Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1185: Meet your brother (middle)

King Shura Nie Tong!

聂 When Nie Yun had just announced the requirements, the peerless murderer who let the heavens and the earth fall into panic, his brother Nie Tong suddenly appeared!

It was so easy and elegant, light and agile, as if floating in the sky, like a dream.

There is no scary breath and murderousness on his body, just like his brother next door, with a kind smile, but everyone knows that although he really started to smile, the whole repair tower would tremble for it.

"the host!"


Seeing King Shura appeared, Chi You's beast exploded all over his hair, and stood in front of Nie Yun. Xiaolong flew out of the Big Dipper Palace, his claws were suspended, and he looked at the young man in a vigilant manner.

"Don't worry, I just want to say a few words to my brother. How is it convenient? Is it convenient? I can go!"

When everyone saw his face change instantly, Nie Tong in the air chuckled, turned his hands on his back, and looked at Nie Yun.

"Convenient, please here!"

I saw Nie Tong again, and Nie Yun's eyes were complicated.

This is my brother, the brother who had wounded 137 swords in his arms for himself!

The younger brother who was willing to be attacked by the soul in order to prevent himself from being hit by Mihua!

Brother who can do everything for himself!

"The tower master is not allowed! King Shura is moody and cannot be alone with him!"

"There is something to tell him here, he will definitely be against you ..."

I heard Nie Yun's words, scolded Feng, An Qing and others, startled, and called out quickly.

King Shura looks amiable, but they are all characters who have experienced the last calamity, knowing how powerful this person is behind him. The newly established Sovereign in case he was killed. Wouldn't it be bad!

"Master, don't believe what he says, he can do everything!"

Chi You God Beast also shouted quickly.

"Boss. You still have to be careful, the strength of King Shura. Although it has not yet reached its peak, it is not what I can resist now ..."

Xiao Xiaolong also quietly transmitted his voice, with a sense of vigilance in his eyes.

"You can't resist yet?" Nie Yun's face was heavy.

Xiao Xiaolong's current strength far exceeds him. Even Xiaolong cannot resist Nie Tong, indicating that his strength has definitely reached the level of Xianjun! It seems that we must speed up the practice again!

There was a deep sense of urgency in Xie Nieyun's heart.

"King Shura was born with strong blood and grew fast. In addition, after returning to the spirit world, he plundered everywhere. Even me, I could not catch up!"

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded. Then he waved his hand. "You don't need to say anything about me and King Shura. Don't let any of you intervene. Otherwise, you will violate the tower master's order!"

I said no more and ignored the crowd. With a single stroke, he darted into the chaotic air stream above the sky.

King Shura was so powerful that if he started, it would be difficult for the entire drive tower to fight. Nie Yun did not want to let the drive tower participate in the battle for the time being. Better go out and talk.

For Nie Tong, Nie Yun has a hundred beliefs. Even if King Shura is out of control, his brother will never hurt himself!

If you really want to hurt, I'm afraid I won't say so much. When this time, King Shura wants to kill himself, with his current strength, it is impossible to resist!

"Hehe!" Wang Xiuluo saw Nie Yun leave and glanced at the people below. "You are a good tower master who can take care of you. If it weren't for him, I don't think it's necessary to exist in the spirit world ... ... "

He chuckled a little, and Shura shook his body, followed Nie Yunshi and chased after him.

"Tower Master ..."

He saw the scene in front of him and heard the words of King Shura, driving everyone in the repair tower to stay in the same place at the same time, all eyes were filled with complexity.

They knew that King Shura was telling the truth. If he really wanted to do it, even if he didn't move the soldiers, they would be killed or injured!

And this huge crisis was blocked by the tower owner. Leaving the tower owner and him alone is tantamount to putting himself in the most dangerous situation, just to save them ...

"Tower Master, we will work hard and practice well!"

"We will be united, not inside!"

"Tower Master, starting today, I will only obey your orders. As long as it is yours, I respect it unconditionally. If others want to be the master of the tower, they must step on my body first!"

At this moment, Nie Yun completely conquered the owner of the repair tower, allowing everyone to fully recognize the new tower owner who just set the rules from the bottom of his heart!

He also let them instantly understand the true meaning of the Beidou Xingjun's establishment of the repair tower.

For the heavens and the earth, to expel Shura!

Yes, only people with this spirit and soul can be the tower masters, and no one else can!


I don't know if he left King Shura, he would be so grateful to everyone who drove the repair tower. At this time, Nie Yun was floating in the chaos and looked at the teenager not far away.

"Nie Tong ..."

He snorted softly, and Nie Yun had complex tastes.

He is a man, I feel most sorry for this younger brother!

The brother of the previous life died for him, and it is still the same in this life, even living together with King Shura, plunging into endless suffering.

"Brother, we are the second time to meet in a real sense!" Nie Tong did not have the complex emotions in his eyes, but smiled lightly. "I am looking for you today to discuss with you and it is better to cooperate with us! "

"Cooperation?" Nie Yun frowned.

King Shura looking for cooperation? What cooperation?

别人 "Others don't know your potential. I know that you can independently derive Dantian to form a new talent. The potential can be endless. The strength is beyond me. It's just a matter of time. What's wrong, I'm right!"

Nie Tong chuckled.

"What ..." Nie Yun's brain exploded and his eyes were alert.

His nameless tactics can spawn Dan Tian, ​​never told anyone, even if Lingtai Lingyue did not know, how could King Shura in front of him know?

"Don't be nervous, you have this ability, not only I know, but other people have known for a long time, it is not a secret!" King Shura waved at will. "As long as you agree to cooperate with me, you will unify the six worlds and refine the world. Six hearts, you and I can share, big brothers in heaven and earth do it together, why not do it! "

"Heart of six things? I don't know what you say, but it's impossible for me to work with you!"

Xie Nieyun returned to calmness, swung her hands, and refused directly.

He asked him to cooperate with King Shura to destroy the six heavens and earth. He couldn't do it.

"Don't do it? What did Tiandi Liudao give you? If I knew the news was good, they not only did not give you any benefit, but also assembled twenty immortal monks to siege your Lvyue Pavilion!"

King Shura's eyes rolled lightly.

"You know that I have set up Yueyue Pavilion?" Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped.

"Of course I know ... oh, by the way, those who come to your trouble, I just pass by and help you by the way!" Shura King said.

"You ... killed them all?" Nie Yun's face changed ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although you disagree with me, after all, it is his brother who can do something for you, nothing! Said King Shura casually.

"Forget it, soldiers come to cover the water and cover the earth!"

Before he killed only a few people, he just let them back out. King Shura killed them all. Others didn't know that they would all rest on their own heads. Now, Yueyue Pavilion and Tiandi Liudao are regarded as enemies.

However, there is no way to do it now, it will be big when it grows up. If the heavens and the earth are really asking for trouble without regard to etiquette and integrity, they will not be afraid.

"There are no good things in the six heavens and earth, all are selfish and self-interested guys. Refining the six heavens and earth, you and I are the masters of heaven and earth, why not?" Continued Shura.

"These words don't need to persuade me, even if your tongue is clever, it ’s useless. Although I was n’t born in the heavens and the earth, I live here now. It ’s impossible for you to succeed, and even impossible to cooperate with you. You are still Die this heart! "

Nie Yun refused.

Although Liu Tiandi Liu Dao didn't have much deep feelings for him, he could not refine it and destroy countless souls, even if he was cruel.

"Since I don't cooperate, I'm sorry, I can only do it!"

King Xiuluo raised his eyebrows suddenly and grabbed his palm.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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