Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1165: Drive Tower Headquarters

"I know it is your brother. His rapid progress shows that he is extremely talented. If he kills and devours him, our strength will certainly be restored to its peak immediately!"

The sound of Xun Yin's test sounded, and Nie Tong's left eye flickered coldly.

"You dream! You dare to touch my brother with a sweat, and I will die with you!"

The right eye has a steady eye, with unshakable tenacity.


After this sentence, a powerful soul wave crashed, and the space in front of King Shura shattered layer by layer.


King Shura, who was extremely powerful, suddenly hugged his head and lay on the ground with a scream.

"Okay, okay, I just don't move him!"

After a while, King Shura suddenly yelled.

"As long as you don't move your brother, whoever you want to kill, whoever you want to kill, on the contrary I will cooperate with you and let us gain more strength!"

A noise sounded.

"OK!" King Shura gritted his teeth.

"Don't fight any ghost idea, I live with your soul, kill me, you must die, your strength will increase, and my strength will increase. No one can live without others unless they die in this life!"

Said another voice.

声音 This voice sounds immature, but with determination and strength that cannot be resisted.

"I don't need your reminder, I know!" King Shura snorted, his face recovered, and exhaled, "I can drive the tower to kill those annoying ghosts!"

可以 "Yes, the people who repair the towers have special talents, which have a very nourishing effect on us. I have no problem killing them!"

Said another voice.

"Well, as long as the strength returns to the top, the whole world and the six are mine!"

King Shura screamed. The body shook a bit and disappeared completely.


King Shura killed all the powerful men who had escaped. Nie Yun didn't know. At this time, he was breaking through the air and flew straight towards the headquarters of the driving tower.

The headquarter of Xunqu Xiu Tower is neither in the spirit world nor in the other places of the heavens and the earth, but is established near the chaos.

There is a huge city standing in the sky here. The whole body is supported by a tall tower, like a city in the sky.

He and Lingtai Ling Yue said he left.

Xun Lingyue stayed at Liyue Pavilion, and he went to repair the tower headquarters alone.

This time he used to rely on the inheritance of the Big Dipper to control the giant power of the repair tower.

I want to be the master of the tower, and she must have absolute deterrence and strength. It can be done by relying on Lingtai Lingyue. If not, it would be counterproductive, making people feel that he relies on women.

Because of this, he let Ling Yue stay and go alone.

Strengthen strength, speed increased again.

It is true that the headquarters of Xunqu Tower is not too far away from the imperial city of the troll world. After flying all the way for less than half a month, you see a huge suspended city. Standing on a tall drive tower, the light is shining, with awe-inspiring majesty.

Jiuxiao Palace is a gathering place of the ten major families, but compared with the headquarters of this driving tower, it is not a little bit worse.

The drizzle of grey air over the headquarters of the repair tower squirms, with the breath of all things melting, it is the chaotic space!

The headquarters of the Xiuzhu Tower is shielded by a large array, and the chaos space is above. This handwriting is not comparable to all forces!

There are powerful formations everywhere underneath. After looking at it for a while, Nie Yun reluctantly found that even if he wanted to break it, it would require great trouble.

This time I came here to find a way to become the tower owner, not a troublemaker. It seems that I have to enter it step by step.


Yan Nieyun flew straight down, and soon came to the bottom of the tower.

He drove to repair the headquarters of the tower, standing above the tower. This is the only way to enter.

"Drive the tower headquarters! Outsiders are forbidden!"

As soon as I came to the tower, several black guards blocked the way.

Each of these people has a stable atmosphere, and they have actually reached the level of the guardian of the Holy Fairy. The repair tower is really terrible!

"I'm Nie Yun, a seven-pin driver!"

一 Flicked his wrist and took out the badge of the seven-pin drive repairman representing his identity, and handed it over.

"It is Lord Nie Yun, please, Elder Qiong Ya mentioned you and said that once you come, be sure to bring her!"

The security guard took a look at the badge, remembered something, and smiled.

"Elder Qiongya? Then take me to see her!"

Nie Yundao.

Thanks to Qiong Ya and her fight last time in Yaohuang City, the martial arts talents can be broken through. This kind of kindness has always been remembered, but she did not expect that she was waiting for herself.

"Yes, Lord, please!"

She guarded her head and led the way, respectful.

As the guards of the immortal level driving the tower, they have a high status and have their own pride. If the young man in front of him talks about his age, he may not see it at all. There was a strong threat on the other side.

It seems that as long as he dares to do something with the opponent, he will definitely be killed instantly and there is no room for resistance.

Even Qiongya has never felt this kind of feeling.

凭 Based on this alone, he knows that the strength of this person is higher than Elder Qiongya!

The two of them cascaded up and down the stairs several times, and soon came to a room.


I knocked on the door of the room and the two went in.

Ye is a large hall. Elder Qiong Ya is sitting on the main seat. On the right hand, an old man seems to be telling her something.

"Elder Qiongya, Lord Nie Yun is here!"

The guard entered the room and hugged fist.

"Nie Yun ..."

Elder Qi Qiongya's eyes brightened and he suddenly stood up.

"Elder Qiongya!"

Nie Yun came over with a smile.

"I'm still planning to send someone to look for you! It's just the time to come!" Elder Qiong Ya laughed.

"Looking for me?" Nie Yun froze.

虽 Although he and Elder Qiongya meet, they are not particularly familiar with the affairs of the Demon Emperor City. What are you looking for?

"Elder Duan Jin, the person I told you last time is him, what do you think!"

Wu Qiongya did not answer Nie Yun's doubts, but turned to look at the old man on the right and laughed.


The old man named Duan Jin gave Nie Yun a puzzled look and shook his head. "Half-step fairyland, the strength is okay, but only the seventh product driving master, I am afraid that even the qualifications to participate are not enough!"

"The qualification of the Qipin Exorcist is a little lower, but he reached this level when he was seventeen or eighteen years old. It shows his talent. If you and I cooperate with the three elders and help initiate together, we may be able to make him integrate again This talent, qualified! "

Qiongya Road.

"This is indeed a good idea, but we must first determine whether he has the potential to do so!"

Wu Duanjin said.

"It's worthwhile to do it. Once Fei Yu wins the competition, relying on the nature of his ambition, we will drive the tower and we will definitely encounter unprecedented trouble!"

Qi Qiongya shook her head.

"Yes, if he succeeds, it will definitely cause great trouble to the repair tower!" Duan Jin also looked ugly.

He looked at the conversation between the two, and Nie Yun was a little confused and hesitated. "What happened to the two elders? What do you want me to do?"

"Oh, sorry, you may not be sure when you first arrived, Elder Duan Jin, please tell him!"

As soon as Nie Yun was asked, Qiong Ya remembered it, showing a hint of embarrassment and smiling.

"Well, Qiong Ya and I are both elders who repair the tower. You should know! Although the rights of the elders in the tower are not weak, there are certain restrictions on permissions. Take control of the entire repair tower! "

Elder Du Duanjin ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know! "Nie Yun nodded.

He came here this time to find a way to win the title of tower master, and naturally knew this position.

The lord of the pagoda, like the lord of a sect, belongs to the most powerful person in the entire repair tower.

"We have repaired the tower. Since the founding father, the Big Dipper, has passed away, the tower's owner has been vacant. Everything has a joint assembly of the eight elders and elders. This time when King Shura reappeared, the world was turbulent. Choose a new tower owner to preside over the big picture! "

Elder Wu Duanjin said slowly.

"Choosing a new tower master?" Nie Yun's eyes brightened.

He originally was not very clear about the distribution of power in the repair tower, and was thinking about how to seize the position of tower master. Now it seems that it is time to come.

"Yes, the candidate must be at the level of eight-pin expulsion master. The strength is at least half-step fairyland. After many layers of screening, many people have reached the qualification. Among them, the most popular is Fei Yu. It's just ... he's an ambitionist, not the most suitable person in our hearts! "

Elder Wu Duanjin shook his head and sighed.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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