Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1175: Big start

In front of him, the deer trunk looked harmless to humans and animals, with a strong smile in his eyes, and a kind expression, but actually gave him a very dangerous feeling.

"Immortal King Realm! This guy is definitely a strong monarch!"

He narrowed his eyes, and Nie Yun was secretly alert.

This Lugan has never heard of it before, and it does n’t show the mountains and the smile is ridiculous, but he knows that this person is definitely more powerful than Fei Yu just now. I am afraid that he is a strong man who has reached Xianjun long ago. Buxianjun strength, just camouflage.

Wuxianjun's strong man disguised as a half-step xianjun ... can see it by himself, can't he be denied to elders and others?

"Did ... Fei Yu just scolded the false news released by elders and others, and this deer is the real killer?"

Suddenly an idea popped into Nie Yun's mind.

As an elder who drives the repair tower too much, how could it be possible to see a reckless man like Fei Yu, the real hole card is here!

Now everyone's eyes are attracted by Fei Yu. This lugan must stand out as a dark horse to catch the eye!

In addition, everyone knows that Fei Yu is under the name of Fang Feng, etc., and made him the tower owner's name is not true, and the Lugan may have traded with Fang Feng, etc. in the back, but not It is known that having a more innocent identity is more acceptable to Anqing and others.

Deep thoughts!

Yan Nieyun exhaled, looking dignified.

No wonder the driving tower repairs the power of perseverance in heaven and earth for so many years. The high-level characters are not fools, but one is smarter than the other, and it makes you speechless.

Fortunately, this guy rushed over to know himself, otherwise. It's not easy to think of it so quickly.

Can't stand it. Even if the other party is a strong junior, Nie Yun is not worried at all. What about Xianjun? Enrage to kill with a sword!

"You come to charge? This is really not dare to say, if all the mighty monarchs come to charge, we people have no hope of winning!"

I thought about it, Nie Yun didn't bother to disguise himself, and said directly.

"Immortal Junqiang? You say me? Just kidding!" There was a sharp flash of light in the youth's eyes, and he was concealed. Smiled.

"No kidding, you understand in your heart, but Xianjun is nothing, don't pretend to be with me in a while, otherwise, I will make you the worst person!"

Qi Nieyun showed no mercy. Slightly laughed, ignored the person, turned and walked outwards.

家伙 This guy thinks the camouflage is good, but when it comes to camouflage, he is the old ancestor, and he plays with these methods. It's too tender.


Sure enough, when he heard his merciless words, there was a coldness in Lugan's eyes, his face red and white, but. His two breathing efforts were hidden by him, and he smiled again.

Nie Yun ignored him. He turned to look at the remaining five.

Participated in the competition and qualified enough to add a total of eight of him, out of Fei Yu and this Lugan, the remaining six did not seem to belong to any forces, but just drive ordinary people in the repairman, one by one with eyes closed and adjusted.

Xie Nieyun looked around and found that these people are the strongest and they are almost the same as Qiongya. Knowing that the final champion must have appeared on Fei Yu, Lugan, and Xun themselves, and immediately stopped thinking about it and began to close their eyes.

"Today is the most glorious day for us to repair the tower. We will choose a new tower owner by trial and error! Now I will elaborate on the rules ..."

After a while everyone came together, an old man flew over, suspended in the air, and spoke loudly.

老 This old man, like An Qing, must be white and of extraordinary temperament. At first glance, he knows that he is a fairy monarch, and he should be the highest-ranking elder of the eight elders.

"Our main goal is to restrain Shura and kill Shura. Therefore, there are two contents of the game. First, the more time Shura kills, the higher the ranking! It's the stage test. Whoever wins the final is the tower master! "

Reprimanded the elders and whispered.

"Kill Shura?"

Nie Yun froze. He thought that the so-called competition was just to start the fight and clear the opponent from the stage. It seemed that it was not so simple.

"I will say the first assessment and kill Shura! After a while, many elders such as Anqing and I will establish a channel to the Shura world on the test bench, and give each contestant three days to hunt them. Kill Shura, the higher the level of hunting Shura, the stronger the strength, the more points you will get, and the player with the most points will win! "

He scolded without stopping, and said the game requirements directly.

当然 "Of course this Shura world is not full of Shura, but an ancient battlefield ruins. To kill Shura requires not only strength but also wisdom and experience. If you ca n’t find even Shura, you ca n’t kill anything!”

"Ancient battlefield ruins?" Nie Yun's eyes lit up.

别 For other exorcists, killing Shura has no benefit except earning points. For him, it is a complete supplement. If he can kill enough Shura, his strength will definitely be improved again.

"During the match, you can unite, but you can't shoot your companions ..." The sealer said all the requirements and pressed down with both hands. "Okay, the teleportation team is on!"


With his movements, Elder Anqing and others also shot at the same time. Eight rays of light were radiated to the stage in an instant. Under the white light, a huge teleportation array slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Above the teleportation array is a huge light screen with the name of each person written on it and the so-called points.

Qi Nieyun looked up, and the eight people participating in the assessment were all zero.


Clear the rules, there is nothing left to linger, just behind the crowd flew straight to the teleportation array. As soon as the body entered the array, the space in front of it changed like a stream of water. When we opened our eyes again, we found that all the scenes in front had changed.

The reappearance in front of me was a desolate place, and the overcast wind blew, and it just gave people a sense of vitality.

"This is the ancient battlefield?"

I looked around, and Nie Yun found that the vitality here was completely gone, and the meaning of decay was everywhere, and he nodded clearly.

I originally thought that there could be any treasure here, and it would be almost impossible to see what it is like now.

Bian Tianyan opened a glance around, this space is extremely wide, even if Tian Yan can not see the end, if only the naked eye to find Shura, in three days, I am afraid I can not find one.

After all, Shura is not a fool. This place is so decaying. It is difficult to stay here to survive. How can it survive for a long time?

"Blindly looking for it, it will not only take a lot of time, I am afraid that the possibility of finding Shura is not high, it is better to follow the Lugan ..."

I looked around and knew that it was troublesome to find Xiuluo. An idea came up and Nie Yun's mouth was raised.

Now he can finally understand why he pushed Fei Yu to the front and put the deer trunk behind.

寻找 Finding Shura here is the most difficult. Killing Shura becomes a lot easier. If you do n’t understand the environment, you will find it blindly. The results are definitely not ideal. But following someone who knows the environment, the results will be very different.

This kind of thought Nie Yun can think of, and others will surely think that pushing Fei Yu to the front and attracting everyone's attention will provide convenience for Lugan.

Since then, everyone has followed Fei Yu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lugan can successfully find Shura's independent achievements.

虽然 Although this idea is clever, he knew the strength of Lugan in advance, and it was not so easy to use it.

Xu Tian's eyes turned around, and he quickly found the position of Lugan, smiled slightly, and quickly chased after him.

The deer dried at this time really separated from the crowd, and was flying in one direction alone.

古 This ancient battlefield is everywhere, with a sense of decay everywhere, the walls of the city collapse, the trees are dead, and the rivers are dry, making it difficult to distinguish the direction and distance.

Qi Nieyun's tracing air worked, as if her body was hidden in the air, followed quietly, straight ahead, and walked for half a day, suddenly her eyes brightened, and a huge lake appeared in front of her.

湖泊 This lake also seems to be affected by the breath of decay. The surface of the water is a little messy and emits a foul smell. As long as you glance at it, you know that there is no life in it.


I was here, Lugan stopped, glanced left and right, and no one was found to follow, his mouth slowly raised.

"Fight me, be tender!"

After speaking, when he was moving, he jumped straight into the lake.




◇ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile users please read m.) This text is updated by the flash god吕 @ 吕 大 布 丶 fly◢ provided.

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