Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1154: 1 to the spirit world (below)

Nie Yun's present Nandadan field is so huge that even if the entire floating sky continent is fully loaded, there is no problem.

And with the promotion, the space inside is perfect, and there is no danger for living people to enter.

If all the floating continents were taken away, wouldn't these people be in the spiritual realm?

At that time, as long as the passage of the Dantian and the spiritual world is opened, many powerful people on the mainland can enjoy the innate aura. Will not the masters be more and more like bamboo shoots after the rain?

Thinking of this, Nie Yun's eyes were fiery.

Although he established Lian Yue Pavilion in the spirit world, there are too few people and no team. If he can bring the floating continent up and provide sufficient resources for cultivation, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, Pity It is quite possible that Yuege became comparable to the top ten families, and even surpassed them.

Where there is no congenital aura, these people can cultivate to such a degree that they are talented. Once they enter the spiritual realm, there will definitely be a great explosion period!


Nie Yun's heart moved, thinking of a place.

It has taken too long to cultivate a super power. Although these people are geniuses, they don't have many talents, they can't make rapid progress like him, and they don't have barriers to cultivate!

Thousands of years can indeed have great strength, but King Shura will certainly not give so much time! You must speed up your cultivation!

And the best way to speed up is ... the space-time cage of the old drunkard!

The time here is 100: 1. One hundred years outside and one year away, as long as this place is taken away together, everyone is put in, the time changes, and a large number of superpowers are cultivated in a short time. It is absolutely easy!

Thinking about this, Nie Yun's eyes are getting brighter.

As for reiki and other things, he is the creator of the Dantian World, and it is difficult to achieve the whole of Dantian. However, it is very simple to make the aura full and even exceed the spirit world in a small area!

"Haha, I thought about it, let's go to the spirit world together! However, I have something to tell you, the strength is not allowed to walk in the spirit world before reaching the peak of the broken **** realm!"

Nie Yundao.

"OK!" Listen to him agree. Everyone was full of joy.

The spirit world is a bigger stage, and only by entering it can you exert more powerful power!

With a decision in mind, Nie Yun first went to the space-time cage area, where it used to take a few days to fly to, but now it is one or two steps to come to the space-time cage area. Enormous spirits wrapped it up and moved lightly.


Sure enough, as expected, the huge cage area disappeared in an instant, and he was accepted into the Narita Dantian.


As soon as the space-time cage area entered Dantian, Nie Yun trembled, and there was another inexplicable change in Nawu Dantian.

The dark gold on Dantian's surface is more solid, and it seems that there is an extra gold hoop. The area inside has also become larger, and although there is still no aura, the space is more stable.

"Is this the speed of time?"

Not only that, Nie Yun also seemed to see the speed of time passing in Dantian World.

"Change the time!"

When my heart moved, my fingers nodded forward.


Under his control, the speed of time passing in the cage of time and space suddenly changed, getting faster and faster, and instantly became 1000: 1.

But to this extent. He had a sense of collapse. It seemed that even if he exceeded it, he could not control it. It seemed that this ability was related to Dantian's form and his own strength.

Although his current strength can kill ordinary immortal monarch, after all, he has not reached the immortal monarch realm. Once he breaks through, he has time control. There will definitely be a qualitative leap.

Rao is so unbelievable!

The ability to control time ... This ability, even if the whole spirit world has never heard of it, is terrible!

"If the previous Nagoya Dantian was the sixth form, swallowing the space-time cage area containing the law of time. If you can directly advance to the seventh form, if you can advance to the eighth, ninth, or even the tenth form, it will definitely be more powerful. ! "

Nie Yun took a breath.

Although I don't know the current layer of Narutani Tanada, but it will definitely not be the highest layer. If you can reach the tenth layer, I am afraid that it can really evolve into a brand new world!

Of course, this kind of breakthrough requires chance, and it's not a matter of random success.

After returning to the floating heaven continent, and gathering with his parents and other people for two days, Nie Yun found Yantai Lingyue alone and stated the purpose directly.

"I want to bring the floating heavens to the spirit world together!"

"Take the floating continent together?" Lingtai Lingyue blinked a little and didn't understand what he meant.

"Don't resist, I'll take you somewhere!"

As soon as the spirit moved, Nie Yun took Lingtai Lingyue into Dantian.

The promotion of Dan Tian was not told to Lingtai Lingyue, so she did not know that the most ordinary Dan Tian would evolve into a magnificent world.

"This is ... is this a new world?"

As soon as Lingtai entered Dantian World, she suddenly froze, then her eyes were rounded and her lips were covered.

If the third world I saw before is a place of chaos, and here, it is a stable space. Although there is no aura, it has infinite potential!

"I can't sense heaven here ..."

The heavenly qi runs in the body, and Yantai Lingyue was surprised to find that there is no heavenly utterance at all here, and it is impossible to sense it.

"I'm heaven here!"

Seeing her appearance, Nie Yun smiled, and when the spirit moved, the world changed instantly, the mountains and lakes began to move in accordance with his thoughts, and even the sky and earth could instantly flip and transform each other.

He is the creator in this world of stubborn dandan, and there is no heaven here, it is all between his thoughts.

"This ... Where exactly is this? How come you have such great strength?"

Yantai Lingyue's eyes widened, it seems that there is still some puzzles.

Although she couldn't feel the heaven here, she knew clearly that this space completely obeyed the young man's orders in front of him and existed with his thoughts.

This ability far exceeds the Heavenly Master!

It can be said that in this world, even if there are ten heavenly masters, one hundred and one thousand immortals, they are definitely not his opponents!

"This is my gift Dantian!" Nie Yundao.

"Nanwu ... Dantian?" Lingtai Lingyue was a little unbelievable, his mouth opened. "Nantan Dantian is ranked 9999. It is the most ordinary Dantian. How can it be so big and have space and time rules?"

"Ranked at number 9999?" Nie Yun also heard the ranking of Nawu Dantian for the first time.

Before, he only knew that Dantian was very backward, but he did not expect that the ranking was so far. Ten thousand Avenue was ranked at 9999, which was regarded as the second highest.

It's just ... Why is Dan Tian, ​​who is upright second, now in front of the Ability Master talent?

"Yeah, this kind of Dantian has almost all the people in the spirit world. It is the simplest talent. I have never heard that anyone can promote it to the form. Are you ... promoted form?"

Yantai Lingyue was shocked for a while, and immediately understood what was going on, and looked strangely.

Others have a certain amount of storage space, and it is absolutely impossible to have the law of space, time and even let people enter easily.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded, nodding.

"What form?" Lingtai Lingyue asked in confusion.

"I don't know. The surface of Dantian is dark golden and has golden lines!" Nie Yun said what the present thing Dantian looks like now.

"This is ... the seventh form!" Lingtai Lingyue was well-informed, nodded his head, with a fiery meaning in his eyes. "Nantan Dantian was promoted. This is something I have never heard of before. Ask me if you have time." Grandpa, he must know what is going on! "

"Well, when you return to the spirit world, visit your grandpa when you are free!" Nie Yun nodded.

"You don't want to receive the floating heaven continent here!" Knowing that this is the object of Dandan Tian, ​​Lingtai Lingyue finally understood what he meant to take away the floating heaven continent, and took a breath of air.

"Well, the huge area of ​​the floating heavens continent, although I am very strong now, and want to take it away in an instant, it is not possible, you are a master of heaven, control the heaven, help me later!" Nie Yun laughed.

The floating continent is too big and involves many issues such as aura. Even if he is strong now and wants to take it away in a blink of an eye, he still can't catch it. It is different with Lingtai Lingyue's help.

"This is simple. I can fix the aura that is tens of thousands of kilometers above the floating continent and the continent into a whole, and then you collect it. In this way, even if there is no congenital aura supply for a short time after entering the spiritual realm, people on the continent can also Not affected in the slightest! "

Yantai Lingyue laughed.

"This is the best!" Nie Yun's eyes brightened when she heard her suggestion.

I was still thinking about taking the mainland away. What should I do with Reiki to directly consolidate Reiki and the mainland into a unified whole? Even in Dantian, the people living in it will not be affected at all.

"Now that you decide, let's get started!"

It was agreed that the two would leave Nawu Dantian and return to the floating heavens.

With the palm of the heavenly air running, Lingtai Lingyue seemed to be transformed into the heavenly sky in an instant, and took control of the entire floating sky continent.

Under the eyes of the sky, Nie Yun saw that the entire continent and the aura above it perfectly blended together under her control and converged into a whole.


The huge spirit completely covered the continent with a slight movement.


Futian continent disappeared from its place immediately ~ www.readwn.com ~ entered Dantian.

"Success!" He breathed out and found that there were no abnormalities, and Nie Yunhaha smiled.

The floating continent can be collected, and the gas and sea continent is smaller, and can be taken away at will.

This is the place where his two lives were born. Instead of staying here and being attacked by the demon, it is better to take it away.

Soon, the Qihai continent was also included in Dantian.

"Everything is done, go back to the spirit world!"

Seeing that the purpose of this visit was overfulfilled, Nie Yun didn't intend to stay any more, and when she pulled Ling Yue around, the two flew to the spirit realm quickly.

Futian continent was taken away, the previous third world did not disappear, found its location, tore the space, and went directly into it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please read m.)

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