Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1184: Meet my brothers (on)

The Chiyou God Beast was collected as a demon pet, so the so-called Chiyou Lingfu is nothing to Nie Yun.

A total of more than a dozen amulets were refined, now in his hands.

Take out these amulets in one breath, the strong pressure crushes the surrounding space, and the auras gather together, as if as long as he thought, the magnificent world of the repair tower will be completely shaken into powder.

"These are Chi You Ling Fu?"

"A dozen Chiyou charms ..."

"I am not wrong, right……"

For a moment, the entire test venue was silent, and the scene in front of it was really shocking.

Chi You Lingfu is refined by the blood of Chi You ancestors, each of which is extremely precious and extremely powerful. Even if the elders are reprimanded, they can only have one or two at most. Nie Yun in front of him shot a dozen and directly subverted Recognized by everyone.

In particular, people such as scolds and amusement players, all of their eyes are falling to the ground, and the dried deer is as pale as earth.

This Chiyou Lingfu was the best opportunity for him to turn around, but he did not expect the other party to take out a dozen of them at a stretch.

"I know. He must have stolen these magical ancestors from Chi You! Stealing his ancestors’ magical charms is tantamount to fighting the tower's face. Elders, you must not let go! "

Suddenly, Lugan screamed.

When he heard him, everyone was stunned.

"Yes, the ancestor may have a dozen magic symbols in total, and it is impossible to give them all, this must have been stolen!"

"Stealing the ancestor's stuff is tantamount to insulting us and must be killed!"

"It's totally outrageous, don't let it go!"

After a while, the elders and other elders "understood" and shouted loudly.

"These amulets were stolen? If it was stolen, was it the thing I stole?"

Hear them. Nie Yun was almost laughed to death, his wrists trembled, and a huge beast "stunned!" Fell to the ground.

It is Chiyou God Beast!

"the host!"

Once the beast appeared, he quickly bowed to Nie Yun.


With this title, everyone's eyes shattered.

You take out a Chiyou charm. Not only did they take out more than a dozen of them, even Chi You ancestors brought them ... not to mention, Chi You ancestors called him the master, wouldn't it explain that he had become his demon pet!

Take Chi You, the ancestor, as the demon pet ...

Everyone at the drove tower felt that his head was twitching and he was about to faint.

This feeling. Even if King Shura struck immediately, they would never be so surprised.

"Old man, you ... call him master!"

Escaping Taishang Lips.

"The host is a descendant of the Big Dipper, holding the Tower Seal and defeating me. Do you think he is not qualified to become the Tower Master? Do you doubt my vision or the vision of the Big Dipper?"

The huge head of Chiyou's beast turned around. Hum.

"Heir to the Big Dipper?"

"Holding the Tower Master?"

Feng Feng and Youyi and others looked at each other, and their heads were about to explode.

This is real?

"Yes, Nie Yun is the heir of the Big Dipper, the new tower owner, and his subordinate An Qing, who has seen the tower owner!"

Elder An Qing was also shocked by the obedience of Chiyou's beast, but they knew earlier about the descent of the Big Dipper. Quickly bow down.

"Why don't you feel like it?"

Seeing scolding and others were also melancholy. Nie Yun flipped his wrists and the tower's seal flew out. As soon as it appeared in the air, it resonated with the entire repair tower. It seems that this is where it should stay. A big seal can mobilize a large array in the tower to control the life and death of everyone.

The main seal of the Big Dipper King's tower is very similar to that of the floating continent. It has full control over the entire repair tower.

Nie Yun put it into the Big Dipper Palace before. I have n’t used it and did n’t find this secret. Now when I take it out, I immediately feel that there is no secret in front of him in the repairing tower. Any seal can be broken by the main seal of the tower.

"The main seal of the tower actually has such effects similar to those of the feet and feet ... Is the refining method of the hand-held seal of the floating continent handed down by the Big Dipper?"

suddenly. An idea came to mind.

The Futian Continent's Teaching Seal was made by the ancestors of Huazong Kaizong, a master of martial arts, and the heart of Futian. It has absolute control over the ancestral gate, which is very similar to the current tower master seal.

And the Big Dipper appears on the floating heaven continent ... Is it possible that the method of refining the palm teaching seal is related to him?

After thinking about it, knowing the fault of history, I couldn't think of why it happened. Nie Yun didn't think about it, and looked at the front seal and others.

"See Tower Master!"

Seeing Zhang Jiaoyin and testifying by his ancestors, scolded Feng and others dare not doubt, look at the young man in front of him, and brush down and worship.

"Very good, since I acknowledge my tower owner, I will now organize and repair the tower to avoid contradictions and fall into chaos!" Seeing everyone admitting that Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense, his body flickered, and his big hand rushed forward. Lugan, in order to compete for the tower master, you have done everything you can to affect the reputation of the tower repairer. You should have been executed! However, if you are killed now, you will definitely not accept it. Killing Shura and ensuring peace in the spiritual realm, I will not only forgive your fault, but I will also help you to improve your strength! "

"Thank you Tower Master!" Lu Gan quickly fell to his knees when Nie Yun didn't kill herself.

"Seal, for the sake of your own selfish desires, your mind is confused, and good and evil are not distinguished from each other. I am now stripping you of your elder elders for a hundred years, and after one hundred years, you can continue to enter the elder elders!"

Nie Yun continued.

These people are deeply entrenched in repairing the tower. They don't know much about the situation inside the tower and can't kill them too much. Otherwise, once they split, they will become more troublesome.

The most important point is that the threat of King Shura is getting bigger and bigger, and the internal energy consumption is reduced as much as possible. Otherwise, it is really with Shura that it is only himself who suffers.

"Yes!" Scolded and nodded again and again.

The deprivation of the elders' elder positions, although their prestige is lost, is not long for a hundred years and is completely acceptable.

"Well, let's all get up. We drive the repair tower as the top six forces in the heavens and the earth. We should unite and eliminate all internal disturbances. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive this calamity!"

Casually dealt with the internal contradictions of the repair tower, Nie Yunlang said.

A catastrophe is imminent. If these people are still in civil strife, the repair tower will only bear the brunt and be killed directly.


Everyone nodded at the same time.

The king ’s return to the spiritual realm has been known by the people who repaired the tower. The individual sura is not terrible. The most terrible is the king of sura. With him, an ordinary sura can exert a strong combat power and let the spirit Feeling trembling.

As a deadly opponent of Shura, the repairman must bear the brunt of it. If he can no longer unite, he will end up in chaos and will be destroyed sooner or later.

"The first thing I did as the tower owner was to ask us to repair the tower. We should be united inside. Don't fight, don't fight!"

"The second thing is to open up all secret locations where talents can be merged, so that all drivers can freely merge talents and improve their strength!"

"The third thing is that a weak cultivator can ask questions about cultivation at any time, like a strong one. The strong one must answer well!"

Suspended in the air, Nie Yun said three requirements in one breath.

"This ..." The elder Fang Feng stunned and said busyly: "Tower master, since then, the merits of repairing the tower have been useless. Characteristics ... "

These three requirements are equivalent to providing the most precious things of the driving tower to the driving engineer for free. Previously, these things were obtained in exchange for meritorious value.

Without the meritorious value requirements, I am afraid that everyone will develop good behaviors, and it will be troublesome to reorganize.

"Hey, haven't you seen it yet?" After hearing what he said, Nie Yun shook his head. "The six scourges of heaven and earth are just in front of us. If Shura really strikes, it's unclear if the repair tower can exist. Think about these things ... Now what we have to do is to increase the strength of everyone as soon as possible, but fortunately, in the catastrophe, we have enough ability to deal with it! In very times, do very things! "

"Yes!" Scoffed and waited for a moment.

Yes, the cortex is not attached! If the extermination tower is extinct, the rules still have a fart!

All the previous rules of the repair tower were based on the peaceful and prosperous times. Now a calamity is approaching. If the rules are followed, the repair tower will be in danger!

"Long live the tower master!"

In an instant, everyone understood it, one by one flushed and shouting excitedly.

These three regulations have little impact on the high-level of the repair tower, and have greatly helped the low-powered repairmen, and they can increase their cohesion to the drive tower, which is not harmful.

"be quiet!"

Reaching out and making a push-down action, Nie Yun looked around for a week. "I said just about welfare. If you have these, of course, you have to follow the rules!"

"My rules are very simple. First, any driver who foresees that Shura must kill himself, do not fight the escapees, and kill without pardon!"

"Secondly, demolitionists must not fight and fight arbitrarily. If there is an unadjustable contradiction, they can apply upwards and fight inside the demolition tower than the test platform. No matter how life or death! If you violate it, there is no pardon!"

"Third ~ www.readwn.com ~ The driving engineer must communicate with the six other forces in the world in a friendly manner, and no battle can occur. Once someone is found to be doing bad things based on his identity, there is no pardon!"

Nie Yun's voice passed through the Quartet. The three "killing no pardons" hung from everyone's heart like a sharp knife, making people sweat coldly.

If there are benefits, there must be requirements. It is not difficult to do these three requirements. If you ca n’t, it is a waste of resources to keep them. You might as well kill them!

When Nie Yun became the master of driving and repairing the tower, he immediately showed his determination and character that he would never fail to kill.

Elder Mr. An Qing and others heard this decision, and nodded at the same time, with such strong tower masters, doomed to drive the tower to rise again!

"When it's very unusual, do something extraordinary, kill without amnesty, my brother hasn't seen you for so long, you're still so prestigious!"

Just then, a faint sound suddenly sounded in the deep sky, and a slightly thin figure slowly came over. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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