Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1147: Blasting Tiandao Mountain

What strength of Nie Yun, when did you come to the spirit world, how do you grow up ... The two people know the best, came to the spirit world, it has been less than a year since the fairyland, and they can actually kill the fairy king ...

This is too bad!

"I finally know why you missed him, miss, it still looks like the eyes of the lady ..."

I wondered how long it had been before, and Jiuyan sighed and smiled bitterly.

Miss Yun's gaze was terrible, not just spicy.

不到 With less than a year of cultivation from Xianli Realm, you have the power to kill Xianjun. Even the original Miss Tiandao Shi, you ca n’t do it!

少 This master Nie Yun can show that his potential and strength are beyond imagination!

Before that, when everyone was not optimistic, the lady secretly promised that it was enough to show that her eyesight was horrible.

"Three things are done, Dad should have promised us ..."

Compared to Jiuyan's shock, Yantai Lingyue was full of pride and flushed.

My father proposed three things. As long as Nie Yun finished, let him be with him. Now it is perfect. Father should not stop it!

"Father, don't worry, even if I and Nie Yun are together, once things really make the heavens and the earth confuse six things, I will still transform into heaven and save the people ..."

He hummed gently, Lingtai Lingyue's eyes were firm.

Even if her father agrees to be with Nie Yun, for the souls of heaven and earth, she will still be willing to become heaven.

I was with Nie Yun. It's little love, inner joy! It is great love to incarnate the heavens to save people. Responsibilities and obligations of a heavenly master!

"What happened then? Will the patriarch come to pick up the lady and reunite with Master Nie Yun right away?"

Until this time, Jiuyan finally recognized Nie Yun and felt that Miss Shang could only match him, and asked with a smile.

"I don't know what happened later. Master Xiao Ran asked me to return quickly and let me inform the lady. Once half an hour no one came to pick up the lady. I hope the lady can hurry to Jiuxiao Palace!"

Xi Lianshui thought for a while and then said what Xiao Ran said.

"No one picked me up for half an hour, and let me rush to Jiuxiao Palace myself, could it be ..."

Yun Lianshui and Jiu Yan haven't figured out what happened. Lingtai Lingyue on one side changed her face, and her whole body was shaking.

Since all three things have been successful, my father will definitely pick him up as agreed. Meet with it. Half an hour carefully said that it has been wide, and if no one has come during this time, it can only explain one thing ... someone broke the contract!

There are only two possibilities for defamation. First, my father killed Nie Yun! Second, Nie Yun was suppressed or besieged ...

Either way, it wasn't something she could accept!

"No, I'm going out ..."

Lingtai Lingyue jumped up suddenly. Looking at the seal in front of you, you have to start.

此时 At this moment. Suddenly, a voice louder than the thunderous thunder slammed, the sound of Kyushu, roaring all over the world, even in the seal, I heard it clearly.

"Yueer, I'm here to pick you up, come with me!"


The arrogant voice had a strong self-confidence. It seemed that as long as she agreed, she would be able to leave with him at any time, without having to worry about family secular etiquette.

"It's him! He's fine, come and pick me up!"

Yantai Lingyue relaxed suddenly, her eyes wet.

"It's Master Nie Yun. He rushes so openly, and he will definitely have conflicts with his family ..."

She Jiuyan also heard who the voice master was, her eyebrows frowned, but before she finished speaking, she heard a huge roar, and then saw a handsome figure flew straight with a white light.

I ’m not who Nie Yun is!

I looked up and saw that everyone in the family lay on the ground one by one, motionless, and the original arrogant people turned into a turtle in front of the teenager.

"so good……"

In this scene, Hao Yan did not have the anger of the members of the Yantai family, but was full of worship in her eyes.

I'm afraid that only in this way can you match your own lady with the super strong who ignores the rules and directly enters the Hutai family!

He is also the only one who can go farther and farther, so that people like Miss, love it, never die!

"Yueer, here I am!"


Nian Yun came to the seal in contemplation.

"Nie Yun ..."

Looking at each other, everything is silent.

"Wait a minute, I'll save you out!"

The two looked at it for a while, Nie Yun frowned, and grabbed his hands forward sharply.


With half a step of immortal strength and three hundred times the physical strength, the powerful vigor came along the fingertips to the seal.


Nian Yunzhen retreated with a fierce force when he touched the seal.

"This seal was laid down by the family ancestors of the year. Except for the special token, even the strongest peak of the immortal is difficult to break!"

Seeing Nie Yun's movement, Lingtai Lingyue sighed.

就 Even if she can use the heavens, it is very difficult to break the seal, let alone others!

"I will try again!"

Xie Nieyun did not expect to pass through the level and stump on an ordinary seal. His eyebrows were wrinkled and he snorted, and his wrist trembled and the Beidou sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

For a moment, the fortune-making peak fairy spit out a dazzling bright light, and stabbed at the seal with endless power.


His attack was stronger, the seal was stronger, and a fierce roar, Nie Yun felt a numbness all over his body, his sword almost didn't catch, and he dropped it.

"What a great seal!"

Full strength did not break the seal with a sword, Nie Yun frowned.

封 This seal is more sturdy than any one I've seen before, and it is absolutely impossible to crack without the real peak fighting power of Xianjun.

"Forget it, don't do useless work. Except for the token in the father's hands, no one can crack it ... by the way, what happened?"

Xuanting Lingyue asked this time how Nie Yun suddenly appeared here.

"This is not the time to say this, let me talk about it after I rescue you!"

Nie Yun raised her eyebrows, took a step back, and looked at Lianshui, not far away. "You leave immediately, the farther the better!"

"Yes!" Although Lianshui didn't know what the young master wanted to do, he nodded and stepped back.

"It's just a broken seal. Since I can't open you, I will level this so-called Tiandao Mountain!"

Nie Yun was suspended in the air, his eyes were cold, and the vitality master Dan Tian kept spinning, furiously extracting the power in the unknown space and compressing it.

Since Bei Bei Sword can't break the seal, use the energy bomb.

Do not believe that the strongest level of energy bombs can't be opened!

算 Even if the seal cannot be blasted, this Tiandao Mountain will definitely be blasted. I still don't believe that the mountain is destroyed and people can't come out!

The Nianhe and the Yantai families have already torn their faces, and Nie Yun has no scruples.

The other party is not kind, there is no need to preach morality. Since this Tiandao Mountain is a symbol of the dignity of your Yantai family, I will completely destroy your symbol today!

In the heart of Xun's heart, Nie Yun's strength boiled and kept rolling.

The violent power was madly compressed by his power, and the vitality bombs gathered in the air sea became more and more powerful, and soon surpassed the one released in Jiuxiao Palace.

"Nie Yun, what are you doing? This is the holy place of the Huantai family. UU reads www.uukanshu.com. It is a symbol of the spiritual realm. If you dare to sin, you are totally against the spiritual realm ..."

聂 As Nie Yun continued to compress, a loud scream suddenly started, and a group of people rushed over.

He was the one who was injured by the former Taiwanese proprietors Yantai Chuangyu and Yantai Moyun.

Although the ten immortal monarchs who besieged Nie Yun by the Jiuxiao Palace were all injured, they did not die. At this time, they calmed down and knew that Nie Yun came here and all rushed over.

I was talking about the ancestors of the first Huantai family, Huantai Moyun!

"What am I going to do? I won't see it myself? Huandai Holy Land? Well, the symbol of the spiritual world, let me show you today how the so-called symbol in your mouth became a ruin!"

Nie Yun snorted coldly, raised his palms, and a huge ball slowly appeared in the palm of his hand, getting bigger and bigger.

"go with!"

Seeing that the vitality bomb finally condensed to the limit, Nie Yun's palm shook. "Beep!" A shock wave containing huge energy rushed towards the towering Tiandao Mountain.


The Taoist Mountain, which represents the heavenly path of the spirit world, was bombed by the strongest energy bomb and collapsed.

Ps: The fourth is here! Four can even be regarded as an outbreak, what about the monthly pass? Fifty people have all fallen out. !! (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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