Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1172: Practice the body into a fairy

Xiaolong is awake!

I entered the Dragon Emperor Jin Jingye last time and began to fall asleep. It has been three or four months now. I thought it would take at least a few years. I did not expect to wake up at this critical moment.

Before he fell asleep, he had half a step of Xianjun's strength. I am afraid that he has broken through 桎梏 through Dragon King Jin Jingye and returned to the level of Xianjun.


As soon as Nie Yun was happy in his heart, a small dragon Yin suddenly appeared in front of him. The huge dragon had a size of hundreds of feet, and the whole body was golden scales. When the clouds followed the wind, the sound was appalling.


Facing the attacking snake tail, Xiaolong stretched out a claw.


There was an explosion, and it was indestructible. The snake tail that was not broken by the Beidou sword and the tower's main seal directly exploded, and blood splattered.


Obviously, the snake didn't expect a five-clawed golden dragon to emerge suddenly, and its strength would be so great. The big eyes blinked, and they fled when they turned.

Although the viper and the dragon are theoretically the same race, this big snake knows that it is too far away from the five-claw golden dragon of the dragon clan, not to mention its strength, but the coercion on the bloodline is not its counterbalance.

"Hey, little snake, where do you go? I heard your snake gall is a great supplement. Give me the boss!"

Xiao Xiao laughed softly, the giant dragon claws grabbed forward, and the sky seemed to be blocked for a moment. The serpent couldn't move no matter how it escaped.

It chased Nie Yun just now, and it was so aggressive that no one thought it would be the target of the chase in a flash, and even Nie Yun couldn't adapt to it.

"What kind of power is this ..."

Seeing that Xiaolong, who was almost the same as his own strength, trapped the snake in a blink of an eye, as if playing with a child. Nie Yun was speechless.

He knows the strength of Da Serpent very well, and he is definitely the best among the immortals. Even if it is not as good as the Nether Phoenix King, it is certainly not much different. Such strength is actually the same as that of the ants in front of Xiaolong. If he wants to catch, if he wants to kill, he will kill.

Has it restored the glory of the ancient times and become the first master of the six heavens and earth?

"Little boy, dare to fight my boss' idea. You really don't want to live!"

Xie Nieyun was surprised that the snake had been caught by Xiaolong, and the huge claws were torn slightly. The giant snake's huge body became two halves, and a heart-like snake gall fell off.

The most important thing for viper monsters is not the crystal nucleus but the snake gall, which is said to contain the richest essence in the counterpart's body, which is extremely precious.

"Boss. This is a good thing, you eat it ..."

As soon as the claws flew, the snake gall flew over to Nie Yun.

"Eat?" Nie Yun's face turned into bitter gourd.

蛇 This snake is taller than him, let him eat, how to eat?

Of course, Nie Yun is not helpless. When the body moved, the undead exploded and turned into a mist to surround the snake gall.


The body recovered, and the snake gall was swallowed by him.


Nie Yun felt fever all over his body, and a thick heat flow rolled through the meridians.

"Cultivate quickly. See if you can go further!"

Xiao seems to know the changes in Nie Yun's body, Xiaolong laughed. He regained his skinny youth and grinned.

"it is good!"

Nie Yun knew that Xiaolong was taking care of her. An Anquan didn't need to worry. Now she no longer thought about it. She sat down with her knees focused, and guided the power in her body to run slowly.


一 This power turned around in the body, and Nie Yun immediately understood.

大 This big snake is a **** beast produced in chaos. Its body is extremely powerful, especially its defense, and its solidity is absolutely comparable to that of a fairy.

The energy provided by its snake gall cannot increase Nie Yunxiu, but it can make his body's defenses stronger and stronger, and even transform into something comparable to the magical artifact.

嗯 "Hmm? This power is so strong, why don't I use the talent of the alchemist to make my body into a magic weapon?"

Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

Xie Nieyun now has the 30th alchemist talent. Before, I thought that time and materials had never been trained. At this time, the strength of the body is so strong. Why not exercise the physical body to become a magic weapon?

This kind of refining is different from the spiritual rhinoceros refining method and the diamond body refining the physical body. These two concepts are completely different. Once successful, even if there is no Beidou sword, the physical body alone can exert the power of making a fairy.

I did it as soon as I thought of it. Nie Yun kept running the talent of the alchemist, and the heat flow generated by the snake gall flowed through the meridians in the body in the way of the magic weapon.

At first she was a little bit unwell and had a lot of pain.

Nie Yun's spirit is as stable as iron, and he will not waver, and will slowly transport his strength to every muscle in the body.


I do not know how long it took, as if a breath, as if a century, Nie Yun slowly opened his eyes.

的 His idea was indeed right. He borrowed the power of snake gall to successfully refine his body into a magic weapon.

一 Folding his wrist, Beidoujian appeared on the palm of his hand, his arm was waving into the wind, and a sword broke through, stabbing his chest.


The pity moon sword is the strongest trick. Tiantian is in the middle of his chest. He can't pierce any more by just smashing his clothes. Stop in place, no white marks are left.

"I actually practiced my physical body into a magical fairy ..."

When I saw this scene, Nie Yun couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, as expected, through the tempering of the talents of the alchemy master, the physical body was successfully smelted into a magical artifact.

The flesh turned into a creature of immortality. Although the power did not increase and the immortal power did not increase, his defense and attack power were further improved, and the combat effectiveness was more than doubled!

"How long have I cultivated?"

After feeling the changes in his body, Nie Yun exhaled a breath, looked up at Xiaolong, and saw that this guy was unknowingly using something to string the big snake and roast the snake meat to eat.

Under the flames gathered by Xianxianli, the meat was fragrant.

"In less than two days, you just woke up, the snake meat just tasted ..."

Xiao Xiao laughed.

"It's been two days? Fortunately, it's not too late, it's too late to go back soon ..."

I heard Nie Yun startled.

It took almost a day on my way to come. Now it's almost two days. Wouldn't it be almost the same time as the three days previously agreed?

"Hurry back, I don't have time, you can eat in the advanced dipper!"

As soon as the spirit was up, Xiaolong was taken into the Xinggong Palace, and Nie Yun flew straight out.

The physical body was transformed into a magical artifact, and the speed was a lot faster. It galloped all the way. It used to take almost a day to get to the innermost place, but now it hasn't arrived for an hour, and it's on the edge of the frozen world. And the two elders.

The two had long been anxious, and when they saw him return, they were overjoyed, and the three flew straight back.


I was just where Nie Yun had just left Hanbingjian, an old man came slowly.

老 This old man is a fairy-level strength, his body shivering because of the cold, and his body is covered with hoarfrost.

It seems that he does not have the talents of the Ice Division and the Beacon Division. I don't know what method to use to come here. Although he finally came near, he also suffered a lot and suffered a lot.

"Finally came to the place, as long as this ice sword is refined, my strength will definitely jump into the top three of the eight elders of the repair tower, regardless of status or right to speak!"

The old man looks hard ~ www.readwn.com ~ but there is a strong sense of excitement in his eyes, as long as he can get the ice sword in front, even if it is worth the pain.

"What can you do if you are strong and safe, even if you are strong, I will get the Frost Sword, and I will never be under you. By then, I don't need to look at your face!"

He sneered, the old man strode forward, and soon came to the pool of Frost Sword.

嗯 "Hmm? Where is the ice sword? It should be here ..."

I came to the pool and finally saw that the sword in the pool had disappeared.

"Someone has fought ... who stole my ice sword?"

I didn't find it for a while. The old man paid attention to the surrounding environment. At first glance, his complexion changed.

The surrounding scene obviously experienced a fierce battle. Looking at the terrain, it should be a serpent guarding a sword, and was killed.

The killing of the big snake means that the ice sword has been taken away by others, and there is no chance.

"Damn! Who stole my sword, let me know, never let it go!"

With a scream, the old man's eyes were red.

Ps: Sorry, I got the update, and forgot to post it. If no one reminds, Khan. Sorry!




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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