Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1151: Third world


The two entered the realm of Heiyuan, without covering up the breath of their bodies, and immediately disturbed the innumerable Golden Demon Strong.悫 mu 琻


After a few breaths of effort, dozens of powerful men of the Golden Demon Clan flew out, blocking Nie Yun's way.

"Let's go!"

Nie Yun did not take any action either. She pulled Lingtai Lingyue across the bridge gently, and many of the strong demons felt a flower in front of them, and lost their tracks in their eyes.

"this is……"

"This is the only way for Xianjun to be strong!"

"Let's go, we can't control it anymore ..."

Seeing this scene, all the golden figures and demons were startled at the same time, and their whole body was cold sweat.

The fact that they can fly means that they all have the power of Jinxianjing. This kind of power cannot even see each other's movements.

How dare to stop Xianjun? They don't have this ability yet!

"This is the cave where the golden demon sacrifices!"

Circumventing the many powerful men of the Golden Demon Clan, Nie Yun took Lingtai Lingyue to the place of sacrifice: "Go in!"

He grabbed Yueer's jade hand, squeezed it gently, and the passing spirit passed through. The two bodies flew across the stone wall and entered into it.

As soon as Xu entered the cave, the previous feeling suddenly appeared again. The entire space seemed to have no sense of direction.


Nie Yun for a while.

The previous repairs were low and I couldn't see anything. Now the strength is strong, and now it is inappropriate.

"You see it too ..."

Yantai Lingyue's eyebrows also frowned, and her dark eyes were filled with irresistible surprise.

"Yes. This is indeed weird!"

Nie Yun exhaled a sigh of relief, his wrist turned over and the Beidou sword appeared in the palm of his hand, his eyes radiated a bright light. A sword screamed out.

One sword breaks the dust!

Hit the strongest attack in one shot!


The strong sword qi that made all the immortal monarch strong, turned out to stab a sound wave in the space where Xinghe flows backward, and then completely annihilated.

"This ... a very stable space, it is even more stable than the spiritual world!"

Nian Yun stowed the sword, and Nie Yun was slightly surprised.

"This space was consolidated with life by countless powerhouses at the time, and it is much stronger than the spirit world, and I cannot sense the heaven here. This is equivalent to an independent world out of spirit world!"

Huantai Lingyue seems to know a little, but she was very surprised when she came here for the first time.

"Unable to comprehend the Tao?"

"Yeah. In the realm of the world, I was able to perceive the heavenly way. That time at Ling Xiaoding, I made you swear to heaven, and heavenly way reveals the form. That is what I did. And here, it seems that I have fallen into another world. The rules and avenues seem useless! "

Huantai Lingyue Road.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun also realized this.

This weird space can't be said. If pure stability is particularly good, the key is to cut off the perception of the avenue. The previously learned spatial laws and the like have no use here.

"By the way, I seem to have heard Grandpa said before. There is a third world between the spiritual world and the mortal world! The laws of space and time of this third world are different from reality! When Shura Wang was too strong, no one could defeat it. It was the five-clawed dragon emperor who tricked him into the third world, and then the Big Dipper blocked the exit of the puppet, which killed him! "

Suddenly, Lingtai Lingyue remembered something.

"Third World?"

"Well, King Shura's fighting power is too strong, and he really has to fight with him unscrupulously, I am afraid that the entire spiritual world will be completely ruined, but here is different, the space is stable, and you can't use the many laws of the spiritual world to defeat Shura. Wang, I am afraid that this world also has a lot of credit! "Speaking of this, Yantai Lingyue sighed," I am afraid we will fight King Shura again in the future, if we want to completely defeat it, we must choose here! "

"Here?" Nie Yun frowned.

"You can fight here to kill it completely, even if it ca n’t, I can

Speaking of this, Lingtai Lingyue stopped and smiled suddenly. "Nothing, these things are still early. Maybe your strength has surpassed King Shura, or it has completely awakened your brother's consciousness, King Shura. No longer evil ... "

"I hope so!" Listening to her awakening her brother's consciousness, Nie Yun shook her head and did not notice the difference in her voice.

"Let's go, go to the realm early, come back early, let's get married earlier, and let me accompany you!" Lingtai Lingyue whispered softly.

"Okay!" Nie Yun laughed, held Ling Yue's right hand again, and flew straight down.

This so-called Third World does not have any sense of direction, but both are strong, especially Lingtai Lingyue. As a Taoist teacher, they can clearly understand the direction of the Tao, and go straight all the way. After a long time, finally came to a chaotic area.

"This is where the original Lao Jiulong was located ..."

When I saw this place, Nie Yun recognized that when he came here last time, he was with Mi Jing, but now the latter has lost his soul and there is no possibility of resurrection!

Last time there were a nine-headed dragon corpse and a huge hoe, and now all of them are gone, leaving only a broken space.

"Break the space out from here, it is the world!"

Xie Nieyun looked around for a week, pointing with one hand, exactly where he had fled.

"Breaking space? It's hard!" Lingtai Lingyue smiled bitterly.

"Uh ..." After hearing what she said, Nie Yun reacted.

Sure, I used the Beidou sword to hit the wind with one stroke, and the space didn't change. It is really difficult to break here.

Thinking of the current strength, this situation only occurred with all my strength. At the beginning, Xiaolong and Shura King appeared a huge black hole at the touch of each other. The strength of the two was really unfathomable!

"Wait, I have a solution!"

Nie Yun smiled. As soon as his body moved, the vitality Dantian kept extracting vitality and compressing it.

坚固 It is good to be strong here, but the vitality bomb is not vegetarian, even Tiandao Mountain can collapse, and there should be no problem in exploding a space crack.

I compressed it for more than ten minutes, and Nie Yun felt a bit out of control. Then she frowned and threw out the energy bomb.


It is indeed the highest-powered bomb at present. After the explosion, the solid space really tears a crack, but it is very small and fleeting.


The two were ready for a long time. Although the crack existed for a short time, the two were extremely fast, and they flew out in a blink of an eye.

"Haha, finally back to the realm ..."

Bian Nieyun glanced up. Although the surrounding space was very weak and could be torn apart with any effort, the sense of familiarity that spread from the depths of his bones made him unable to bear his blood.

Here is his source!

He is the place where he lived for two generations!

Seeing Nie Yun's disgusting appearance, Lingtai Lingyue knew his feelings, but just smiled slightly and didn't say much.

"Let's go and dissolve Yunzong!"

I let out the feelings in my heart, Nie Yun laughed lightly, and the two bodies flickered and disappeared from the place.

The first case of Yunfu Tianda 6's Menhuazong Yunzong was full of vocal, which is the case of Zongmen.

The eight major gates merged into one, and countless talented disciples gathered in Lingxiaoding, which was extremely lively.

"My sky sword has been cultivated to the third form, I believe that this time the comparison will definitely achieve good results!"

"Hum, I have practiced the fourth form of martial arts fist, can you compare with me?"

"Have you heard? After this big contest ~ www.readwn.com ~, who won the top ten will enter the kingdom of the demon under the leadership of Elder Zongmen, hunt down the demon, and hone your strength!"

"I have heard for a long time that the treasures of the demon kingdom are endless, especially the demon core, which is of great help to the practitioners, can enter the hunting of the demon, and will definitely advance by leaps and bounds! So this top ten place, I am must!"

"I am bound to get it!"

Qi Nieyun and Yantai Lingyue walked among the crowd as if they were walking in another parallel space, and no one appeared at all.

Hua Zongzong at this time is more powerful than two years ago. Before going deep into the kingdom of the demon people, hunting the demon, even the Dantian acupoints who are strong, have to carefully consider again and again, and

Now, some young talents dare to enter a group.

It seems that the decision not to completely kill the demon kingdom was right. This place has become the best place for the disciples of Huayun Zong to be tested, and the place is gold-plated.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of sneaking into Yunzong?"

二 When the two of them felt that Yunzong had changed greatly in the past two years, a loud scream suddenly sounded. A girl stood in front of the two of them, with a raised eyebrow, a sword in the palm, and a cold mang.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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