Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1158: Frost Talent Promotion

This place is a snow thunder pool, and the ice-cold water is carrying heavy lightning power.

At the beginning, Nie Yun took away all the lightning bolts at the bottom of the pool, leaving only a weird icy vortex. At that time, the repair was impossible to resist, so he put a seal and left a teleportation array.

And what is currently in front of the eyes is completely different from before. The water in the cold pool is constantly rolling, as if boiling, and a strange breath comes out from time to time.

The palm of the hand gently stretched out towards the pool, and a chill of cold bone surged over, as piercing as before, even better than before!

"Let's go and see!"

I researched for a while and couldn't see anything. Nie Yun turned her head to Xiao Ran and jumped in.

Xiao Ran's strength is not enough to enter here. He has two special talents, the Ice Division and the Beacon Division. He has natural resistance to the cold, plus the strength, he should be able to pass through the ice cold vortex.

As soon as I entered the cold pool, a layer of ice formed on the body surface, and the defense talents worked. A special tortoise shell formed on the outside of the skin, blocking the cold and slowly moving downstream.

"Sure enough there is ore ..."

After traveling for a while, some rolling stones were seen in the rolling pool, one of which was only the size of a finger, which contained a special atmosphere if it was absent.

These breaths are too faint, even if swallowed, the unknown method will not be allowed to run. Nie Yun is no longer nostalgic, straight down.

The maggots got colder and colder, and later they had to run the ice talent and the beacon talent at the same time.

The Frost Frost talent adapts to the cold, and the Frost Frost talent resists cold poison.

I soon came to the bottom of the ice cold vortex again.

The seal above the whirlpool is still on it, but with the cold getting stronger and stronger, the damage has already occurred, and the vortex below has also the size of the previous Zhang Xufangyuan to become five or six feet.

I looked at it for a while, and Nie Yun found that those pieces of ore with special flavors were coming out of the vortex.

"Where the **** is this, and who made this seal?"

I was able to seal such a cold vortex, which shows the power of this formation. If he hadn't taken the lightning bolt, I'm afraid that he would still suppress the icy vortex steadily. This situation is unlikely to happen now.

"Look down!"

I took a deep breath, and Nie Yun came up with a decision.

Find out how to get into the whirlpool!

In the past, I did n’t have the strength to dare to go past. Now the fighting power is comparable to that of the immortal monarch, and the means are countless.

He made a decision. Nie Yun's spirit was highly concentrated, his wrist turned over and the Beidou sword appeared on the palm of his hand. At the same time, his body was covered with dragon scales, and a pair of Phoenix wings appeared behind him.

I do n’t know if there is anything weird in the depths of the whirlpool. Before I go down, I will prepare everything!


I jumped in.


The whirlpool swallowed up to Nie Yun with a powerful sweeping force. He was not panic. The Beidou sword trembled in his hands, and a sword-mang sprinted out with the power of chopping space.

I was swept away by the sword gas, and the surrounding engulfing power was weakened a lot. Then I saw a dark hole appearing in front of it, and all the cold air came out of the hole.

"Go in!"

When I got here, there was nothing to hesitate about, and Nie Yun's body ran towards the black hole like a fish.

The black hole has a huge swallowing power, like a big mouth with black horror inside.

Bian Nieyun's many talents operate. The whole person defends like an iron barrel. He also moves his physical body to the limit. "Wow!"


After a moment of dizziness, Nie Yun opened her eyes again and saw a strange sight in front of her.

The icy cold air flow traverses from the depths of the void. The Tianhe River is ordinary. The tall stones around it are clear and transparent, bitter and cold, reflecting the bright and crystalline light, as if people are in the ice crystal world.

The cold current in the air is spreading out from the stones!

"Fire resistance!"

空间 This space is more bleak than the cold pool outside. Even if Nie Yun is strong, he still feels numb hands and feet, and seems to freeze into an iceman at any time.

Beacon formed a defensive circle on the body surface, and this situation has improved a lot.

He raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding rocks.

These stones are the same as crystal stones. There are no sundries, only some dark ore are hidden in the inside. It is precisely the ore with special flavor.

"Each of these cold crystal stones has a fist-sized black ore in it. If all of them can be taken out, let me open up another hundred Dantians and a thousand Dantians. I'm fine!"

Xie Nieyun's heart was fiery.

The entire space is cold crystal stones, each of which contains fist-sized ore, counts countless, if it can be taken out and devoured by unknown methods, it is not difficult for him to have one hundred and one thousand Dantians!

"Break it open first!"

I knew that the cold was terrible. Nie Yun was not in a hurry. He exhaled a long time and forced the cold poison out of his body. After turning the Beidou sword in his hands, his eyes suddenly released a bright light.

One sword breaks the dust!

With a fierce and violent sword gas, he rushed towards the crystal stone like a giant wave. Before he came, Nie Yun rushed over with a chill and greeted the sword gas together.

Click! Click!

Fierce, fierce, powerful sword energy that can kill the sword of the immortal monarch is actually stiff and passive in the air, no crystal stone can come at all.


Xie Nieyun was startled.

Thanks to the rush to the other side just now, the opponent can freeze even the sword energy. Once in contact, it will not be frozen directly into ice cubes?

How can it be so cold?

Although I have n’t come to the spirit world for a long time, I have seen a lot of worlds and know a lot. Although the spirit world is the head of all realms, I still have never heard of things like this that can freeze sword energy. Over!

This cold is beyond imagination!

If he is not a Beacon talent, and has reached the fourth level of the realm of fire, even if he reaches the realm of immortal, this place will not be able to stay!

I wouldn't say anything else, these crystal lights would freeze my eyes and make my eyes dizzy, let alone stay long.

"Are you coming to Baoshan and returning empty?" Looking at the countless ore in front of him, Nie Yun felt itchy in his heart, and suddenly a flash of aura in his head "Stealing talent!"

These things are too cold to touch, see if the talent of Stealth Master can be stolen!

The air of stealing the sky runs, the palm gently grasps the past, the movement is light and slow, as if it is rain on a spring night, and the moist is silent.



Nie Yun's pupils shrank before the palm of his hand reached Crystal Stone.

Although the talent of Skystealer is great, he still underestimated the coldness of the other party. The air of Skystealing was frozen before it came to him, and the spreading cold breath instantly frozen his Skyscraper. stiff.

Luo Dantian was frozen and frozen. This was the first time Nie Yun had encountered this incident and was taken aback.

Even before it was cold, at most, my body was frozen. Dan Tian was inside the body, deep in the sea, and the center of the body's immortal boiling. It could even be frozen, which was incredible.

"Flame Dantian, drive out the cold!"

Seeing stealing the Tiandan Tian without being aware of it, Nie Yun's eyes condensed, and the Dantian of the Huohuo started to run immediately, and a fire passed slowly to the cold air.

First expel the cold air, or else, once it is completely frozen, I am afraid this Dantian will be scrapped.

Let's sizzle!

As soon as the flames and cold air came into contact, it seemed as if a battle had begun in the sea of ​​gas. Nie Yun's face turned red, and a fierce pain ripped from it. It seemed that the sea of ​​gas would burst at any time.

"Ice and fire are not blended, fire cannot be used ..."

Nie Yun hastily retrieved the beacon ~ www.readwn.com ~ The cold air is terrible. Although the beacon is strong, once it fights, it will definitely cause great damage. If you ca n’t steal the Tian Dantian, it will be damaged. If you really want to do that, you will lose more than you gain!

"Frost talent, assimilation!"

The Beacon talent instantly transforms into the Frost talent.

Hard and hard to be soft, since this cold air has so much resistance to beacon fire, I will assimilate you with the talent of the ice division, and then drive out.

Ning Yunbing's air slowly moved closer to this cold air. When both of them came into contact, Nie Yun's whole body shivered involuntarily.

It's too cold, a little bit colder than the frosty ice produced by the Ice Master talent.

The whole body was trembling, Nie Yun was concentrated, slowly fused the two gases together, and tried to assimilate each other.

Once the assimilation is successful, this ice of ice can be driven out of the body.


The two cold air streams blended together. I don't know how long it took, just as Nie Yun felt completely assimilated, a sudden bang in his mind.

Wu Hanbing's talent has been promoted!




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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