Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1176: good man

The lake was so filthy that he jumped in directly and surprised Ning Yun who followed him.

"Is there Shura here?"

Yunie Yun looked around and found that the water was turbid, and a special kind of mist blocked his vision.

This mist is like an artificial seal of strength, which isolates the underwater world from the outside world.

"Look down!"

Frowning frowning, Nie Yun jumped and jumped.

温 The water temperature here is not peculiar. You can swim in it. Nie Yunxiang's talents are running, and the surrounding water is gentle like a sheep.

"I didn't expect this Lugan was also a sailor!"

Squinting his eyes followed Lugan, Nie Yun looked out.

家伙 This guy, like himself, is a sailor. He swims in the water like a fish and is not affected by water pressure at all.

He followed closely behind, after swimming for about two or three hours, I didn't know how deep into the lake, Lugan stopped.

The uncle appeared in front of him was an underwater valley, the environment was a little dark, and it was impossible to see what was inside, as if it were some dense underwater bushes.

This lake is so dirty that there are no fishes. There are shrubs here, which makes Nie Yun can't help but wonder.


A roe stems into the bush.

嗯 "Huh? The feeling of tracing air disappeared?"

As soon as he entered the bush, Nie Yun followed Dantian's shock, and then he could not detect it any more, as if the other party had gone to another space and isolated from the world.

"Weird here!"

Seeing that the other party only entered a bush, this effect appeared, and Nie Yun's eyes narrowed. Swim straight past.

I soon came to the bush.

灌木 The bushes are completely different from the trees outside, and each one is dark and dense. The leaves are thick and seem to grow without the need for sunlight.

Nie Yun walked downstream along a shrub, and when he was about to reach the lowest ground, his body suddenly trembled and stopped.

There is actually a huge seal under the shrub.

This seal enveloped the entire ground, and it would not have been possible to find it without chasing it in person.

"Nine days meteor finger. Broken!"

Nie Yun glanced, and the **** of his index finger slammed forward.

虽然 Although this seal is strong and can block ordinary Saints, Wangxian, and even half-step immortals, it is not very useful to him. The fingers are like sharp blades. Fall straight.


A tearing sound sounded, a big opening appeared in the seal, and Nie Yun's body penetrated into it.


The world inside the seal is completely different from the outside. As soon as it enters, Nie Yun feels rejuvenated and refreshed.

"I didn't expect there to be no holes here!"

I watched the scene in front of me. Nie Yun was a little dazed.

The world below the seal, and the fading atmosphere above, are exactly two looks, flourishing everywhere, full of aura.

This is still an ancient battlefield, with various ancient buildings standing. It feels like entering another world.

"Sure enough, there is a trace of Shura activity here!"

I sucked two, Nie Yun raised his eyebrows.

There is plenty of aura here. Suitable for survival, he really found the trail of Shura.

I looked up and saw that Lugan, who had just disappeared, was walking in a ruin not far away, crumbling forward.

But in the direction he was facing, Shura in a holy wonderland was sleeping with his eyes closed, and did not realize that danger had come.

"This Shura is mine, don't you want to grab it!"

Looking at his movements, Nie Yun laughed, his body flickered, the hidden air moved hidden in the void, and he flew straight forward, half a breath came to this Holy Fairyland Shura, and stretched out his palm slightly.


修 This Shura immediately cut off his breath, and the corpse was gently moved by him, and he was put into the object dantian.


Bian Nieyun hid again.

"Hmm? There was obviously Shura just now? Why?"

Just after doing this, Lugan fumbled over and saw that there was nothing in front of him.

他 In his induction, there was a Shura in the Holy Wonderland just now, but now it was suddenly absent. Why couldn't I believe it?

Flick your finger forward, a compass-like thing appeared on the palm, the fairy force surged, and the needle tip on it pointed in one direction.

"There is one more over there ..."

Looking at the pointer, Lugan flew straight forward.

"This thing can actually find Shura, good baby ..."

I saw this scene in my eyes and learned that this compass-shaped thing could actually find Shura, and Nie Yun was curious.

I have never heard of such a thing.

However, it seems that the level is not low, even if it is not a good fairy.

He followed in the direction of Lugan's advance, and found nothing at first. After a while, it turned out that Shura was hidden deep in the ruins.

修 This Shura is a lot stronger than the previous one. It is actually a half step fairy king.

Xiuluo was born with stronger blood than human beings. Shulu, a half step fairy king, and human fairy kings were already able to fight.

Zhuogan seemed to have noticed this situation, moving carefully forward, for fear of hitting the grass and causing snakes, causing unnecessary trouble.

虽 Although his strength is strong and his talent is high, at most it is similar to this Shura. If he wants to kill him in a crushing manner, I'm afraid he can't do it.

"Sorry, I want this Shura too!"

In comparison with his so careful, Nie Yun didn't care at all. As soon as his body moved, he had already moved in front of him and came to Shura.


修 This Shura was significantly more vigilant than the previous one, feeling the killing, and woke up suddenly, but before he fully spit out his words, he saw a fist smashing into his head.


The head exploded into powder, and the breath was cut off.


With a change of spirit, Xi collected Shura's body into Dantian and hid in the air again.


The cautious Lugan finally came to Shura again, and when she saw the nest in front of her, she was about to collapse.

Just now I felt that there was Shura here. How come, nothing? This guy escaped too fast!

Until this time, he did not expect someone to follow him, and quietly took away this Shura.

It is not that he is stupid, but that this Shura has a combat power comparable to that of Xianjun. Even if he wants to kill, it takes a great deal of means. It is unexpected that someone can kill him silently without Leave no trace.

"There must be Shura ahead!"

I took out the compass-like magic weapon again, explored it again, and set the direction again, and Lugan flew over.

"Hey, really followed him to eat, Lugan, you are such a great man!"

I watched him find the next Shura again, and Nie Yun laughed excitedly.

If it's not behind this guy, even if he has the talent for eyes and eyes, he won't be able to find Shura's habitat so quickly. It seems that he really chose the right person.

Quietly followed the past, one looking in front, and one following the silent erasure, perfectly matched.


The head of the repair tower is wider than the test bench.

On the huge light screen, there are eight participants' names ~ www.readwn.com ~ each with points behind it, showing the number of killing Shura.

"It ’s one point to kill a Golden Fairyland Shura, one point to the Holy Fairyland, 100 points to the Wang Fairyland, and 1,000 points to the half-step Fairyland. Look at the numbers above, Fei Yu has reached 200 points!"

200 "200 points means that Shura, who killed both kings of Wonderland, was fast!"

"That's natural, but he is the loudest of the tower master candidates this time!"

"Look, there are other people who have scored. The man named Meng Xian has actually more than a hundred points!"

"Well, there isn't a Shura that you can't find. Look at that Lugan and that Nie Yun, there isn't a point ..."

Everyone looked at the light curtain in front of them, pointing and pointing.

The results behind the 光幕 represent the number of hunting Shura. The higher the score, the more hunting, the more chance 冇 to become the champion and win the tower.

After Zhulugan and Nie Yun entered the space, it took almost a day to get to that special space, and their scores were behind those of others.

"Elder An Qing is too old, look at this first match, who can win the championship?"

I saw the scene in the field, the elder Feng Feng sitting on the high platform suddenly turned to look at An Qing, and asked with a smile.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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