Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1146: News from Nie Yun

The Tiandao Mountain Seal was left by the first ancestor of the Huandai family. During that period, countless strong people sealed it. It was indestructible. Among them, the Tiandao was shut out. Although the Lingtai Moon was locked in the sky, it was impossible to come out. Can only communicate with others at most!

Xun Lianshui was the most loyal girl, and was not locked in, so she had the opportunity to inquire about the news of Nie Yun and her father betting.

怎么 样 "How's it? My dad didn't embarrass Nie Yun!"

Seeing her coming, Yantai Lingyue stood up quickly and asked anxiously.

What she is most worried about now is that her father embarrassed Nie Yun and asked him to do some extremely dangerous things!

"The patriarch asked Master Nie Yun to complete three things. As long as he succeeds, he will not force Miss to become a god, nor will he oppose him being with Miss ..."

Yan Lianshui took a breath and said quickly.

"Hmm!" Her father asked Nie Yun to do three things. She also knew that she nodded gently and continued to listen.

"The first thing for the patriarch is to let Master Nie Yun go to the demon world and bring the Seven-Heart Dragon Ball within three months ..."

"Take the seven-hearted dragon ball? The seven-hearted dragon ball is a symbol of the status of the dragon family, which represents the supreme dignity. Like the jade seal in the world, shouldn't you take this thing to death? And the relationship between Nie Yun and Xiaolong will surely be met by the blue dragon emperor. Hunting ... this, this ... why did my dad have such terrible conditions ... "

Before Yan Lianshui finished, Lingtai Lingyue's head exploded.

As a native of the spirit world, she is also a Taoist teacher. She knows the situation of the six forces in the heavens and the earth, and she goes to the demon world to find the Seven-hearted Dragon Ball. This is a life of nine deaths. How could my father make such a request?

"He didn't agree ..." Yantai Lingyue asked quickly.

"I heard Master Nie Yun agreed without thinking!" Lianshui Road.

"He did it for me ... but this thing is too dangerous, no, I want to go out, I must stop this thing ..."

Yantai Lingyue's anxiety could not be concealed, he said anxiously.

"Hee hee, miss, you don't need to panic. Master Nie Yun came back more than two months ago, and brought Seven Hearts Dragon Ball over to complete the task perfectly!"

Seeing the appearance of the lady, Lian Shui smiled, saying no reason.

"Completed the mission? Is he not injured ..."

Yantai Lingyue asked, his face turned red, and his concern was chaotic. If he was injured, Lian Shui would definitely not look like this. Besides, he has the talent of Mu Sheng teacher, even if the injury can be cured quickly, there should be no major problems.

当然 "Of course I was not injured! After I returned, I heard that because Yang Zhen ’s family loved to talk bluntly and taught him a hard meal! He was severely injured!" Lian Shui said something inexplicable, flashing an incredible look in his eyes.

The heads of the top ten families are high in her eyes. The emperor-like figures were actually vomited by Master Nie Yun and did not dare to talk nonsense. Is this news true or false?

"Hurt Yang Zhen? I knew he was a restless man. Yang Zhen was bullshit, and he would definitely be angry ..." Hearing Nie Yun was okay, Lingtai Lingyue relaxed a lot, and a smile appeared on his face , And then asked, "What is the second thing my dad asked for? It shouldn't be that hard!"

"The second thing the patriarch asked for is even harder than this, is to ask the soul master for the spirit of ten souls!" Lianshuidao.

"I want ten soul energies to Yan Zhi? What does my dad do?" Upon hearing this news, Lingtai Lingyue was really anxious.

"Yan Yixiang was stingy. Last time, the lady asked her if she wanted a spirit of soul, or she brought it to her defeat. The owner also knew that making this request was obviously a embarrassment to Master Nie Yun. Master Nie Yun should not Promise! "

Dou Yan on the one side was also on the other side.

The last time the lady asked for soul spirit from the soul master, she still remembered it. One of the faces asked Xiaoqi, all of them were so troublesome, and ten ... Isn't this killing her?

As you can imagine, compared to this matter, looking for the Seven Heart Dragon Ball before is simply pediatrics.

"Master Nie Yun ... he agreed!"

Qilian Waterway.

"Promised? Huh, guys who can't help themselves, the lady has to have such a strong strength, I don't believe he can bring ten? This way I don't know how high the sky is, and it is doomed to fail ..."

Qi Jiuyan poked her lips.

她 In her opinion, the lady is so troublesome to have a spirit of soul. Master Nie Yun dare to promise such a difficult gambling contract, she is doomed to fail.

"Master Nie Yun ... he succeeded! He came back more than half a month ago and took the complete ten soul spirits!"

Before Jiu Yan's words were finished, Lianshui interrupted her and told what she knew.

"What? Success? More than half a month ago? If you infer from time ... he brought ten soulful spirits to the troll world less than two months ago? This ... how is this possible?"

Su Jiuyan jumped up and lost her previous attitude, her face was indifferent.

Lian Shui is not surprised to see Hao Yan's appearance, because when she first heard the news, she looked the same.

"I heard that Master Nie Yun not only took the breath of soul, but also fought Jiuxiao Palace to let the owner of the Huangfuqi kneel!" Lianshui's face was flushed with excitement.

Everyone has a rebellious mentality, making the ten patriarchs who are high above them kneel. This is something that I would never dare to imagine.

"Let Huangfuqi's owner kneel? Why is this?" Lingtai Yueyue heard his lover's success one after another, and was also excited and asked in confusion.

"It is said that when Master Nie Yun received the task, the owner of Huang Fuqi once threatened that he would succeed, and he would kneel on his own! As a result, he realized that the spirit of soul still wanted to hang on to his account, and he knelt hard to beat Come down ... "

Qi Lianshui suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"The master of the imperial prince kneels ... How did Master Nie Yun have such strong strength?" Jiuyan stunned.

"Most of a month ago ... Did Nie Yun go to the third task now? What is the third task?"

Rongtai Lingyue didn't bother with these little things, but thought of another thing and hurriedly asked.

The first two things are so difficult, the third thing my father will definitely not let go, if it is more difficult, what can Nie Yun not accomplish ...

I don't know what to do for a while.

"The third thing the homeowner gives is to go to the other side of Thunderfield to get the Thunder Pearl, and the time limit is within one month!"

After thinking about Lianshui frowned, she had never heard of the so-called Thunderfield or the Pearl of Thunder. She was full of doubts, but she was different from Lingyue when she heard these two names. Sha Bai.

"Thunderland on the other side is the treasure of Buddha's stay in the chaotic ocean to resolve Shura's murderousness. Taking away the pearl of thunder is equivalent to taking the entire thunderfield on the other side. The Buddhist world cannot agree. How dad made this request! "

Yantai Lingyue is really a little angry.

The first two things forced Nie Yun to die. There may still be a chance for success, but this thing is absolutely impossible to succeed. It is no different from letting Nie Yun commit suicide!

How did Dad make this decision?

真 Do you really not want to pursue happiness?

I ca n’t do it ... Dad has been caring for himself since he was small ... Why is it so difficult Nie Yun!

"No, I'm going out, I'm going to stop this in the Buddhist world. The righteous monks who have always said in their mouths are utterly self-serving. In fact, it's impossible to take out the Pearl of Thunder. Dangerous, I must save him! "

Huantai Lingyue's face appeared panic, murmured, watching the seal frowning in front of her.

虽然 Although she is a celestial master, with the power of celestial beings, her strength is endless, but here she is isolated from celestial beings, and even she cannot break the seal.

If it wasn't for this, she would have gone out long ago, and would never have waited until now, alone and anxious.

"Miss, don't worry, listen to me ..."

Seeing Lingtai losing her position, Lingshui yelled quickly.

"Listen to what you're saying? Wouldn't you say that it's only been more than half a month now, Master Nie Yun has taken the Pearl of Thunder? The Pearl of Thunder is a treasure of the Buddhist monk. It ’s not that I underestimate Master Nie Yun, even if the lady is in the past, it cannot be done! "

Xi Jiuyan poked her lips and hummed.

Qi Lianshui didn't know the other side of Thunderfield. She followed the lady every day and knew a lot about such things.

As a master of the Tao who could n’t get it in the past, how could Master Nie Yun accomplish it?

"This ... I thought so before, but just before I returned, I met Master Xiao Ran from the Xiao family on the road! This time he went to the Buddhist world with Master Nie Yun!"

Lianshui shook his head, a hint of redness appeared on his face, and the pink fist clenched. "Master Xiao Ran told me that Master Nie Yun not only succeeded in taking the Pearl of Thunder, but also thoroughly refined the other side of Thunderfield and got A flower that reads a gyro on the other shore, showing great power ... "

"What? Success? This is impossible! How can a person in the Buddhist world let him take the other side of Thunderfield without being indifferent?"

Yun Jiuyan was startled.

"Specific circumstances, you talk carefully and listen!"

Huantai Lingyue heard that Nie Yun also completed this matter ~ www.readwn.com ~ a sense of pride sprang up, and continued to ask.

To be honest, even Nie Yun thought it was incredible.

"I don't know what the specific situation is, just Master Xiao Ran said casually. It is said that Master Nie Yun had fought a Buddha in the Buddhist world and successfully killed an Lord Buddha! This is how he came back!"

Wu Lianshui said, it still seemed to be unbelievable.

"Kill the Buddha? Are you sure that the Buddha is not the Lord of the Buddha?" Jiuyan's eyes were almost falling.

Although the Buddha Lord and Buddha are only one word apart, the concepts are completely different.

"I asked Master Xiao Ran the same way. He said that it was the Emperor Xi Mi who was killed, a strong monarch!"

Qilian Waterway.

"The ancestor of the Lord Mi Mi ... kill the strong monarch ... this ..."

Yantai Lingyue and Jiuyan looked at each other, and they all felt crazy.

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