Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1173: Compare

Through the teleportation array, the three quickly returned to the headquarters of the drive tower.

"You are here!" Elder Anqing relieved when they saw that they had returned safely.

"Should the tower master competition start in time?" The elder Yang Yang asked with a sigh of anger.

It took them a full three days to go back and forth. According to the normal agreement, the competition should have started.

"Not yet!" Elder Anqing said, "I saw you didn't come back, I was worried about something, so I discussed with scolding and others, and pushed the contest back a day!"

"Postponed? Will they agree?" Yang Yang frowned.

The other party is anxious to hold the game quickly, so that they have no chance to wait for others, how can they agree to postpone?

"I don't know, I haven't said it yet. Instead, they put it forward first, and the official competition will start tomorrow!" Elder Anqing raised his eyebrows, and it seemed that he didn't understand the other party's intentions, but he was able to lift it. The next person, who didn't understand it, didn't want to, and waved his hand and asked, "How are you? Did you get that mother sword?"

When I heard this, Qiong Ya and Yan Yang also looked over at the same time, with questions in their eyes.

Before, in order to hurry, they walked too fast and had no time to ask carefully. Nie Yun didn't say so, so they went all the way and they didn't know the result.

"Better luck!"

Nie Yun didn't hide it. When his wrist flipped, the Frost Sword suddenly appeared on the palm of the hand. The hall seemed to enter the Frozen World at once, and the cold bones and snowflakes fell.

"Successful ... it really is the ice sword!"

I saw that the sword in front of the suspension appeared so powerful that everyone's pupils shrank.

The power of this sword is too strong. It has been so powerful before it has been refined. How strong is it to cooperate with the trick?

"I've heard of the cold world, the bitter cold, even if the immortal monarch enters it, it's hard for you to succeed, you can succeed, this ..."

Elder Lu Anqing couldn't believe it.

As an elder who drives the tower to repair the tower, he is the top character in the top ranks and understands the chaotic world. Definitely far better than Nie Yun and others. Just because they knew the danger, they agreed to accompany the elders to accompany him. In his opinion, the past was only a wish but the chance of success was very low. I never thought it was a success!

No wonder it is the founder of Lian Yue Pavilion.

No wonder it is the heir chosen by the Big Dipper, and it is really extraordinary!

"I haven't refined this cold ice sword yet. I will try it now!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were not greedy, Nie Yun laughed lightly, and a frosty ice spread along his fingers.

I have the experience of refining the cold lightsaber. Frozen sword and mother-in-law are of the same origin. It is not difficult to refine. After dozens of breaths, Nie Yun shakes gently with a sword and loses the cold. Ordinary like a common long sword.

No matter how powerful the treasure is, it will move with the master's heart as long as it is refined. Only when it is really needed will the amazing light be released suddenly.

If Han Hanbing Sword does not suppress, the chill is biting, and once it appears, it makes people see the specific level and strength, but it is not good.

"Good sword! Elder Anqing, can you fight me?"

I refined the long sword, and Nie Yun's heart was like a fire burning. His temperament changed, and his eyes had a strong self-confidence and fighting.

炼 Refined the Frost Sword, and he finally understood that the level of this sword is comparable to the Beidou sword. If it works with the Frost talent, it will even surpass the latter!

With such treasures, and the physical body has also been tempered into a forged fairy, Nie Yun is full of confidence. Even the peak strong among the immortals, dare to fight!

"it is good!"

Knowing Nie Yun's true identity, Elder An Qing didn't take it lightly, but looked dignified.

I dare to despise knowing his record, that's just a way to die.

"Here are the seals set by the four of us. It's pretty solid, let's start here!"

As soon as his body moved, the elder body of Elder Anqing seemed to stand upright for several inches, his hair fluttering, and his eyes revealed an excited light.

"I'll start!"

I whispered, palms flipped, embroidered in general, and palm-shaped shadows appeared.

He did not use weapons, but this trick blocked all the space through the butterfly, and it was dazzling step by step. I couldn't tell which one was offensive and which one was defensive. Once I could n’t resist it, I would eat it. Great loss, falling into the wind.

I can say that this trick is a good trick that does not seek merit, but seeks nothing. Even if he fights against the elders, he can take advantage and make his opponent helpless.

What a pity, he met Nie Yun.

The heavenly eye's martial arts fusion flew around in his eyes, and many red dots slowly appeared in his eyes, exposing the attack route that Elder Anqing was going to carry out.

Seeing this, Nie Yun didn't use Hanbing Sword, her body fluttered, she strode forward, hitting one of the red dots.

His palm strength is extremely fierce. In conjunction with the physical body of the fairy, the sword is generally cut, and even if the elder Anqing encounters, he will be injured.


Elder Lu Anqing did not expect that he would see through his attack at a glance, flashed a surprise, shouted, stepped back, disrupting all his rhythm.

As soon as he succeeded, Nie Yun would not let it go. His eyes were like a torch, and he stepped out again with his palm as a finger and gently.

带着 Fingering sword mang in his fingertips, he actually used his finger to make a sword to break the dust.

Qi Jian was so fierce, where the light was facing straight was still the flaw of the opponent's power.


Elder Lu Anqing stepped back again.

"咦!" This time, not only Elder Anqing made a sound, but also Elder Yang and Elder Qiongya looked at each other.

Is also the word "咦", and the mood is completely different.

They have been together with Elder Anqing for many years, and they know that this set of palms is terrible. Even if they do their best, they can't take a half step back. But in the current situation, the two did not collide with each other and the performance was ordinary. There was no amazing breath. There is no violent rage against the power of bombers, a walk in the courtroom, a back-and-forth retreat, which makes people feel incredible and shocked at the same time.

Although everyone did not quite understand the actions of the two, they knew that they were absolutely dangerous. If they were not careful, someone would be seriously injured.

Elder An Qing in particular, he certainly didn't want to retreat, but he was forced to helplessly, if he didn't dodge hard, he would be seriously injured and directly defeated!

Although Elder Anqing didn't show his strongest strength, let him be so passive.


When everyone was surprised, Elder Anqing shouted again and backed up again and again.

From the test to the present, three “咦” sounds were heard in succession. The tone of each sound was different. The first sound was a little surprised, and the second sound was shocked. As for the third sound, I was already afraid.

恐惧 This fear is not fear, but weakness and helplessness seen by the other side.

Fight against others, all tricks are seen through by others, how can this fight?

Ever since the beginning of cultivation, Eunuch Luanqing has never been so condescending!


Pushing two palms in a row to block Nie Yun out, Elder An Qing jumped out of the battle circle, his face was depressed, and then he smiled bitterly: "It is indeed the Lord of Pity Moon Pavilion, amazing strength!"

"Uh ... you know!" After seeing him back, Nie Yun didn't catch up. He heard this and scratched his head.

Actually, he didn't conceal it intentionally, but he was afraid that the other party would cause a lot of trouble after he knew it. Now he should look at the other party ’s expression and there should be no problem.

"Lost to the people recognized by Beidou ancestors ~ www.readwn.com ~ is not wrong!"

Elder Lu Anqing laughed.

输 "Lose? The two of you only fought a few tricks. Elder Anqing, you didn't even use the strongest chain seal and armband, how could you admit defeat?"

The Elder Yang on the one side was unknown, so his face was strange.

Elder Lu Anqing is not weaker than him in his dissatisfaction. He cannot fight with people until the final decision. It is impossible to admit how to fight against a person who is not a fairy king today, but he has confessed to defeat before he has achieved results.

"Serial prints, through-arm rings ... even if they are displayed, they will inevitably lose!"

After taking a look at Nie Yun, Elder Anqing shook his head. "If I guessed well, you should have the martial arts talent and the talent of the heavenly eye, and also combine these two talents, which can perfectly predict my next move. This test continues. It ’s a shame if you go down, no better! "

"Elder Anqing has good eyesight!"

Seeing each other's talents and integration level after seeing only a few moves, Nie Yun nodded.

"Martial arts talent, the tenth ranked martial arts?"

Praise the elders and others for a moment.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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