Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1159: 9-pin gold texture repairman

The talent of the Ice Master was obtained after he arrived in the spirit realm, and he usually did not use much. There was only the third form before. I did not expect that after the fusion with this cold air, the essence changed, and it broke directly to the fourth form!

The fourth division of the Ice Master talent, although still not as strong as the cold air, is not much different.

"Go out!"

Wu Hanbing's talent was promoted, and he had a certain resistance to the strange cold air in his body. When the spirit moved, he was expelled from the body.


Xun resolved the hidden danger, Nie Yun relieved, turned to look at the talent of stealing the heavens, suddenly could not help but stay in place.

Dan Tian, ​​the thief who was frozen and frozen just now, is now leaning against the cold Dan Dan, spinning slowly, the two talents have been perfectly integrated!

The thief talent ranks 12th and the ice master talent ranks 80th. The two are far apart. According to normal reasoning, it is impossible to merge so quickly. I did not expect that the cold and cold air did not cause disaster, but helped Too busy, bluntly blending the two talents.

"The talent of stealing the master is transformed from the talent of stealing the god. The talent of stealing the dantian and the eye of the eye has been perfectly integrated. See if the three can be merged together!"

Nian Yun's eyes were fiery with a movement in his heart.

God stealing Tiantian and Tianyan Dantian merged in the realm of the world. Although God stealing and upgrading to stealing the sky, the essence has not changed much, and they can be merged together!

Tianyan also integrates many talents such as beacon, thunder, sharp gold, wood, martial arts, kendo, and Tian ear. Once successful, it can directly become a master of nine-pin gold texture, and it is still in the top thirty. Half step sky pattern level!


Thinking of this, Nie Yun immediately sat on the ground with her knees crossed, and the flames surged to block the surrounding cold. Her mind was completely immersed and the three talents of stealing the sky, the ice, and the eyes were slowly merged!

The space deep in the water of Qiangtan was unusually quiet, and Nie Yun immersed in it for a long time before finally opening his eyes. An excitement flashed in his eyes.

Through the communication of the talents of Stealing Master, it is really easy to merge the three talents, these three talents are fused together, and the integration of other talents is also natural.

Now he is already a driver of more than nine grades of golden pattern!

The ten talents of fusion are: beacon, thunder, sharp gold, wood, martial arts, kendo, tianyan, tian ear, steal the sky, and ice!

"Hmm? Tower Master Seal!"

Combining ten kinds of talents, Nie Yun immediately thought of the main seal of the tower left by Beidou Xingjun, turned his wrist, and appeared in the palm of his hand.

东西 This thing represents the status and identity of the owner of the repair tower. Refining can only be achieved if it reaches the level of Jiu Pin Jin Wen. Now it has exceeded this level to see if it can be refined.

The fusion of ten talents slowly spread towards the main seal of the tower, and the main seal of the tower flashed, as if it felt a lot of talents, emitting a bright light.


Then a huge message passed into my mind. Nie Yun seems to have seen the life of the Big Dipper.

塔 The master seal of this tower was made by him at a great cost, which represents his life's effort. The level is actually higher than the Beidou sword, which is definitely the pinnacle of the forged artifact!

"Okay, okay! With this Tower Master Seal, in conjunction with the Jiupin Jinwen Exorcist, my combat power will certainly be doubled!"

Furiously stood up. Nie Yun laughed.

I came to this cold lake this time, but I did not expect that the strength has increased again, and I have become a master of the Jiu Pin Jin Wen, the master seal of the refining tower, which I never thought of before.

The Big Dipper is the most powerful alchemy master in the entire ancient period. He has made three forged artifacts in his lifetime, the tower seal, the Big Dipper, and the Big Dipper Palace, and the most powerful is the tower seal.

Yi Yi Yin flying. Suppress the heavens!

炼 Refining this thing signifies that his strength has been improved again. Previously, when he encountered the Ten Immortal Kings encirclement, it took vitality bombs to rush out, but now it is swept away. Who dares not accept it and directly crushes it!

The strength has more than doubled!

"Try again if you can get these ore out ..."

Put the main seal of the tower into the body, Nie Yun looked again at the many ore not far away.

Hanbing talent promotion. Integrating with Beacon Dantian also increased his ability to control talents. He may be able to steal these ore so that the unknown method can spawn more Dantians.

Flick your fingers lightly. Grabbed the past again.

After a short while, Nie Yun shook his head.

Although the strength has increased a lot, the cold air of these ice stones is too heavy to be removed at all. If this is forcibly done, there is only one possibility, that is, the whole person will be frozen again!

"It seems the repair is still low, I will try again when I reach Xianjun!"

I tried several times and found that there was no way, Nie Yun shook her head.

Now Xianli Xiu is only half a step away from Xianjun, there is still a long way to go. Once the breakthrough, the level of life changes, it may be able to resist the cold and take these ore out.

"Go out first!"

Although there are many talents that can resist the severe cold in the space, there will still be hidden dangers after a long time. Since the ore cannot be taken out, the contents inside can not be stolen, and it does not make sense to continue.

He walked around, rediscovered the black hole when he came, and walked in.


Appeared again and returned to Xuelei Pond.

As soon as I entered and exited, although the time didn't take long, the strength changed dramatically. If he were to encounter the Emperor Simi again, it would turn into a meat pie as soon as it was printed, and the second move would definitely not be needed.

"Come back, what did you find?"

As soon as Xu left Xueleichi, Xiao Ran came over and looked at Nie Yun and couldn't help asking.

"Ice is everywhere below, it's weird!" When Nie Yun didn't mention the special ore, he said it casually.

"Ice?" Xiao Ran was also a little confused.

虽然 Although he is well-informed, this snow mine pool obviously exceeds the scope of approval, and the situation is somewhat unclear.

"Wait for me, I'll seal this Snow Thunder Pool first!"

He returned to the shore, Nie Yun turned his head, his eyes narrowed.

The seal below the 已经 has been broken. If you do not want to seal it, let the cold air in the black hole come up. I do n’t know what will happen. Depending on the degree of cold, I am afraid that the entire Chihu region will become a snowy field, and even the spiritual world will be affected.

Two palms crossed, the main seal of the left hand tower, the right hand of the Beidou sword, the two great magical artifacts rotating in the air, forming a strong light.

光芒 These lights are intertwined with each other, like a fishing net, to build a complex array.

Mingtian gossip array!

Wu Mingtian's gossip array is a more powerful formation method in the Tiandao Mountains of the Huantai family. Nie Yun, as a formation mage, has just learned a glance and has learned it perfectly. At this time, he feels that using this formation method is good and directly arranged it!

Now the wealth on him is not comparable to the old ones. The treasures used by Zhenji are taken out at will, and after a while, the array is arranged.


As soon as the formation of the chill formation method, the surrounding cold suddenly reduced.

"Although this formation is not weak, the chill is too heavy, and it can last for two months at most ... It seems that it will come to seal once in two months!"

Nie Yun shook his head.

Although the heavenly gossip array is powerful, the cold is terrible. It can only be completely destroyed for two months. It seems that when the strength is reached, you must clean up here ~ www.readwn.com ~ Otherwise, the cold Rushing out will have a great impact on Lian Yue Pavilion.

"Let's go!"

Sealed Xue Leichi, Nie Yun turned to smile at Xiao Ran.

"Huh!" Xiao Ran nodded.

The two of them soon came out of the mountain.

As soon as I came out, the cold air around the waves disappeared instantly, and it was very warm everywhere.

Jiuyang is mostly filled with mountains and yang, with spring blossoms everywhere, even with a feeling of heat. Here it is extremely cold and incompatible, as if it is another world, I really do n’t know why there is such a strange place.

"This time I came back without a response. The following is too cold. I can't get in. Go back to Pity Moon Pavilion. When will you break through the immortal realm, come and see!"

Xie Nie Yun saw Xiao Ran's eyes with doubt, and seemed to want to know the situation under the pool.

"Oh ..." Xiao Ran nodded, thinking about something. There was a sudden tremor on the ground, and a violent air flow came over.

"It's over Liyue Pavilion ..."

I felt the source of this shaking power on the ground, Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped, and he turned quickly.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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