Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1167: 1 boxing fly


"Is his fusion talent beyond the level of Jiu Pin Jin Wen?"

Everyone knows that Elder Anqing ’s nine-colored stone is a strange treasure from chaos and has the ability to test talents. At this time, it emits white light and is shattered by the gas of fusion. Even the original Fei Yu did not appear. Over!

真 Is it really the same as Elder Anqing said just now, that he has more talents than the nine-pin gold pattern?

This is too bad!

Throughout the history of the repair tower, there has been one of the nine-pin gold-pattern repairmen ever, the ancestor Beidou Xingjun, and the strongest after that is the nine-pin silver pattern, surpassing the nine-pin gold pattern. This ...

There was no sound in the room. Five people looked at Nie Yun together, hoping that he could give an explanation.

"Nie Yun, aren't you the eight-pin driver? What's going on ..." Finally, Qiong Ya couldn't help but asked.

"I haven't said that it's Bapin level!" Nie Yun scratched his head.

"This is ..."

"I have merged ten special talents, nine of which are in the top 30. It should be ... a nine-step and half-step pattern driver!"

Nie Yundao.

"Nine Pins and Half Steps ..."

The elders of the four big brothers were stunned at the same time, and their eyes were almost staring out.

Although I have some thoughts in my heart, I can't stop the shock in my heart when I really hear it.

Exceeded the nine-pin gold texture driver, this is a super strong man who has never appeared after the Kaidi Grand Master Beidou Xingjun!

"Okay, Qiong Ya, you are the blessings of our driving tower repair, with this talent. I see who dares to say anything and become the new tower master. Almost nailed it!"

After lingering for a long time, Elder Anqing laughed loudly.

Before the other party had Fei Yu, the four of them couldn't breathe, but Qiong Ya found such a talented person!

"Don't be too happy first. Although his talent is great, the practice time is too short. He is only eighteen or nine years old, but Fei Yu has practiced for tens of thousands of years. He has also experienced the death of the Immortal King. You and I ca n’t be any worse. The two are fighting for the title of tower master, and the real ending is hard to say! "

A too worried elder said.

"Yes, the practice time is too short, it is a flaw ..."

Hearing this, the other three elders understood at the same time. The excitement just disappeared.

The position of the master of the competition tower is very cruel. It doesn't matter if you have the talent. You need to surrender the strength of the people. Even if he is very talented, once he is defeated by Fei Yu on the test bench. The seat of the tower master must not be able to sit still.

"The four elders do not have to worry. Nie Yun is very strong and has a great understanding of battle. I fought with him two months ago. At that time, I was not an opponent. Now he is more talented. He must have more strength. Strong ... "

Elder Qi Qiongya busy.

"Aren't you an opponent?" An Qing glanced, with doubts in his eyes.

Even though Elder Qi Qiongya did not reach Xianjun, he was also an old monster that impacted Xianjun's immortality. He was not weak and could beat her. This teenager who looks only eighteen or nine years old is probably too powerful!

"Your name is Nie Yun. I ’m Elder Yang Yang. How about your strength? We do n’t know for the time being. Instead, I will suppress my strength to half a step, and fight with you for a while. If you can pick twenty Move, even if you pass! "

An old man with white hair came out.

He is the tallest of the four elders, and his voice is like Hong Zhong. At a glance, he knows that his character is a bit reckless.

"Yang Yang, don't make a fool of yourself, your practice is regarded as the best among all four of us. Even if we lower our practice, the combat effectiveness is not comparable to that of ordinary half-step fairy kings. Wouldn't it be trouble if you hurt it? "

Wu Anqing snorted.

"Elder An Qing is right, your Diamond Road practice is so powerful that if you can't control it and hurt him, you will be in trouble if you delay the competition of the tower master three days later!"

Another too elder road.

"Uh ... what then?" Tong Yang scratched his head, his face awkward.

"Let Qiongya compare with him, so that we can see where his strength flaws are, and we can even subsidize it, and fight for three days to improve his fighting power!"

An Anqing slowly said.

In fact, they want Nie Yun to take a shot, they want to see his real combat effectiveness, then find the shortcomings, make up for it, and strive to stand out when the tower owner competes.

"Okay, come on, Master Nie Yun, you have to be careful. After fighting with you last time, I learned a few more tricks!"

Wu Qiongya's eyes showed a eager look.

She is a martial art idiot, otherwise it would not be possible to compete with Nie Yun. I felt that I could not beat Nie Yun last time, and came back with pain and grief. I also studied several kinds of tricks. Even if the elder An Qing didn't say it, she might rush up.

"You want to compete with me?"

Bian Nieyun blinked.

He is not underestimated Elder Qiong Ya. The difference in strength between the two is too great. It is not interesting to compete with her.

当然 "Of course, I learned this trick by seeing your trick, called Wanliuihaihai. It is a strong immortal force that gathers into the ocean. It is extremely fierce. You must be careful ..."

He said that Elder Qiongya jumped into the hall, his eyes were hot, his arms twitched, and his energy was boiling and rolling.

"okay then!"

When I saw her happy, Nie Yun could not bear to refuse, her feet didn't move, but her body turned around.

"You will lose out if you despise the enemy so much!"

Seeing his actions, Elder Qiong Ya gave birth to a fire of ignorance. As an old monster that impacted the immortal monarch, he possessed unique strength and dignity. Even ordinary immortal monks could not be so despised. , Obviously put it in the eyes, snorted, the body turned slightly, the right hand was shaken to form a whipping action, the breath was like a wave, the action was like a tide.

It's worthy to return to the sea with a wave of extraordinary strength. The huge vigour makes a humming sound in the hall. It sounds like a lament for the destruction of the world. The air collapses and time goes back.

"Yes, I didn't expect Qiong Ya to realize such a trick!"

"With the power of this trick, as long as she diligently practices, it should not be difficult to break through Xianjun within a hundred years!"

"If I hadn't seen this move in advance, I would have been unable to resist it, I really don't know how this Nie Yun resisted!"

"This Nie Yun talent is good, but people are too proud. I am afraid that this time I will have a big loss to know that the light talent is good and useless. Sometimes, it takes effort and patience!"

The elders of the four elder brothers saw Qiongya's shot so powerful, and each bearded his beard and nodded secretly.

With their eyes, they naturally saw the strength of this move, and even the powerful strikers of Xianjun Jun could not take it so easily.


Seeing this move, Nie Yun raised her eyebrows.

虽然 Although this trick is returning to the sea, in the eyes of martial arts teachers, there are many loopholes, but they are considered advanced in the general immortal tricks.

Even before Xianjun reached Xianjun, he created a trick that was comparable to Xianjun. The strength of this elder Qiongya can't be underestimated.

The body didn't move. When the rolling energy came to the front, Nie Yun smiled and punched out.

拳 This fist doesn't have any fancy, and can't see any power, it's like the market splashing a punch without a power.


Qiongya's tide returned to the sea. Under his most ordinary punch, Baixue collapsed in an instant. Bai Xue encountered the scorching sun. The hot energy not only blocked all the moves, but the remaining power rushed over. Chest.


Bian Qiongya spurted blood, flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

Fortunately, Nie Yun recovered 70% or 80% of his strength in time, otherwise, he would definitely be beaten into a meat pie ~ www.readwn.com ~ and vomited blood and died.

The gap between the two is really too big.

"I'm defeated!" Qiong Ya also understood, looking at Nie Yun, his eyes were full of fiery.

不 In just a month or two, the other party has such strength, and the rate of progress is simply appalling.

"When a boxing breaks the waves of Qiongya, the strength is extremely fierce. Nie Yun, it seems that I am playing with you, rest assured, I have suppressed my strength to the half-step fairy king realm, and will not hurt you. of!"

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Yang Yang, the mood that had just been suppressed, was immediately hooked again, her eyes were hot, and she jumped out of the seat and laughed aloud.

"Now that Nie Yun was offended by praise from the elders!"

Knowing that the other party wanted to test his own purpose, Nie Yun did not refuse, walked into the field and smiled slightly.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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