Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1168: Another talent

This praised elder's strength is not weak among the immortals, and is stronger than Laoshan Buddha and others, but Nie Yun is not afraid. After the ten talents are merged, the combat power increases sharply. In addition, the sword is learned Such a trick can not only increase the combat power exponentially, but even if you can't beat this person, the opponent will definitely not be pleased.

"Strong! I like this kind of person!"

Seeing that he did not flinch, he vowed swearing and praised the elder with a smile, came over with excited eyes, a wave of his palm, the air whine, and the teleportation generally appeared in the middle of the hall.

"The praise strength is just so powerful that if you can't catch it, you must call out in advance, or you will be seriously injured, even if we are difficult to treat!"

Elder An Qing, who knew on one side, could not help dissuading, and said helplessly.

"Okay!" Nie Yun knew that the other party was kind, nodded his head, squeezed his fist, and blasted out with a punch.


The fist head is an ice-breaking giant ship roaring forward, and the powerful force is moving. Although it doesn't look like the elder Qiongya's wave is returning to the sea, as long as he is a master, he can see at a glance the power of this trick. The far-reaching attack by Elder Qiongya has reached the realm of returning to life.

"Very good attack, watch out for my power!"

Laughing at the elder, Haha laughed, her white eyebrows were raised, and her fist collapsed.

His boxing skills are completely different from those of Nie Yun. Nie Yun is open and close, and the weather is endless. His tricky and weird, as if swimming.

The two boxing tactics have different artistic conceptions, but their powers are comparable. When they hit each other, the air emits a bang. Crazy tornado, terrifying.

"I didn't expect your boxing skills to go all the way, so be careful. I'm going to do my best!"

I met each other, the two were on the same level, and the elders laughed, and a golden light appeared on his fist, turning his palm into a metal.

"Rich King's talent? No wonder it's fierce ... Tianshi master's talent, Ruijin's talent, unite!"

Nie Yun finally understood why Elder An Qing and others were worried. It turns out that this praised elder is a sharp gold master!

Yu Ruijin advocated attacking, with extremely strong strength and strong strength. It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to resist. In addition, his practice is mainly strong and hard all the way, which is even more powerful.

However, Nie Yun is not weak, and he has the talent of Ruijin Master. The breath turns. The talents of the Master of the Heavenly Masters also worked, and the dam of three hundred times the strength of the flesh opened down.


Two fists fought, and Elder Yang's face turned red, and "嘭!" Flew upside down, bumping one head against a table, smashing the table and chair.


Elder Lu Anqing and others stared out.

"I'm sorry, I worked harder ..." Nie Yun scratched his head awkwardly.

Elder Lu Anqing and others "..."

Praise the elder Ruijin talent, they all know. The metal attack in the battle was fierce. Even if he suppresses the cultivation to the half-step fairyland, the breath will be displayed, which will cause great harm.

And now such a fierce strongman, was bombarded with more fierce power, and the shot was still a half-step fairyland ...

Let them look at me one by one, I see you, do you think the eyes are gone?

"The eleventh-ranked talent of talented masters and talents of Ruijin. If you guessed very well, just now you still used the talent of powerful masters ... I am convinced that I lost it!"

The elder Yan Yang got up without any blame, but he smiled with a chic attitude.

The elder of the Tangtang Exorcist Tower was beaten like this with a punch. Not only was he not angry, he also had such an attitude.

"Talent Master Talent? Ruijin Division, Hercules Division?"

I heard what he said, and then everyone understood the terrible aspect of the young man in front of him, one by one, his eyes brightened, and he couldn't help laughing.

It seems that they underestimated his strength and possessed this fighting power. Even if he is strong, Fei Yu may not be an opponent!

"Elders, I should be able to beat that Fei Yu!"

Xie Nieyun seemed to see what everyone thought, and laughed.

"Your strength is definitely better than him. However, you cannot be taken lightly. He is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years. He has a lot of treasures and endless means. In addition, there is support from others such as scuffles. It ’s hard to guarantee that nothing will happen! "

Elder Lu Anqing acknowledged that Nie Yun's fighting ability was far superior to the opponent, but also knew that it was not easy to overcome.

In order to reach their level, Xiu Xiu's strength alone is not the key to determining victory or defeat. If the other party has a magical artifact or a special burning soul ascension method, no one knows who will die.

"You don't have to worry, there are three days left until the tower masters fight. In the three days, the four of us will find a way to make you improve again and make you more sure of winning!"

Seeing Nie Yun listen to Elder An Qing's words, he bowed his head and thought, and praised the elder with a smile.

"Thank you so much for your elders. By the way, haven't we sealed the Tower Headquarters with a lot of special talents? Can you lend me some of the top 100?"

Nie Yun smiled, and suddenly spoke.

His current strength has reached a critical point. Without breaking through the immortal realm, it is difficult to further improve significantly. The only way is to give attributes to the empty Dantian!

The more attributes gives, the higher the special talent, and the stronger the strength.

Now he has 50 dantians. In addition to the master dantian and the dantian that has used the spirit of the soul cannot be used, there are 9 dantians without attributes. If these nine have talents, and they are all in the top 100, the strength It's definitely going to skyrocket.

(Nie Yun has 39 special talents, including: holding things, fire, taming animals, tracking, healing, vigorous, Xiangshui, blood pupil, camouflage, sky eye, beacon, vitality, stealing the sky, walking, hiding, hiding, Poison Division, Fairy Tale, Kendo, Defense, Skyhand, Skywalk, Bewitching, Martial Art, Phaseless, Assassination, Sky Ear, Formation, Corrosion, Thunder, Popularity, Ice, Sharp Gold, Illusion, Curse, Heart Demon Division, Treasure Master, Slayer, Breaker, Soul Eater)

"As long as it is not in the top ten, there are only a few talents that have never been seen before in the repair tower. Almost everything else is there!"

Elder Lu Anqing glanced puzzledly.

Innate talents can sometimes change the battle situation, but to reach their level, as long as they are not their own talent, the talents alone have little effect. I do n’t know why he made this request.

"Can you find the nineth air of destruction, the twenty-second air of yin and yang, the twenty-three air of ethereal air ... each of these nine talents?"

Xie Nieyun casually mentioned nine special talents he did not have.

好的 "Okay, since you want it, I'll find it for you!"

Elder Lu Anqing knew that the other party was so certain that he must have his own purpose. He stopped asking questions and stood up to walk outward.

After a while, I walked back, flipped my palms, and nine crystal **** appeared in front of me. Each of them contained a talent, and the nine were united to illuminate the room with four colors.

"Thank you too much elders!"

Xie Nieyun's eyes lit up and she was excited.

He used to spend a lot of hard work and could not get one talent, but now he can get nine kinds ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that it is better to repair the tower headquarters. As long as there is enough Dantian, the talents will be more and more many.

抓 Grab the palm of your hand gently and put nine crystal **** into Dantian. When it is not attributed here, it will be difficult to see what the elders of the four elders can see.

"Nie Yun, although the talent can help you increase the same ability in a short period of time, but before absolute strength, it has little effect. If you want to defeat Fei Yu, relying on this thing is not enough. So, this is what I created for many years. You can take a look at this set of boxing techniques, and you might be inspired! "

"This is the treasure I made, called [Jin Jiazhu]. It is fully refined and can give people a layer of defense. The halberd used by Fei Yu is very powerful. One more defense will give you another chance to win!"

"I got this [Chendao Chaodan] in chaos, which can make people increase their combat power in a short period of time. Of course, it will also consume a lot of money. Now I will give you a puppet. ... "

Uh ...

Mrs. An Anqing, the elders, all came over, and everyone took out the most valuable things, hoping to help Nie Yun.

"I don't need any of these ... Do you have a suitable sword? Can you borrow me?"

Xie Nie Yun saw that these things were the hard work of the elders and elders, and they were extremely precious, and they declined politely.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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