Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1198: Epoch


When I heard the name, Nie Yun's head exploded.

In order to reach this point, Xiu Xiu has few things that can make him lose his character, and the three words heard in his ear have such an impact.

The name has affected him too much!

You Xu, the greatest benefactor of this life.

He has retained Nirvana and Nirvana exercises. If he does not have these two sets of exercises, even if he has an unknown method, it is impossible to practice to this point!

I had to leave a message at the beginning, and once said that when he practiced the two sets of exercises to the ninth level, he might see that he thought it was a joke, but he didn't expect it to be true!

No wonder I have always felt that these two sets of exercises are extremely deep, even if Xianjun does not hesitate to practice, it turned out to be the leader of this fairy, created by the seventh heavenly master!

"Nine-turn Nirvana, spiritual rhyme refining skills ... I left it in the first place. Now it seems that you did not let me down. You came to the spirit world so quickly, and you have such strength! It is indeed the first talent to start Or extraordinary! "

The beard has beard and the beard has a smile in his eyes.

"The first talent opener?"

Bian Nieyun was a little confused.

This thing is too strange, let's not say the meaning of this sentence, just say that he left these two sets of exercises, did he figure out that he would learn? What's more, she also let her granddaughter Lingtai Lingyue go to Fanjie to experience love affair. She knew that she would have some relationship with herself?

Master Tianji, is it really possible to infer Tianji and understand everything in the world?

Say it again. He and the other party have nothing to do with each other. What is left to him for the exercises? The granddaughter was also married as his wife, this ...

Nie Yun is a little embarrassed.

"Come with me. It's time to talk to you about this!"

He had to smile, and his body flew straight forward.

Yunie Nieyun glanced at Lingyue in Yantai, and found that she was also confused. Looking at Yan Zhi and Shakya Buddha, she looked at her heart and her nose. Although she was silent, she seemed to know everything.

"You just ... deliberately helped me improve my strength. Refining the Shakya lotus?"

A thought came out, and Nie Yun blinked, unbelievable.

These two people, together with the Phantom Phoenix, apparently came from a purpose. It is now apparent that Xiaolong and Yantai Lingyue were turned away deliberately, putting themselves in a dangerous situation and erupting beyond their previous strength. I'm afraid it was intentional.

"Amitabha Buddha. Nie Yunshi himself is the one who saves the heavens and the earth, and I will do my best to help!"

Shakya Buddha said lightly.

那 "So ... in this way, the last time I stole the famous meditation beads and Shakya lotus in the Buddhist world, you must know that you deliberately let me go?" Figured things out, Nie Yun asked.

呵 "Oh, the donor is in love, knowing that you are coming. Why bother to let it go?"

The Buddha Shakyakura closed his eyes with his hands down.


Nie Yun doesn't know much about Zen machine. But looking at the other person's appearance, they already knew the fact that the other party deliberately let himself go. Knowing that if they continued to ask, the two would definitely not say more. Ling Ling, who was not far away, flew straight toward Xu Xu.

He knew that since he had to promise, he would definitely give a satisfactory answer.

At the center of the Zhou Dynasty, there is an ordinary thatched house at the center of the Heavenly Kingdom. It looks similar to the place where the butterflies live in the world. The simplicity is strong, and the decay is majestic.

"come in!"

Xu Xu sat cross-legged on a futon in the room and looked at the people flying with a smile in his eyes.

"Grandpa ..."

Huantai Lingyue whispered, flew over and sat next to him, Nie Yun followed behind him, sitting opposite.

The Shakya Buddha and Yan Zhi also followed.

Sitting on a futon, Nie Yun glanced at it. This house has no ceiling. Looking up, you can see the stars in the sky. Although these stars are not real, they strictly imitate the layout of the stars in the spirit world.

"Yes, we have been in each other for many years. This is the first time you have invited me to your cottage. It seems that I still have the light of the donor Nie Yun!"

Shakya Buddha smiled.

"This old guy has always been stingy, for fear that we have destroyed his feng shui, just this broken place, give me it for nothing, I don't want to come!"

Yan Yan hummed.

She said that she did not want to come, but her eyes were spinning slowly, and she looked around constantly, as if looking for something baby.

Seeing the solemnity that the two said, Nie Yun was a little confused, looked around the hut for a while, and then suddenly felt a shock.

"You can also see ... Yes, this Zhoutianjie is actually a magical artifact. I commissioned the Big Dipper to help me refine it, draw energy from chaos, maintain my own operation, and the spirit structure It's exactly the same, it's just billions of times smaller! "

Wu Xu laughed.


Nie Yun nodded.

Careful observation did make him see the difference in this place. The whole Zhoutianjie seems to be a whole, and all the hubs are in this hut. No wonder the house is small, but with such strong majesty.

And this fortune artifact is immersed in chaos, constantly absorbing the chaos of chaos. It seems that the level is gradually increasing, and it has a posture beyond the Beidou sword and the Big Dipper.

"Senior, what did you mean when I said I was the first talent opener?"

I looked for a while, I was surprised, Nie Yun looked up at the old man in front of him and asked.

"Nie Yun, you want to call Grandpa!" Lingtai on the side of Yantai flushed.

"Uh ... Grandpa!" Nie Yun nodded quickly.

The two are already married. Since Xu is her grandfather, she cannot continue to call her seniors, she must call her grandpa.


He Xu laughed, "I'm afraid you don't just want to know. Even both of them have been wondering. Now that the opportunity has opened, the time is ripe, and there is nothing to hide!"

"I'll listen to you!"

The Buddha Shakyakura folded his hands.

I looked at him, and Nie Yun came to understand it. It turned out that they weren't clear. Everything was only known to this platform.

"There are 10,000 avenues between heaven and earth, and everyone must know that there is no need for me to say more! 10,000 avenues correspond to 10,000 special talents. Many talents and avenues complement each other and form the so-called heaven and heaven!

Bear slowly said, the sound seemed to pass slowly through ancient times.

"And this 10,000 talent has many overlaps. For example, the talent of stealing the master is actually formed after the promotion of the talent of stealing the master. Student talent ... These talents overlap with each other, don't you think it's strange? "

"It's strange ..."

I heard him say that Nie Yun was immediately puzzled.

This idea has been available since the stealing talent was upgraded to stealing talent. I have always felt strange. Is there anything else that cannot be said?

"Actually, heaven and earth are not ten thousand roads, but only three thousand! There are only three thousand completely different, but in ancient times, the disaster of King Shura disrupted the three thousand roads. Many races held their own words and realized that Things finally came together to form a ten thousand avenue instead of the original three thousand! "

I have to say ~ www.readwn.com ~ He said these words, Yan Zhi and Shakyabha Buddha did not oppose, there is no surprised expression, it seems that they already knew before.

These two are old monsters who have survived in ancient times. They are no strangers to these secrets. Only Nie Yunyingtai looked at Lingyue, each of them was surprised in the eyes of the other.

"King Shura can disrupt the Three Thousand Avenue? This ... what is going on?" Nie Yun didn't quite understand.

Even if King Shura is strong, he can at most kill Xianjun and disrupt the road ... What's the situation?

"You don't know much about ancient things. I'll tell you now!"

Xu Xu slowly said: "The six heavens and earths are mainly divided into six races: Buddha, Confucianism, Demon, Demon, Taoism, and Spirit! Each race has its own realm. This is the situation in this era, which was not the case before. Sometimes it's a unified world, sometimes it's divided, it's divided, it's combined, it's martyred from the beginning, and according to historical records, I don't know how many eras have gone through! "

"Era Realm?"

"The epochal world is a method of describing the times, representing the imprint of the times. The last epochal world had only one Taoism! It is the world of Taoism! An epochal world can be hundreds of millions of years or only thousands of years. Each era At the end, King Shura will appear and execute the plan of extinction! "

The platform must be slowly said.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

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