see what Master Nie Yun deserved of this lady.

Speaking of appearance ~ www.readwn.com ~ He is much more handsome than him. Speaking of love, there is an ambiguous relationship with several girls in the spiritual world ... Speaking of strength, there is only fairyland, uh ... now it should increase some Yes, but compared to the lady who is a Taoist teacher, the difference is not a little bit.

I really don't know what the lady liked him!

"I know what you think. You are a person you don't like. Once you have it, even if he is poor and weak, it is perfect in your heart ..."

I seem to see through the idea of ​​Jiu Yan, Lingtai Lingyue shook her head.

"Yes, I have said this sentence hundreds of times ..."

When I heard Miss's words, Jiuyan rubbed her head.

She grew up with the lady from a young age. The relationship is as close as her sister. Unlike other masters and servants, she has a big difference in status and strict rules.

"Miss, I heard the news ..."

When Jiu Yan had just finished speaking, she suddenly heard a sound, and an anxious voice came from outside the seal of Tiandao Mountain.

I was just another maid in Lingtai Lingyue, Lianshui!

She is responsible for going out to find out the news of the gambling contract between Nie Yun and the clan leader Taitai Chuangyu, and she has just returned.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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