Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1153: 1 to the spirit world (on)


"Sovereign Nie Xiaotian has only one son, that is ..."

"Is it ..."

Hearing this shout, seeing the excitement of Suzerain Nie Xiaotian, everyone in the hall thought of a possibility all of a sudden, all eyes widened, and turned his head sharply.

The handsome appearance of the young man with a faint smile on his eyes makes people feel calm and indifferent. If he looks at the actions and movements, he will feel that he has not even repaired at all.

But once you look at it for a long time, you immediately feel that the sky is turning, as if you are in another time and space. As long as the other party is willing, you do n’t even have to take a shot. Any idea can make them all die!

"Mr. Nie Yun!"

"It is Lord Nie Yun!"

Everyone recognizes it!

The bland young man in front of his eyes is Nie Yun who unified the floating continent and created an immortal myth!

不是 Did he not go to the spirit world? how……

Isn't he ... back from the spirit world?

Everyone in the hall was wide with eyes wide and throats too dry to believe.

Although they do n’t know what ’s happening in the spiritual world, they ca n’t leave without knowing that it ’s definitely not easy to come down, and Lord Nie Yun came back after two years ... What is going on?

"you you……"

Nie Xiaotian also seems to be unbelievable, his lips are narrow.

I originally thought that my son would go to the spiritual realm for at least a few hundred years, and he would never even meet again in his entire life. He did not expect that he would appear before him in such a short time.

呵 "Oh, my son has a place in the spirit world, and he wants to pick up his father!"

Seeing his appearance, Nie Yun laughed.

"Take me there ..." Nie Xiaotian couldn't believe his ears.

He has a dwelling in the spiritual realm. Has he fully adapted to the spiritual realm?

"the host……"

"Master, we will go to the spirit world with you too!"

Nie Xiaotian was shocked and couldn't speak, and suddenly shouted a few times, and four figures rushed over.

It is the beasts such as little tiger, little wind, little black.

These four are Nie Yun's demon pets. Before going to the spirit realm, they cut off their **** to the soul and left them in the mortal realm, but they did not leave, but stayed in Huayunzong, and have been living as demon pets. .

The monsters have their own pride. The master ’s release of the soul ’s restraint is equivalent to returning them to freedom. In this way, they do not leave, and they are not willing to fall, but to know that if it is not the boy in front of them, they will linger in the supreme state at most, and it will never be Reach this height!

I know that even if the monster is a beast, he will never forget his ungratefulness.

"You're back!"

As the four big demon pets rushed over, a voice sounded, Luo Qingcheng's beautiful face appeared in front of her eyes.

I haven't seen her for two years, she seems even more beautiful, not only because of the strength of the cultivation success or the innocent body, the whole body is exuding holy light from above and below, beautiful and touching, not a square.

"came back……"

Nie Yun nodded.

"It's less than five thousand years, your promise ... hey, I knew this result long ago, and there is no way back ..."

The Luo Luo Qingcheng was only excited for a while, then the eyes of his bright eyes dimmed.

Seeing her look, Nie Yun flushed, and then she remembered her promise to her.

At that time, he promised that as long as Luoqiancheng could not reach the spiritual realm within 5,000 years, he would personally go down to marry her to be the new concubine, and now he would return to the realm after two years. This agreement is naturally not counted. .

In fact, Luo Qingcheng knows his feelings and likes each other very much, but ... he has only one woman in his heart who can be his wife, and that is Yantai Lingyue.

No one can replace it!

"This is my wife, Lingtai Lingyue!" Embarrassed, Nie Yun knew that things must be resolved, and gently pulled Ling Yue beside him, said.

"I have seen Sister Ling Yue!" Luo Qingcheng nodded.

She has met in Lingtai Lingyue for a long time. For this beautiful woman who does not eat fireworks, she can't feel any jealousy.

Although she also likes Nie Yun very much, she also knows that this woman is the one that suits him best in his life!

Luo Qingcheng came over, and many women who had relationships with Nie Yun, such as Yi Qing and Bai Huaxi, also came over. At this time, each of them had the power of broken gods. It seems that they have not been idle for two years. Working hard to cultivate.

Imagine that in the original floating heaven continent, there was only one strong broken spirit state, the old drunkard Xia Xing, and now there are more than a dozen, it is no wonder that Hua Yunzong can completely consolidate the status of the world's first gate.

It is enough to suffocate these strong men to deter the demons, and dare not have other ideas.

"Yuner ..."

My mother also heard the news of her son's return.

Her strength is not weak, and she has reached the Divine Realm like her father.

Before Nie Yun left, all the treasures of the Heavenly Demon Emperor had been removed, and there were countless treasures. In addition to the space-time cage area of ​​the old alcoholic, it was impossible to practice slowly.

I knew that Nie Yun had returned, and the four elders from the southeast, northwest, and other countries also rushed over.

Xun originally was only a symposium for the Sect Lord of the Clouds to come to observe the disciples and compare them to others. At the end, it became a Nie Yun-centered old-style symposium.

Although I was left out, many of the masters who came to observe Disciples Daba did not dare to make nonsense, but looked at Nie Yun with fiery eyes one by one.

少年 This boy looks young, but he is the most famous person in the entire floating continent, and even in the whole world. It is an honor for them to see such a person.

"This time I came back to ask my parents to host a wedding with Yue Er!"

I chatted for a while, Nie Yun smiled and explained the main intention.

"Wedding? Are you getting married?"

His mother glanced at Nie Yun, and looked at Lingtai Lingyue beside him to understand.

She has seen Lingyue in the ring for a long time, knowing that it is her son's choice, and will not ask more.

是 "Yes!" Nie Yun nodded. "And I want to hold this wedding in the spirit world. I hope you will pass!"

"Spirit? I'm going!"

"I also need to go!"

"Bring me the Lord, I want to go to the spirit world ..."

Xie Nieyun's words just ended, and a series of shouts sounded around, turning around and seeing that most of the people in the hall came over, looking forward.

The spirit realm is a sacred place for cultivation in these people's hearts.

"The spirit world is not as good as you think. It is full of Shura's murderousness. If you accidentally become a madman ..."

Seeing the actions of the crowd, where did Nie Yun not know what they were thinking, she laughed bitterly and explained things in the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is not something you can go to. Although here is rich in innate aura and rich in resources, which can improve people's strength, the space pressure is also too great. If you do n’t reach the broken **** realm to enter it, I am afraid it will be directly crushed into fragments and bone No deposit.

"I will go even if it is dangerous!"

"If we practitioners, if we are afraid of fear, how can we continue to improve and become strong ..."

Qi Nieyun's words did not erode the passion of the people, but were more firm one by one.

"Xia Xing seniors, you talk to them about the spiritual world carefully, I talk to their parents alone ..."

Seeing the appearance of everyone, Nie Yun shook his head helplessly, his spirit moved, and the old drunkard Xia Xing was released from the Xinggong.

Since he decided to come to the world, he must take it. He lived in Huayunzong for thousands of years and already had deep feelings. If he didn't let him look back, he would definitely be blamed.

"The spirit world is not so easy to deal with, but the suzerain is a strong monarch, so let's have no problem in the past!"

The old alcoholic Xia Xing smiled and did not explain, but looked at Nie Yun and said with a smile.

"A strong man at the immortal level?"

"What level is Xianjun? What strength?"

Uh ...

Everyone was stunned.

Nie Yun also cried and laughed.

I didn't expect him to come out to appease everyone, but he said so directly.

"The strongest of you is the Broken Divine Realm. The Divine Divine Realm is above the Immortal Nine Level, and the Immortal King is above the Immortal Nine Level! Even in the spirit world, they are the most powerful characters!"

Old alcoholic Road.

"There is Immortal Nine on the Broken Divine Realm? Is Immortal King on Immortal Nine?"

"It's ... in just two years, Zong Yezhu has reached this point ??"

Everyone who was able to be at Ling Xiaoding was a master. After only one sentence, they understood the power of Xianjun. He stared at each other and looked at Nie Yun as if he was looking at a monster.

"In two years, it took more than a year for the suzerain and me to go to the spirit world. The suzerain's strength from the broken **** realm to the present is really useless for a year!"

The old alcoholic froze his beard.

"Not used for a year?"

"Xiangju Jiuzhong must be more difficult to cultivate than the Heaven-Creating Secret Jiuzhong, and it will break through within one year ..."

"The lord is indeed the lord, this speed of cultivation is simply terrible ..."

I heard the old drunkard say, everyone was crazy.

It is difficult for them to make progress at every level in the Secret World of Secret Creation. The other side, the Nianzhong Nine, who is more difficult to cultivate, reaches its peak in less than one year. It is indeed the famous Nie Yun, which is terrible.

"Senior Xingxing, I asked you out to persuade everyone not to enter the spiritual world blindly, you ..."

Seeing the hot eyes around him melting himself, Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

I asked him to introduce the situation in the spirit world, but not to introduce himself ... Besides, he didn't reach the realm of the immortal at all ...

"Hehe, I'm glad to forget that the spirit world is different from the mortal world, and it is more cruel than this ..."

The old alcoholic scratched his head, his face was embarrassed, and then he explained the matter of the spirit world again ~ www.readwn.com ~ and even focused on the story of Nie Yun's ten big families.

"The spirit world is really terrible here?"

"Is it impossible to enter the Broken Divine Realm?"

"Hey, if the space is less oppressive, entry should not be a problem. If we can enter the spiritual realm, we are at least the master's team, and it will be good to set up a force in the future ..."

"Yes, even if the sovereign is strong, it is just one person. If we can go up, the strength will increase, at least it will increase the heritage of Li Yuege ..."

I heard the old drunkard talk, and everyone was talking.

Everyone's argument was also heard in Nie Yun's ears, and suddenly his body shook, his eyes widened, and an idea came out.

"The pressure on space is low ... what will happen if the entire floating heaven continent receives Nawu Dantian?"




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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