Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1164: Kill all

"Abominable, abominable!"

"How did this kid's strength become so strong? So many of us came to besiege, but in the end we could only escape! My face was so damaged that I was so angry!"

"What else do you want to do without running away? Do you want to stay there waiting to be killed?"

"It seems that you must invite those ancestors who have hidden in the depths of the chaos to kill this kid, otherwise you will definitely become another king of Shura in the future!"

Many strong men who fled from Lian Yue Pavilion gathered again, filled with indignation and anger.

的 The superiority that perennial makes them feel humiliated.

"Amitabha, I will go back to Sakyamuni, and let the elderly make a decision!"

Laoshan Buddha Road.

"I will also sue the owner of the Spring and Autumn Academy for this incident. We strong men have been killed, and we must not swallow it!"

The living master of Rumen also shouted.

For a moment, the remaining people spoke one after another. Although they were immortals, they could only be regarded as mid-level among many immortals. The truly powerful masters did not come out. Li Yuege welcomes a devastating blow!

"Everyone has a good mood. Are you happy to go to Liyue Pavilion?"

As the crowd roared, a joke of laughter suddenly sounded.

"Happy to play? Whoops, who is it, play tricks here!"

An old man in the crowd was so angry that he turned white.

"Haha, pretend to be a ghost?"

With a chuckle, a young man stepped on the air. Suddenly emerged from the void, slowly came over.

The juvenile was thin. It looks like it has no strength, but what is so dark is the eyes that release a shocking light.

The young man took something on his right palm and stroked his left palm gently. The crowd only glanced at each other and took a breath.

的 He is actually a blue dragon with a crown! Devil Blue Dragon King!

"Xiu ... King Luo?"

Everyone's head exploded at the same time.

"Yes, you haven't known each other for so many years!" Nie Tong walked forward with a slight smile. A few steps came to everyone.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing his movements, everyone changed his face, shaking one by one.

They were not afraid when facing the Taoist Lingtai Lingyue. Although they were fleeing Nie Yun who was decisive, they wanted to take revenge, but in the face of this thin boy, they did not have any resistance at all. Each one turned pale, and his frightened body was stiff.

King Shura!

的 The peerless murderer who destroyed the heavens in the ancient times. Countless strong men have never defeated it. A terrible super character!

Even the Laoshan Buddha and others had ugly faces, and his hands clenched involuntarily.

The shadow of the famous tree. King Shura's fame was so great that he was so scared when he heard the name alone.

"Do nothing, just want to discuss one thing with you!"

Tan Nietong continued to caress the Qinglong Emperor, who was shaking like a pet in his hands.

"what's up?"

"Oh. It's very simple. I'm going to a place deep in the chaos. At present, my strength is still not enough. I need to use your body and soul to devour it, and let Xiu Wei go further, so I hope you don't yell!"

Yan Nie Tong said with a smile, as if discussing with people.

"Enjoy the body and soul?"

"Will we die then?"

"You want to kill us?"

Hearing this, everyone finally understood.

"Oh, yes, I want to kill you, I hope not to resist, thank you for your cooperation!" Nie Yun's voice drifted, as if it sounded from the depths of hell, and it was like a joke, without any power.

I could hear everyone's ears about this voice without any strength, making them feel like falling into an ice cellar, one by one with chills and pale faces.

King Shura wants to kill them?

"Can't sit and wait, King Shura, others are afraid of you, I'm not afraid, I fight with you!"

Suddenly, an ancestor in the crowd roared out, flashed coldly, and punched Nie Tong with a punch.

He started, while others watched from one side, and seemed to want to see the specific strength of King Shura.

Seeing this scene, Nie Tong shook her head, showing disappointment on her face, touching the palm of Qinglong Emperor and raising her forefinger quietly.


惨 The ancestor's tragic cry didn't come out, it swelled and exploded directly into fly ash.


Nie Tong's strength was swallowed by Nie Tong's mouth.

修 In Shura's eyes, human practitioners, like crops, eat them to advance their power, which is why they are so unscrupulous.


"The ancestor of Dugu didn't even catch half a move and was swallowed ..."

"What is this strength?"

I saw this scene in my eyes, everyone was crazy, one by one standing on the peak of the fairyland, all faces are ashamed.

This strength is beyond their imagination.


An old man in the puppet crowd exclaimed, turned around, and left. One thousandth of a breath didn't come, and they ran out of hundreds of kilometers.

"Since you are so anxious, I have to kill you first ..."

Nie Tong chuckled again, and twitched his fingers.


A puppet of light that crossed the spiritual realm blew out, right in the middle of the old man's back, with a bang, the old man was smashed into flesh, and all the power in his body was swallowed by Nie Tong again.

"King Shura, starting today, I am willing to be your loyal subordinate, be your dog, please don't kill me!"

Unable to escape and be invincible, the dull atmosphere completely collapsed an ancestor's psychology, and he immediately knelt down.

When facing irresistible hardships and not wanting to die, the strongest person will choose to compromise.

"Be my dog? I don't need dogs, only strength!"

Nie Tong's fingers a little, this man "嘭!" Exploded, and his power was swallowed again.

The death of three people in a row made the remaining ancestors finally understand the terribleness of each other, and each fist clenched, but found that there was no ability to resist.

The King Shura who trembled the heavens and the earth and made the heavens and the earth trembled, although the strength has not yet been restored perfectly, the combat effectiveness shown so far has made all the heavens frightened.

"You, we must spread apart to escape, and today we joined together to fight with him!"

"Yes, it's all dead anyway, it might as well fight with him!"

One of the masters of Confucianism shouted.

His shout quickly got the response. No one can be a fool to practice Xianjun. They all know that if this situation is not resisted, they will die faster!

"Amitabha, the Lord of Shura King, we in the Buddhist world have no resentment against you. Last time, the six worlds slayed you, our Buddhist world did not participate, can you let us leave!"

The Laoshan Buddha is not like everyone else, but slowly.

"Foshan Buddha, you ..."

"Abominable ..."

When I heard him, everyone almost exploded.

It was difficult for them to defeat King Shura originally. Several masters of Buddhism will not participate anymore. It can be predicted that their results will be dead.

"Want to leave? Well, forget it, your bodhi tree was taken away by me, and I won't forgive me anyway. There will be a battle sooner or later. It would be better to kill you now than to start!

Xie Nie Tong laughed, his eyes shot golden light at the same time, and his palm suddenly volleyed.


The space in front of the cave collapsed, and huge ghosts of palms generally came to the four Buddha ancestors such as Lao Shan.


The four Buddhas changed their faces and exclaimed at the same time, each offering a treasure to resist, but sadly found that the power in front could not be stopped at all.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Four consecutive explosions ~ www.readwn.com ~ The four Buddhas were exploded into minced meat and devoured by Nie Tong.

"It's your turn!"

When he saw that he attacked the four great Buddhas, the rest of them did not take a joint shot, and Nie Tong laughed.

This is how the six heavens and earths ca n’t be completely united. If they can be united together, they will all be united, so many strong people want to kill all of them, even if he is strong, it is troublesome, and now, it is effortless.

"Escape ..."

Everyone saw that the master of Buddhism was killed by one stroke, and there was no resistance, and they fled in all directions.

But none of them flew far, the surrounding space was distorted, and a huge black hole swallowed it all up.


The crisp explosions sounded one after another, like the fireworks rising from the sky. Many strong men who came to encircle Liyue Pavilion, except for the demon and the Phantom King who stayed outside of Liyue Pavilion and the injured Motai Yun, No one was spared.

"Nie Yun ..."

He killed these people, and Nie Tong turned his head to the direction of Lian Yuege. It was cold for a while, then he showed his firmness.

"He is my brother!"




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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