Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1177: Strange mountains

Although he was questioning, he didn't hide the excitement on his face, as if the champion of this time was his, from inside to outside, with a high sense of superiority.

"This is hard to say. In the first assessment, strength alone is useless, but you also have the ability to judge Shura and look for Shura!"

Elder Anqing looks ugly.

He was not worried about Nie Yun's strength. He was worried that he was too young, knew little about Shura and could not find it!

Not only him, the elders on the side saw the scene in the field, but also full of worry.

"Although Nie Yun's strength is strong, but his age is too young, Shura in the ancient battlefield is very treacherous and hidden. Even if the natural eye talent cannot be detected, I am afraid that the results will not be too ideal!"

"Looking at Elder Feng's appearance, he should be well-informed ... Even if Fei Yu is strong, the investigation of Shura should not be considered as powerful!" Elder Qiong Ya wondered.

"Elder Feng Feng has an artifact to search for Shura, called [Sura's soul chasing disk]. Even if it is hidden deeper, it can be detected by the breath soul! What I am worried about now is that he gave this thing to Fei Yu, so he Beyond him, almost impossible! "

Elder An Qing sighed.

"Xiu Luo chasing the soul? He cheated ..." Qiong Ya gritted his teeth.

"There is no way to cheat. The test does not stipulate that magic weapons are not allowed!" Elder Anqing shook his head.

"But ... does this mean that Nie Yun must lose?" Qiong Ya's face was ugly.

"I didn't plan on winning the championship as long as he didn't fall too far in the rankings. He won the championship. There is still a chance to be the tower owner!"

When Elder An Qing said here, he was worried and seemed to be unsure of himself.

Compared to their sorrow, it was bleak. Sealed here cheerfully.

"It's still your way to reprimand the elders. Fei Yu and Lugan have taken a two-pronged approach. The champion will definitely be in your hands!"

A too elder smiled with a beard.

If Nie Yun had walked a bit late in the Frozen World, he would definitely recognize that the elder was the old man who entered into it, looking for the Frost Sword, and found nothing.

It was actually a senior elder who drove the tower.

"Youyi is too right. Elder Fei has the highest score now. Although Lugan hasn't scored yet, he must haven't played yet. Once it breaks out, the championship is almost a matter of course!"

Another elder interjected.

The elder who wanted to get the ice sword was originally called Youyi.

"Elder Anqing, they don't know where to get the individual, they thought it was so powerful, it didn't look very good. The future repair tower. It will be our world!"

On the side of the elder Feng Feng, the last elder also laughed.

"That person is called Nie Yun, right? It ’s just a small person. I have n’t got a point so far, which means that I ca n’t find Shura at all. This kind of person should not be very good!”

The elder of the Taifeng waved his hand.

"Look, the numbers have changed ..."

"Someone successfully killed Shura ..."


His words have just fallen. The light screen on the test bench in front of it changed abruptly, and the lasing light enveloped the entire platform. Blur the light screen.

"This is a reaction that someone only got more than a thousand points. It seems that Lugan successfully killed a half-step fairy king Shura!"

"It's so bad that it's not good, it's already a big hit. It's so good to scold the **** on the elder's cloth ..."

Youyi and others laughed, the laughter was not over, the light on the light screen disappeared, and the name points appeared again in front of everyone.


Seeing the name that came first, the scolds and others were dumb, and their eyes were about to fall to the ground.

I saw only one line in the first row of the light screen: Nie Yun, 1820 points!

And they expect the biggest Lugan, there is still only one word at the back, zero!

"No ... it must be wrong!"

The entertainment elders and others made an incredible scream.

They couldn't believe it, and all the other powerful tower repairers were stunned.

Who is this Nie Yun? Not a point, once you start to have amazing results?


I don't know that because of his achievements, Nian Yunzheng was leisurely following Lugan, waiting for him to find Shura.

Every time the other party looked for Shura, he killed one, and more than ten heads had been killed in an instant.

Although the strengths of these Shura are varied, the hidden place is very hidden. With his strength to find, I am afraid that even now there are no more than three or four heads, and the other party can find more than ten heads so quickly. The compass in his hand is really good. thing.

"Who is it? Follow me and secretly kill Shura I found? Come out quickly! Otherwise, I'm welcome!"

Lugan finally realized that something was wrong. He was more convinced of the effectiveness of Shura's soul-hunting plate. Every time he found Shura's hiding place, he had no time to attack, and the other party lost his trace. Once or twice, it was more than ten consecutive This is the case all the time. Even if he is stupid, he knows he must be followed.

"Come out? Really stupid if you come out!"

Regarding threats, Nie Yun didn't bother to bother, and the talents of the Hidden Master and the Earth Master were hidden away not far from him, with a leisurely look.

Someone in front of him helped him find Shura. Not only was it efficient, but it also saved a lot of trouble.

Boom boom!

After searching for a long time, the deer couldn't find anything. Under the rage, the force blasted and destroyed all the buildings around hundreds of miles. However, it was found that there was no half figure, and he was about to vomit blood, but there was nothing he could do.


In the sound of the explosion, Lugan's figure lased and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

He was so fast that he was useless for half a breath and could never see it again.

After he left, Nie Yun didn't chase after him, but stayed in the same place, motionless, suppressing his breath even lower.

I do not know how long, a figure appeared again in the void. It was the deer stem that had been far away.

It turned out that the departure just now was just an illusion. His purpose was to find out who followed him and snatched his fruits.

"Isn't anyone? Those Shura left by themselves?" After watching for a while, Lu Qian shook his head. "Forget it, look for that thing quickly, otherwise time is too late!"

With a low hum, he turned away and flew straight into the distance.

Nie Yun got out of the ground.

With the talent for tracking and the talent for eye, it is impossible for the opponent's little trick to lie to him. Lugan was just an illusion just now. This time he really left.

"This guy has gone to great lengths to come here, there must be a purpose, look over!"

Lugan spent so much time rushing here from the outside. It must be more than just killing Shura. Anyway, Shura is killing enough now, just look at it in the past.

With a chuckle, Nie Yun quickly chased the past according to the direction of induction.

After a short flight, a weird mountain appeared.

The mountain peaks are not large, and a river above flows slowly. It is strange that this river does not flow to a low place, but slowly creeps upward from below.

"This is not the same as the Jiulong space in Jiulong. Someone changed the rules of space with the matrix method ..."

Nie Yun was secretly alert.

The immortal monarch, with his understanding of the rules, has been able to partially change the rules of time and space, as it is now, and can be completed with the formation method. Can't do it.

Changing the law of space, let alone complexity, requires energy to maintain. It hasn't changed from beginning to end, indicating that I am afraid that there is a fairy monarch here!

Ordinary Fairy Jun is just fine ~ www.readwn.com ~ If Xiuluo Xianjun, Nie Yun would have no way to fight!


While speculating in Nie Yun's heart, suddenly a violent roar deep down the mountain peak, a golden-colored four-color ball slowly flew out.

The size of this round ball fist, the aura that appeared around the air kept flowing in, making it more dazzling.

"This is ... the nucleus of the monster?"

Nie Yun's eyes stared.

This ball is no stranger, but the nucleus of a monster. They concentrate all the essence of heaven and earth on the nucleus, which is used to achieve the avenue.

Looking at the power of this crystal nucleus, the monster in the valley may have reached the level of immortal monarch.

Looking down, she really saw the direction of the crystal nucleus airflow connection. A giant ape-type giant was lying in the bushes, with a haggard face, and vomited with a disgusting breath. (To be continued ...)

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