Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1152: Geniuses gather

The 14-year-old girl was fair-skinned and pretty-looking—although she was a little young, but she looked good and behaved. As long as she grew up, she was definitely a beauty of the same level as Luo Qingcheng and others.

"Huh? Can you see us?"

Seeing the girl's appearance, Nie Yun was slightly wrong.

Although he and Lingtai Lingyue did not show any particularly powerful stealth methods, the powerful soul force directly blocked the space. Not to mention a girl who seems to be not high in cultivation, even if the peak of Dantian acupoints is even super, The strong came over, and they didn't want to catch them.

"Huh, do you want to be in a disadvantageous position when it comes to stealing Yunzong from us? Tell me who you are, or I will immediately notify Master Nie and Master Qingcheng to capture you and kill!"

The girl shook her sword and shouted.

"Master Qingcheng? Is Luo Qingcheng your master?"

Seeing this girl's appearance, Nie Yun was very upset, but instead of anxious to identify herself, she asked jokingly.

"My master Luo Qingcheng is the first master of floating sky, you two, leave now, I can not tell the master, otherwise, you will definitely die when the master comes!"

The girl shouted.

"Floating Sky Master?" Nie Yun laughed.

临 Before leaving two years ago, Luo Qingcheng's strength, even if it was on top, coupled with his special constitution, had enough congenital aura, and it was not difficult to become the first master of the floating heaven continent.

"What's your smile? My master is the wife of Nie Yun, the first ancestor of Xinhua Yunzong. You must have heard of Nie Yun, the invincible figure who can be used to fight against the heavens and the earth. He also left a means in Huayunzong. Even if the advent of the gods is not good, he is not going away. Do he really want to die? "

Speaking of Master Nie Yun, the girl was proud and proud.

Nie Yun unified the floating continent, went deep into the kingdom of the demon, and captured the demon emperor ’s life ’has become the biggest legend in the floating continent, and every human being is proud of it.

"Nie Yun's wife? When did Luo Qingcheng become Nie Yun's wife?"

Nie Yun looked at Lingtai Lingyue next to her, and was sweating coldly.

"Hee hee!" Lingtai Lingyue on the side was not angry, but smiled slightly, her eyes narrowed.

“I do n’t know when Master will be married, but Master and Nie Yun are very loving. Even if you are strong, you are not afraid of Master, but Master Nie Yun, you are definitely not opponents!”

The girl was hesitant to see the two unmoved, and yelled.

It seems that she also saw that these two men were very strong and should not be weaker than her master. In anxiety, they moved Master Nie Yun out.

"Your ancestor Nie Yun is dead long ago!" Nie Yun laughed.

"Dead? Presumptuous, the ancestor and his elders are so powerful, how can they die!" The girl flushed with anger.

"Not dead? If not, have you ever seen him?" Nie Yun asked back.

"This ..." The girl blinked.

It is true that she has been in Huayunzong for a short time, but she has never seen the legendary Nie Yun.

Bian Nieyun entered the spiritual realm and became the top secret in Huayunzong. Only some super masters are qualified to know that new disciples like her are still not qualified to know.

He said, even if they talked to them about the spiritual world, they might not understand.

"Haha! Let's go!"

Seeing her confused, Nie Yun laughed, and pulled Lingtai Lingyue beside her, "Hoo!" Disappeared in front of the girl.

Just now I thought she was cute and made her play. After being invisible, even if she had special talents, she would be invisible.

"Sky Eye Master who reached the fourth form!"

After leaving the girl, Nie Yun laughed.

"Yeah!" Lingtai Lingyue nodded.

Even if the stealth skills of the previous two are not high, most people can't find it. The girl can see so clearly, only one thing ... have a talent for eyes and eyes!

And still in the fourth form!

Bian Nieyun is so powerful and cultivated so hard that he only possesses the third form of natural eye talent. The other one, a 14-year-old child, has the fourth form. This talent is really hard to say.

No wonder Luo Qingcheng accepted her as an apprentice, this talent is enough to be surprising.

The two of them continued to move in stealth, and Hua Yunzong's Tianwaitian was indeed very different from the past, more brilliant and powerful, and the momentum of the world's first door completely emerged, with a strong majesty and momentum.

"In just two years, the changes are so great ..."

I looked at Hua Yunzong in front of me, and I felt sorry for Ling Ling.

Although this gate was regarded as the first gate two years ago, it has already been defeated. If the young man beside him was born, it would be a one-man effort to turn the tide, let alone now, can Huayunzong exist in the sky? The mainland is hard to say!


"No ... no ..."

I was feeling that a teenager appeared not far away.

少年 This boy is not much different from the girl just now. At the age of fourteen or fifteen, a pair of dark eyes with bright colors appear bright and vivid.

Looks slightly immature body, at this time in a special posture, constantly dancing, punching and punching.

"Martial arts fist?"

I glanced at it, and Nie Yun recognized it immediately. It was the Wushen Boxing that was taught by the boy when he left Fanjie.

This set of martial arts fist was created when the Divine Realm was broken. Although it has the martial arts talent, the realm is too low. It still has numerous flaws and loopholes. Although this loophole is nothing in the floating heavens, if it is displayed in the spirit world, the power will be Not so obvious.


The young boy took a step forward and was blown out with a punch.

Although this martial arts fist is not so perfect in Nie Yun's eyes now, the young man's talents in front of him are seamless and well-formed, without any errors, which shows that his talent for cultivation is very strong.

"No, this is a bit wrong ..."

I was about to leave, and suddenly the boy frowned, standing still, as if he couldn't figure out something.

"Try ..."

Suddenly, the boy moved again, his fists rolled, his palms shrunk, and it was also a martial arts fist.

Same trick as before, but some changes have been added.


When I saw this scene, Nie Yun was very happy.

虽然 Although the changes in China and Canada in this boy's boxing technique are weak, it is precisely where Wushen Boxing's loopholes are located. A young man who has not even reached the virtual realm can actually derive the holes in Wushen Boxing. This talent is incredible!

"Do you think this martial arts fist is a bit wrong?"

Xie Nieyun's body flashed and appeared in front of the teenager.

For such a genius, he would be happy to give a pointer or two.

Although the Wushen Quan was created by him, the time was urgent and he did not deliberate carefully. Some mistakes were unavoidable. Even Luo Qingcheng and others did not see it. The young man discovered and made up for it.

"who are you?"

The young boy did not expect that two more figures suddenly appeared in front of him, startled, and backed up again and again.

"I am a friend of your elder Dong, come here to watch the ceremony, and watch you practice your martial arts boxing for a while, come and ask!"

Nie Yun said casually.

"Watching the ceremony? Good seniors!" The teenager took a step back and respectfully.

The disciples of Huayunzong were compared. Elder Zongmen invited many people to come and observe the ceremony. Everyone who could be invited was a supreme character, at least a powerful person who broke the air. In front of such people, he was not rude. .

"You're welcome!" Nie Yun smiled. "Doesn't think Wushen Boxer is something wrong?"

"Don't dare me to learn too little, how can I see that something is wrong and just wave two punches at will ..." The teenager blushed.

Wu Wu Shen Quan is the boxing method left by the master Yunzong Nie Yun. Numerous people practice. How can there be loopholes? Even if there are loopholes, it is by no means a kid like him to see.

"You ca n’t say that. Wushenquan was created by people, and there are loopholes. Cultivation must have its own thinking, not step-by-step learning. Otherwise, even the best practice is useless! You did a good job just now, I'll tell you more about the loophole in this method ... "

Xie Nieyun interrupted the other person's words, and smiled and said the current understanding of Wushenquan.

Together with martial arts, we pay attention to our talents rather than step by step. The best step by step is at best a martial arts fan. I want to become a true martial arts master. Only by constantly innovating and constantly negating the tricks left by previous generations.

When he left Hua Yunzong, Nie Yun left everyone saying that everyone is like a dragon. Everyone has an independent consciousness and ideas, instead of step by step, only knowing the machine that is buried in learning!

Because of this, he couldn't help showing himself, explaining some of the loopholes in Wushen Boxing in detail.

"Well ... this ..."

I heard the explanation from Hong Yun, and the young man's eyes became brighter. After a while, he couldn't help but screamed, his breath rushed up.

I actually realized that at this time, my strength increased greatly!

"It looks like Hua Yunzong is doing well!"

Seeing the look of the boy, Nie Yun laughed.

I saw two young people in succession with unlimited potential, indicating that after two years of development, Hua Yunzong has been completely on track. Even without him, he will become stronger and stronger in the future.

Seeing that other people have strong talents ~ www.readwn.com ~, he will not be jealous, but will be more and more happy.

The more geniuses of the puppet clan, the stronger it is. This is also the beginning of his unification of the floating continent.

He gently pulled the soft pod of Lingtai Lingyue, and the two flew away towards Ling Xiaoding.

故 All the old people are at the top of Ling Xiao, and now the scene of Hua Yunzong has been seen, it's time to go and see them.

"Today is our day of Yunzong Dabie, I am very happy that you can come ..."

I walked to Ling Xiaoding a few steps and saw a middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the hall from afar, with a mighty expression and a confident smile on his face.

My father, Nie Xiaotian!

After Nie Yun left the Futian continent, his father Nie Xiaotian succeeded him as Zong Gui who transformed the Yunzong.

At this time, his father had a firm and calm face, with strong majesty in his eyes, which was completely different from the quality of the exhaust gas that he only knew about drinking. It seems that the two-year supremacy status has made him regain confidence and become that Luo The first genius of Water City.

"Please watch the ceremony, it is our transformation Yunzong ..."

Nie Yun looked at his father. Nie Xiaotian in his seat seemed to have a sense, and suddenly stopped to look over.


Nie Yun shouted. (To be continued. This article is provided by The Shinshen Tuban Group @ 飘香 波 域. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile Users please read m.)

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